Added GenericDistribution Reducer Interface

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Gooen 2022-03-31 20:24:59 -04:00
parent 5ece2994ba
commit 47a574ba8a
4 changed files with 118 additions and 118 deletions

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@ -10,129 +10,12 @@ module Sample = {
let customAdd = (a: float, b: float): float => {a +. b}
module Dist = {
let env: GenericDist_GenericOperation.env = {
sampleCount: 1000,
xyPointLength: 1000,
let {toDistR, toFloatR} = module(GenericDist_GenericOperation.Output)
let runGenericOperation =
let genericDistReturnToEvReturn = x =>
switch x {
| Ok(thing) => Ok(ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue.EvDist(thing))
| Error(err) => Error(Reducer_ErrorValue.RETodo("")) // TODO:
let numberReturnToEvReturn = x =>
switch x {
| Ok(n) => Ok(ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue.EvNumber(n))
| Error(err) => Error(Reducer_ErrorValue.RETodo("")) // TODO:
let arithmeticMap = r =>
switch r {
| "add" => #Add
| "dotAdd" => #Add
| "subtract" => #Subtract
| "dotSubtract" => #Subtract
| "divide" => #Divide
| "logarithm" => #Divide
| "dotDivide" => #Divide
| "exponentiate" => #Exponentiate
| "dotExponentiate" => #Exponentiate
| "multiply" => #Multiply
| "dotMultiply" => #Multiply
| "dotLogarithm" => #Divide
| _ => #Multiply
let catchAndConvertTwoArgsToDists = (args: array<expressionValue>): option<(
)> => {
switch args {
| [EvDist(a), EvDist(b)] => Some((a, b))
| [EvNumber(a), EvDist(b)] => Some((GenericDist.fromFloat(a), b))
| [EvDist(a), EvNumber(b)] => Some((a, GenericDist.fromFloat(b)))
| _ => None
let toFloatFn = (fnCall: GenericDist_Types.Operation.toFloat, dist) => {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToFloat(fnCall), dist)
let toDistFn = (fnCall: GenericDist_Types.Operation.toDist, dist) => {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToDist(fnCall), dist)
let twoDiststoDistFn = (direction, arithmetic, dist1, dist2) => {
let dispatch = (call: ExpressionValue.functionCall): option<result<expressionValue, 'e>> => {
let (fnName, args) = call
switch (fnName, args) {
| ("cdf", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toFloatFn(#Cdf(float), dist)
| ("pdf", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toFloatFn(#Pdf(float), dist)
| ("inv", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toFloatFn(#Inv(float), dist)
| ("mean", [EvDist(dist)]) => toFloatFn(#Mean, dist)
| ("normalize", [EvDist(dist)]) => toDistFn(Normalize, dist)
| ("toPointSet", [EvDist(dist)]) => toDistFn(ToPointSet, dist)
| ("toSampleSet", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) =>
toDistFn(ToSampleSet(Belt.Int.fromFloat(float)), dist)
| ("truncateLeft", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) =>
toDistFn(Truncate(Some(float), None), dist)
| ("truncateRight", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) =>
toDistFn(Truncate(None, Some(float)), dist)
| ("truncate", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float1), EvNumber(float2)]) =>
toDistFn(Truncate(Some(float1), Some(float2)), dist)
| ("sample", [EvDist(dist)]) => toFloatFn(#Sample, dist)
| (
("add" | "multiply" | "subtract" | "divide" | "exponentiate") as arithmetic,
[a, b] as args,
) =>
catchAndConvertTwoArgsToDists(args) |> E.O.fmap(((fst, snd)) =>
twoDiststoDistFn(Algebraic, arithmetic, fst, snd)
| (
("dotAdd" | "dotSubtract" | "dotDivide" | "dotExponentiate" | "dotMultiply") as arithmetic,
[a, b] as args,
) =>
catchAndConvertTwoArgsToDists(args) |> E.O.fmap(((fst, snd)) =>
twoDiststoDistFn(Pointwise, arithmetic, fst, snd)
| _ => None
Map external calls of Reducer
let dispatch = (call: ExpressionValue.functionCall, chain): result<expressionValue, 'e> =>
Dist.dispatch(call) |> E.O.default(chain(call))
ReducerInterface_GenericDistribution.dispatch(call) |> E.O.default(chain(call))
If your dispatch is too big you can divide it into smaller dispatches and pass the call so that it gets called finally.

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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
module ExpressionValue = ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue
type expressionValue = ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue.expressionValue
let env: GenericDist_GenericOperation.env = {
sampleCount: 1000,
xyPointLength: 1000,
let runGenericOperation =
let arithmeticMap = r =>
switch r {
| "add" => #Add
| "dotAdd" => #Add
| "subtract" => #Subtract
| "dotSubtract" => #Subtract
| "divide" => #Divide
| "logarithm" => #Divide
| "dotDivide" => #Divide
| "exponentiate" => #Exponentiate
| "dotExponentiate" => #Exponentiate
| "multiply" => #Multiply
| "dotMultiply" => #Multiply
| "dotLogarithm" => #Divide
| _ => #Multiply
let catchAndConvertTwoArgsToDists = (args: array<expressionValue>): option<(
)> => {
switch args {
| [EvDist(a), EvDist(b)] => Some((a, b))
| [EvNumber(a), EvDist(b)] => Some((GenericDist.fromFloat(a), b))
| [EvDist(a), EvNumber(b)] => Some((a, GenericDist.fromFloat(b)))
| _ => None
let toFloatFn = (
fnCall: GenericDist_Types.Operation.toFloat,
dist: GenericDist_Types.genericDist,
) => {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToFloat(fnCall), dist)->runGenericOperation->Some
let toDistFn = (fnCall: GenericDist_Types.Operation.toDist, dist) => {
FromDist(GenericDist_Types.Operation.ToDist(fnCall), dist)->runGenericOperation->Some
let twoDiststoDistFn = (direction, arithmetic, dist1, dist2) => {
let genericOutputToReducerValue = (o: GenericDist_GenericOperation.outputType): result<
> =>
switch o {
| Dist(d) => Ok(ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue.EvDist(d))
| Float(d) => Ok(EvNumber(d))
| String(d) => Ok(EvString(d))
| GenDistError(NotYetImplemented) => Error(RETodo("Function not yet implemented"))
| GenDistError(Unreachable) => Error(RETodo("Unreachable"))
| GenDistError(DistributionVerticalShiftIsInvalid) =>
Error(RETodo("Distribution Vertical Shift is Invalid"))
| GenDistError(Other(s)) => Error(RETodo(s))
let dispatchToGenericOutput = (call: ExpressionValue.functionCall): option<
> => {
let (fnName, args) = call
switch (fnName, args) {
| ("sample", [EvDist(dist)]) => toFloatFn(#Sample, dist)
| ("mean", [EvDist(dist)]) => toFloatFn(#Mean, dist)
| ("normalize", [EvDist(dist)]) => toDistFn(Normalize, dist)
| ("toPointSet", [EvDist(dist)]) => toDistFn(ToPointSet, dist)
| ("cdf", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toFloatFn(#Cdf(float), dist)
| ("pdf", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toFloatFn(#Pdf(float), dist)
| ("inv", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toFloatFn(#Inv(float), dist)
| ("toSampleSet", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) =>
toDistFn(ToSampleSet(Belt.Int.fromFloat(float)), dist)
| ("truncateLeft", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) => toDistFn(Truncate(Some(float), None), dist)
| ("truncateRight", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float)]) =>
toDistFn(Truncate(None, Some(float)), dist)
| ("truncate", [EvDist(dist), EvNumber(float1), EvNumber(float2)]) =>
toDistFn(Truncate(Some(float1), Some(float2)), dist)
| (("add" | "multiply" | "subtract" | "divide" | "exponentiate") as arithmetic, [a, b] as args) =>
catchAndConvertTwoArgsToDists(args) -> E.O2.fmap(((fst, snd)) =>
twoDiststoDistFn(Algebraic, arithmetic, fst, snd)
| (
("dotAdd" | "dotMultiply" | "dotSubtract" | "dotDivide" | "dotExponentiate") as arithmetic,
[a, b] as args,
) =>
catchAndConvertTwoArgsToDists(args) -> E.O2.fmap(((fst, snd)) =>
twoDiststoDistFn(Pointwise, arithmetic, fst, snd)
| _ => None
let dispatch = call => {
dispatchToGenericOutput(call) -> E.O2.fmap(genericOutputToReducerValue)

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
let dispatch: ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue.functionCall => option<
result<ReducerInterface_ExpressionValue.expressionValue, Reducer_ErrorValue.errorValue>,

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@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ module O = {
module O2 = {
let default = (a, b) => O.default(b, a)
let toExn = (a, b) => O.toExn(b, a)
let fmap = (a, b) => O.fmap(b, a)
/* Functions */