inv and cdf

This commit is contained in:
Quinn Dougherty 2022-04-11 14:53:02 -04:00
parent 6a4d615d3d
commit a64cd75ead
2 changed files with 86 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -2,15 +2,10 @@ open Jest
open Expect
open TestHelpers
//let env: DistributionOperation.env = {
// sampleCount: 100,
// xyPointLength: 100,
let {
normalDist5, // mean=5, stdev=2
normalDist10, // mean=10, stdev=2
normalDist20, // mean=20, stdev=2
normalDist, // mean=5; stdev=2
uniformDist, // low=9; high=10
betaDist, // alpha=2; beta=5
@ -20,8 +15,6 @@ let {
exponentialDist, // rate=2
} = module(GenericDist_Fixtures)
// let {toFloat, toDist, toString, toError, fmap} = module(DistributionOperation.Output)
// let {run} = module(DistributionOperation)
let {
@ -30,15 +23,14 @@ let {
} = module(DistributionOperation.Constructors)
// let toExt: option<'a> => 'a = E.O.toExt(
// "Should be impossible to reach (This error is in test file)",
// )
let algebraicAdd = algebraicAdd(~env)
let algebraicMultiply = algebraicMultiply(~env)
let algebraicDivide = algebraicDivide(~env)
let algebraicSubtract = algebraicSubtract(~env)
let algebraicLogarithm = algebraicLogarithm(~env)
let algebraicPower = algebraicPower(~env)
describe("Addition of distributions", () => {
describe("mean", () => {
@ -51,15 +43,84 @@ describe("Addition of distributions", () => {
-> E.R.toExn
-> expect
-> toBe(Some(2.5e1))
// -> toBeSoCloseTo(2.5e1, ~digits=7)
// testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).pdf", list{1e0, 3e0, 5e0, 7e0}, x => {
// let additionValue = algebraicAdd(normalDist5, normalDist5)
// let targetValue = run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Pdf(x)), normalDist10)) -> unpackFloat
// E.R.fmap(run(FromDist(ToFloat(#Pdf(x)), additionValue)))
// -> unpackFloat
// -> expect
// -> toBeSoCloseTo(2.5e1, ~digits=7)
// })
describe("pdf", () => {
testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).pdf", list{8e0, 1e1, 1.2e1, 1.4e1}, x => {
let expected = normalDist10
-> Ok
-> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, x))
-> E.R2.fmap(run)
-> E.R2.fmap(toFloat)
-> E.R.toOption
-> E.O.flatten
let calculated = normalDist5
-> algebraicAdd(normalDist5)
-> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.pdf(d, x))
-> E.R2.fmap(run)
-> E.R2.fmap(toFloat)
-> E.R.toOption
-> E.O.flatten
switch expected { // not exactly happy with this
| None => false -> expect -> toBe(true)
| Some(x) => switch calculated {
| None => false -> expect -> toBe(true)
| Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=0)
describe("cdf", () => {
testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).cdf", list{6e0, 8e0, 1e1, 1.2e1}, x => {
let expected = normalDist10
-> Ok
-> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, x))
-> E.R2.fmap(run)
-> E.R2.fmap(toFloat)
-> E.R.toOption
-> E.O.flatten
let calculated = normalDist5
-> algebraicAdd(normalDist5)
-> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.cdf(d, x))
-> E.R2.fmap(run)
-> E.R2.fmap(toFloat)
-> E.R.toOption
-> E.O.flatten
switch expected { // not exactly happy with this
| None => false -> expect -> toBe(true)
| Some(x) => switch calculated {
| None => false -> expect -> toBe(true)
| Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=0)
describe("inv", () => {
testAll("(normal(mean=5) + normal(mean=5)).inv", list{5e-2, 4.2e-3, 9e-3}, x => {
let expected = normalDist10
-> Ok
-> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, x))
-> E.R2.fmap(run)
-> E.R2.fmap(toFloat)
-> E.R.toOption
-> E.O.flatten
let calculated = normalDist5
-> algebraicAdd(normalDist5)
-> E.R2.fmap(d => GenericDist_Types.Constructors.UsingDists.inv(d, x))
-> E.R2.fmap(run)
-> E.R2.fmap(toFloat)
-> E.R.toOption
-> E.O.flatten
switch expected { // not exactly happy with this.
| None => false -> expect -> toBe(true)
| Some(x) => switch calculated {
| None => false -> expect -> toBe(true)
| Some(y) => x -> expect -> toBeSoCloseTo(y, ~digits=-1)

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@ -59,8 +59,9 @@ module O = {
let toExn = Rationale.Option.toExn
let some = Rationale.Option.some
let firstSome = Rationale.Option.firstSome
let toExt = Rationale.Option.toExn
let toExt = Rationale.Option.toExn // wanna flag this-- looks like a typo but `Rationale.OptiontoExt` doesn't exist.
let flatApply = (fn, b) => Rationale.Option.apply(fn, Some(b)) |> Rationale.Option.flatten
let flatten = Rationale.Option.flatten
let toBool = opt =>
switch opt {
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ module O2 = {
let toExn = (a, b) => O.toExn(b, a)
let fmap = (a, b) => O.fmap(b, a)
let toResult = (a, b) => O.toResult(b, a)
let bind = (a, b) => O.bind(b, a)
/* Functions */