2022-04-25 09:29:28 -06:00

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NOTE: Adapted from One Word's /functions doc. Fix any errors you see!

Firestore Cloud Functions

This is code that doesn't make sense on the frontend client, e.g.

  • Long-running or slow operation (database)
  • Tasks that need to be run every so often (syncing email list to Mailjet)
  • Anything we should't trust to clients (secrets, auth)

If you want to make and test changes, you'll have to do a bit of setup...


Adapted from

  1. $ cd functions to switch to this folder
  2. $ yarn global add firebase-tools to install the Firebase CLI globally
  3. $ yarn to install JS dependencies
  4. $ firebase login to authenticate the CLI tools to Firebase
  5. $ firebase use dev to choose the dev project
  6. $ firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json to cache secrets for local dev

Preparing local Firestore database:

  1. Install gcloud CLI
  2. $ brew install java to install java if you don't already have it
    1. $ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc to add java to your path
  3. $ gcloud auth login to authenticate the CLI tools to Firebase
  4. $ gcloud config set project <project-id> to choose the project ($ gcloud projects list to see options)
  5. $ mkdir firestore_export to create a folder to store the exported database
  6. $ yarn db:update-local-from-remote to pull the remote db from Firestore to local
    1. TODO: this won't work when open source, we'll have to point to the public db

Developing locally

  1. $ yarn serve to spin up the emulators The Emulator UI is at http://localhost:4000; the functions are hosted on :5001. Note: You have to kill and restart emulators when you change code; no hot reload =(
  2. $ yarn dev:emulate in /web to connect to emulators with the frontend
    1. Note: emulated database is cleared after every shutdown

Firestore Commands

  • db:update-local-from-remote - Pull the remote db from Firestore to local, also calls:
    • db:backup-remote - Exports the remote dev db to the backup folder on Google Cloud Storage (called on every db:update-local-from-remote)
    • db:rename-remote-backup-folder - Renames the remote backup folder (called on every db:backup-remote to preserve the previous db backup)
  • db:backup-local - Save the local db changes to the disk (overwrites existing)


  • Find local logs directly in the shell that ran $ yarn dev
  • Find deployed logs here


  1. $ firebase use prod to switch to prod
  2. $ yarn deploy to push your changes live! (Future TODO: auto-deploy functions on Git push)

Secrets management

Secrets are strings that shouldn't be checked into Git (eg API keys, passwords). We store these using environment config on Firebase Functions. Some useful workflows:

  • Set a secret: $ firebase functions:config:set stripe.test_secret="THE-API-KEY"
  • Preview all secrets: $ firebase functions:config:get
  • Cache for local dev:$ firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json