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Raw Normal View History

2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
type normal = {
mean: float,
stdev: float,
type lognormal = {
mu: float,
sigma: float,
type uniform = {
low: float,
high: float,
type beta = {
alpha: float,
beta: float,
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
type exponential = {rate: float};
type cauchy = {
local: float,
scale: float,
type triangular = {
low: float,
medium: float,
high: float,
type continuousShape = {
pdf: DistTypes.continuousShape,
cdf: DistTypes.continuousShape,
type contType = [ | `Continuous | `Discrete];
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
type dist = [
| `Normal(normal)
| `Beta(beta)
| `Lognormal(lognormal)
| `Uniform(uniform)
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
| `Exponential(exponential)
| `Cauchy(cauchy)
| `Triangular(triangular)
| `ContinuousShape(continuousShape)
| `Float(float) // Dirac delta at x. Practically useful only in the context of multimodals.
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
type integral = float;
type cutoffX = float;
type operation = [
| `AddOperation
| `SubtractOperation
| `MultiplyOperation
| `DivideOperation
| `ExponentiateOperation
type distTree = [
| `Distribution(dist)
| `Combination(distTree, distTree, operation)
| `PointwiseSum(distTree, distTree)
| `PointwiseProduct(distTree, distTree)
| `VerticalScaling(distTree, distTree)
| `Normalize(distTree)
| `LeftTruncate(distTree, cutoffX)
| `RightTruncate(distTree, cutoffX)
| `Render(distTree)
and weightedDists = array((distTree, float));
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
module ContinuousShape = {
type t = continuousShape;
let make = (pdf, cdf): t => {pdf, cdf};
let pdf = (x, t: t) =>
Distributions.Continuous.T.xToY(x, t.pdf).continuous;
let inv = (p, t: t) =>
Distributions.Continuous.T.xToY(p, t.pdf).continuous;
// TODO: Fix the sampling, to have it work correctly.
let sample = (t: t) => 3.0;
let toString = t => {j|CustomContinuousShape|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
module Exponential = {
type t = exponential;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.exponential##pdf(x, t.rate);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.exponential##inv(p, t.rate);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.exponential##sample(t.rate);
let toString = ({rate}: t) => {j|Exponential($rate)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
module Cauchy = {
type t = cauchy;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##pdf(x, t.local, t.scale);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##inv(p, t.local, t.scale);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.cauchy##sample(t.local, t.scale);
let toString = ({local, scale}: t) => {j|Cauchy($local, $scale)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
module Triangular = {
type t = triangular;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.triangular##pdf(x, t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.triangular##inv(p, t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.triangular##sample(t.low, t.high, t.medium);
let toString = ({low, medium, high}: t) => {j|Triangular($low, $medium, $high)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
module Normal = {
type t = normal;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.normal##pdf(x, t.mean, t.stdev);
let from90PercentCI = (low, high) => {
let mean = E.A.Floats.mean([|low, high|]);
let stdev = (high -. low) /. (2. *. 1.644854);
`Normal({mean, stdev});
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.normal##inv(p, t.mean, t.stdev);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.normal##sample(t.mean, t.stdev);
let toString = ({mean, stdev}: t) => {j|Normal($mean,$stdev)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
module Beta = {
type t = beta;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.beta##pdf(x, t.alpha, t.beta);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.beta##inv(p, t.alpha, t.beta);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.beta##sample(t.alpha, t.beta);
let toString = ({alpha, beta}: t) => {j|Beta($alpha,$beta)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
module Lognormal = {
type t = lognormal;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##pdf(x, t.mu, t.sigma);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##inv(p, t.mu, t.sigma);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.lognormal##sample(t.mu, t.sigma);
let toString = ({mu, sigma}: t) => {j|Lognormal($mu,$sigma)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let from90PercentCI = (low, high) => {
let logLow = Js.Math.log(low);
let logHigh = Js.Math.log(high);
2020-03-26 23:18:19 +00:00
let mu = E.A.Floats.mean([|logLow, logHigh|]);
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let sigma = (logHigh -. logLow) /. (2.0 *. 1.645);
`Lognormal({mu, sigma});
let fromMeanAndStdev = (mean, stdev) => {
let variance = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=stdev, ~exp=2.0);
let meanSquared = Js.Math.pow_float(~base=mean, ~exp=2.0);
let mu =
Js.Math.log(mean) -. 0.5 *. Js.Math.log(variance /. meanSquared +. 1.0);
let sigma =
~base=Js.Math.log(variance /. meanSquared +. 1.0),
`Lognormal({mu, sigma});
module Uniform = {
type t = uniform;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => Jstat.uniform##pdf(x, t.low, t.high);
let inv = (p, t: t) => Jstat.uniform##inv(p, t.low, t.high);
let sample = (t: t) => Jstat.uniform##sample(t.low, t.high);
let toString = ({low, high}: t) => {j|Uniform($low,$high)|j};
let contType: contType = `Continuous;
module Float = {
type t = float;
let pdf = (x, t: t) => x == t ? 1.0 : 0.0;
let inv = (p, t: t) => p < t ? 0.0 : 1.0;
let sample = (t: t) => t;
let toString = Js.Float.toString;
let contType: contType = `Discrete;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
module GenericSimple = {
let minCdfValue = 0.0001;
let maxCdfValue = 0.9999;
let pdf = (x, dist) =>
switch (dist) {
| `Normal(n) => Normal.pdf(x, n)
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.pdf(x, n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.pdf(x, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.pdf(x, n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.pdf(x, n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.pdf(x, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.pdf(x, n)
| `Float(n) => Float.pdf(x, n)
| `ContinuousShape(n) => ContinuousShape.pdf(x, n)
let contType = (dist: dist): contType =>
switch (dist) {
| `Normal(_) => Normal.contType
| `Triangular(_) => Triangular.contType
| `Exponential(_) => Exponential.contType
| `Cauchy(_) => Cauchy.contType
| `Lognormal(_) => Lognormal.contType
| `Uniform(_) => Uniform.contType
| `Beta(_) => Beta.contType
| `Float(_) => Float.contType
| `ContinuousShape(_) => ContinuousShape.contType
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let inv = (x, dist) =>
switch (dist) {
| `Normal(n) => Normal.inv(x, n)
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.inv(x, n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(x, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(x, n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(x, n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.inv(x, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.inv(x, n)
| `Float(n) => Float.inv(x, n)
| `ContinuousShape(n) => ContinuousShape.inv(x, n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
let sample: dist => float =
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Normal(n) => Normal.sample(n)
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.sample(n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.sample(n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.sample(n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.sample(n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.sample(n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.sample(n)
| `Float(n) => Float.sample(n)
| `ContinuousShape(n) => ContinuousShape.sample(n);
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
let toString: dist => string =
| `Triangular(n) => Triangular.toString(n)
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.toString(n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.toString(n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Normal(n) => Normal.toString(n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.toString(n)
| `Uniform(n) => Uniform.toString(n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.toString(n)
| `Float(n) => Float.toString(n)
| `ContinuousShape(n) => ContinuousShape.toString(n);
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
let min: dist => float =
| `Triangular({low}) => low
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(minCdfValue, n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Normal(n) => Normal.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Uniform({low}) => low
| `Beta(n) => Beta.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `ContinuousShape(n) => ContinuousShape.inv(minCdfValue, n)
| `Float(n) => n;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
2020-03-26 16:01:52 +00:00
let max: dist => float =
| `Triangular(n) => n.high
| `Exponential(n) => Exponential.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Cauchy(n) => Cauchy.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
| `Normal(n) => Normal.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Lognormal(n) => Lognormal.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Beta(n) => Beta.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `ContinuousShape(n) => ContinuousShape.inv(maxCdfValue, n)
| `Uniform({high}) => high
| `Float(n) => n;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
/* This function returns a list of x's at which to evaluate the overall distribution (for rendering).
This function is called separately for each individual distribution.
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
When called with xSelection=`Linear, this function will return (n) x's, evenly
distributed between the min and max of the distribution (whatever those are defined to be above).
When called with xSelection=`ByWeight, this function will distribute the x's such as to
match the cumulative shape of the distribution. This is slower but may give better results.
2020-03-25 15:12:39 +00:00
let interpolateXs =
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
(~xSelection: [ | `Linear | `ByWeight]=`Linear, dist: dist, n) => {
2020-06-03 16:24:55 +00:00
switch (xSelection, dist) {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
| (`Linear, _) => E.A.Floats.range(min(dist), max(dist), n)
2020-06-03 16:24:55 +00:00
| (`ByWeight, `Uniform(n)) =>
// In `ByWeight mode, uniform distributions get special treatment because we need two x's
// on either side for proper rendering (just left and right of the discontinuities).
2020-06-03 16:24:55 +00:00
let dx = 0.00001 *. (n.high -. n.low);
[|n.low -. dx, n.low +. dx, n.high -. dx, n.high +. dx|];
| (`ByWeight, _) =>
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let ys = E.A.Floats.range(minCdfValue, maxCdfValue, n);
ys |> E.A.fmap(y => inv(y, dist));
2020-03-25 15:12:39 +00:00
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let toShape =
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
(~xSelection: [ | `Linear | `ByWeight]=`Linear, dist: dist, n)
: DistTypes.shape => {
switch (dist) {
| `ContinuousShape(n) => n.pdf |> Distributions.Continuous.T.toShape
| dist =>
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let xs = interpolateXs(~xSelection, dist, n);
let ys = xs |> E.A.fmap(r => pdf(r, dist));
XYShape.T.fromArrays(xs, ys)
|> Distributions.Continuous.make(`Linear, _)
|> Distributions.Continuous.T.toShape;
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
module DistTree = {
type nodeResult = [
| `Distribution(dist)
// RenderedShape: continuous xyShape, discrete xyShape, total value.
| `RenderedShape(DistTypes.continuousShape, DistTypes.discreteShape, integral)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let evaluateDistribution = (d: dist): nodeResult => {
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
// This is a performance bottleneck!
// Using raw JS here so we can use native for loops and access array elements
// directly, without option checks.
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let jsContinuousCombinationConvolve: (array(float), array(float), array(float), array(float), float => float => float) => array(array((float, float))) = [%bs.raw
function (s1xs, s1ys, s2xs, s2ys, func) {
// For continuous-continuous convolution, use linear interpolation.
// Let's assume we got downsampled distributions
const outXYShapes = new Array(s1xs.length);
for (let i = 0; i < s1xs.length; i++) {
// create a new distribution
const dxyShape = new Array(s2xs.length);
for (let j = 0; j < s2xs.length; j++) {
dxyShape[j] = [func(s1xs[i], s2xs[j]), (s1ys[i] * s2ys[j])];
outXYShapes[i] = dxyShape;
return outXYShapes;
let jsDiscreteCombinationConvolve: (array(float), array(float), array(float), array(float), float => float => float) => (array(float), array(float)) = [%bs.raw
function (s1xs, s1ys, s2xs, s2ys, func) {
const r = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < s1xs.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < s2xs.length; j++) {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
const x = func(s1xs[i], s2xs[j]);
const cv = r.get(x) | 0;
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
r.set(x, cv + s1ys[i] * s2ys[j]); // add up the ys, if same x
const rxys = [...r.entries()];
rxys.sort(([x1, y1], [x2, y2]) => x1 - x2);
const rxs = new Array(rxys.length);
const rys = new Array(rxys.length);
for (let i = 0; i < rxys.length; i++) {
rxs[i] = rxys[i][0];
rys[i] = rxys[i][1];
return [rxs, rys];
let funcFromOp = (op: operation) => {
switch (op) {
| `AddOperation => (+.)
| `SubtractOperation => (-.)
| `MultiplyOperation => (*.)
| `DivideOperation => (/.)
| `ExponentiateOperation => (**)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let renderDistributionToXYShape = (d: dist, n: int): (DistTypes.continuousShape, DistTypes.discreteShape) => {
// render the distribution into an XY shape
switch (d) {
| `Float(v) => (Distributions.Continuous.empty, {xs: [|v|], ys: [|1.0|]})
| _ => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let xs = GenericSimple.interpolateXs(~xSelection=`ByWeight, d, n);
let ys = xs |> E.A.fmap(x => GenericSimple.pdf(x, d));
(Distributions.Continuous.make(`Linear, {xs: xs, ys: ys}), XYShape.T.empty)
let combinationDistributionOfXYShapes = (sc1: DistTypes.continuousShape, // continuous shape
sd1: DistTypes.discreteShape, // discrete shape
sc2: DistTypes.continuousShape,
sd2: DistTypes.discreteShape, func): (DistTypes.continuousShape, DistTypes.discreteShape) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
// First, deal with the discrete-discrete convolution:
let (ddxs, ddys) = jsDiscreteCombinationConvolve(sd1.xs, sd1.ys, sd2.xs, sd2.ys, func);
let ddxy: DistTypes.discreteShape = {xs: cdxs, ys: cdys};
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
// Then, do the other three:
let downsample = (sc: DistTypes.continuousShape) => {
let scLength = E.A.length(sc.xyShape.xs);
let scSqLength = sqrt(float_of_int(scLength));
scSqLength > 10. ? Distributions.Continuous.T.truncate(int_of_float(scSqLength), sc) : sc;
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let combinePointConvolutionResults = ccs
|> E.A.fmap(s => {
// s is an array of (x, y) objects
let (xs, ys) = Belt.Array.unzip(s);
Distributions.Continuous.make(`Linear, {xs, ys});
|> Distributions.Continuous.reduce((+.));
let sc1d = downsample(sc1);
let sc2d = downsample(sc2);
let ccxy = jsContinuousCombinationConvolve(sc1d.xyShape.xs, sc1d.xyShape.ys, sc2d.xyShape.xs, sc2d.xyShape.ys, func) |> combinePointConvolutionResults;
let dcxy = jsContinuousCombinationConvolve(sc1d.xyShape.xs, sc1d.xyShape.ys, sc2d.xyShape.xs, sc2d.xyShape.ys, func) |> combinePointConvolutionResults;
let cdxy = jsContinuousCombinationConvolve(sc1d.xyShape.xs, sc1d.xyShape.ys, sc2d.xyShape.xs, sc2d.xyShape.ys, func) |> combinePointConvolutionResults;
let continuousShapeSum = Distributions.Continuous.reduce((+.), [|ccxy, dcxy, cdxy|]);
(continuousShapeSum, ddxy)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let evaluateCombinationDistribution = (et1: nodeResult, et2: nodeResult, op: operation, n: int) => {
/* return either a Distribution or a RenderedShape. Must integrate to 1. */
let func = funcFromOp(op);
switch ((et1, et2, op)) {
/* Known cases: replace symbolic with symbolic distribution */
| (`Distribution(`Float(v1)), `Distribution(`Float(v2)), _) => {
`Distribution(`Float(func(v1, v2)))
2020-06-13 06:53:01 +00:00
| (`Distribution(`Normal(n2)), `Distribution(`Float(v1)), `AddOperation)
| (`Distribution(`Float(v1)), `Distribution(`Normal(n2)), `AddOperation) => {
let n: normal = {mean: v1 +. n2.mean, stdev: n2.stdev};
| (`Distribution(`Normal(n1)), `Distribution(`Normal(n2)), `AddOperation) => {
let n: normal = {mean: n1.mean +. n2.mean, stdev: sqrt(n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.)};
2020-06-13 06:53:01 +00:00
| (`Distribution(`Normal(n1)), `Distribution(`Normal(n2)), `SubtractOperation) => {
let n: normal = {mean: n1.mean -. n2.mean, stdev: sqrt(n1.stdev ** 2. +. n2.stdev ** 2.)};
| (`Distribution(`Lognormal(l1)), `Distribution(`Lognormal(l2)), `MultiplyOperation) => {
let l: lognormal = {mu: l1.mu +. l2.mu, sigma: l1.sigma +. l2.sigma};
| (`Distribution(`Lognormal(l1)), `Distribution(`Lognormal(l2)), `DivideOperation) => {
let l: lognormal = {mu: l1.mu -. l2.mu, sigma: l1.sigma +. l2.sigma};
/* General cases: convolve the XYShapes */
| (`Distribution(d1), `Distribution(d2), _) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc1, sd1) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
let (sc2, sd2) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d2, n);
let (sc, sd) = combinationDistributionOfXYShapes(sc1, sd1, sc2, sd2, func);
`RenderedShape(sc, sd, 1.0)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
| (`Distribution(d2), `RenderedShape(sc1, sd1, i1), _)
| (`RenderedShape(sc1, sd1, i1), `Distribution(d2), _) => {
let (sc1, sd1) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
let (sc, sd) = combinationDistributionOfXYShapes(sc1, sd1, sc2, sd2, func);
`RenderedShape(sc, sd, i2)
| (`RenderedShape(sc1, sd1, i1), `RenderedShape(sc2, sd2, i2), _) => {
// sum of two multimodals that have a continuous and discrete each.
let (sc, sd) = combinationDistributionOfXYShapes(sc1, sd1, sc2, sd2, func);
`RenderedShape(sc, sd, i1);
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let evaluatePointwiseSum = (et1: nodeResult, et2: nodeResult, n: int) => {
switch ((et1, et2)) {
/* Known cases: */
| (`Distribution(`Float(v1)), `Distribution(`Float(v2))) => {
v1 == v2
? `RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.make({xs: [|v1|], ys: [|2.|]}), 2.)
: `RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.) // TODO: add warning: shouldn't pointwise add scalars.
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
| (`Distribution(`Float(v1)), `Distribution(d2))
| (`Distribution(d2), `Distribution(`Float(v1))) => {
let sd1: DistTypes.xyShape = {xs: [|v1|], ys: [|1.|]};
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc2, sd2) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d2, n);
`RenderedShape(sc2, Distributions.Discrete.reduce((+.), [|sd1, sd2|]), 2.)
| (`Distribution(d1), `Distribution(d2)) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc1, sd1) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
let (sc2, sd2) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d2, n);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.reduce((+.), [|sc1, sc2|]), Distributions.Discrete.reduce((+.), [|sd1, sd2|]), 2.)
| (`Distribution(d1), `RenderedShape(sc2, sd2, i2))
| (`RenderedShape(sc2, sd2, i2), `Distribution(d1)) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc1, sd1) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.reduce((+.), [|sc1, sc2|]), Distributions.Discrete.reduce((+.), [|sd1, sd2|]), 1. +. i2)
| (`RenderedShape(sc1, sd1, i1), `RenderedShape(sc2, sd2, i2)) => {
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.reduce((+.), [|sc1, sc2|]), Distributions.Discrete.reduce((+.), [|sd1, sd2|]), i1 +. i2)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let evaluatePointwiseProduct = (et1: nodeResult, et2: nodeResult, n: int) => {
switch ((et1, et2)) {
/* Known cases: */
| (`Distribution(`Float(v1)), `Distribution(`Float(v2))) => {
v1 == v2
? `RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.make({xs: [|v1|], ys: [|1.|]}), 1.)
: `RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.) // TODO: add warning: shouldn't pointwise multiply scalars.
| (`Distribution(`Float(v1)), `Distribution(d2)) => {
// evaluate d2 at v1
let y = GenericSimple.pdf(v1, d2);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.make({xs: [|v1|], ys: [|y|]}), y)
| (`Distribution(d1), `Distribution(`Float(v2))) => {
// evaluate d1 at v2
let y = GenericSimple.pdf(v2, d1);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.make({xs: [|v2|], ys: [|y|]}), y)
| (`Distribution(`Normal(n1)), `Distribution(`Normal(n2))) => {
let mean = (n1.mean *. n2.stdev**2. +. n2.mean *. n1.stdev**2.) /. (n1.stdev**2. +. n2.stdev**2.);
let stdev = 1. /. ((1. /. n1.stdev**2.) +. (1. /. n2.stdev**2.));
let integral = 0; // TODO
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.)
/* General cases */
| (`Distribution(d1), `Distribution(d2)) => {
// TODO: evaluate integral properly
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc1, sd1) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
let (sc2, sd2) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d2, n);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.)
| (`Distribution(d1), `RenderedShape(sc2, sd2, i2)) => {
// TODO: evaluate integral properly
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc1, sd1) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.)
| (`RenderedShape(sc1, sd1, i1), `Distribution(d1)) => {
// TODO: evaluate integral properly
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc2, sd2) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d1, n);
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.)
| (`RenderedShape(sc1, sd1, i1), `RenderedShape(sc2, sd2, i2)) => {
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let evaluateNormalize = (et: nodeResult, n: int) => {
// just divide everything by the integral.
switch (et) {
2020-06-13 06:53:01 +00:00
| `RenderedShape(sc, sd, 0.) => {
`RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.)
| `RenderedShape(sc, sd, i) => {
// loop through all ys and divide them by i
let normalize = (s: DistTypes.xyShape): DistTypes.xyShape => {xs: s.xs, ys: s.ys |> E.A.fmap(y => y /. i)};
let scn = sc |> Distributions.Continuous.shapeMap(normalize);
let sdn = sd |> normalize;
`RenderedShape(scn, sdn, 1.)
| `Distribution(d) => `Distribution(d) // any kind of atomic dist should already be normalized -- TODO: THIS IS ACTUALLY FALSE! E.g. pointwise product of normal * normal
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let evaluateTruncate = (et: nodeResult, xc: cutoffX, compareFunc: (float, float) => bool, n: int) => {
let cut = (s: DistTypes.xyShape): DistTypes.xyShape => {
let (xs, ys) = s.ys
|> Belt.Array.zip(s.xs)
|> E.A.filter(((x, y)) => compareFunc(x, xc))
|> Belt.Array.unzip
let cutShape: DistTypes.xyShape = {xs, ys};
switch (et) {
| `Distribution(d) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc, sd) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d, n);
let scc = sc |> Distributions.Continuous.shapeMap(cut);
let sdc = sd |> cut;
let newIntegral = 1.; // TODO
`RenderedShape(scc, sdc, newIntegral);
| `RenderedShape(sc, sd, i) => {
let scc = sc |> Distributions.Continuous.shapeMap(cut);
let sdc = sd |> cut;
let newIntegral = 1.; // TODO
`RenderedShape(scc, sdc, newIntegral);
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let evaluateVerticalScaling = (et1: nodeResult, et2: nodeResult, n: int) => {
let scale = (i: float, s: DistTypes.xyShape): DistTypes.xyShape => {xs: s.xs, ys: s.ys |> E.A.fmap(y => y *. i)};
switch ((et1, et2)) {
| (`Distribution(`Float(v)), `Distribution(d))
| (`Distribution(d), `Distribution(`Float(v))) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc, sd) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d, n);
let scc = sc |> Distributions.Continuous.shapeMap(scale(v));
let sdc = sd |> scale(v);
let newIntegral = v; // TODO
`RenderedShape(scc, sdc, newIntegral);
| (`Distribution(`Float(v)), `RenderedShape(sc, sd, i))
| (`RenderedShape(sc, sd, i), `Distribution(`Float(v))) => {
let scc = sc |> Distributions.Continuous.shapeMap(scale(v));
let sdc = sd |> scale(v);
let newIntegral = v; // TODO
`RenderedShape(scc, sdc, newIntegral);
| _ => `RenderedShape(Distributions.Continuous.empty, Distributions.Discrete.empty, 0.) // TODO: give warning
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let renderNode = (et: nodeResult, n: int) => {
switch (et) {
| `Distribution(d) => {
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let (sc, sd) = renderDistributionToXYShape(d, n);
`RenderedShape(sc, sd, 1.0);
| s => s
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let rec evaluateNode = (treeNode: distTree, n: int): nodeResult => {
// returns either a new symbolic distribution
switch (treeNode) {
| `Distribution(d) => evaluateDistribution(d)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
| `Combination(t1, t2, op) => evaluateCombinationDistribution(evaluateNode(t1, n), evaluateNode(t2, n), op, n)
| `PointwiseSum(t1, t2) => evaluatePointwiseSum(evaluateNode(t1, n), evaluateNode(t2, n), n)
| `PointwiseProduct(t1, t2) => evaluatePointwiseProduct(evaluateNode(t1, n), evaluateNode(t2, n), n)
| `VerticalScaling(t1, t2) => evaluateVerticalScaling(evaluateNode(t1, n), evaluateNode(t2, n), n)
| `Normalize(t) => evaluateNormalize(evaluateNode(t, n), n)
| `LeftTruncate(t, x) => evaluateTruncate(evaluateNode(t, n), x, (>=), n)
| `RightTruncate(t, x) => evaluateTruncate(evaluateNode(t, n), x, (<=), n)
| `Render(t) => renderNode(evaluateNode(t, n), n)
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
let toShape = (treeNode: distTree, n: int) => {
let treeShape = evaluateNode(`Render(`Normalize(treeNode)), n);
switch (treeShape) {
| `Distribution(_) => E.O.toExn("No shape found!", None)
| `RenderedShape(sc, sd, _) => {
let shape = MixedShapeBuilder.buildSimple(~continuous=Some(sc), ~discrete=sd);
shape |> E.O.toExt("");
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let rec toString = (treeNode: distTree): string => {
let stringFromOp = op => switch (op) {
| `AddOperation => " + "
| `SubtractOperation => " - "
| `MultiplyOperation => " * "
| `DivideOperation => " / "
| `ExponentiateOperation => "^"
switch (treeNode) {
| `Distribution(d) => GenericSimple.toString(d)
| `Combination(t1, t2, op) => toString(t1) ++ stringFromOp(op) ++ toString(t2)
| `PointwiseSum(t1, t2) => toString(t1) ++ " .+ " ++ toString(t2)
| `PointwiseProduct(t1, t2) => toString(t1) ++ " .* " ++ toString(t2)
| `VerticalScaling(t1, t2) => toString(t1) ++ " @ " ++ toString(t2)
| `Normalize(t) => "normalize(" ++ toString(t) ++ ")"
| `LeftTruncate(t, x) => "leftTruncate(" ++ toString(t) ++ ", " ++ string_of_float(x) ++ ")"
| `RightTruncate(t, x) => "rightTruncate(" ++ toString(t) ++ ", " ++ string_of_float(x) ++ ")"
2020-06-14 01:46:38 +00:00
| `Render(t) => toString(t)
2020-03-24 17:48:46 +00:00
let toString = (treeNode: distTree) => DistTree.toString(treeNode)
let toShape = (sampleCount: int, treeNode: distTree) =>
DistTree.toShape(treeNode, sampleCount) //~xSelection=`ByWeight,