NunoSempere b6addc7f05 feat: add the node modules
Necessary in order to clearly see the squiggle hotwiring.
2022-12-03 12:44:49 +00:00

5.8 KiB

Debug Stream

Transform stream for debugging stream pipelines.


var debugStream = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/debug' );

debugStream( [options,] [clbk] )

Creates a transform stream for debugging stream pipelines.

var ENV = require( '@stdlib/process/env' );

// Set the `DEBUG` environment variable...
ENV.DEBUG = '*';

var stream = debugStream({
    'name': 'my-stream'

stream.write( 'a' );
stream.write( 'b' );
stream.write( 'c' );

The function accepts the following options:

  • name: debug namespace.
  • objectMode: specifies whether a stream should operate in objectMode. Default: false.
  • highWaterMark: specifies the Buffer level at which write() calls start returning false.
  • allowHalfOpen: specifies whether a stream should remain open even if one side ends. Default: false.
  • readableObjectMode: specifies whether the readable side should be in objectMode. Default: false.

To set stream options,

var opts = {
    'name': 'my-app',
    'objectMode': true,
    'highWaterMark': 64,
    'allowHalfOpen': true,
    'readableObjectMode': false // overridden by `objectMode` option when `objectMode=true`

var stream = debugStream( opts );

By default, each chunk is logged as a JSON stringified string, along with the chunk index. For more control over logging behavior, provide a callback.

function logger( debug, chunk, idx ) {
    debug( 'Received a new chunk...' );
    debug( 'Beep: %s', chunk.beep );
    debug( 'Boop: %s', chunk.boop );

var opts = {
    'name': 'my-pipeline'

var stream = debugStream( opts, logger );

debugStream.factory( [options] )

Returns a function for creating streams which are identically configured according to provided options.

var opts = {
    'objectMode': true,
    'highWaterMark': 64

var factory = debugStream.factory( opts );

This method accepts the same options as debugStream(), except for name, which must be provided explicitly.

factory( name[, clbk] )

Creates a debug stream.

var factory = debugStream.factory();

var streams = [];
var i;

// Assign each stream to a separate debug namespace...
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
    streams.push( factory( 'stream '+i ) );

debugStream.objectMode( [options,] [clbk] )

This method is a convenience function to create streams which always operate in objectMode.

var stream = debugStream.objectMode({
    'name': 'beep-boop'

    'value': 'a'
    'value': 'b'
    'value': 'c'

This method accepts the same options as debugStream(); however, the method will always override the objectMode option in options.


  • If the DEBUG environment variable is not set, no data is logged.
  • Providing a name option is strongly encouraged, as the DEBUG environment variable can be used to filter debuggers.


var parseJSON = require( '@stdlib/utils/parse-json' );
var stdout = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/stdout' );
var transformFactory = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/transform' ).factory;
var debug = require( '@stdlib/streams/node/debug' ).objectMode;

function parse( chunk, enc, clbk ) {
    clbk( null, parseJSON( chunk ) );

function pluck( chunk, enc, clbk ) {
    clbk( null, chunk.value );

function square( chunk, enc, clbk ) {
    var v = +chunk;
    clbk( null, v*v );

function toStr( chunk, enc, clbk ) {
    clbk( null, chunk.toString() );

function join( chunk, enc, clbk ) {
    clbk( null, chunk+'\n' );

// Create a factory for generating streams running in `objectMode`:
var tStream = transformFactory({
    'objectMode': true

// Create streams for each transform:
var s1 = tStream( parse );
var d1 = debug({
    'name': 'parse'
var s2 = tStream( pluck );
var d2 = debug({
    'name': 'pluck'
var s3 = tStream( square );
var d3 = debug({
    'name': 'square'
var s4 = tStream( toStr );
var d4 = debug({
    'name': 'toString'
var s5 = tStream( join );
var d5 = debug({
    'name': 'join'

// Create the pipeline:
s1.pipe( d1 )
    .pipe( s2 )
    .pipe( d2 )
    .pipe( s3 )
    .pipe( d3 )
    .pipe( s4 )
    .pipe( d4 )
    .pipe( s5 )
    .pipe( d5 )
    .pipe( stdout );

// Write data to the pipeline...
var v;
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    v = '{"value":'+i+'}';
    s1.write( v, 'utf8' );