2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
class StateMachineError(Exception):
class _Transition:
def __init__(self, goto, color=None):
self._goto = goto
self._extra_dot_attrs = {}
if color:
self._extra_dot_attrs["color"] = color
self._extra_dot_attrs["fontcolor"] = color
def _dot_attrs(self):
return self._extra_dot_attrs
class _State:
def __init__(self, m, name, extra_dot_attrs):
assert isinstance(m, Machine)
self.m = m
self._name = name
self._extra_dot_attrs = extra_dot_attrs
self.eventmap = {}
def upon(self, event, goto, color=None):
if event in self.eventmap:
raise StateMachineError("event already registered")
t = _Transition(goto, color=color)
self.eventmap[event] = t
def _dot_name(self):
return "S_"+self._name
def _dot_attrs(self):
attrs = {"label": self._name}
return attrs
class _Event:
def __init__(self, m, name):
assert isinstance(m, Machine)
self.m = m
self._name = name
def __call__(self): # *args, **kwargs
# return value?
def _dot_name(self):
return "E_"+self._name
def _dot_attrs(self):
return {"label": self._name}
class _Action:
def __init__(self, m, f, extra_dot_attrs):
self.m = m
self.f = f
self._extra_dot_attrs = extra_dot_attrs
self.next_goto = None
self._name = f.__name__
def goto(self, next_goto, color=None):
if self.next_goto:
raise StateMachineError("Action.goto() called twice")
self.next_goto = _Transition(next_goto, color=color)
def __call__(self): # *args, **kwargs ?
raise StateMachineError("don't call Actions directly")
def _dot_name(self):
return "A_"+self._name
def _dot_attrs(self):
attrs = {"shape": "box", "label": self._name}
return attrs
def format_attrs(**kwargs):
# return "", or "[attr=value attr=value]"
if not kwargs or all([not(v) for v in kwargs.values()]):
return ""
def escape(s):
return s.replace('\n', r'\n').replace('"', r'\"')
pieces = ['%s="%s"' % (k, escape(kwargs[k]))
for k in sorted(kwargs)
if kwargs[k]]
body = " ".join(pieces)
return "[%s]" % body
class Machine:
2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def __init__(self):
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
self._initial_state = None
self._states = set()
self._events = set()
self._actions = set()
self._current_state = None
def _maybe_start(self):
if self._current_state:
if not self._initial_state:
raise StateMachineError("no initial state")
self._current_state = self._initial_state
def _handle_event(self, event): # other args?
assert event in self._events
goto = self._current_state.eventmap.get(event)
if not goto:
raise StateMachineError("no transition for event %s from state %s"
% (event, self._current_state))
# execute: ordering concerns here
while not isinstance(goto, _State):
assert isinstance(goto, _Action)
next_goto = goto.next_goto
goto.f() # args?
goto = next_goto
assert isinstance(goto, _State)
self._current_state = goto
def _describe(self):
print "current state:", self._current_state
def _dump_dot(self, f):
f.write("digraph {\n")
for s in sorted(self._states):
f.write(" %s %s\n" % (s._dot_name(), format_attrs(**s._dot_attrs())))
for a in sorted(self._actions):
f.write(" %s %s\n" % (a._dot_name(), format_attrs(**a._dot_attrs())))
for s in sorted(self._states):
for e in sorted(s.eventmap):
t = s.eventmap[e]
goto = t._goto
attrs = {"label": e._name}
f.write(" %s -> %s %s\n" % (s._dot_name(), goto._dot_name(),
for a in sorted(self._actions):
t = a.next_goto
f.write(" %s -> %s %s\n" % (a._dot_name(), t._goto._dot_name(),
2016-12-28 21:44:48 +00:00
# all descriptions are from the state machine's point of view
# States are gerunds: Foo-ing
# Events are past-tense verbs: Foo-ed, as in "I have been Foo-ed"
# * machine.do(event) ? vs machine.fooed()
# Actions are immediate-tense verbs: foo, connect
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
def State(self, name, initial=False, **dot_attrs):
s = _State(self, name, dot_attrs)
if initial:
if self._initial_state:
raise StateMachineError("duplicate initial state")
self._initial_state = s
return s
def Event(self, name):
e = _Event(self, name)
return e
def action(self, **dotattrs):
def wrap(f):
a = _Action(self, f, dotattrs)
return a
return wrap
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
class ConnectionMachine:
def __init__(self, ws_url):
self._ws_url = ws_url
#self._f = f = WSFactory(self._ws_url)
#f.setProtocolOptions(autoPingInterval=60, autoPingTimeout=600)
#f.connection_machine = self # calls onOpen and onClose
2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
p = urlparse(self._ws_url)
self._ep = self._make_endpoint(p.hostname, p.port or 80)
self._connector = None
self._done_d = defer.Deferred()
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
def _make_endpoint(self, hostname, port):
return None
2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
# "@action" marks a method as doing something, then moving to a state or
# another action. "=State()" marks a state, where we want for an event.
# "=Event()" marks an event, which causes us to move out of a state,
# through zero or more actions, and eventually landing in some other
# state.
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
m = Machine()
starting = m.State("starting", initial=True, color="orange")
connecting = m.State("connecting", color="orange")
negotiating = m.State("negotiating", color="orange")
open = m.State("open", color="green")
waiting = m.State("waiting", color="blue")
reconnecting = m.State("reconnecting", color="blue")
disconnecting = m.State("disconnecting", color="orange")
cancelling = m.State("cancelling")
stopped = m.State("stopped", color="orange")
CM_start = m.Event("CM_start")
d_callback = m.Event("d_callback")
d_errback = m.Event("d_errback")
onOpen = m.Event("onOpen")
onClose = m.Event("onClose")
stop = m.Event("stop")
expire = m.Event("expire")
2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def connect1(self):
d = self._ep.connect()
d.addCallbacks(self.c1_d_callback, self.c1_d_errback)
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def notify_fail(self, ARGS):
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def opened(self):
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2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def dropConnectionWhileNegotiating(self):
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2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def dropOpenConnection(self):
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def lostConnection(self):
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2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def start_timer(self):
self._timer = reactor.callLater(self._timeout, self.expire)
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def reconnect(self):
d = self._ep.connect()
d.addCallbacks(self.c1_d_callback, self.c1_d_errback)
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2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def reset_timer(self):
self._timeout = self.INITIAL_TIMEOUT
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def cancel_timer(self):
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2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def d_cancel(self):
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2016-12-28 07:53:16 +00:00
def MC_stopped(self):
def c1_d_callback(self, p):
def c1_d_errback(self, f):
def p_onClose(self, why):
def p_onOpen(self):
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
starting.upon(CM_start, goto=connect1, color="orange")
connecting.upon(d_callback, goto=negotiating, color="orange")
connecting.upon(d_errback, goto=notify_fail, color="red")
connecting.upon(onClose, goto=notify_fail, color="red")
connecting.upon(stop, goto=d_cancel)
negotiating.upon(onOpen, goto=opened, color="orange")
negotiating.upon(onClose, goto=notify_fail, color="red")
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negotiating.upon(stop, goto=dropConnectionWhileNegotiating)
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open.upon(onClose, goto=lostConnection, color="blue")
open.upon(stop, goto=dropOpenConnection, color="orange")
waiting.upon(expire, goto=reconnect, color="blue")
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waiting.upon(stop, goto=cancel_timer)
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reconnecting.upon(d_callback, goto=reset_timer, color="blue")
2016-12-28 21:44:48 +00:00
reconnecting.upon(d_errback, goto=start_timer)
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reconnecting.upon(stop, goto=d_cancel)
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disconnecting.upon(onClose, goto=MC_stopped, color="orange")
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cancelling.upon(d_errback, goto=MC_stopped)
2016-12-28 21:04:20 +00:00
connect1.goto(connecting, color="orange")
notify_fail.goto(MC_stopped, color="red")
opened.goto(open, color="orange")
dropOpenConnection.goto(disconnecting, color="orange")
lostConnection.goto(start_timer, color="blue")
start_timer.goto(waiting, color="blue")
reconnect.goto(reconnecting, color="blue")
reset_timer.goto(negotiating, color="blue")
MC_stopped.goto(stopped, color="orange")
CM = ConnectionMachine("ws://host")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys