Previously, w.when_verified() was documented to fire only after a valid encrypted message was received, but in fact it fired as soon as the shared key was derived (before any encrypted messages are seen, so no actual "verification" could occur yet). This fixes that, and also adds a new w.when_key() API call which fires at the earlier point. Having something which fires early is useful for the CLI commands that want to print a pacifier message when the peer is responding slowly. In particular it helps detect the case where 'wormhole send' has quit early (after depositing the PAKE message on the server, but before the receiver has started). In this case, the receiver will compute the shared key, but then wait forever hoping for a VERSION that will never come. By starting a timer when w.when_key() fires, and cancelling it when w.when_verified() fires, we have a good place to tell the user that something is taking longer than it should have. This shifts responsibility for notifying Boss.got_verifier, out of Key and into Receive, since Receive is what notices the first valid encrypted message. It also shifts the Boss's ordering expectations: it now receives B.happy() before B.got_verifier(), and consequently got_verifier ought to arrive in the S2_happy state rather than S1_lonely.
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# Magic-Wormhole
This library provides a mechanism to securely transfer small amounts
of data between two computers. Both machines must be connected to the
internet, but they do not need to have public IP addresses or know how to
contact each other ahead of time.
Security and connectivity is provided by means of an "wormhole code": a short
string that is transcribed from one machine to the other by the users at the
keyboard. This works in conjunction with a baked-in "rendezvous server" that
relays information from one machine to the other.
The "Wormhole" object provides a secure record pipe between any two programs
that use the same wormhole code (and are configured with the same application
ID and rendezvous server). Each side can send multiple messages to the other,
but the encrypted data for all messages must pass through (and be temporarily
stored on) the rendezvous server, which is a shared resource. For this
reason, larger data (including bulk file transfers) should use the Transit
class instead. The Wormhole object has a method to create a Transit object
for this purpose. In the future, Transit will be deprecated, and this
functionality will be incorporated directly as a "dilated wormhole".
A quick example:
import wormhole
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
def go():
w = wormhole.create(appid, relay_url, reactor)
code = yield w.when_code()
print "code:", code
w.send(b"outbound data")
inbound = yield w.when_received()
yield w.close()
## Modes
The API comes in two flavors: Delegated and Deferred. Controlling the
Wormhole and sending data is identical in both, but they differ in how
inbound data and events are delivered to the application.
In Delegated mode, the Wormhole is given a "delegate" object, on which
certain methods will be called when information is available (e.g. when the
code is established, or when data messages are received). In Deferred mode,
the Wormhole object has methods which return Deferreds that will fire at
these same times.
Delegated mode:
class MyDelegate:
def wormhole_got_code(self, code):
print("code: %s" % code)
def wormhole_received(self, data): # called for each message
print("got data, %d bytes" % len(data))
w = wormhole.create(appid, relay_url, reactor, delegate=MyDelegate())
Deferred mode:
w = wormhole.create(appid, relay_url, reactor)
def print_code(code):
print("code: %s" % code)
def received(data):
print("got data, %d bytes" % len(data))
w.when_received().addCallback(received) # gets exactly one message
## Application Identifier
Applications using this library must provide an "application identifier", a
simple string that distinguishes one application from another. To ensure
uniqueness, use a domain name. To use multiple apps for a single domain,
append a URL-like slash and path, like ``. This string must
be the same on both clients, otherwise they will not see each other. The
invitation codes are scoped to the app-id. Note that the app-id must be
unicode, not bytes, so on python2 use `u"appid"`.
Distinct app-ids reduce the size of the connection-id numbers. If fewer than
ten Wormholes are active for a given app-id, the connection-id will only need
to contain a single digit, even if some other app-id is currently using
thousands of concurrent sessions.
## Rendezvous Servers
The library depends upon a "rendezvous server", which is a service (on a
public IP address) that delivers small encrypted messages from one client to
the other. This must be the same for both clients, and is generally baked-in
to the application source code or default config.
This library includes the URL of a public rendezvous server run by the
author. Application developers can use this one, or they can run their own
(see the `wormhole-server` command and the `src/wormhole/server/` directory)
and configure their clients to use it instead. This URL is passed as a
unicode string. Note that because the server actually speaks WebSockets, the
URL starts with `ws:` instead of `http:`.
## Wormhole Parameters
All wormholes must be created with at least three parameters:
* `appid`: a (unicode) string
* `relay_url`: a (unicode) string
* `reactor`: the Twisted reactor object
In addition to these three, the `wormhole.create()` function takes several
optional arguments:
* `delegate`: provide a Delegate object to enable "delegated mode", or pass
None (the default) to get "deferred mode"
* `journal`: provide a Journal object to enable journaled mode. See
| for details. Note that journals only work with delegated mode,
not with deferred mode.
* `tor_manager`: to enable Tor support, create a `wormhole.TorManager`
instance and pass it here. This will hide the client's IP address by
proxying all connections (rendezvous and transit) through Tor. It also
enables connecting to Onion-service transit hints, and (in the future) will
enable the creation of Onion-services for transit purposes.
* `timing`: this accepts a DebugTiming instance, mostly for internal
diagnostic purposes, to record the transmit/receive timestamps for all
messages. The `wormhole --dump-timing=` feature uses this to build a
JSON-format data bundle, and the `misc/` tool can build a
scrollable timing diagram from these bundles.
* `welcome_handler`: this is a function that will be called when the
Rendezvous Server's "welcome" message is received. It is used to display
important server messages in an application-specific way.
* `versions`: this can accept a dictionary (JSON-encodable) of data that will
be made available to the peer via the `got_version` event. This data is
delivered before any data messages, and can be used to indicate peer
## Code Management
Each wormhole connection is defined by a shared secret "wormhole code". These
codes can be generated offline (by picking a unique number and some secret
words), but are more commonly generated by whoever creates the first
wormhole. In the "bin/wormhole" file-transfer tool, the default behavior is
for the sender to create the code, and for the receiver to type it in.
The code is a (unicode) string in the form `NNN-code-words`. The numeric
"NNN" prefix is the "channel id" or "nameplate", and is a short integer
allocated by talking to the rendezvous server. The rest is a
randomly-generated selection from the PGP wordlist, providing a default of 16
bits of entropy. The initiating program should display this code to the user,
who should transcribe it to the receiving user, who gives it to their local
Wormhole object by calling `set_code()`. The receiving program can also use
`input_code()` to use a readline-based input function: this offers tab
completion of allocated channel-ids and known codewords.
The Wormhole object has three APIs for generating or accepting a code:
* `w.generate_code(length=2)`: this contacts the Rendezvous Server, allocates
a short numeric nameplate, chooses a configurable number of random words,
then assembles them into the code
* `w.set_code(code)`: this accepts the code as an argument
* `helper = w.input_code()`: this facilitates interactive entry of the code,
with tab-completion. The helper object has methods to return a list of
viable completions for whatever portion of the code has been entered so
far. A convenience wrapper is provided to attach this to the `rlcompleter`
function of libreadline.
No matter which mode is used, the `w.when_code()` Deferred (or
`delegate.wormhole_got_code(code)` callback) will fire when the code is
known. `when_code` is clearly necessary for `generate_code`, since there's no
other way to learn what code was created, but it may be useful in other modes
for consistency.
The code-entry Helper object has the following API:
* `refresh_nameplates()`: requests an updated list of nameplates from the
Rendezvous Server. These form the first portion of the wormhole code (e.g.
"4" in "4-purple-sausages"). Note that they are unicode strings (so "4",
not 4). The Helper will get the response in the background, and calls to
`get_nameplate_completions()` after the response will use the new list.
Calling this after `h.choose_nameplate` will raise
* `matches = h.get_nameplate_completions(prefix)`: returns (synchronously) a
set of completions for the given nameplate prefix, along with the hyphen
that always follows the nameplate (and separates the nameplate from the
rest of the code). For example, if the server reports nameplates 1, 12, 13,
24, and 170 are in use, `get_nameplate_completions("1")` will return
`{"1-", "12-", "13-", "170-"}`. You may want to sort these before
displaying them to the user. Raises `AlreadyChoseNameplateError` if called
after `h.choose_nameplate`.
* `h.choose_nameplate(nameplate)`: accepts a string with the chosen
nameplate. May only be called once, after which
`AlreadyChoseNameplateError` is raised. (in this future, this might
return a Deferred that fires (with None) when the nameplate's wordlist is
known (which happens after the nameplate is claimed, requiring a roundtrip
to the server)).
* `d = h.when_wordlist_is_available()`: return a Deferred that fires (with
None) when the wordlist is known. This can be used to block a readline
frontend which has just called `h.choose_nameplate()` until the resulting
wordlist is known, which can improve the tab-completion behavior.
* `matches = h.get_word_completions(prefix)`: return (synchronously) a set of
completions for the given words prefix. This will include a trailing hyphen
if more words are expected. The possible completions depend upon the
wordlist in use for the previously-claimed nameplate, so calling this
before `choose_nameplate` will raise `MustChooseNameplateFirstError`.
Calling this after `h.choose_words()` will raise `AlreadyChoseWordsError`.
Given a prefix like "su", this returns a set of strings which are potential
matches (e.g. `{"supportive-", "surrender-", "suspicious-"}`. The prefix
should not include the nameplate, but *should* include whatever words and
hyphens have been typed so far (the default wordlist uses alternate lists,
where even numbered words have three syllables, and odd numbered words have
two, so the completions depend upon how many words are present, not just
the partial last word). E.g. `get_word_completions("pr")` will return
`{"processor-", "provincial-", "proximate-"}`, while
`get_word_completions("opulent-pr")` will return `{"opulent-preclude",
"opulent-prefer", "opulent-preshrunk", "opulent-printer",
"opulent-prowler"}` (note the lack of a trailing hyphen, because the
wordlist is expecting a code of length two). If the wordlist is not yet
known, this returns an empty set. All return values will
`.startwith(prefix)`. The frontend is responsible for sorting the results
before display.
* `h.choose_words(words)`: call this when the user is finished typing in the
code. It does not return anything, but will cause the Wormhole's
`w.when_code()` (or corresponding delegate) to fire, and triggers the
wormhole connection process. This accepts a string like "purple-sausages",
without the nameplate. It must be called after `h.choose_nameplate()` or
`MustChooseNameplateFirstError` will be raised. May only be called once,
after which `AlreadyChoseWordsError` is raised.
The `input_with_completion` wrapper is a function that knows how to use the
code-entry helper to do tab completion of wormhole codes:
from wormhole import create, input_with_completion
w = create(appid, relay_url, reactor)
input_with_completion("Wormhole code:", w.input_code(), reactor)
d = w.when_code()
This helper runs python's (raw) `input()` function inside a thread, since
`input()` normally blocks.
The two machines participating in the wormhole setup are not distinguished:
it doesn't matter which one goes first, and both use the same Wormhole
constructor function. However if `w.generate_code()` is used, only one side
should use it.
## Offline Codes
In most situations, the "sending" or "initiating" side will call
`w.generate_code()` and display the resulting code. The sending human reads
it and speaks, types, performs charades, or otherwise transmits the code to
the receiving human. The receiving human then types it into the receiving
computer, where it either calls `w.set_code()` (if the code is passed in via
argv) or `w.input_code()` (for interactive entry).
Usually one machine generates the code, and a pair of humans transcribes it
to the second machine (so `w.generate_code()` on one side, and `w.set_code()`
or `w.input_code()` on the other). But it is also possible for the humans to
generate the code offline, perhaps at a face-to-face meeting, and then take
the code back to their computers. In this case, `w.set_code()` will be used
on both sides. It is unlikely that the humans will restrict themselves to a
pre-established wordlist when manually generating codes, so the completion
feature of `w.input_code()` is not helpful.
When the humans create an invitation code out-of-band, they are responsible
for choosing an unused channel-ID (simply picking a random 3-or-more digit
number is probably enough), and some random words. Dice, coin flips, shuffled
cards, or repeated sampling of a high-resolution stopwatch are all useful
techniques. The invitation code uses the same format either way: channel-ID,
a hyphen, and an arbitrary string. There is no need to encode the sampled
random values (e.g. by using the Diceware wordlist) unless that makes it
easier to transcribe: e.g. rolling 6 dice could result in a code like
"913-166532", and flipping 16 coins could result in "123-HTTHHHTTHTTHHTHH".
## Verifier
For extra protection against guessing attacks, Wormhole can provide a
"Verifier". This is a moderate-length series of bytes (a SHA256 hash) that is
derived from the supposedly-shared session key. If desired, both sides can
display this value, and the humans can manually compare them before allowing
the rest of the protocol to proceed. If they do not match, then the two
programs are not talking to each other (they may both be talking to a
man-in-the-middle attacker), and the protocol should be abandoned.
Deferred-mode applications can wait for `d=w.when_verified()`: the Deferred
it returns will fire with the verifier. You can turn this into hex or Base64
to print it, or render it as ASCII-art, etc.
Asking the wormhole object for the verifier does not affect the flow of the
protocol. To benefit from verification, applications must refrain from
sending any data (with `w.send(data)`) until after the verifiers are approved
by the user. In addition, applications must queue or otherwise ignore
incoming (received) messages until that point. However once the verifiers are
confirmed, previously-received messages can be considered valid and processed
as usual.
## Welcome Messages
The first message sent by the rendezvous server is a "welcome" message (a
dictionary). Clients should not wait for this message, but when it arrives,
they should process the keys it contains.
The welcome message serves three main purposes:
* notify users about important server changes, such as CAPTCHA requirements
driven by overload, or donation requests
* enable future protocol negotiation between clients and the server
* advise users of the CLI tools (`wormhole send`) to upgrade to a new version
There are three keys currently defined for the welcome message, all of which
are optional (the welcome message omits "error" and "motd" unless the server
operator needs to signal a problem).
* `motd`: if this key is present, it will be a string with embedded newlines.
The client should display this string to the user, including a note that it
comes from the magic-wormhole Rendezvous Server and that server's URL.
* `error`: if present, the server has decided it cannot service this client.
The string will be wrapped in a `WelcomeError` (which is a subclass of
`WormholeError`), and all API calls will signal errors (pending Deferreds
will errback). The rendezvous connection will be closed.
* `current_cli_version`: if present, the server is advising instances of the
CLI tools (the `wormhole` command included in the python distribution) that
there is a newer release available, thus users should upgrade if they can,
because more features will be available if both clients are running the
same version. The CLI tools compare this string against their `__version__`
and can print a short message to stderr if an upgrade is warranted.
There is currently no facility in the server to actually send `motd`, but a
static `error` string can be included by running the server with
The main idea of `error` is to allow the server to cleanly inform the client
about some necessary action it didn't take. The server currently sends the
welcome message as soon as the client connects (even before it receives the
"claim" request), but a future server could wait for a required client
message and signal an error (via the Welcome message) if it didn't see this
extra message before the CLAIM arrived.
This could enable changes to the protocol, e.g. requiring a CAPTCHA or
proof-of-work token when the server is under DoS attack. The new server would
send the current requirements in an initial message (which old clients would
ignore). New clients would be required to send the token before their "claim"
message. If the server sees "claim" before "token", it knows that the client
is too old to know about this protocol, and it could send a "welcome" with an
`error` field containing instructions (explaining to the user that the server
is under attack, and they must either upgrade to a client that can speak the
new protocol, or wait until the attack has passed). Either case is better
than an opaque exception later when the required message fails to arrive.
(Note that the server can also send an explicit ERROR message at any time,
and the client should react with a ServerError. Versions 0.9.2 and earlier of
the library did not pay attention to the ERROR message, hence the server
should deliver errors in a WELCOME message if at all possible)
The `error` field is handled internally by the Wormhole object. The other
fields are processed by an application-supplied "welcome handler" function,
supplied as an argument to the `wormhole()` constructor. This function will
be called with the full welcome dictionary, so any other keys that a future
server might send will be available to it. If the welcome handler raises
`WelcomeError`, the connection will be closed just as if an `error` key had
been received. The handler may be called multiple times (once per connection,
if the rendezvous connection is lost and then reestablished), so applications
should avoid presenting the user with redundant messages.
The default welcome handler will print `motd` to stderr, and will ignore
## Events
As the wormhole connection is established, several events may be dispatched
to the application. In Delegated mode, these are dispatched by calling
functions on the delegate object. In Deferred mode, the application retrieves
Deferred objects from the wormhole, and event dispatch is performed by firing
those Deferreds.
* got_code (`yield w.when_code()` / `dg.wormhole_code(code)`): fired when the
wormhole code is established, either after `w.generate_code()` finishes the
generation process, or when the Input Helper returned by `w.input_code()`
has been told `h.set_words()`, or immediately after `w.set_code(code)` is
called. This is most useful after calling `w.generate_code()`, to show the
generated code to the user so they can transcribe it to their peer.
* key (`yield w.when_key()` / `dg.wormhole_key()`): fired when the
key-exchange process has completed and a purported shared key is
established. At this point we do not know that anyone else actually shares
this key: the peer may have used the wrong code, or may have disappeared
altogether. To wait for proof that the key is shared, wait for
`when_verified` instead. This event is really only useful for detecting
that the initiating peer has disconnected after leaving the initial PAKE
message, to display a pacifying message to the user.
* verified (`verifier = yield w.when_verified()` /
`dg.wormhole_verified(verifier)`: fired when the key-exchange process has
completed and a valid VERSION message has arrived. The "verifier" is a byte
string with a hash of the shared session key; clients can compare them
(probably as hex) to ensure that they're really talking to each other, and
not to a man-in-the-middle. When `got_verifier` happens, this side knows
that *someone* has used the correct wormhole code; if someone used the
wrong code, the VERSION message cannot be decrypted, and the wormhole will
be closed instead.
* version (`yield w.when_version()` / `dg.wormhole_version(versions)`: fired
when the VERSION message arrives from the peer. This fires at the same time
as `verified`, but delivers the "app_versions" data (as passed into
`wormhole.create(versions=)`) instead of the verifier string.
* received (`yield w.when_received()` / `dg.wormhole_received(data)`: fired
each time a data message arrives from the peer, with the bytestring that
the peer passed into `w.send(data)`.
* closed (`yield w.close()` / `dg.wormhole_closed(result)`: fired when
`w.close()` has finished shutting down the wormhole, which means all
nameplates and mailboxes have been deallocated, and the WebSocket
connection has been closed. This also fires if an internal error occurs
(specifically WrongPasswordError, which indicates that an invalid encrypted
message was received), which also shuts everything down. The `result` value
is an exception (or Failure) object if the wormhole closed badly, or a
string like "happy" if it had no problems before shutdown.
## Sending Data
The main purpose of a Wormhole is to send data. At any point after
construction, callers can invoke `w.send(data)`. This will queue the message
if necessary, but (if all goes well) will eventually result in the peer
getting a `received` event and the data being delivered to the application.
Since Wormhole provides an ordered record pipe, each call to `w.send` will
result in exactly one `received` event on the far side. Records are not
split, merged, dropped, or reordered.
Each side can do an arbitrary number of `send()` calls. The Wormhole is not
meant as a long-term communication channel, but some protocols work better if
they can exchange an initial pair of messages (perhaps offering some set of
negotiable capabilities), and then follow up with a second pair (to reveal
the results of the negotiation). The Rendezvous Server does not currently
enforce any particular limits on number of messages, size of messages, or
rate of transmission, but in general clients are expected to send fewer than
a dozen messages, of no more than perhaps 20kB in size (remember that all
these messages are temporarily stored in a SQLite database on the server). A
future version of the protocol may make these limits more explicit, and will
allow clients to ask for greater capacity when they connect (probably by
passing additional "mailbox attribute" parameters with the
`allocate`/`claim`/`open` messages).
For bulk data transfer, see "", or the "Dilation" section below.
## Closing
When the application is done with the wormhole, it should call `w.close()`,
and wait for a `closed` event. This ensures that all server-side resources
are released (allowing the nameplate to be re-used by some other client), and
all network sockets are shut down.
In Deferred mode, this just means waiting for the Deferred returned by
`w.close()` to fire. In Delegated mode, this means calling `w.close()` (which
doesn't return anything) and waiting for the delegate's `wormhole_closed()`
method to be called.
`w.close()` will errback (with some form of `WormholeError`) if anything went
wrong with the process, such as:
* `WelcomeError`: the server told us to signal an error, probably because the
client is too old understand some new protocol feature
* `ServerError`: the server rejected something we did
* `LonelyError`: we didn't hear from the other side, so no key was
* `WrongPasswordError`: we received at least one incorrectly-encrypted
message. This probably indicates that the other side used a different
wormhole code than we did, perhaps because of a typo, or maybe an attacker
tried to guess your code and failed.
If the wormhole was happy at the time it was closed, the `w.close()` Deferred
will callback (probably with the string "happy", but this may change in the
## Serialization
(NOTE: this section is speculative: this code has not yet been written)
Wormhole objects can be serialized. This can be useful for apps which save
their own state before shutdown, and restore it when they next start up
The `w.serialize()` method returns a dictionary which can be JSON encoded
into a unicode string (most applications will probably want to UTF-8 -encode
this into a bytestring before saving on disk somewhere).
To restore a Wormhole, call `wormhole.from_serialized(data, reactor,
delegate)`. This will return a wormhole in roughly the same state as was
serialized (of course all the network connections will be disconnected).
Serialization only works for delegated-mode wormholes (since Deferreds point
at functions, which cannot be serialized easily). It also only works for
"non-dilated" wormholes (see below).
To ensure correct behavior, serialization should probably only be done in
"journaled mode". See for details.
If you use serialization, be careful to never use the same partial wormhole
object twice.
## Dilation
(NOTE: this section is speculative: this code has not yet been written)
In the longer term, the Wormhole object will incorporate the "Transit"
functionality (see directly, removing the need to instantiate a
second object. A Wormhole can be "dilated" into a form that is suitable for
bulk data transfer.
All wormholes start out "undilated". In this state, all messages are queued
on the Rendezvous Server for the lifetime of the wormhole, and server-imposed
number/size/rate limits apply. Calling `w.dilate()` initiates the dilation
process, and success is signalled via either `d=w.when_dilated()` firing, or
`dg.wormhole_dilated()` being called. Once dilated, the Wormhole can be used
as an IConsumer/IProducer, and messages will be sent on a direct connection
(if possible) or through the transit relay (if not).
What's good about a non-dilated wormhole?:
* setup is faster: no delay while it tries to make a direct connection
* survives temporary network outages, since messages are queued
* works with "journaled mode", allowing progress to be made even when both
sides are never online at the same time, by serializing the wormhole
What's good about dilated wormholes?:
* they support bulk data transfer
* you get flow control (backpressure), and IProducer/IConsumer
* throughput is faster: no store-and-forward step
Use non-dilated wormholes when your application only needs to exchange a
couple of messages, for example to set up public keys or provision access
tokens. Use a dilated wormhole to move large files.
Dilated wormholes can provide multiple "channels": these are multiplexed
through the single (encrypted) TCP connection. Each channel is a separate
stream (offering IProducer/IConsumer)
To create a channel, call `c = w.create_channel()` on a dilated wormhole. The
"channel ID" can be obtained with `c.get_id()`. This ID will be a short
(unicode) string, which can be sent to the other side via a normal
`w.send()`, or any other means. On the other side, use `c =
w.open_channel(channel_id)` to get a matching channel object.
Then use `c.send(data)` and `d=c.when_received()` to exchange data, or wire
them up with `c.registerProducer()`. Note that channels do not close until
the wormhole connection is closed, so they do not have separate `close()`
methods or events. Therefore if you plan to send files through them, you'll
need to inform the recipient ahead of time about how many bytes to expect.
## Bytes, Strings, Unicode, and Python 3
All cryptographically-sensitive parameters are passed as bytes ("str" in
python2, "bytes" in python3):
* verifier string
* data in/out
* transit records in/out
Other (human-facing) values are always unicode ("unicode" in python2, "str"
in python3):
* wormhole code
* relay URL
* transit URLs
* transit connection hints (e.g. "host:port")
* application identifier
* derived-key "purpose" string: `w.derive_key(PURPOSE, LENGTH)`
## Full API list
action | Deferred-Mode | Delegated-Mode
------------------ | -------------------- | --------------
w.generate_code() | |
w.set_code(code) | |
h=w.input_code() | |
. | d=w.when_code() | dg.wormhole_code(code)
. | d=w.when_verified() | dg.wormhole_verified(verifier)
. | d=w.when_version() | dg.wormhole_version(version)
w.send(data) | |
. | d=w.when_received() | dg.wormhole_received(data)
key=w.derive_key(purpose, length) | |
w.close() | | dg.wormhole_closed(result)
. | d=w.close() |