2022-04-26 01:32:42 -05:00

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# Manifold Markets
This [monorepo][] has basically everything involved in running and operating Manifold.
## Getting started
0. Make sure you have [Yarn 1.x][yarn]
1. `$ cd web`
2. `$ yarn`
3. `$ yarn dev:dev`
4. Your site will be available on http://localhost:3000
See [`web/`][web-readme] for more details on hacking on the web client.
## General architecture
Manifold's public API and web app are hosted by [Vercel][vercel]. In general, the web app runs as much as possible on the client; we follow a [JAMStack][jamstack] architecture. All data is stored in Firebase's database, [Cloud Firestore][cloud-firestore]. This is directly accessed by the client for most data access operations.
Operations with complicated contracts (e.g. buying shares) are provided in a separate HTTP API using Firebase's [Cloud Functions][cloud-functions]. Those are deployed separately from the Vercel website; see [`functions/`][functions-readme] for more details.
## Directory overview
- `web/`: UI and business logic for the client. Where most of the site lives. The public API endpoints are also in here.
- `functions/`: Firebase cloud functions, for secure work (e.g. balances, Stripe payments, emails). Also contains in
`functions/src/scripts/` some Typescript scripts that do ad hoc CLI interaction with Firebase.
- `common/`: Typescript library code shared between `web/` & `functions/`. Also contains in `common/envs` configuration for
the different environments (i.e. prod, dev, Manifold for Teams instances.)
- `og-image/`: The OpenGraph image generator; creates the preview images shown on Twitter/social media.
Also: Our docs are currently in [a separate repo]( TODO: move them into this monorepo.
## Contributing
Since we are just now open-sourcing things, we will see how things go. Feel free to open issues, submit PRs, and chat about the process on Discord. We would prefer [small PRs][small-prs] that we can effectively evaluate and review -- maybe check in with us first if you are thinking to work on a big change.