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# Function combinationsWithRep
Compute the number of ways of picking `k` unordered outcomes from `n`
possibilities, allowing individual outcomes to be repeated more than once.
CombinationsWithRep only takes integer arguments.
The following condition must be enforced: k <= n + k -1.
## Syntax
math.combinationsWithRep(n, k)
### Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description
--------- | ---- | -----------
`n` | number &#124; BigNumber | Total number of objects in the set
`k` | number &#124; BigNumber | Number of objects in the subset
### Returns
Type | Description
---- | -----------
number &#124; BigNumber | Number of possible combinations with replacement.
### Throws
Type | Description
---- | -----------
## Examples
math.combinationsWithRep(7, 5) // returns 462
## See also