A soothing, powerful and pragmatic Linux "distribution"
NunOS: A soothing Linux distribution
- Decide on base distro: debian
- Good governance model
- I trust it, I like it
- I dislike systemd, but Gentoo, OpenBSD, Devuan, etc. seem too niche
- Decide on desktop environment: GNOME
- Good for shortsighted users
- Sensible array of default applications
- Doesn't try to imitate Windows
- I like the search with the "windows" key
- Figure out a few basic things
- how to specify shortcuts in the command line: gsettings, or dconf-editor
- Describe how to get debian step by step
- Describe how to install debian step by step
- Describe how to install the recommended software step by step.
- With .md.sh scripts
- Why imperatively? Because nixos has a much higher setup cost for me.
- Recommended hardware
Why a "distribution"
- Not a proper distribution
- A bit more effort than your typical set of dotfiles
- Consider it more like a walkthrough
- But the name "nunOS" (I'm Nuño Sempere) was too good to pass up
- The next step might be to: make this a Debian derivative? But not close to it
Debian installer instructions
Partition > Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM.
Preparatory steps
1. Give sudo permissions to your user
Give sudo permissions to your user:
su - --command "adduser $(whoami) sudo"
newgrp sudo
sudo echo "Hello world!"
2. Install git and download the rest of this distribution
sudo apt install git
git config --global user.email "nuno.semperelh@protonmail.com" # to do: add part of a script that asks you for this, or lets you configure it
git config --global user.name "NunoSempere"
git config --global credential.helper 'store --file ~/.^C
git config --global init.defaultBranch master
cd ~/Documents
git clone https://git.nunosempere.com/open.source/nunOS.git
N.B.: Could also just provide a bash script to fetch with wget. The script could then fetch other scripts? Yeah, that's probably the way to go in the end. But for now I'll be writting the individual scripts that that future script will orchestrate.
Install a few essentials.
sudo apt install neovim tmux