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2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
open Rationale.Function.Infix
module FloatFloatMap = {
module Id = Belt.Id.MakeComparable({
type t = float
let cmp: (float, float) => int = Pervasives.compare
type t = Belt.MutableMap.t<Id.t, float, Id.identity>
let fromArray = (ar: array<(float, float)>) => Belt.MutableMap.fromArray(ar, ~id=module(Id))
let toArray = (t: t) => Belt.MutableMap.toArray(t)
let empty = () => Belt.MutableMap.make(~id=module(Id))
let increment = (el, t: t) =>
Belt.MutableMap.update(t, el, x =>
switch x {
| Some(n) => Some(n +. 1.0)
| None => Some(1.0)
let get = (el, t: t) => Belt.MutableMap.get(t, el)
let fmap = (fn, t: t) => Belt.MutableMap.map(t, fn)
module Int = {
let max = (i1: int, i2: int) => i1 > i2 ? i1 : i2
let random = (~min, ~max) => Js.Math.random_int(min, max)
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
/* Utils */
module U = {
let isEqual = (a, b) => a == b
let toA = a => [a]
let id = e => e
2022-03-29 19:21:38 +00:00
module Tuple2 = {
let first = (v: ('a, 'b)) => {
let (a, _) = v
let second = (v: ('a, 'b)) => {
let (_, b) = v
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
module O = {
let dimap = (sFn, rFn, e) =>
switch e {
| Some(r) => sFn(r)
| None => rFn()
let fmap = Rationale.Option.fmap
let bind = Rationale.Option.bind
let default = Rationale.Option.default
let isSome = Rationale.Option.isSome
let isNone = Rationale.Option.isNone
let toExn = Rationale.Option.toExn
let some = Rationale.Option.some
let firstSome = Rationale.Option.firstSome
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
let toExt = Rationale.Option.toExn // wanna flag this-- looks like a typo but `Rationale.OptiontoExt` doesn't exist.
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
let flatApply = (fn, b) => Rationale.Option.apply(fn, Some(b)) |> Rationale.Option.flatten
2022-04-11 18:53:02 +00:00
let flatten = Rationale.Option.flatten
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
let toBool = opt =>
switch opt {
| Some(_) => true
| _ => false
let ffmap = (fn, r) =>
switch r {
| Some(sm) => fn(sm)
| _ => None
let toString = opt =>
switch opt {
| Some(s) => s
| _ => ""
let toResult = (error, e) =>
switch e {
| Some(r) => Belt.Result.Ok(r)
| None => Error(error)
let compare = (compare, f1: option<float>, f2: option<float>) =>
switch (f1, f2) {
| (Some(f1), Some(f2)) => Some(compare(f1, f2) ? f1 : f2)
| (Some(f1), None) => Some(f1)
| (None, Some(f2)) => Some(f2)
| (None, None) => None
let min = compare(\"<")
let max = compare(\">")
module O2 = {
2022-03-29 21:00:20 +00:00
let default = (a, b) => O.default(b, a)
let toExn = (a, b) => O.toExn(b, a)
let fmap = (a, b) => O.fmap(b, a)
2022-04-08 06:51:38 +00:00
let toResult = (a, b) => O.toResult(b, a)
2022-04-11 18:53:02 +00:00
let bind = (a, b) => O.bind(b, a)
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
/* Functions */
module F = {
let apply = (a, e) => a |> e
let flatten2Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fnlast) =>
fn1(response1 => fn2(response2 => fnlast(response1, response2)))
let flatten3Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fn3, fnlast) =>
fn1(response1 => fn2(response2 => fn3(response3 => fnlast(response1, response2, response3))))
let flatten4Callbacks = (fn1, fn2, fn3, fn4, fnlast) =>
fn1(response1 =>
fn2(response2 =>
fn3(response3 => fn4(response4 => fnlast(response1, response2, response3, response4)))
module Bool = {
type t = bool
let toString = (t: t) => t ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
let fromString = str => str == "TRUE" ? true : false
module O = {
let toBool = opt =>
switch opt {
| Some(true) => true
| _ => false
module Float = {
let with2DigitsPrecision = Js.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision(_, ~digits=2)
let with3DigitsPrecision = Js.Float.toPrecisionWithPrecision(_, ~digits=3)
let toFixed = Js.Float.toFixed
let toString = Js.Float.toString
module I = {
let increment = n => n + 1
let decrement = n => n - 1
let toString = Js.Int.toString
/* R for Result */
module R = {
let result = Rationale.Result.result
let id = e => e |> result(U.id, U.id)
let fmap = Rationale.Result.fmap
let bind = Rationale.Result.bind
let toExn = Belt.Result.getExn
let default = (default, res: Belt.Result.t<'a, 'b>) =>
switch res {
| Ok(r) => r
| Error(_) => default
let merge = (a, b) =>
switch (a, b) {
| (Error(e), _) => Error(e)
| (_, Error(e)) => Error(e)
| (Ok(a), Ok(b)) => Ok((a, b))
let toOption = (e: Belt.Result.t<'a, 'b>) =>
switch e {
| Ok(r) => Some(r)
| Error(_) => None
let errorIfCondition = (errorCondition, errorMessage, r) =>
errorCondition(r) ? Error(errorMessage) : Ok(r)
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
let ap = Rationale.Result.ap
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
let ap' = (r, a) =>
switch r {
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
| Ok(f) => fmap(f, a)
| Error(err) => Error(err)
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
// (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r // not in Rationale
let liftM2: (('a, 'b) => 'c, result<'a, 'd>, result<'b, 'd>) => result<'c, 'd> = (op, xR, yR) => {
ap'(fmap(op, xR), yR)
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
let liftJoin2: (('a, 'b) => result<'c, 'd>, result<'a, 'd>, result<'b, 'd>) => result<'c, 'd> = (
) => {
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
bind(liftM2(op, xR, yR), x => x)
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
let fmap2 = (f, r) =>
switch r {
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
| Ok(r) => r->Ok
| Error(x) => x->f->Error
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
2022-03-29 21:35:33 +00:00
module R2 = {
2022-04-12 23:59:40 +00:00
let fmap = (a, b) => R.fmap(b, a)
let bind = (a, b) => R.bind(b, a)
//Converts result type to change error type only
2022-04-12 23:59:40 +00:00
let errMap = (a, map) =>
switch a {
| Ok(r) => Ok(r)
| Error(e) => map(e)
2022-04-12 23:59:40 +00:00
2022-04-13 23:18:08 +00:00
let fmap2 = (xR, f) =>
switch xR {
| Ok(x) => x->Ok
| Error(x) => x->f->Error
2022-03-29 21:35:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
let safe_fn_of_string = (fn, s: string): option<'a> =>
try Some(fn(s)) catch {
| _ => None
module S = {
let safe_float = float_of_string->safe_fn_of_string
let safe_int = int_of_string->safe_fn_of_string
let default = (defaultStr, str) => str == "" ? defaultStr : str
module J = {
let toString = \"||>"(Js.Json.decodeString, O.default(""))
let fromString = Js.Json.string
let fromNumber = Js.Json.number
module O = {
let fromString = (str: string) =>
switch str {
| "" => None
| _ => Some(Js.Json.string(str))
let toString = (str: option<'a>) =>
switch str {
| Some(str) => Some(str |> \"||>"(Js.Json.decodeString, O.default("")))
| _ => None
module JsDate = {
let fromString = Js.Date.fromString
let now = Js.Date.now
let make = Js.Date.make
let valueOf = Js.Date.valueOf
/* List */
module L = {
let fmap = List.map
let get = Belt.List.get
let toArray = Array.of_list
let fmapi = List.mapi
let concat = List.concat
let drop = Rationale.RList.drop
let remove = Rationale.RList.remove
let find = List.find
let filter = List.filter
let for_all = List.for_all
let exists = List.exists
let sort = List.sort
let length = List.length
let filter_opt = Rationale.RList.filter_opt
let uniqBy = Rationale.RList.uniqBy
let join = Rationale.RList.join
let head = Rationale.RList.head
let uniq = Rationale.RList.uniq
let flatten = List.flatten
let last = Rationale.RList.last
let append = List.append
let getBy = Belt.List.getBy
let dropLast = Rationale.RList.dropLast
let contains = Rationale.RList.contains
let without = Rationale.RList.without
let update = Rationale.RList.update
let iter = List.iter
let findIndex = Rationale.RList.findIndex
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
let headSafe = Belt.List.head
let tailSafe = Belt.List.tail
let headExn = Belt.List.headExn
let tailExn = Belt.List.tailExn
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
let zip = Belt.List.zip
2022-04-13 04:35:07 +00:00
let combinations2: list<'a> => list<('a, 'a)> = xs => {
let rec loop: ('a, list<'a>) => list<('a, 'a)> = (x', xs') => {
let n = length(xs')
if n == 0 {
} else {
let combs = fmap(y => (x', y), xs')
let hd = headExn(xs')
let tl = tailExn(xs')
concat(list{combs, loop(hd, tl)})
switch (headSafe(xs), tailSafe(xs)) {
2022-04-13 05:02:53 +00:00
| (Some(x'), Some(xs')) => loop(x', xs')
| (_, _) => list{}
2022-04-12 21:06:53 +00:00
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
/* A for Array */
module A = {
let fmap = Array.map
let fmapi = Array.mapi
let to_list = Array.to_list
let of_list = Array.of_list
let length = Array.length
let append = Array.append
// let empty = [||];
let unsafe_get = Array.unsafe_get
let get = Belt.Array.get
let getBy = Belt.Array.getBy
let last = a => get(a, length(a) - 1)
let first = get(_, 0)
let hasBy = (r, fn) => Belt.Array.getBy(r, fn) |> O.isSome
let fold_left = Array.fold_left
let fold_right = Array.fold_right
let concatMany = Belt.Array.concatMany
let keepMap = Belt.Array.keepMap
let slice = Belt.Array.slice
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
let init = Array.init
let reduce = Belt.Array.reduce
let reducei = Belt.Array.reduceWithIndex
let isEmpty = r => length(r) < 1
let min = a => get(a, 0) |> O.fmap(first => Belt.Array.reduce(a, first, (i, j) => i < j ? i : j))
let max = a => get(a, 0) |> O.fmap(first => Belt.Array.reduce(a, first, (i, j) => i > j ? i : j))
let stableSortBy = Belt.SortArray.stableSortBy
let toRanges = (a: array<'a>) =>
switch a |> Belt.Array.length {
| 0
| 1 =>
Belt.Result.Error("Must be at least 2 elements")
| n =>
Belt.Array.makeBy(n - 1, r => r)
|> Belt.Array.map(_, index => (
Belt.Array.getUnsafe(a, index),
Belt.Array.getUnsafe(a, index + 1),
|> Rationale.Result.return
// This zips while taking the longest elements of each array.
let zipMaxLength = (array1, array2) => {
let maxLength = Int.max(length(array1), length(array2))
let result = maxLength |> Belt.Array.makeUninitializedUnsafe
for i in 0 to maxLength - 1 {
Belt.Array.set(result, i, (get(array1, i), get(array2, i))) |> ignore
let asList = (f: list<'a> => list<'a>, r: array<'a>) => r |> to_list |> f |> of_list
/* TODO: Is there a better way of doing this? */
let uniq = r => asList(L.uniq, r)
//intersperse([1,2,3], [10,11,12]) => [1,10,2,11,3,12]
let intersperse = (a: array<'a>, b: array<'a>) => {
let items: ref<array<'a>> = ref([])
Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(a, (i, item) =>
switch Belt.Array.get(b, i) {
| Some(r) => items := append(items.contents, [item, r])
| None => items := append(items.contents, [item])
// This is like map, but
//accumulate((a,b) => a + b, [1,2,3]) => [1, 3, 5]
let accumulate = (fn: ('a, 'a) => 'a, items: array<'a>) => {
let length = items |> length
let empty = Belt.Array.make(length, items |> unsafe_get(_, 0))
Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(items, (index, element) => {
let item = switch index {
| 0 => element
| index => fn(element, unsafe_get(empty, index - 1))
let _ = Belt.Array.set(empty, index, item)
// @todo: Is -1 still the indicator that this is false (as is true with
// @todo: js findIndex)? Wasn't sure.
let findIndex = (e, i) =>
Js.Array.findIndex(e, i) |> (
r =>
switch r {
| -1 => None
| r => Some(r)
2022-03-29 21:00:20 +00:00
let filter = Js.Array.filter
2022-03-29 20:31:08 +00:00
let joinWith = Js.Array.joinWith
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
module O = {
let concatSomes = (optionals: array<option<'a>>): array<'a> =>
|> Js.Array.filter(Rationale.Option.isSome)
|> Js.Array.map(Rationale.Option.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened"))
let defaultEmpty = (o: option<array<'a>>): array<'a> =>
switch o {
| Some(o) => o
| None => []
module R = {
let firstErrorOrOpen = (results: array<Belt.Result.t<'a, 'b>>): Belt.Result.t<
> => {
let bringErrorUp = switch results |> Belt.Array.getBy(_, Belt.Result.isError) {
| Some(Belt.Result.Error(err)) => Belt.Result.Error(err)
| Some(Belt.Result.Ok(_)) => Belt.Result.Ok(results)
| None => Belt.Result.Ok(results)
let forceOpen = (r: array<Belt.Result.t<'a, 'b>>): array<'a> =>
r |> Belt.Array.map(_, r => Belt.Result.getExn(r))
bringErrorUp |> Belt.Result.map(_, forceOpen)
module Sorted = {
let min = first
let max = last
let range = (~min=min, ~max=max, a) =>
switch (min(a), max(a)) {
| (Some(min), Some(max)) => Some(max -. min)
| _ => None
let binarySearchFirstElementGreaterIndex = (ar: array<'a>, el: 'a) => {
let el = Belt.SortArray.binarySearchBy(ar, el, compare)
let el = el < 0 ? el * -1 - 1 : el
switch el {
| e if e >= length(ar) => #overMax
| e if e == 0 => #underMin
| e => #firstHigher(e)
let concat = (t1: array<'a>, t2: array<'a>) => {
let ts = Belt.Array.concat(t1, t2)
ts |> Array.fast_sort(compare)
let concatMany = (t1: array<array<'a>>) => {
let ts = Belt.Array.concatMany(t1)
ts |> Array.fast_sort(compare)
module Floats = {
let makeIncrementalUp = (a, b) =>
Array.make(b - a + 1, a) |> Array.mapi((i, c) => c + i) |> Belt.Array.map(_, float_of_int)
let makeIncrementalDown = (a, b) =>
Array.make(a - b + 1, a) |> Array.mapi((i, c) => c - i) |> Belt.Array.map(_, float_of_int)
let split = (sortedArray: array<float>) => {
let continuous = []
let discrete = FloatFloatMap.empty()
Belt.Array.forEachWithIndex(sortedArray, (index, element) => {
let maxIndex = (sortedArray |> Array.length) - 1
let possiblySimilarElements = switch index {
| 0 => [index + 1]
| n if n == maxIndex => [index - 1]
| _ => [index - 1, index + 1]
} |> Belt.Array.map(_, r => sortedArray[r])
let hasSimilarElement = Belt.Array.some(possiblySimilarElements, r => r == element)
? FloatFloatMap.increment(element, discrete)
: {
let _ = Js.Array.push(element, continuous)
2022-03-29 19:21:38 +00:00
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
(continuous, discrete)
module Floats = {
let sum = Belt.Array.reduce(_, 0., (i, j) => i +. j)
let mean = a => sum(a) /. (Array.length(a) |> float_of_int)
let random = Js.Math.random_int
2022-04-08 06:59:15 +00:00
// Gives an array with all the differences between values
// diff([1,5,3,7]) = [4,-2,4]
2022-04-08 06:51:38 +00:00
let diff = (arr: array<float>): array<float> =>
Belt.Array.zipBy(arr, Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(arr, 1), (left, right) => right -. left)
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
exception RangeError(string)
let range = (min: float, max: float, n: int): array<float> =>
switch n {
| 0 => []
| 1 => [min]
| 2 => [min, max]
| _ if min == max => Belt.Array.make(n, min)
| _ if n < 0 => raise(RangeError("n must be greater than 0"))
| _ if min > max => raise(RangeError("Min value is less then max value"))
| _ =>
let diff = (max -. min) /. Belt.Float.fromInt(n - 1)
Belt.Array.makeBy(n, i => min +. Belt.Float.fromInt(i) *. diff)
2022-03-29 21:35:33 +00:00
module A2 = {
2022-04-12 23:59:40 +00:00
let fmap = (a, b) => A.fmap(b, a)
2022-03-29 21:00:20 +00:00
let joinWith = (a, b) => A.joinWith(b, a)
2022-03-29 21:35:33 +00:00
2022-01-28 10:55:03 +00:00
module JsArray = {
let concatSomes = (optionals: Js.Array.t<option<'a>>): Js.Array.t<'a> =>
|> Js.Array.filter(Rationale.Option.isSome)
|> Js.Array.map(Rationale.Option.toExn("Warning: This should not have happened"))
let filter = Js.Array.filter