2020-04-11 14:59:32 -06:00

2.2 KiB


Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, or AMP links. Easily deployable via Docker, and customizable with a single config text file. Quick and simple to integrate as a primary search engine replacement on both desktop and mobile.



  1. Ensure the Docker daemon is running, and is accessible by your user account
  • To add user permissions, you can execute sudo usermod -aG docker yourusername
  • Running docker ps should return something besides an error. If you encounter an error saying the daemon isn't running, try sudo systemctl start docker (Linux) or ensure the docker tool is running (Windows/macOS).
  1. Clone and deploy the docker app using a method below:

Using Heroku (Free)

heroku login
heroku container:login
git clone https://github.com/benbusby/shoogle.git
cd shoogle
heroku create 
heroku container:push web
heroku container:release web
heroku open

Using _____


Extra Steps

  • Set Shoogle as your primary search engine
    • Firefox (Desktop)
      • Navigate to your running app's url, and click the 3 dot menu in the address bar. At the bottom, there should be an option to "Add Search Engine". Once you've clicked this, open your Firefox Preferences menu, click "Search" in the left menu, and use the available dropdown to select "Shoogle" from the list.
    • Firefox (Mobile)
      • In the mobile app Settings page, tap "Search" within the "General" section. There should be an option titled "Add Search Engine" to select. It should prompt you to enter a title and search query url - use the following elements to fill out the form:
        • Title: "Shoogle"
        • URL: "https://<your shoogle url>/search?q=%s"