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## What this is
This is a set of libraries and a command line interface that fetches probabilities/forecasts from prediction markets and forecasting platforms.
These forecasts are then used to power a search engine for probabilities, which can be found [here]( (try searching "Trump", "China" or "Semiconductors") (source code [here]( A json endpoint can be found [here](
I also created a search engine using Elicit's IDE, which uses GPT-3 to deliver vastly superior semantic search (as opposed to fuzzy word matching). If you have access to the Elicit IDE, you can use the action "Search Metaforecast database".
## How to run
### 1. Download this repository
``git clone``
### 2. Enter your own cookies
Private session cookies are necessary to query CSET-foretell, Good Judgment Open and Hypermind. You can get these cookies by creating an account in said platforms and then making and inspecting a request (e.g., by making a prediction, or browsing questions). After doing this, you should create a `src/privatekeys.json`, in the same format as `src/privatekeys_example.json`
### 3. Actually run
From the top level directory, enter: `npm run start`
## What are "stars" and how are they computed
Star ratings—e.g. ★★★☆☆—are an indicator of the quality of an aggregate forecast for a question. These ratings currently try to reflect my own best judgment based on my experience forecasting on these platforms. Thus, stars have a strong subjective component which could be formalized and refined in the future.
Currently, stars are computed using a simple rule dependent on both the platform and the number of forecasts:
- CSET-foretell: ★★☆☆☆, but ★☆☆☆☆ if a question has less than 100 forecasts
- Elicit: ★☆☆☆☆
- Good Judgment (various superforecaster dashboards): ★★★★☆
- Good Judgment Open: ★★★☆☆, ★★☆☆☆ if a question has less than 100 forecasts
- Hypermind: ★★★☆☆
- Metaculus: ★★★★☆ if a question has more than 300 forecasts, ★★★☆☆ if it has more than 100, ★★☆☆☆ otherwise.
- Omen: ★☆☆☆☆
- Polymarket: ★★☆☆☆
- PredictIt: ★★☆☆☆
## Various notes
- Right now, I'm fetching only a couple of common properties, such as the title, url, platform, whether a question is binary (yes/no), its percentage, and the number of forecasts. However, the code contains more fields commented out, such as trade volume, liquidity, etc.
- A note as to quality: Tentatively, Good Judgment >> Good Judgment Open ~ Metaculus > CSET > PredictIt ~> Polymarket >> Elicit > Omen.
- I'm not really sure where Hypermind falls in that spectrum.
- Prediction markets rarely go above 95% or below 5%.
- For elicit and metaculus, this library currently filters questions with <10 predictions.
- Omen *does* have very few active predictions at the moment; this is not a mistake.