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Command Line Interface (CLI)

When math.js is installed globally using npm, its expression parser can be used from the command line. To install math.js globally:

$ npm install -g mathjs

Normally, a global installation must be run with admin rights (precede the command with sudo). After installation, the application mathjs is available via the command line:

$ mathjs
> 12 / (2.3 + 0.7)
> 12.7 cm to inch
5 inch
> sin(45 deg) ^ 2
> 9 / 3 + 2i
3 + 2i
> det([-1, 2; 3, 1])

The command line interface can be used to open a prompt, to execute a script, or to pipe input and output streams:

$ mathjs                                 # Open a command prompt
$ mathjs script.txt                      # Run a script file, output to console
$ mathjs script1.txt script2.txt         # Run two script files
$ mathjs script.txt > results.txt        # Run a script file, output to file
$ cat script.txt | mathjs                # Run input stream, output to console
$ cat script.txt | mathjs > results.txt  # Run input stream, output to file

You can also use it to create LaTeX from or sanitize your expressions using the --tex and --string options:

$ mathjs --tex
> 1/2
$ mathjs --string
> (1+1+1)
(1 + 1 + 1)

To change the parenthesis option use the --parenthesis= flag:

$ mathjs --string --parenthesis=auto
> (1+1+1)
1 + 1 + 1
$ mathjs --string --parenthesis=all
> (1+1+1)
(1 + 1) + 1

Command line debugging (REPL)

For debugging purposes, bin/repl.js provides a REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) for interactive testing of mathjs without having to build new build files after every little change to the source files. You can either start it directly (./bin/repl.js) or via node (node bin/repl.js).

You can exit using either [ctrl]-[C] or [ctrl]-[D].

$ ./bin/repl.js 
> math.parse('1+1')
{ op: '+',
  fn: 'add',
   [ { value: '1', valueType: 'number' },
     { value: '1', valueType: 'number' } ] }