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What this is

This is a set of libraries and a command line interface that fetches probabilities/forecasts from prediction markets and forecasting platforms. These forecasts are then hosted on airtable, and used to power a small search engine for probabilities.

Eventually, this could become more elaborate; for example, forecasts could be ranked according to their quality. For now, a demo can be found here (try searching "Trump"), and the database can be perused here.

How to run

1. Download this repository

git clone

2. Enter your own cookies

Private session cookies are necessary to query CSET-foretell and Good Judgment Open. You can get said cookies by creating an account in said platforms and then making and inspecting a request (e.g., by making a prediction). After doing this, you should create a src/privatekeys.json, in the same format as src/privatekeys_example.json

3. Actually run

From the top level directory, enter: npm run start

Various notes

  • Right now, I'm fetching only a couple of common properties, such as the title, url, platform, whether a question is binary (yes/no), its percentage, and the number of forecasts. However, the code contains more fields commented out, such as trade volume, liquidity, etc.
  • A note as to quality: Good Judgment Open ~ Metaculus > CSET > PredictIt ~> Polymarket >> Elicit > Omen. Further, prediction markets rarely go above 95% or below 5%.
  • For elicit and metaculus, this library currently filters questions with <10 predictions.