2022-06-13 12:10:24 -07:00

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title: Dictionary
Squiggle dictionaries work similar to Python dictionaries. The syntax is similar to objects in Javascript.
Dictionaries are unordered and duplicates are not allowed. They are meant to be immutable, like most types in Squiggle.
valueFromOfficeItems = {
keyboard: 1,
chair: 0.01 to 0.5,
headphones: "ToDo"
valueFromHomeItems = {
monitor: 1,
bed: 0.2 to 0.6,
lights: 0.02 to 0.2,
coffee: 5 to 20
homeToItemsConversion = 0.1 to 0.4
conversionFn(i) = [i[0], i[1] * homeToItemsConversion]
updatedValueFromHomeItems = valueFromHomeItems |> Dict.toList |> map(conversionFn) |> Dict.fromList
allItems = merge(valueFromOfficeItems, updatedValueFromHomeItems)
### toList
Dict.toList: (dict<'a>) => list<list<string|a>>
Dict.toList({ foo: 3, bar: 20 }); // [["foo", 3], ["bar", 20]]
### fromList
Dict.fromList: (list<list<string|'a>>) => dict<'a>
["foo", 3],
["bar", 20],
]); // {foo: 3, bar: 20}
### keys
Dict.keys: (dict<'a>) => list<string>
Dict.keys({ foo: 3, bar: 20 }); // ["foo", "bar"]
### values
Dict.values: (dict<'a>) => list<'a>
Dict.values({ foo: 3, bar: 20 }); // [3, 20]
### merge
Dict.merge: (dict<'a>, dict<'b>) => dict<'a|b>
first = { a: 1, b: 2 };
snd = { b: 3, c: 5 };
Dict.merge(first, snd); // {a: 1, b: 3, c: 5}
### mergeMany
Dict.mergeMany: (list<dict<'a>>) => dict<'a>
first = { a: 1, b: 2 };
snd = { b: 3, c: 5 };
Dict.mergeMany([first, snd]); // {a: 1, b: 3, c: 5}