214 lines
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214 lines
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//TODO: multimodal, add interface, split up a little bit, test somehow, track performance, refactor sampleSet, refactor ASTEvaluator.res.
type genericDist = GenericDist_Types.genericDist
type error = GenericDist_Types.error
type toPointSetFn = genericDist => result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error>
type toSampleSetFn = genericDist => result<array<float>, error>
type t = genericDist
let sampleN = (n, t: t) =>
switch t {
| #PointSet(r) => Ok(PointSetDist.sampleNRendered(n, r))
| #Symbolic(r) => Ok(SymbolicDist.T.sampleN(n, r))
| #SampleSet(_) => Error(GenericDist_Types.NotYetImplemented)
let toString = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| #PointSet(_) => "Point Set Distribution"
| #Symbolic(r) => SymbolicDist.T.toString(r)
| #SampleSet(_) => "Sample Set Distribution"
let normalize = (t: t) =>
switch t {
| #PointSet(r) => #PointSet(PointSetDist.T.normalize(r))
| #Symbolic(_) => t
| #SampleSet(_) => t
let operationToFloat = (toPointSet: toPointSetFn, fnName, t: genericDist): result<float, error> => {
let symbolicSolution = switch t {
| #Symbolic(r) =>
switch SymbolicDist.T.operate(fnName, r) {
| Ok(f) => Some(f)
| _ => None
| _ => None
switch symbolicSolution {
| Some(r) => Ok(r)
| None => toPointSet(t) |> E.R.fmap(PointSetDist.operate(fnName))
//TODO: Refactor this bit.
let defaultSamplingInputs: SamplingInputs.samplingInputs = {
sampleCount: 10000,
outputXYPoints: 10000,
pointSetDistLength: 1000,
kernelWidth: None,
let toPointSet = (xyPointLength, t: t): result<PointSetTypes.pointSetDist, error> => {
switch t {
| #PointSet(pointSet) => Ok(pointSet)
| #Symbolic(r) => Ok(SymbolicDist.T.toPointSetDist(xyPointLength, r))
| #SampleSet(r) => {
let response = SampleSet.toPointSetDist(
switch response {
| Some(r) => Ok(r)
| None => Error(Other("Converting sampleSet to pointSet failed"))
module Truncate = {
let trySymbolicSimplification = (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t): option<t> =>
switch (leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) {
| (None, None, _) => None
| (lc, rc, #Symbolic(#Uniform(u))) if lc < rc =>
Some(#Symbolic(#Uniform(SymbolicDist.Uniform.truncate(lc, rc, u))))
| _ => None
let run = (
toPointSet: toPointSetFn,
leftCutoff: option<float>,
rightCutoff: option<float>,
t: t,
): result<t, error> => {
let doesNotNeedCutoff = E.O.isNone(leftCutoff) && E.O.isNone(rightCutoff)
if doesNotNeedCutoff {
} else {
switch trySymbolicSimplification(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t) {
| Some(r) => Ok(r)
| None =>
toPointSet(t) |> E.R.fmap(t =>
#PointSet(PointSetDist.T.truncate(leftCutoff, rightCutoff, t))
/* Given two random variables A and B, this returns the distribution
of a new variable that is the result of the operation on A and B.
For instance, normal(0, 1) + normal(1, 1) -> normal(1, 2).
In general, this is implemented via convolution. */
module AlgebraicCombination = {
let tryAnalyticalSimplification = (
operation: GenericDist_Types.Operation.arithmeticOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
): option<result<SymbolicDistTypes.symbolicDist, string>> =>
switch (operation, t1, t2) {
| (operation, #Symbolic(d1), #Symbolic(d2)) =>
switch SymbolicDist.T.tryAnalyticalSimplification(d1, d2, operation) {
| #AnalyticalSolution(symbolicDist) => Some(Ok(symbolicDist))
| #Error(er) => Some(Error(er))
| #NoSolution => None
| _ => None
let runConvolution = (
toPointSet: toPointSetFn,
operation: GenericDist_Types.Operation.arithmeticOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
) =>
E.R.merge(toPointSet(t1), toPointSet(t2)) |> E.R.fmap(((a, b)) =>
PointSetDist.combineAlgebraically(operation, a, b)
let runMonteCarlo = (
toSampleSet: toSampleSetFn,
operation: GenericDist_Types.Operation.arithmeticOperation,
t1: t,
t2: t,
) => {
E.R.merge(toSampleSet(t1), toSampleSet(t2)) |> E.R.fmap(((a, b)) => {
Belt.Array.zip(a, b) |> E.A.fmap(((a, b)) => Operation.Algebraic.toFn(operation, a, b))
//I'm (Ozzie) really just guessing here, very little idea what's best
let expectedConvolutionCost: t => int = x =>
switch x {
| #Symbolic(#Float(_)) => 1
| #Symbolic(_) => 1000
| #PointSet(Discrete(m)) => m.xyShape |> XYShape.T.length
| #PointSet(Mixed(_)) => 1000
| #PointSet(Continuous(_)) => 1000
| _ => 1000
let chooseConvolutionOrMonteCarlo = (t2: t, t1: t) =>
expectedConvolutionCost(t1) * expectedConvolutionCost(t2) > 10000
? #CalculateWithMonteCarlo
: #CalculateWithConvolution
let run = (
toPointSet: toPointSetFn,
toSampleSet: toSampleSetFn,
t1: t,
t2: t,
): result<t, error> => {
switch tryAnalyticalSimplification(algebraicOp, t1, t2) {
| Some(Ok(symbolicDist)) => Ok(#Symbolic(symbolicDist))
| Some(Error(e)) => Error(Other(e))
| None =>
switch chooseConvolutionOrMonteCarlo(t1, t2) {
| #CalculateWithMonteCarlo =>
runMonteCarlo(toSampleSet, algebraicOp, t1, t2) |> E.R.fmap(r => #SampleSet(r))
| #CalculateWithConvolution =>
runConvolution(toPointSet, algebraicOp, t1, t2) |> E.R.fmap(r => #PointSet(r))
//TODO: Add faster pointwiseCombine fn
let pointwiseCombination = (toPointSet: toPointSetFn, operation, t2: t, t1: t): result<
> => {
E.R.merge(toPointSet(t1), toPointSet(t2))
|> E.R.fmap(((t1, t2)) =>
PointSetDist.combinePointwise(GenericDist_Types.Operation.arithmeticToFn(operation), t1, t2)
|> E.R.fmap(r => #PointSet(r))
let pointwiseCombinationFloat = (
toPointSet: toPointSetFn,
operation: GenericDist_Types.Operation.arithmeticOperation,
f: float,
t: t,
): result<t, error> => {
switch operation {
| #Add | #Subtract => Error(GenericDist_Types.DistributionVerticalShiftIsInvalid)
| (#Multiply | #Divide | #Exponentiate | #Log) as operation =>
toPointSet(t) |> E.R.fmap(t => {
//TODO: Move to PointSet codebase
let fn = (secondary, main) => Operation.Scale.toFn(operation, main, secondary)
let integralSumCacheFn = Operation.Scale.toIntegralSumCacheFn(operation)
let integralCacheFn = Operation.Scale.toIntegralCacheFn(operation)
} |> E.R.fmap(r => #PointSet(r))