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1TitleURLPlatformBinary question?Percentage# Forecasts
2When will Joe Biden cease to be president of the United States? Judgmentfalsenone
3Before 1 January 2023, will legislation raising the top marginal tax rate for long-term capital gains in the U.S. to higher than 20% become law? Judgmentfalsenone
4Before 1 January 2023, will legislation raising the top corporate tax rate in the U.S. to higher than 21% become law? Judgmentfalsenone
5Before 1 January 2023, will legislation creating a "public option" health insurance plan administered by the federal government become law? Judgmentfalsenone
6Before 1 January 2023, will the United States ratify the TPP and/or the CPTPP? Judgmentfalsenone
7What will be the U.S. real GDP for the second quarter of 2021 relative to the U.S. real GDP for the second quarter of 2019? Judgmentfalsenone
8When will enough doses of FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine(s) to inoculate 100 million people be distributed in the United States? Judgmentfalsenone
9When will Germany report that 75 million cumulative vaccine doses for COVID-19 have been given? Judgmentfalsenone
10When will the UK report that 35 million people in the UK have been vaccinated for COVID-19? Judgmentfalsenone
11In 2021, what percentage of corporate board seats at S&P 500 firms will be held by racial minorities, according to The Conference Board? Judgmentfalsenone
12What will be the world's GDP in 2021 relative to the world's GDP in 2019, according to the IMF? Judgmentfalsenone
13What will be the value of sustainable funds' estimated annual flows in the U.S. in 2021 relative to 2020, according to Morningstar? Judgmentfalsenone
14When will enough doses of FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine(s) to inoculate 200 million people be distributed in the United States? Judgmentfalsenone
15As of 1 July 2021, what will be the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics (ONS) latest report of the percentage of working adults who 'worked from home exclusively'? Judgmentfalsenone