* Add dev target for TheoremOne * Restrict signups to theoremone.co emails * Add new indices * Forbid reads from unauthenticated users * Client-side render pages that need auth These pages are now client-side rendered: - /home - /leaderboards - /market/... - /fold/... * Hide 404 for private Manifolds * Brand instance for TheoremOne * Hide "Add Funds" and "Personalize your feed" * "M$" => "T$" * Hide Discord & About Page too * Update placeholders for teams * Update firestore.indexes.json * Switch /analytics to propz * Migrate per-env code into common/ * More migrations to PROJECT_ID * Conditionally use SSG depending on public vs private instance * Fix props to be empty object * Move more logic into access * Spin out config files for each environment * Generify most of the customizable brand stuff * Move IS_PRIVATE_MANIFOLD to access.ts * Rename access.ts to envs/constants.ts * Add "dev:dev" alias * Rever firestore rules to existing settings * Fixes according to James's review
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