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# pass-append
An extension for [pass]( (the standard Unix password manager) to append a pass-style password and copy it to the clipboard before a `pass insert -m` call.
## Motivation
`pass generate` is cool. `pass insert -m # <- multiline` is cool. ¿Por qué no los dos? (Why not both?) Well, the answer is that it would be annoying to do in the pass code, I think.
## Usage
pass append [filename]
Generates a strong password, copies it to the clipboard, and runs pass insert -m [filename]
Based on the pass apppend extension, itself based on the pass backup extension.
pass append help
Prints this help message.
pass append version
Prints the version number.
Example: pass append services/amazon
Generates a strong password, copies it to the clipboard,
and starts pass insert -m services/amazon
## Example
Let's generate a password for this example
pass append web/digitalocean
Copied new password to clipboard:
Enter contents of test/test and press Ctrl+D when finished:
[master 1dd0d0b] Add generated password for test/test.
## Installation
For installation download and place this bash script file ```apppend.bash``` into
the passwordstore extension directory specified with ```$PASSWORD_STORE_EXTENSIONS_DIR```.
By default this is ```~/.password-store/.extensions```.
$ cp apppend.bash ~/.password-store/.extensions
Give the file execution permissions:
$ chmod 700 ~/.password-store/.extensions/apppend.bash
Set the variable ```PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS```, to true to enable extensions, e.g., in your `.bashrc`
Download and source the bash completion file ```pass-apppend.bash.completion``` for bash completion.
$ source ~/.password-store/.bash-completions/pass-apppend.bash.completion
Type ```pass apppend filename/identifier``` to save your first password using this method, e.g.:
$ pass apppend web/digitalocean
## Requirements
- `pass` from [](
- `tar` to be installed for zipping and compression.
## License
This work is released under the [GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE](
## Notes
Both files are fairly small: 95 lines (script) and 17 lines (autocompletion) respectively. You can check them yourself quickly. No need to trust anyone.
This extension is heavily based on the [pass-backup]( extension. Because `pass-backup` is open source, it was easy to take its architecture and use it for a different purpose.