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Raw Blame History

index	title	url	qualityindicators
0	How will the ratio of China-authored to U.S.-authored highly cited (top 1%) AI papers change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 35; numforecasters: 28; stars: 2
1	How will the percentage of U.S. residents with "very little" or "some" trust in the U.S. military change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 64; numforecasters: 59; stars: 2
2	Will the Chinese military or other maritime security forces fire upon another country's civil or military vessel in the South China Sea in the next six months?	numforecasts: 69; numforecasters: 62; stars: 2
3	How politically polarized will U.S. citizens be in 2024?	numforecasts: 140; numforecasters: 122; stars: 3
4	How will the combined annual dollar amount of DoD contracts with the "Big 5" tech companies change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 44; numforecasters: 36; stars: 2
5	How will the percentage of SMIC revenue from 28 nm chips or smaller change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 35; numforecasters: 27; stars: 2
6	How will the percentage of U.S residents who are concerned about how the government uses their data change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 85; numforecasters: 72; stars: 2
7	How will the combined annual revenue of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 59; numforecasters: 51; stars: 2
8	How will the Geopolitical Risk (GPR) Index change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 62; numforecasters: 53; stars: 2
9	Will the U.S. military acknowledge using an autonomously operated drone to identify and deploy lethal force against a human target in the next four quarters (year)?	numforecasts: 84; numforecasters: 76; stars: 2
10	How will annual money raised by U.S. tech startups change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 36; numforecasters: 33; stars: 2
11	How will annual money raised by private U.S. tech companies change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 31; numforecasters: 28; stars: 2
12	How will the percentage of highly cited U.S. AI publications supported by a DoD grant change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 34; numforecasters: 31; stars: 2
13	How will the percentage of DoD subcontracts for scientific research and development services going to Northern California-based companies change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 24; numforecasters: 20; stars: 2
14	How will the number of Defense Innovation Unit transitions change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 29; numforecasters: 23; stars: 2
15	How will the percentage of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) computer science graduates whose first job is at a company that has a contract with DoD change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 33; numforecasters: 27; stars: 2
16	How will the number of Japanese Air Force responses to threats to Japan's territorial airspace by Chinese military aircraft change over the next three years?	numforecasts: 43; numforecasters: 29; stars: 2
17	Will China execute an acknowledged national military attack against Vietnam, India, or Taiwan in the next six months?	numforecasts: 109; numforecasters: 87; stars: 3
18	Will China seize control of any Taiwanese-occupied feature in the South China Sea in the next six months?	numforecasts: 77; numforecasters: 61; stars: 2
19	When will Joe Biden cease to be president of the United States?	numforecasts: 179; numforecasters: 114; stars: 3
20	Will the United States have the world's fastest supercomputer in June 2022?	numforecasts: 160; numforecasters: 101; stars: 3
21	When will 1 billion people in India receive at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine?	numforecasts: 253; numforecasters: 136; stars: 3
22	Will there be an organized employee protest at one of the "Big 5" tech companies against the company's involvement with DoD in the next four quarters (year)?	numforecasts: 60; numforecasters: 50; stars: 2
23	[Experimental] What will be the consensus crowd forecast on October 1, 2021, on whether COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan, China?	numforecasts: 274; numforecasters: 95; stars: 3
24	[Experimental] Did COVID-19 originate in a lab in Wuhan, China?	numforecasts: 331; numforecasters: 139; stars: 3
25	Will the Democratic Party maintain its majority in the U.S. House of Representatives after the midterm elections in 2022?	numforecasts: 249; numforecasters: 109; stars: 3
26	What will the 'Big 5' (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft) tech companies' average reputation ranking be in the 2022 Axios Harris poll?	numforecasts: 279; numforecasters: 99; stars: 3
27	What percentage of U.S. AI publications will have a Chinese co-author in 2022?	numforecasts: 194; numforecasters: 67; stars: 3
28	What percentage of U.S. corporate press releases about AI will reference AI ethics in 2022?	numforecasts: 212; numforecasters: 70; stars: 3
29	What will be the value, in dollars, of U.S. exports of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China in 2022?	numforecasts: 185; numforecasters: 56; stars: 3
30	What will be the value, in dollars, of all Chinese imports of semiconductor chips in 2022?	numforecasts: 165; numforecasters: 43; stars: 3
31	What will be the value, in dollars, of all Chinese imports of semiconductor manufacturing equipment in 2022?	numforecasts: 143; numforecasters: 38; stars: 3
32	What will be the value, in dollars, of U.S. exports of semiconductor chips to China in 2022?	numforecasts: 150; numforecasters: 42; stars: 3
33	Will Hu Chunhua be a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee on December 31, 2022?	numforecasts: 190; numforecasters: 49; stars: 3
34	Will Li Keqiang be a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee on December 31, 2022?	numforecasts: 172; numforecasters: 49; stars: 3
35	Will Chen Min'er be a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee on December 31, 2022?	numforecasts: 169; numforecasters: 47; stars: 3
36	How many new H-1B visa applications submitted by the "Big 5" tech companies will the U.S. grant in FY 2022 (September 2021 through October 2022)?	numforecasts: 304; numforecasters: 81; stars: 3
37	What percentage of O visas will go to Chinese nationals in FY 2022 (September 2021 through October 2022)?	numforecasts: 206; numforecasters: 50; stars: 3
38	What will total U.S. trade volume with China (imports and exports of goods) be in 2022?	numforecasts: 211; numforecasters: 57; stars: 3
39	Will Xi Jinping be General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee on December 31, 2022?	numforecasts: 652; numforecasters: 194; stars: 3
40	What will the Senate's average Bipartisan Index score be from 2021-2022?	numforecasts: 429; numforecasters: 137; stars: 3
41	Will the U.S. government file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, Amazon, or Facebook between January 20, 2021 and January 19, 2025?	numforecasts: 548; numforecasters: 188; stars: 3
42	% global rate of "$1.90 a day" poverty in 2030	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
43	A bioengineering project kills at least five thousand people by 2023-02-15	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
44	A bioengineering project kills at least five people by 2023-02-15	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
45	Will SB 592 clear the California state Assembly?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
46	5 cities with at least 50k population implement approval voting by 2022	numforecasts: 7; stars: 2
47	How many preregistrations on OSF will there be at the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
48	How many preregistrations on OSF will there be at the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
49	How many preregistrations on OSF will there be at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 7; stars: 2
50	What % of grant dollars made to AI Safety by OpenPhil in 2020 will go to the University of Oxford?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
51	What % of grant dollars made to AI Safety by OpenPhil in 2020 will go to UC Berkeley?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
52	How much in grants will OpenPhil recommend to Global Health and Development between 2020 and 2030?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
53	How much in grants will OpenPhil recommend to U.S. policy between 2020 and 2030?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
54	How much in grants will OpenPhil recommend to scientific research between 2020 and 2030?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
55	How much in grants will OpenPhil recommend to AI safety between 2020 and 2030?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
56	What will the Metaculus community median probability for AI catastrophe by 2100 be in 2030?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
57	How many of Eliezer Yudkowsky, Paul Christiano, Nate Soares, and Dario Amodei will still be working on AI safety by the end of 2029?	numforecasts: 6; stars: 2
58	Will MIRI still exist in 2023?	numforecasts: 7; stars: 2
59	How many nuclear warheads will the US have in 2029?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
60	Will Good Policies still be running at the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
61	How much will GiveWell guess it will cost to get an outcome as good as saving a life, at the end of 2020?	numforecasts: 8; stars: 2
62	When will more than half of the main broad types of conventional whole pieces of farmed animal muscle tissue have at least one cost-competitive cultured alternative, in years after 2020?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
63	When will more than half of the main broad types of conventional ground meats will have at least one cost-competitive cultured alternative, in years after 2020?	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
64	When will more than half of the main broad types of conventional acellular animal products have at least one cost-competitive cultured alternative, in years after 2020?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
65	What will the balance + payouts be for the Long Term Future Fund at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
66	What will the balance + payouts be for the EA Meta Fund at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
67	What will the balance + payouts be for the Animal Welfare EA Fund at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
68	Will the Albert Schweitzer Foundation remain an ACE top charity in 2022?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
69	Will the Albert Schweitzer Foundation remain an ACE top charity in 2021?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
70	Will Animal Equality remain an ACE top charity in 2022?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
71	Will Animal Equality remain an ACE top charity in 2021?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
72	Will the Good Food Institute remain an ACE top charity in 2022?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
73	Will the Good Food Institute remain an ACE top charity in 2021?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
74	Will the Humane League remain an ACE top charity in 2022?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
75	Will the Humane League remain an ACE top charity in 2021?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
76	At the end of 2021, will the most cost-effective charity recommended by Givewell be a deworming charity?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
77	How much will GiveWell guess it will cost to get an outcome as good as saving a life, at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
78	At the end of 2022, will Animal Charity Evaluators recommend a charity working on reducing wild animal suffering as a top charity?	numforecasts: 6; stars: 2
79	At the end of 2021, will Animal Charity Evaluators recommend a charity working on reducing wild animal suffering as a top charity?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
80	At the end of 2023, will Animal Charity Evaluators recommend a charity working on reducing wild animal suffering as a top charity?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
81	At the end of the outbreak, what will the ratio (deaths)/(confirmed cases) be?	numforecasts: 15; stars: 2
82	Will the current outbreak result in a global disaster (>50 million deaths resulting from the pathogen within 1 year)?	numforecasts: 9; stars: 2
83	At the end of the outbreak, how many confirmed cases?	numforecasts: 28; stars: 2
84	At the end of the outbreak, how many deaths?	numforecasts: 53; stars: 2
85	When will the outbreak end?	numforecasts: 27; stars: 2
86	By mid-2023, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaflop/s-days), used in training by a published AI system?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
87	By mid-2022, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaflop/s-days), used in training by a published AI system?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
88	By mid-2021, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaflop/s-days), used in training by a published AI system?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
89	How well do these two questions capture something significant about algorithmic progress?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
90	By 2023, what will be the smallest number of frames required for the Atari performance of a basic DQN?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
91	By 2022, what will be the smallest number of frames required for the Atari performance of a basic DQN?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
92	By 2021, what will be the smallest number of frames required for the Atari performance of a basic DQN?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
93	By mid-2023, what will be the smallest number of years of gameplay required for OpenAI Five-level dota performance?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
94	By mid-2022, what will be the smallest number of years of gameplay required for OpenAI Five-level dota performance?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
95	By mid-2021, what will be the smallest number of years of gameplay required for OpenAI Five-level dota performance?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
96	How many years from now (Sep 2019) will it take to Physically assemble any LEGO set given the pieces and instructions, using specialized robotics hardware?	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
97	By mid-2020, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaflop/s-days), used in training by a published AI system?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
98	By mid-2020, what will be the smallest number of years of gameplay required for OpenAI Five-level dota performance?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
99	What will be the rate of homelessness per 100,000 people in England in 2021?	numforecasts: 6; stars: 2
100	What will be the rate of homelessness per 100,000 people in England in 2022?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
101	What will be the rate of homelessness per 100,000 people in England in 2023?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
102	If Conservatives win the next election, will they form a minority government?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
103	If Conservatives win the next election, will they form a majority government?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
104	How many seats will Labour win the in the next general election?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
105	Will Labour win the next election?	numforecasts: 7; stars: 2
106	Will Conservatives win the next election?	numforecasts: 9; stars: 2
107	If Boris Johnson is leader of the Conservatives in the election after the 2019 UK general election, will they win that general election?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
108	If Sajid Javid is leader of the Conservatives in the election after the 2019 UK general election, will they win that general election?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
109	What will be the rate of homelessness per 100,000 people in England in 2024?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
110	Will Scotland leave the United Kingdom by 2030?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
111	Will Brexit be a hard Brexit?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
112	If Brexit occurs under a Conservative majority government elected in the 2019 election, will it be a hard Brexit?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
113	When will the next UK general election be?	numforecasts: 4; stars: 2
114	Will Scotland leave the United Kingdom by 2025?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
115	If Keir Starmer is leader of Labour in the election after the 2019 UK general election, will they win that general election?	numforecasts: 11; stars: 2
116	Will there be a second Brexit referendum announced before 2022?	numforecasts: 5; stars: 2
117	What will be the tuition fee cap for UK students in 2024?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
118	If there is a soft Brexit, what will be the average yearly GDP growth of the UK in the following five years?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
119	If there is a hard Brexit, what will be the average yearly GDP growth of the UK in the following five years?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
120	What will be mean UK broadband download speeds in 2024?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
121	What fraction of 80,000 hours' impact is not related to career plan changes?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
122	What proportion of donations to FHI go to Oxford University?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
123	How much influence would CSET have in a 2024 Republican US administration, relative to its influence in a 2024 US Democratic administration?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
124	Has CSET done more harm than good so far in its policy interventions?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
125	Will CLR's work on their "Cooperation, conflict, and transformative artificial intelligence"/"bargaining in artificial learners" agenda be favorably reviewed in Lark's 2021 yearly AI alignment review??	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
126	Is there a better option than CLR for suffering-focused donors?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
127	What fraction of CLR's research is only useful from a suffering-focused standpoint?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
128	Will Rethink Priorities employ 5 FTEs producing high-quality longtermist research by 2025?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
129	Will Rethink Rethink Priorities be able to productively expand into the longtermist sphere?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
130	Will Rethink Priorities be able to produce research in the long-termist space similar in quality to the research they have produced on invertebrate welfare?	numforecasts: 3; stars: 2
131	How many FTE-years worth of high-quality research does LessWrong produce each year per FTE-year employed at LessWrong?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
132	How many FTE-years worth of high-quality research does LessWrong produce per year?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
133	Is Projekt Framttid dead?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
134	Conditional on its continued existence, by 2025, will MacAskill still be the CEO of the Forethought Foundation?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
135	Will the Forethought Foundation continue to exist by 2025?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
136	How many FTEs does FLI currently employ (as of 2021)?	numforecasts: 2; stars: 2
137	Will further work on a theory of malevolence be fruitful by 2030?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
138	What percentage of CSER's research staff is doing high value work?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
139	Will the APPFG continue to exist by 2025?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
140	Conditional on its continued existence, will the APPG help pass legislation in the UK related to its mission by 2025?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
141	By, 2025, will the APPGFG help pass legislation in the UK related to its mission?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
142	$100M to alternate foods is more cost-effective than to AI risk mitigation	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
143	$100M to alternate foods is more cost-effective than to AI risk mitigation (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
144	Marginal money now on alternate foods is more cost effective than on AI risk mitigation	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
145	Marginal money now on alternate foods is more cost effective than on AI risk mitigation (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
146	Untruncated mitigation of far future impact of 10% agricultural shortfall with planning and R&D as well	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
147	Untruncated mitigation of far future impact of 10% agricultural shortfall with planning and R&D as well (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
148	Untruncated mitigation of far future impact of 10% agricultural shortfall from ALLFED so far	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
149	Untruncated mitigation of far future impact of 10% agricultural shortfall from ALLFED so far (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
150	Untruncated reduction in far future potential due to 10% agricultural shortfall	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
151	Untruncated reduction in far future potential due to 10% agricultural shortfall (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
152	Untruncated additional mitigation of far future impact of war due to planning and R&D	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
153	Untruncated additional mitigation of far future impact of war due to planning and R&D (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
154	Untruncated mitigation of far future impact of war due to ALLFED so far	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
155	Untruncated mitigation of far future impact of war due to ALLFED so far (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
156	Cost of planning, R&DF for alternate foods	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
157	Cost of planning, R&DF for alternate foods (ALLFED's estimate)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
158	Untruncated probability of full scale nuclear war per year	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
159	Untruncated probability of full scale nuclear war per year (ALLFED's estimates)	numforecasts: 1; stars: 2
160	How many business applications will be made in the US in 2022?	numforecasts: 12; numforecasters: 10; stars: 3
161	What percentage of US retail sales will be made online in the fourth quarter of 2022?	numforecasts: 13; numforecasters: 13; stars: 3
162	What will be the US office vacancy rate for the fourth quarter of 2022, according to Colliers?	numforecasts: 18; numforecasters: 15; stars: 3
163	What percentage of venture capital dollars will go to US startups with female-only founders in 2022, according to Crunchbase?	numforecasts: 15; numforecasters: 14; stars: 3
164	Before 1 September 2022, will Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan sign an agreement governing the filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) reservoir?	numforecasts: 13; numforecasters: 11; stars: 3
165	Will there be a complex coordinated terrorist attack (CCTA) in the United States either directed or inspired by a foreign terrorist organization resulting in at least five fatalities before 1 September 2022?	numforecasts: 20; numforecasters: 19; stars: 3
166	When will the 7-day moving average of daily cases of COVID-19 in the US reported to the CDC next reach or exceed 200,000?	numforecasts: 20; numforecasters: 15; stars: 3
167	In United States v. Tsarnaev, will the Supreme Court reinstate the death sentence imposed against Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?	numforecasts: 49; numforecasters: 40; stars: 3
168	What will be the 7-day average number of new cases of COVID-19 in Louisiana for the week ending 20 October 2021?	numforecasts: 58; numforecasters: 34; stars: 3
169	What will President Bidens approval rating be as of 31 March 2022, according to FiveThirtyEight?	numforecasts: 108; numforecasters: 71; stars: 3
170	How far will the UAE national football team advance in the FIFA Arab Cup 2021?	numforecasts: 25; numforecasters: 22; stars: 3
171	How much cash on hand will the following three Donald Trump-affiliated political action committees (PACs) have combined as of 31 December 2021?	numforecasts: 40; numforecasters: 25; stars: 3
172	Will the rate of new daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 per 100k people in Massachusetts be higher on 19 October 2021 than it was on 7 September 2021?	numforecasts: 98; numforecasters: 38; stars: 3
173	How many job openings in the trade, transportation, and utilities industries will the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report for November 2021?	numforecasts: 62; numforecasters: 33; stars: 3
174	How many twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of cargo will the Port of Los Angeles report for November 2021?	numforecasts: 64; numforecasters: 33; stars: 3
175	What will be the US producer price index for Internet advertising sales in June 2022?	numforecasts: 33; numforecasters: 17; stars: 3
176	How many business applications will be made in the US in 2021?	numforecasts: 53; numforecasters: 27; stars: 3
177	What will be the total value of assets under management by global sustainable funds at the end of 2021, according to Morningstar?	numforecasts: 53; numforecasters: 37; stars: 3
178	What will happen next to the United Arab Emirate's rolling 7-day average of confirmed cases of COVID-19?	numforecasts: 124; numforecasters: 56; stars: 3
179	When will the Scottish government officially request discussions on or agreement to a Section 30 order from the UK government that would enable the Scottish government to call a new independence referendum?	numforecasts: 107; numforecasters: 72; stars: 3
180	Before 1 January 2022, will President Biden invite Prime Minister Boris Johnson to visit the White House?	numforecasts: 235; numforecasters: 132; stars: 3
181	Before 18 December 2021, will the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics (ONS) report that the percentage of working adults who "Worked from home and didnt travel to work" fell to 15% or lower?	numforecasts: 77; numforecasters: 58; stars: 3
182	Before 2 October 2021, will the Taliban submit credentials to the Secretary-General of the UN to represent Afghanistan for the 76th UN General Assembly session?	numforecasts: 287; numforecasters: 106; stars: 3
183	Will the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) announce the finalization of the "Paris Rulebook," the rules for implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement, before 16 November 2021?	numforecasts: 102; numforecasters: 76; stars: 3
184	Will legal restrictions on the number of people who can meet indoors be imposed in England before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 213; numforecasters: 132; stars: 3
185	Will Rishi Sunak cease to be the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 118; numforecasters: 77; stars: 3
186	Will Sir Keir Starmer face a formal challenge for the leadership of the Labour Party before 4 April 2022?	numforecasts: 111; numforecasters: 74; stars: 3
187	Will the Liberal Party win a majority of seats in the 2021 Canadian parliamentary elections?	numforecasts: 200; numforecasters: 69; stars: 3
188	Will the UK or EU trigger Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol before 1 February 2022?	numforecasts: 99; numforecasters: 64; stars: 3
189	Before 13 February 2022, will there be a lethal confrontation in Iran or at sea between the national military or law enforcement forces of Iran and those of either Israel or a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member state?	numforecasts: 91; numforecasters: 57; stars: 3
190	Which team will win the Major League Baseball World Series in 2021?	numforecasts: 140; numforecasters: 40; stars: 3
191	Before 1 January 2022, will Kais Saied cease to be the president of Tunisia?	numforecasts: 77; numforecasters: 46; stars: 3
192	When will the 14-day average of COVID-19 hospitalized patients in California next reach or exceed 12,000?	numforecasts: 200; numforecasters: 52; stars: 3
193	When will a SARS-CoV-2 variant other than Delta next represent more than 70.0% of total COVID-19 cases in the US?	numforecasts: 217; numforecasters: 102; stars: 3
194	How many units will Ford produce in North America in 2021?	numforecasts: 116; numforecasters: 42; stars: 3
195	Before 1 January 2022, will the Nord Stream 2 pipeline begin delivering natural gas to Germany?	numforecasts: 212; numforecasters: 70; stars: 3
196	Before 1 November 2021, will a new government mask mandate for individuals fully vaccinated for COVID-19 that includes indoor restaurants and/or retail establishments be imposed on New York City?	numforecasts: 244; numforecasters: 78; stars: 3
197	How many fatal COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases will be reported to the CDC as of 10 January 2022?	numforecasts: 157; numforecasters: 55; stars: 3
198	Will begin to accept any cryptocurrency for purchases on the US site before 1 October 2022?	numforecasts: 270; numforecasters: 156; stars: 3
199	Will Abiy Ahmed cease to be the prime minister of Ethiopia by way of extraconstitutional events before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 85; numforecasters: 50; stars: 3
200	Before 1 January 2023, will the Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban sign an agreement that includes provisions for the establishment and/or recognition of a national government?	numforecasts: 223; numforecasters: 79; stars: 3
201	Before 2 October 2021, will the UN General Assembly recognize delegates from the National Unity Government (NUG) as representing Myanmar for the 76th General Assembly session?	numforecasts: 129; numforecasters: 47; stars: 3
202	At close of business on 15 December 2021, will the upper limit of the Federal Reserve's target range for the federal funds rate be lower, the same, or higher than it was at close of business on 3 November 2021?	numforecasts: 99; numforecasters: 52; stars: 3
203	What will be the closing price per barrel for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil on 31 December 2021, according to Bloomberg?	numforecasts: 322; numforecasters: 107; stars: 3
204	What will Chinese ride-hailing company DiDi's end-of-day market capitalization be on 31 December 2021?	numforecasts: 156; numforecasters: 40; stars: 3
205	Will there be a lethal confrontation between the national military forces of Egypt and Ethiopia before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 117; numforecasters: 85; stars: 3
206	When will the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) next screen fewer than 1.3 million travelers per day for three consecutive days?	numforecasts: 132; numforecasters: 66; stars: 3
207	Before 1 January 2023, will Amazon announce that it will spin off Amazon Web Services (AWS)?	numforecasts: 127; numforecasters: 86; stars: 3
208	Who will win the 2021 presidential election in Chile?	numforecasts: 153; numforecasters: 50; stars: 3
209	When will the 7-day average of new COVID-19 cases in the UK next fall below 15,000?	numforecasts: 612; numforecasters: 111; stars: 3
210	What will be the annual change in the UK's Consumer Prices Index (CPI) for November 2021?	numforecasts: 127; numforecasters: 43; stars: 3
211	Will Haiti hold a presidential election before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 243; numforecasters: 61; stars: 3
212	Which driver will win the 2021 Formula One World Drivers' Championship?	numforecasts: 174; numforecasters: 75; stars: 3
213	What will be total OPEC crude oil production for October 2021?	numforecasts: 98; numforecasters: 31; stars: 3
214	How many total confirmed cases of COVID-19 will the World Health Organization (WHO) report for Brazil as of 12 November 2021?	numforecasts: 267; numforecasters: 47; stars: 3
215	When will 600 million people in India have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine?	numforecasts: 398; numforecasters: 67; stars: 3
216	Before 1 January 2022, will the European Commission (EC) recommend that the Council of the European Union authorize the EC to open negotiations with Taiwan on an investment agreement?	numforecasts: 134; numforecasters: 62; stars: 3
217	What will be the market capitalization for the global cryptocurrency market on 9 December 2021, according to CoinMarketCap?	numforecasts: 272; numforecasters: 76; stars: 3
218	What will be the value of the S&P/Case-Shiller US National Home Price Index for October 2021?	numforecasts: 206; numforecasters: 61; stars: 3
219	As of 1 November 2021, will Waka Kotahi list 321 or more qualifying electrical vehicle (EV) charging stations as available in New Zealand?	numforecasts: 112; numforecasters: 39; stars: 3
220	How many New York City eviction filings will be reported for 2021?	numforecasts: 162; numforecasters: 38; stars: 3
221	Will the median price of a house in New Zealand exceed NZ$870,000 in December 2021, according to REINZ?	numforecasts: 143; numforecasters: 49; stars: 3
222	Will a member of the forces from an African country other than Mozambique be killed in a lethal confrontation in Cabo Delgado before 1 April 2022?	numforecasts: 167; numforecasters: 63; stars: 3
223	Will the US FDA approve a drug used to reverse the effects of Alzheimer's disease on the brain and/or approve a vaccine to prevent Alzheimer's disease as of 2035?	numforecasts: 202; numforecasters: 173; stars: 3
224	How many opioid overdoses resulting in death will occur in the US in 2026?	numforecasts: 153; numforecasters: 104; stars: 3
225	When will the first human have lived for 180 consecutive Earth days on or under the surface of the moon?	numforecasts: 237; numforecasters: 181; stars: 3
226	How many RNA vaccines and therapeutics for humans will be FDA-approved as of 2031?	numforecasts: 185; numforecasters: 122; stars: 3
227	Will the Nobel Foundation announce that artificial intelligence has won or would be eligible to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine before 2036?	numforecasts: 215; numforecasters: 172; stars: 3
228	Will at least 3.5 million people in New Zealand be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before 30 December 2021?	numforecasts: 265; numforecasters: 98; stars: 3
229	Will the US Truck Tonnage Index reach or exceed 120.0 before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 192; numforecasters: 61; stars: 3
230	Before 1 July 2022, will the US impose sanctions on any Chinese person or entity for actions related to the COVID-19 pandemic?	numforecasts: 223; numforecasters: 117; stars: 3
231	What will be the percentage change in the producer price index for writing and printing papers for May 2022 as compared to May 2021?	numforecasts: 113; numforecasters: 38; stars: 3
232	How many thousand tonnes (kt) of paper and paperboard will be produced globally in 2021?	numforecasts: 99; numforecasters: 43; stars: 3
233	What will be the annual rate of headline inflation in the US, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), in June 2022?	numforecasts: 485; numforecasters: 289; stars: 3
234	Will the closing price of Brent crude oil be higher than $70.00 per barrel on 30 December 2021?	numforecasts: 365; numforecasters: 105; stars: 3
235	At close of business on 3 November 2021, will the upper limit of the Federal Reserve's target range for the federal funds rate be lower, the same, or higher than it was at close of business on 22 September 2021?	numforecasts: 95; numforecasters: 48; stars: 3
236	What will be the global price of wheat in November 2021, according to the IMF?	numforecasts: 263; numforecasters: 50; stars: 3
237	What will be the closing value of the S&P 500 Index on 30 June 2022?	numforecasts: 204; numforecasters: 57; stars: 3
238	Before 1 January 2022, will the US Intelligence Community publicly state that a laboratory accident is a more probable scenario for the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic than it having emerged naturally through contact with infected animals?	numforecasts: 550; numforecasters: 243; stars: 3
239	What will US holiday season retail sales be for 2021 relative to the 2020 holiday season?	numforecasts: 139; numforecasters: 45; stars: 3
240	When will people in Guangdong no longer be required to show a negative COVID-19 test in order to leave the Chinese province?	numforecasts: 132; numforecasters: 29; stars: 3
241	Will any four-week average of US field production of crude oil exceed 12 million b/d in 2021?	numforecasts: 208; numforecasters: 49; stars: 3
242	What will be the US domestic box office gross in the opening weekend for the next James Bond film No Time to Die?	numforecasts: 286; numforecasters: 66; stars: 3
243	How many total major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher) will occur in the Atlantic Ocean in the 2021 hurricane season, according to the National Hurricane Center?	numforecasts: 482; numforecasters: 106; stars: 3
244	Which major cryptocurrency will perform best between 27 May 2021 and 29 November 2021?	numforecasts: 339; numforecasters: 89; stars: 3
245	Will the US civilian labor force participation rate reach or exceed 63.0% for any month in 2021?	numforecasts: 241; numforecasters: 88; stars: 3
246	What will be the annualized rate of housing starts for October 2021?	numforecasts: 275; numforecasters: 78; stars: 3
247	Before 8 January 2022, will Facebook allow Donald Trump to post on Facebook and/or Instagram from any of his verified accounts?	numforecasts: 210; numforecasters: 113; stars: 3
248	Before 14 December 2021, will the World Trade Organization (WTO) officially agree to grant waivers for intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccine technology?	numforecasts: 195; numforecasters: 87; stars: 3
249	According to The Infinite Dial 2022, what percentage of the US population will have "listened to a podcast in the last month?"	numforecasts: 303; numforecasters: 114; stars: 3
250	When will the World Health Organization (WHO) report 40 million or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India?	numforecasts: 675; numforecasters: 114; stars: 3
251	Will a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association be ratified before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 125; numforecasters: 33; stars: 3
252	How many COVID-19 vaccines will be authorized for emergency use or approved by the US FDA as of 31 December 2021?	numforecasts: 346; numforecasters: 103; stars: 3
253	Will US print book sales in 2021 exceed those in 2020?	numforecasts: 498; numforecasters: 153; stars: 3
254	At close of business on 22 September 2021, will the upper limit of the Federal Reserve's target range for the federal funds rate be lower, the same, or higher than it was at close of business on 28 July 2021?	numforecasts: 210; numforecasters: 72; stars: 3
255	Before 16 December 2021, will the Federal Reserve announce it will reduce its monthly quantitative easing bond buying?	numforecasts: 396; numforecasters: 86; stars: 3
256	Will US federal legislation implementing or authorizing a mandatory carbon pricing mechanism become law before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 175; numforecasters: 76; stars: 3
257	Between 30 April 2021 and 31 December 2021, how many times will the Council of the European Union impose new restrictive measures (sanctions) on China over human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang?	numforecasts: 276; numforecasters: 85; stars: 3
258	Before 1 January 2022, will the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and/or People's Armed Police (PAP) engage in a confrontation with Hong Kongers?	numforecasts: 219; numforecasters: 112; stars: 3
259	Between 16 April 2021 and 31 December 2021, will ASML obtain an export license from the Netherlands to export an Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) lithography system to the People's Republic of China?	numforecasts: 180; numforecasters: 85; stars: 3
260	Following the 2021 German Bundestag elections, which parties will be part of the new government?	numforecasts: 692; numforecasters: 115; stars: 3
261	What will be the Chinese renminbi's share as a global payments currency in December 2021, according to SWIFT?	numforecasts: 311; numforecasters: 83; stars: 3
262	Before 1 January 2022, will an executive order be signed or federal legislation become law that would limit or prohibit US federal funds from being used to purchase face recognition technology?	numforecasts: 172; numforecasters: 92; stars: 3
263	Will the EU establish a moratorium or ban on the use of facial recognition systems (FRS) in public spaces by public authorities, in premises meant for education and healthcare, and/or by law enforcement in semi-public spaces before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 173; numforecasters: 75; stars: 3
264	What will be the gross proceeds for special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) IPO transactions in 2021?	numforecasts: 364; numforecasters: 56; stars: 3
265	What will be the FAO Food Price Index for December 2021?	numforecasts: 377; numforecasters: 76; stars: 3
266	What will be the 12-month percentage change in the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) for September 2021?	numforecasts: 617; numforecasters: 157; stars: 3
267	Will the US FDA approve the drug molnupiravir for use to treat COVID-19 before 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 541; numforecasters: 170; stars: 3
268	Before 1 January 2022, will North Korea detonate a nuclear device and/or launch an ICBM with an estimated range of at least 10,000km?	numforecasts: 634; numforecasters: 177; stars: 3
269	Will Robinhood receive a Wells notice from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) before 1 October 2021 related to trading limits imposed on 28 January 2021?	numforecasts: 193; numforecasters: 63; stars: 3
270	Will the People's Republic of China's (PRC's) military expenditure as a percentage of GDP be greater in 2021 than it was in 2019?	numforecasts: 327; numforecasters: 147; stars: 3
271	Between 26 January 2021 and 31 December 2021, how many members of the Politburo will Chinese state media announce have been arrested and/or expelled from their posts?	numforecasts: 238; numforecasters: 77; stars: 3
272	Will a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) trade on a US exchange before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 330; numforecasters: 91; stars: 3
273	Before 15 December 2021, will the U.S. either formally seek to join or formally begin renegotiations with signatories regarding the TPP or CPTPP?	numforecasts: 394; numforecasters: 108; stars: 3
274	Before 1 January 2022, will the U.S. officially rejoin the JCPOA?	numforecasts: 775; numforecasters: 146; stars: 3
275	Will the powers of the government of Myanmar cease to be held by the military before 5 February 2022?	numforecasts: 227; numforecasters: 85; stars: 3
276	Will there be an act of domestic terrorism in the United States resulting in 10 or more fatalities before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 731; numforecasters: 190; stars: 3
277	Will Vladimir Putin cease to be the president of the Russian Federation before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 422; numforecasters: 206; stars: 3
278	Will SpaceX and/or Virgin Galactic complete a successful space tourist flight before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 571; numforecasters: 158; stars: 3
279	Will Saudi Arabia diplomatically recognize the State of Israel in 2021?	numforecasts: 372; numforecasters: 123; stars: 3
280	Between 5 February 2021 and 31 October 2021, will anti-government protests in Russia result in five or more fatalities?	numforecasts: 394; numforecasters: 120; stars: 3
281	Will there be a lethal confrontation between the national military forces, militia, and/or law enforcement personnel of India and the People's Republic of China before 1 December 2021?	numforecasts: 408; numforecasters: 163; stars: 3
282	Will the United States report more deaths attributed to COVID-19 as of 31 December 2021 than will the European Union?	numforecasts: 549; numforecasters: 158; stars: 3
283	How many vacancies will arise on the U.S. Supreme Court in 2021?	numforecasts: 660; numforecasters: 174; stars: 3
284	Will the UN declare that a famine exists in any part of Yemen in 2021?	numforecasts: 435; numforecasters: 107; stars: 3
285	Before 1 January 2022, will there be a lethal confrontation between the national military forces of Iran and the United States either in Iran or at sea?	numforecasts: 356; numforecasters: 150; stars: 3
286	Will Nicaragua diplomatically recognize the People's Republic of China before 7 November 2021?	numforecasts: 139; numforecasters: 60; stars: 3
287	Will a Russian senior government official or Russian naval vessel visit Nicaragua before 7 November 2021?	numforecasts: 255; numforecasters: 55; stars: 3
288	What will Uber's end-of-day market capitalization be on 31 December 2021?	numforecasts: 760; numforecasters: 133; stars: 3
289	Will North Macedonia announce that it has completed its census before 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 468; numforecasters: 96; stars: 3
290	Before 1 October 2021, will any group of Amazon employees in the U.S. vote in the affirmative to form a union?	numforecasts: 665; numforecasters: 203; stars: 3
291	Will Daniel Ortega cease to be the president of Nicaragua before 11 January 2022?	numforecasts: 193; numforecasters: 48; stars: 3
292	At close of business on 31 December 2021, will Apple be the most valuable publicly traded company in the world?	numforecasts: 358; numforecasters: 118; stars: 3
293	What will be the closing yield for the 30-year U.S. Treasury on 31 December 2021?	numforecasts: 645; numforecasters: 90; stars: 3
294	Before 1 January 2022, will the Diem Association, co-founded by Facebook, launch a stablecoin?	numforecasts: 386; numforecasters: 94; stars: 3
295	Will the People's Republic of China and the EU sign a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 1013; numforecasters: 244; stars: 3
296	Before 1 January 2022, will a commercial, open to the public, ride-hailing service that uses autonomous vehicles without back-up drivers nor remote operators be launched in the People's Republic of China?	numforecasts: 445; numforecasters: 175; stars: 3
297	Will Japan, the People's Republic of China, and South Korea sign a trilateral free trade agreement before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 448; numforecasters: 169; stars: 3
298	Before 1 January 2022, will a release date for The Winds of Winter be announced by the author and/or publisher?	numforecasts: 186; numforecasters: 53; stars: 3
299	Will net international migration between the U.S. and abroad for 2021 be higher than the net international migration for 2020?	numforecasts: 179; numforecasters: 75; stars: 3
300	Before 1 October 2021, will Jair Bolsonaro cease to be the president of Brazil?	numforecasts: 721; numforecasters: 278; stars: 3
301	In 2021, will total fire activity in the Amazon exceed the 2020 total count?	numforecasts: 541; numforecasters: 155; stars: 3
302	Before 1 January 2022, will Amazon announce that it will spin off Amazon Web Services (AWS)?	numforecasts: 1091; numforecasters: 641; stars: 3
303	Between 16 October 2020 and 31 December 2021, how many successful flight tests of the Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) will the United States conduct?	numforecasts: 292; numforecasters: 64; stars: 3
304	Will Boom Technology's XB-1 supersonic aircraft complete a successful test flight before 2022?	numforecasts: 365; numforecasters: 86; stars: 3
305	Before 1 January 2022, will the United States Olympic Committee announce that it is boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics?	numforecasts: 1140; numforecasters: 357; stars: 3
306	Before 1 January 2022, will the U.S. Senate expand the scope of matters for which a filibuster cannot be used?	numforecasts: 972; numforecasters: 181; stars: 3
307	Will Stripe be the largest public offering worldwide in 2021 by valuation?	numforecasts: 127; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
308	How many papers at the 2023 NeurIPS conference will have authors with Apple Inc. affiliation?	numforecasts: 16; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
309	Longbets series: By 2030, will commercial passengers routinely fly in pilotless planes?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
310	Will there be a culturally significant development in aging research by 2030?	numforecasts: 330; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
311	Will annual U.S. inflation reach 100% in any year before 2050?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
312	Will a new Derek Chauvin homicide trial be ordered on or before April 20, 2022?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
313	Will SciHub or a successor organisation exist and be uploading new articles in 2023?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
314	How many seats will the Labour Party win at the next UK general election?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
315	What percentage of US GDP will be spent on healthcare in 2035?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
316	Hutter Prize: At the end of 2022, what will be the best bits-per-character compression of a 1GB sample of Wikipedia?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
317	What will be the 7-day moving average of vaccine doses administered in Virginia on 25 September?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
318	How many e-prints on AI Safety, interpretability or explainability will be published on ArXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2023-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
319	What will the total amount of worldwide venture capital funding in quantum computing be in 2022?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
320	How many people in the US between the ages 16-24 will be employed in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
321	If Conservatives win the next UK general election, what will the England & Wales prison population rate per 100,000 people be 5 years later?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
322	Will women be required to register for US Selective Service before 2024?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
323	When will electric cars constitute over 5% of the US passenger car fleet?	numforecasts: 209; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
324	Is the halting problem for the Collatz Program computable?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
325	Will at least 2 US diplomats die or be captured in the evacuation of Kabul?	numforecasts: 492; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
326	When will it become possible to transplant organs without the recipient needing immunosuppressant drugs?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
327	Will Israel recognize Palestine by 2070?	numforecasts: 163; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
328	Will an incumbent traditional animal protein company take out a full-page ad that criticises plant-based, or cultivated meat, in either the NYT, WSJ or WaPo by 2023?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
329	When will electric cars constitute over 5% of the Japanese passenger car fleet?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
330	Will Bill Gates implant a brain-computer interface in anyone by 2030?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
331	What will Poland's Economist Democracy Index be in 2030?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
332	Bitcoin Extremes: Will the value of 1 bitcoin fall to $1,000 or less before 2025?	numforecasts: 725; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
333	When will "Tesla Bots" be available to US consumers?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
334	Will a CANZUK Free Movement Treaty be Adopted Before 2029?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
335	Will Iran possess a nuclear weapon by 2030?	numforecasts: 454; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
336	Will Twitter flag any tweet by the New York Times as misinformation before 2025?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
337	Will Robin Hanson win a bet that the GPT line of language models will generate < $1Bn in customer revenue by 2025?	numforecasts: 414; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
338	Will Próspera's population in 2021 be larger than 1,000?	numforecasts: 115; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
339	Will there be at least one fatality in the US from a non-test nuclear detonation by 2050 if a non-test detonation causes a fatality anywhere?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
340	Assuming that the Green Party does not join the federal government following the German federal elections on September 26th, 2021, what will be German per capita CO2 emissions in 2025?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
341	Will there be at least one fatality from nuclear detonation in North Korea by 2050, if any detonation occurs?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
342	Will the Unique Games Conjecture be proved by 2030?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
343	What proportion of offensive nuclear weapon detonations by Pakistan by 2050 will be countervalue, if any detonation by Pakistan occurs?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
344	By 1 November 2021 will the US Senate pass a bill extending the Child Tax Credit?	numforecasts: 14; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
345	For the month of September 2021, what will the US Bureau of Labor Statistics report as the preliminary monthly non-farm payroll number (in millions)?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
346	Will Impossible Food's ingredient heme be banned in the United States before 2023?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
347	When will the US implement a national carbon tax or carbon pricing mechanism?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
348	According to COVIDcast survey results reported by the UVA Biocomplexity Institute on 1 October 2021, what percentage of Virginians will be “vaccine accepting”?	numforecasts: 142; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
349	Will Magdalena Andersson be the next leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party?	numforecasts: 14; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
350	Will US poverty be higher in November 2021 than it was in November 2020?	numforecasts: 134; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
351	How many members will Giving What We Can have on its 20th anniversary?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
352	Will Donald Trump become speaker of the House of Representatives before January 15th 2023?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
353	When will the prize pool of an esport tournament be greater than any other sport tournament in that year?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
354	When will the Riemann Hypothesis be resolved?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
355	When will the pre-August 2022 peak in weekly CLI visits (count) in Virginia occur?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
356	Will Sam Bankman-Fried have donated $1bn 2021 USD to charitable causes before 2031?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
357	What will be the 4-week average of initial jobless claims (in thousands) filed in September 2021?	numforecasts: 161; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
358	Will Cuba still be a communist state in 2023?	numforecasts: 456; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
359	When will the mammoth be revived?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
360	On what date will the New York Times COVID-19 tracker for New York City assess the risk as "low"?	numforecasts: 283; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
361	Alexei Navalny to become president or prime minister of Russia in his lifetime?	numforecasts: 807; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
362	Will Yang get 200k donors or more in the 2024 US presidential race?	numforecasts: 167; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
363	What will the total worldwide box office gross be for Avatar 2?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
364	Will Joe Biden be the Democratic nominee in 2024?	numforecasts: 258; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
365	By 2030, will at least 1% of Gallup respondents report the most important problem facing the US is something relating to space?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
366	Will more than 2,500 Palestinians in 2021 be killed in the context of the occupation and conflict?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
367	Is the sunflower conjecture true?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
368	What will be the percent SOL assessment pass rate in math for Virginian third graders in the 2021-2022?	numforecasts: 98; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
369	What will be the EU GDP growth (year on year) in 2021?	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
370	By 2023, how fast will the Effective Altruism Wiki have grown relative to the LessWrong Wiki?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
371	Will Rep. Matt Gaetz leave the US House of Representatives before 2023?	numforecasts: 343; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
372	When will the Mars helicopter Ingenuity stop making successful flights for 6 months, if it is operational through 2022-01-01?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
373	Longbets series: Will slaughterhouses be banned in the United Kingdom by 2050.	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
374	Will Ron DeSantis be the GOP nominee for the 2024 US presidential election?	numforecasts: 169; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
375	Will there be a renewal of intense fighting in the Donbass this summer?	numforecasts: 226; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
376	How many people will die as a result of the most deadly earthquake in the 2020s?	numforecasts: 115; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
377	When will a West Balkan state next join the EU?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
378	When will SpaceX's Starship carry a human to orbit?	numforecasts: 187; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
379	What will be the median age of an employed person in the US in 2040?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
380	When will the WHO certify the worldwide eradication of Polio?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
381	Will Elon Musk (attempt to) go to Mars?	numforecasts: 497; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
382	Will there be a very large-scale power outage in continental Europe synchronous grid (> 10 m people affected for more than > 1 hour in several countries) before 2023?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
383	Will Kamala Harris win the 2024 presidential election?	numforecasts: 457; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
384	When will the last Metaculus question resolution occur?	numforecasts: 161; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
385	When will Uber become cheaper in the Bay Area?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
386	What percentage of 5-11 year olds in Virginia will have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine by end of 2021?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
387	Will renewable energy contribute 25.00%, or less, to global electricity production in the calendar year 2030?	numforecasts: 124; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
388	Will Próspera at any point before 2035 have at least 10,000 residents?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
389	When will self-driving taxis be available in at least one large German city?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
390	In 2025, according to the EA Survey, what percentage of EA dollars will go to to global poverty?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
391	Will Washington D.C. become a state before 2025-01-20?	numforecasts: 267; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
392	Will the CDU continue to govern Germany after the 2021 elections?	numforecasts: 825; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
393	Will Aubrey de Grey be terminated or resign from the SENS Research Foundation by 2022?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
394	Will the control problem be solved before the creation of Artificial General Intelligence?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
395	Will the Conservative Party form the first government after the next UK general election?	numforecasts: 427; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
396	How many athletes will have signed the High Impact Athletes giving pledge by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
397	Will armed conflict between the national military forces or law enforcement personnel of Republic of China (Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) cause at least 100 deaths before 2050?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
398	When will credible sources reveal the existence of something similar to DALL-E but significantly bigger?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
399	What will the World's GDP be in 2028?	numforecasts: 169; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
400	When will the first evidence of extraterrestrial life be discovered?	numforecasts: 274; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
401	Will large scale solar radiation management be used to mitigate the effects of climate change in the 21st century?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
402	Will Kamala Harris be president before inauguration day 2025?	numforecasts: 493; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
403	How much venture capital, private equity, and other non-exit capital will be invested in cultivated meat companies in 2022?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
404	When will the U.S. CDC recommend that all fully vaccinated Americans receive a booster dose?	numforecasts: 297; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
405	When will a computer program be able to solve over 80% of competition-level coding problems on its first try?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
406	When will Hong Kong stop being a Special Administrative Region of China?	numforecasts: 233; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
407	When will the 7-day rolling average for US COVID-19 deaths drop below 100?	numforecasts: 461; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
408	What percentage of the Israeli population will be Haredi in 2050?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
409	Will any body of the US federal government conclude that COVID-19 originated in a lab in Hubei before June 1st 2022?	numforecasts: 512; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
410	What will be the % change in the Industrial Production Index for September 2021?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
411	Will Marine Le Pen win the 2022 French presidential election?	numforecasts: 244; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
412	Will Pakistan recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan before 2030?	numforecasts: 32; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
413	When will the Sputnik V vaccine be approved by WHO?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
414	When will the U.S. lift its Presidential Proclamation restricting travel from the European Schengen Area?	numforecasts: 652; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
415	Will Turkey recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan before 2030?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
416	How many major wars will begin between 2021 and 2031?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
417	Is the Collatz Conjecture true?	numforecasts: 234; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
418	Will Catalonia become an independent state?	numforecasts: 408; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
419	Will China recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan before 2030?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
420	How many ratings will Toby Ord's book The Precipice have on Amazon on January 1st 2022?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
421	What will be the percentage change of Australia's seasonally-adjusted Private Sector WPI for Q3 2021?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
422	Will Brazil continue to be the largest producer of soybeans in the world in 2022?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
423	By 23 November 2021 will the US Supreme Court overturn any part of President Biden's executive order requiring federal workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
424	What fraction of nuclear weapon detonations by 2050 will be on well-populated areas?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
425	How many papers at the 2023 NeurIPS conference will have authors with Amazon affiliation?	numforecasts: 15; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
426	When will the UK reach herd immunity (>53.3m) for Covid-19?	numforecasts: 564; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
427	When will the Mars helicopter Ingenuity stop making successful flights for 6 months?	numforecasts: 15; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
428	When will someone first be convicted of a murder that occurred outside of Earth's atmosphere?	numforecasts: 15; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
429	When will Bitcoin lose its position as market dominant cryptocurrency?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
430	When will the number of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations in the US have declined by 90% relative to 2020 levels?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
431	In 2024 or 2025, will a dispute which determines the outcome of the 2024 US Presidential Election be decided by the US Supreme Court?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
432	What will be Trump's first retrospective job approval rating?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
433	How many UN member states will there be in 2070?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
434	In 2022, for any month where US core CPI inflation is more than 3 percent, will inflation be at most 3 percentage points higher than the three-month commercial paper interest rate?	numforecasts: 13; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
435	What will the Womens winning 100m time in the 2024 Olympic Final be?	numforecasts: 14; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
436	How many billions of dollars will hurricanes in 2021 cost the US?	numforecasts: 230; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
437	Will the first female president of the United States enter office as a Republican?	numforecasts: 128; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
438	Will the United States fulfill its goal of landing humans on the moon again before 2025?	numforecasts: 1220; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
439	How many billions of dollars will wildfires in the US in 2021 cost?	numforecasts: 10; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
440	How big will be the first crew sent to Mars?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
441	Will a DNA-sequencing read-length record of over 5,000,000 bases be achieved before January 1st, 2022?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
442	Will Egypt attempt to damage the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam before 2024?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
443	Will there be a bilateral cease-fire of at least 30 days in the Tigray war before 2022?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
444	Who will be the next leader of the UK Conservative Party?	numforecasts: 211; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
445	What share (in %) of the world's super-compute performance will  United States-based in the June 2030 TOP500 list?	numforecasts: 161; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
446	What will net U.S. geothermal electricity production be in the year 2026, in GWh?	numforecasts: 13; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
447	If there is a WW3, what latitude will it start in?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
448	Will a third-party or independent candidate win at least 5% of the popular vote in the 2024 US presidential election?	numforecasts: 115; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
449	Will a Democrat win the 2024 US presidential election?	numforecasts: 349; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
450	When will there be a proof (or disproof) that P=BPP?	numforecasts: 10; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
451	By 2030, how many people will have ever landed on the Moon?	numforecasts: 342; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
452	Will Mount Rushmore be intentionally destroyed or modified before 2025?	numforecasts: 190; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
453	Will 2021 be the hottest year on record according to NASA?	numforecasts: 463; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
454	What will be China's GDP at the end of 2025 in trillions of dollars?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
455	When will it cost less than $1000 to calculate the private key of a 2048-bit RSA public key?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
456	Will the U.S. join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade pact in 2021?	numforecasts: 166; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
457	Will the U.S. CDC announce that they are tracking a SARS-CoV-2 variant that they classify as a variant of high consequence (VOHC) before 1 August 2022?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
458	What will the atmospheric CO2 concentration be in 2030?	numforecasts: 182; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
459	How will the World Happiness Report rank the United States in 2022-2024?	numforecasts: 17; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
460	When will a private fusion company first report a yearly profit?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
461	When will the US elect a President who is not a Democrat or a Republican?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
462	When will biological lifespans increase faster than 0.75 years per year?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
463	When will the total number of people who have gone to space reach 1000?	numforecasts: 347; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
464	Will the next President of the United States be impeached?	numforecasts: 249; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
465	What percentage of  Virginians will have received a booster dose for COVID-19 vaccine by end of 2021?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
466	What percentage of Virginia's overall population will be fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 on 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
467	Will San Francisco issue a health order banning all restaurant indoor dining anytime between 2021-07-01 and 2021-12-31?	numforecasts: 310; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
468	Will a Wealth Tax be passed if a Democrat is elected president in 2020?	numforecasts: 187; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
469	How many paying customers will the most used romantic AI companion have by 2025?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
470	What will Peru's GDP per capita (PPP) be in 2030?	numforecasts: 79; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
471	Will Sweden have an extra election before 2022?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
472	When will Germany have no coal-fired power plants in its electricity grid?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
473	How much will the US market of plant-based meat grow in 2021 with respect to the previous year?	numforecasts: 143; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
474	Will armed conflicts between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) lead to at least 100 deaths before Jan 1, 2026?	numforecasts: 134; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
475	When will Apple announce the first computer that uses the second generation of their M-series processor (likely to be named the M2)?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
476	What will the cost of energy of utility-scale solar photovoltaics be in 2022, in 2018 USD per kWh?	numforecasts: 132; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
477	When will The Economist rank China as a democracy in the Democracy Index?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
478	When will Australia reopen for quarantine-free international travel?	numforecasts: 319; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
479	Will Substack cancel anyone before 2023?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
480	What will Lebanon's Fragile States Index score be in 2022?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
481	Drake's Equation 5th parameter f_i: On what fraction of habitable planets with life does intelligence evolve?	numforecasts: 245; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
482	When will a clean meat flavoring product be approved for human consumption?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
483	When, if ever, will 17 year olds vote in the US?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
484	What will South Africa's Fragile States Index score be in 2022?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
485	Will the US have more than 200,000 daily COVID-19 cases (7-day average) before January 1, 2022?	numforecasts: 384; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
486	When will the US close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
487	How many southwest land border encounters will be reported by CBP for the months of August to December 2021?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
488	Will any top ten meat global processor/producer go bankrupt by 2023?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
489	When will Gross World Product exceed 1 quadrillion USD?	numforecasts: 113; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
490	When will the next Scottish independence referendum be held?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
491	How many nuclear weapons will be detonated offensively by 2050?	numforecasts: 164; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
492	When will The Economist rank Russia as a Democracy in its Democracy Index?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
493	Will the next Millennium Prize Problem be solved by AI?	numforecasts: 184; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
494	Will an anti-5G attack take a life in 2021 or 2022?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
495	When will the first clone of a prominent historical figure be born?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
496	Will China achieve its Paris Climate Agreement goals?	numforecasts: 337; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
497	Will the sunflower conjecture be resolved before 2060?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
498	In Virginia, what will be the 7-day moving average of new COVID-19 testing encounters on 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 283; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
499	What will the total retail sales including food services be for September 2021?	numforecasts: 79; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
500	Will Roe v. Wade be formally overturned by 2028-07-31?	numforecasts: 545; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
501	When will the Collatz Conjecture be resolved?	numforecasts: 156; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
502	What is the highest value 1 bitcoin will ever reach by 2030?	numforecasts: 185; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
503	In the year 2028, how many tonnes of insect protein will be used as animal feed for livestock, poultry and fish in Europe?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
504	Will a third party win a Senate election in the United States by 2050?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
505	When will a computer program be credited as an artist of at least ten pages of content in Weekly Shonen Jump?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
506	When will One Piece end?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
507	When will the first woman win the World Chess Championships?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
508	Will JavaScript be the most used programming language in the 2030 Stack Overflow Developer Survey?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
509	In the 2024 US Presidential election, will any state officially submit results to the electoral college that are different from the projected winner of that state?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
510	When will the percent of Virginia's population vaccinated with at least one dose reach 75%?	numforecasts: 303; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
511	What percentage of the US 2024 presidential popular vote will the Democratic and Republican parties (combined) receive?	numforecasts: 120; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
512	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Animal Welfare in 2030?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
513	When will the first openly furry person be elected to a major US office?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
514	Will Turkey be a NATO member continuously until 1 January 2025?	numforecasts: 216; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
515	How many career points will LeBron James score in the NBA regular season when he retires?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
516	When will a peanut, soy, or wheat-based product that is successfully de-allergenized first be for sale in the United States or any European Union-member state?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
517	When will 1 bitcoin be worth $1,000,000 (2020 USD) or more?	numforecasts: 293; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
518	Will the WTA and ATP merge before 2031?	numforecasts: 17; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
519	When will Israel recognize Palestine?	numforecasts: 73; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
520	By 31 December 2021 will any hospital in the US have an official policy to triage COVID patients based on vaccination status?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
521	When will at least a zettabyte of digital information be destroyed as the result of a single event?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
522	When will there be a (classical) polynomial time algorithm for factoring intergers?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
523	Will there be a non-BJP Prime Minister of India before 2030?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
524	Will NASA's SLS launch a person to the Moon before 2024?	numforecasts: 249; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
525	How much will High Impact Athletes have donated by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
526	How high will the Haredi share of Israel's population be at its peak?	numforecasts: 144; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
527	What proportion of offensive nuclear weapon detonations by China by 2050 will be countervalue, if any detonation by China occurs?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
528	Will Donald J. Trump be a candidate for President in the 2024 cycle?	numforecasts: 719; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
529	What will be the Democracy Index of the United States in 2040?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
530	Will GB News be broadcasting in 2025?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
531	When will at least 1% of people in any major city or country have experienced using augmented reality outside?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
532	What will be the labor force participation rate (total 16 and older) in the U.S. for October 2025?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
533	Will the US rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal before 2023?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
534	What will be the vaccine efficacy of the two-dose Johnson & Johnson Ad26.COV2.S vaccine candidate according to the results of Phase III testing?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
535	When will humanity use more than one millionth of the sun's energy output?	numforecasts: 104; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
536	Will there be an AI Sputnik moment before 2050?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
537	How many drugs will be approved by the FDA in 2035?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
538	How high will Germany's total dependency ratio be in 2039?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
539	When will Queen Elizabeth II cease to be Queen of the United Kingdom?	numforecasts: 440; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
540	How much will US livestock production be subsidized, on average, in over the 2021-22 period?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
541	Will Donald Trump be elected president of the United States in 2024?	numforecasts: 494; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
542	What will the average top price performance (in G3D Mark /$) of the best available GPU be, on Jan 14, 2022?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
543	How many seats will the Scottish National Party win at the next UK general election?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
544	Will a mission to land a spacecraft on Europa launch by 2030?	numforecasts: 154; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
545	Will the USD be the dominant global reserve currency in 2050?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
546	Will the Supreme Court hear Harvard vs SFFA by 2030?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
547	Will a US Democratic President sign into law a $500 billion spending cut before 2029?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
548	Will AES-256 be publicly broken by 2040?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
549	What will be the percentage change of Australia's seasonally-adjusted Public Sector WPI for Q3 2021?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
550	What percentage of people cryopreserved between 2020 and 2050 will be revived by 2200?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
551	When will the UK have sequenced 10M people in a research biobank?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
552	Will one government govern 80% of Earth's population and economy by 2100?	numforecasts: 109; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
553	Will there be at least 1 fatality due to accidental or unauthorised nuclear detonation by 2024?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
554	Will NASA issue a second fully-funded award for its Human Landing System contract before 2022?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
555	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards AI risk reduction in 2025?	numforecasts: 16; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
556	Will France place in the Top 5 at the 2024 Paris Olympics?	numforecasts: 15; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
557	What is the probability that Gore will defeat Bush in the 2000 US Presidential Election?	numforecasts: 227; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
558	Robocup Challenge	numforecasts: 322; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
559	Will Republicans win control of the US House of Representatives in 2024?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
560	What will be the 7-day moving average of the percentage of people wearing masks in Virginia on 18 September?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
561	How many research papers on cultivated meat will be published in 2022, according to Semantic Scholar?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
562	What will the maximum world real GDP growth in percentage points be for a single year in the 21st century?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
563	Ragnarök Question Series: if a nanotechnology catastrophe occurs, will it reduce the human population by 95% or more?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
564	When will Virgin Galactic's first paid flight occur?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
565	When will the US-EU border reopen?	numforecasts: 218; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
566	How much total capital will be invested in plant-based foods companies through exits (IPOs, direct listings, mergers and acquisitions) in 2022?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
567	Will global CO2-equivalent emissions be greater in 2021 than in 2020?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
568	What will the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies be at start of 2025? (In billion USD)	numforecasts: 387; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
569	Will one of the first AGI claim to be conscious?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
570	Will a US consumer be unable to purchase a Cavendish banana at a major US grocery chain on 2029-12-31?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
571	When will the first human head transplant occur?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
572	Will Nord Stream 2 be completed (before 2025)?	numforecasts: 198; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
573	What will the earliest preservation date of any resuscitated cryonics patient be?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
574	Will Elon Musk be the richest person in the world at year end 2025?	numforecasts: 98; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
575	Will there be an exponential improvement in the bounds on diagonal Ramsey by 2060?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
576	How much venture capital, private equity, and other non-exit capital will be invested in plant-based food companies in 2026?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
577	Which language modelling benchmark will be most popular in the calendar year 2022?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
578	Will a new State of Emergency in response to COVID be declared in Virginia before 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
579	How many Arab League member states will have normalized relations with Israel in 2027?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
580	When will most members of the House of Lords be directly democratically elected?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
581	Will the Coalition win the next Australian federal election?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
582	When will NASA next land astronauts on the Moon?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
583	What will be the 7-day moving average of PCR percent positivity by lab report date in Virginia on 18 September?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
584	When will the VIX index climb above 50?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
585	What will be the weekly peak percent of medical visits that are for influenza-like illness (ILI) in Virginia during the 2021-2022 flu season?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
586	Will it be legal at any point to pay taxes in Bitcoin in the U.S. before 2030?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
587	How many US states will decriminalize psilocybin by 2027?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
588	50 years after the first AGI becomes publicly known, how much earlier will historical consensus determine it came online?	numforecasts: 86; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
589	What will the land area of Singapore be in 2070 in square kilometres?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
590	What will the Men's winning 100m time in the 2024 Olympic Final be?	numforecasts: 12; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
591	Kessler syndrome by 2050?	numforecasts: 583; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
592	Will Republicans control the United States Senate on 2022-10-31?	numforecasts: 131; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
593	What will the total dollar grocery sales of plant-based foods in the U.S. be in 2022?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
594	Will any Wirecard executive receive a custodial sentence for their involvement in the Wirecard collapse?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
595	Will lab-grown complex vital organs be used successfully in humans before 2025?	numforecasts: 281; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
596	What will be the longest verified human lifespan on record on January 1 2050?	numforecasts: 196; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
597	By 2030, how much will the most expensive NFT be sold?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
598	Will someone agree to participate in a Rootclaim challenge before 2025?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
599	Will a practical nuclear fusion reactor first be developed in China?	numforecasts: 398; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
600	When will India become a World Bank high-income country?	numforecasts: 197; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
601	When will Australia reach its 80% (of 16+ population) Covid-19 vaccination target?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
602	By 2021-11-01 will the US FDA approve a COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
603	What percentage of Americans will be considered obese or overweight in 2030?	numforecasts: 358; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
604	Will the EU have a mandatory multi-tiered animal welfare labelling scheme in place by 2025?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
605	When will the price of Bitcoin first drop below $6481, 10% of the all-time high value?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
606	When will North Korea become a democracy?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
607	Will a reliable poll of physicists reveal that a majority of those polled accept the many-worlds interpretation by 2050?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
608	How many US states and territories will have an ACS GINI coefficient over 0.5 by 2025?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
609	Will bitcoins thought to belong to Satoshi Nakamoto be spent by 2075-04-05?	numforecasts: 139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
610	Will Reddit power user "maxwellhill" be confirmed to be Ghislaine Maxwell in 2025 or earlier?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
611	Will the GOP control the senate after the 2024 election?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
612	Will a Guaranteed Minimum Income introduced in any EU country before 2041?	numforecasts: 189; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
613	Will there be another donor on the scale of 2020 Good Ventures in the Effective Altruist space in 2026?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
614	How many cents will it cost a typical consumer in the United States to store 10 GB of data on January 1st 2025?	numforecasts: 139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
615	How far away is the nearest independent origination of life?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
616	What will be the heaviest payload put into LEO by a launch vehicle that is in service at start of 2050?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
617	What will public knowledge be in the year 2061 of the highest pixel resolution, in centimeters, of a classified U.S. government optical satellite that was operational between 2011-2021?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
618	Will more than 400 Palestinians in 2021 be killed in the context of the occupation and conflict?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
619	Will Metaculus exist in 2030?	numforecasts: 631; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
620	Will the three-year average of livestock production subsidies fall below $150M/year by 2030?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
621	What will be the seasonally adjusted CPI-U (with food and energy) for September 2021?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
622	When will Australia have no coal-fired power plants in its National Electricity Market?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
623	Will Climeworks still exist in 2030?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
624	How many deployed nuclear weapons will there be at the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
625	Will US greenhouse gas emissions be halved by 2030?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
626	How many nuclear weapons will states possess on December 31, 2023?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
627	Will there be at least one fatality due to inadvertent nuclear detonation by 2024?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
628	How many doses of any COVID19 vaccine will have been administered in Germany on 2021-10-01?	numforecasts: 216; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
629	What proportion of non-test nuclear weapon detonations by 2050 will be against battlefield targets?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
630	Will Magnus Carlsen retain the Chess World Championship for a fifth time?	numforecasts: 140; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
631	Will Metaculus, or a licensed derivative, be operated as a public site by a publicly traded company by 2030?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
632	Will a NATO nuclear-sharing country sign the TPNW by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
633	When will the fraction of English books that mention"Deep Learning" peak, over the 2021 to 2045 period (inclusive)?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
634	Will there be a major nuclear or radiological accident before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 251; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
635	By 2023, how many words of content will have been published on the Effective Altruism Wiki?	numforecasts: 14; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
636	Will cannabis be removed from Schedule I of the Controlled Substance Act by 2024?	numforecasts: 479; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
637	What proportion of nuclear weapon detonations by the US by 2050 will be countervalue, if any detonation by the US occurs?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
638	How many customers will make up the biggest paying customer base of any AI assistant software in 2025?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
639	What proportion of offensive nuclear weapon detonations by India by 2050 will be countervalue, if any detonation by India occurs?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
640	If there are 100 deaths in conflict between China and Taiwan before 2050, will Taiwan receive direct military support from allied nations?	numforecasts: 11; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
641	Before 2030, will mainstream news media report that alien technology has visited our solar system?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
642	If a single-payer healthcare system is adopted in the United States, will healthcare spending go down as a fraction of GDP?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
643	[Short-fuse] When will the next episode of Hello Internet be released?	numforecasts: 120; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
644	Will there be a deadly clash involving gunfire or explosives between the US and China before 2024?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
645	How many laws will be enacted during the 117th United States Congress?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
646	Manned Mars landing by 100th Apollo 11 anniversary?	numforecasts: 426; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
647	Will a member of Congress be charged during 2021 with a felony in connection with the Capitol riot?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
648	Will the US rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal before 2022?	numforecasts: 646; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
649	Will most of the Quad/Five Eyes countries boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics?	numforecasts: 155; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
650	What will be the effective tax rate for a hypothetical 1 million dollar long-term capital gain in the United States on January 1st 2024?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
651	If Joe Biden becomes president, what will the federal minimum wage be at the end of 2024?	numforecasts: 345; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
652	What percentage of the US federal budget will be used for Medicare in 2024?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
653	When will the 10-year average Gross World Product growth rate exceed 6%?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
654	Will the Dai stablecoin maintain a value of roughly $1 until July 2023?	numforecasts: 142; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
655	What will be the 7-day moving average of current confirmed+pending COVID-19 hospitalizations on 18 September?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
656	How many people will be reported to have died per year of COVID-19 on average during the years 2022-2025 in the United States?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
657	What percentage of seats will the PAP win in the next Singaporean general election?	numforecasts: 12; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
658	Will meme-based cryptocurrency, Dogecoin (DOGE), be valued at $1 per coin or higher on January 1, 2025?	numforecasts: 373; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
659	When will the COVID-19 infection fatality rate fall below 0.05%?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
660	Will a member of the Trump family be the Republican nominee for the US Presidency in 2024?	numforecasts: 895; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
661	What will be the exponent of the fastest known polynomial-time matrix multiplication algorithm in 2029?	numforecasts: 120; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
662	When will the James Webb telescope be launched?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
663	What will be the 7-day moving average of vaccine doses administered in Virginia on 18 September?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
664	Will commercial animal farming be prohibited in the US by 2040?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
665	How many people 65+ will be employed in the US in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
666	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant in 2025?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
667	If Starlink offers an IPO before 2030, will it set a record for the largest IPO?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
668	Bitcoin Extremes: Will 1 bitcoin be worth $100,000 or more before 2025?	numforecasts: 1507; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
669	How many teragrams of black carbon will be injected into the upper troposphere as a result of the next nuclear conflict?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
670	In 2029, how many small firearms per capita will there be in the USA, according to the Small Arms Survey?	numforecasts: 175; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
671	What percentage of new COVID-19 deaths that occur before 1 August 2022 will be in long-term care facilities?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
672	Will the question asking whether Scott will mention it on Astral Codex Ten resolve ambiguously?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
673	Will US income inequality increase by 2025?	numforecasts: 238; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
674	Will the world agree to new climate targets at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference?	numforecasts: 208; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
675	When will the GDP of Mars exceed that of Earth?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
676	By 31 December 2021 will General Mark Milley stop serving as the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?	numforecasts: 11; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
677	If there is a WW3, what longitude will it start in?	numforecasts: 113; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
678	How many excess deaths will the United States experience during COVID-19 (March 8th 2020 through December 31st 2021)?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
679	How many refugees will be admitted to the US from 2021 to 2024?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
680	When will Afghanistan allow same-sex marriage?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
681	What will the release date of the first song to be streamed 4 billion times on Spotify be?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
682	Will a Tesla car demonstrate fully autonomous capability before the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 136; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
683	When will at least 20 U.S. states legalize the recreational use of cannabis?	numforecasts: 313; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
684	Will humans have a sustainable off-world presence by 2100?	numforecasts: 637; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
685	Before 2023, will the United States CDC recommend that those who have already been vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) be vaccinated again due to a mutation in the virus?	numforecasts: 454; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
686	Will the US President inaugurated in 2025 be from a different political party than the projected winner as officially called by a majority of major news desks?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
687	Will Erin O'Toole win the 2021 Canadian federal election?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
688	What will be the U.S. average weekly hours of all employees (total non-farm private) in October 2025?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
689	How many people will be employed in the US education industry in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
690	Will there be an episode of The Simpsons with an IMDb rating ≥ 8/10 before 2022?	numforecasts: 128; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
691	Will Trump gain at least 10M followers on another platform?	numforecasts: 359; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
692	When will Metaculus be linked to by 130 sites?	numforecasts: 128; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
693	What will be the total number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 812; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
694	Will Mike Pence be the GOP nominee for the 2024 US presidential election?	numforecasts: 177; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
695	What will be Donald Trump's net worth in 2024?	numforecasts: 132; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
696	When will airplane travelers be free from mask mandates in the USA?	numforecasts: 86; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
697	What is the likelihood ratio of being revived before 2200 if one was preserved by Alcor vs. the Cryonics Institute while both were active?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
698	Will the (English speaking) world be happier in 2021 than in 2020?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
699	When will AI be able to accurately infer the implied ending of the children's book, "I Want My Hat Back"?	numforecasts: 342; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
700	Will a 100 trillion parameter deep learning model be trained before 2026?	numforecasts: 398; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
701	When will at least 5 cultivated meat products be approved by federal regulators for commercial sale in the US?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
702	If a small inducement prize platform is created for effective altruists, how many dollars of prize money will be disbursed within a year?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
703	When will New Zealand reopen for quarantine-free international travel?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
704	Will Emmanuel Macron be re-elected President of France in 2022?	numforecasts: 727; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
705	Will this question be mentioned in an Astral Codex Ten Post in 2021?	numforecasts: 211; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
706	Will the S&P 500 experience a bear market (peak to trough decline of 20% or more) in 2021?	numforecasts: 438; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
707	When will the first 100 Megawatt fusion-based electrical generation facility come into service?	numforecasts: 353; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
708	What will be the number of K-12 outbreaks in Virginia for the week of  9/12-9/18?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
709	Will US CPI inflation rise by more than 3% from December 2021 to December 2022?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
710	When will a SpaceX Starship reach orbit?	numforecasts: 449; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
711	When will China legalise same-sex marriage?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
712	If Trump is not sworn in as President in 2021, will he become the Republican nominee for President in 2024?	numforecasts: 833; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
713	By 1 January 2050, will it be possible to increase a healthy adult human's IQ by at least two standard deviations in less than 30 days?	numforecasts: 240; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
714	When will a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine be granted emergency use authorization by the U.S. FDA for children under 12 years old?	numforecasts: 159; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
715	Will Taylor Swift release a new album in 2021?	numforecasts: 193; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
716	How many Virginians (thousands) will be employed in leisure and hospitality services in December 2021?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
717	Will the UK government announce that they will allow street votes to determine planning permissions by 31st December 2024?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
718	How many subscribers will /r/sneerclub have on January 1st 2022?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
719	Will there be a major famine in North Korea before 2025?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
720	How many flights will the Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity, make in its lifetime?	numforecasts: 10; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
721	Will Israel be the fourth country to soft-land on the Moon?	numforecasts: 137; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
722	If Lesswrong holds a similar Petrov Day event in 2021, will the "red button" be pressed?	numforecasts: 217; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
723	Will Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (R, GA-14) be expelled or resign by 1 Jan 2022	numforecasts: 382; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
724	Human-machine intelligence parity by 2040?	numforecasts: 1218; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
725	Will any member of the Trump family join Substack by Nov 3, 2024?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
726	What will the largest number of digits of π to have been computed be, by the end of 2025?	numforecasts: 205; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
727	When will the Chinese government have gathered genome-wide data on 1 billion citizens?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
728	Will the Tennis be part of the 2044 Summer Olympics?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
729	Will there be a deadly clash involving gunfire or explosives between Russia and China before 2024?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
730	Will commercial farming of cows, pigs and chickens for meat be prohibited in the US by 2041?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
731	Will YouTube be blocked in Russia in 2021?	numforecasts: 315; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
732	Will the UK's third wave of COVID-19 exceed 250 deaths/day?	numforecasts: 273; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
733	How much venture capital, private equity, and other non-exit capital will be invested in plant-based meat companies in 2022?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
734	When will Virginias pre-October peak 7-day moving average of new confirmed and probable hospitalizations occur?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
735	In how many of the 50 US states will it be legal to use psilocybin for therapy by December the 31st 2025?	numforecasts: 12; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
736	How much venture capital, private equity, and other non-exit capital will be invested in plant-based milk companies in 2022?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
737	What will the total dollar grocery sales of plant-based eggs be in the U.S. in 2022?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
738	Will someone born before 2001 live to be 150?	numforecasts: 1013; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
739	What will the value of the herein defined Image Classification Performance Index be on 2022-01-14?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
740	When will USA's GDP per capita (PPP) fall out of the world top 20?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
741	What percentage of Virginias 18-24 age group will be fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 by 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 244; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
742	How many eviction cases will be filed in Virginia in Q4 2021?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
743	When will Singapore reopen for quarantine-free international travel?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
744	How many of Virginia's 35 local health districts will be described as being "in surge" in UVA modeling slides posted 17 September?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
745	How much will the US federal government spend on income security in 2021 (in billions)?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
746	When will space mining be profitable?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
747	If chess is solved before 2080, must perfect play result in white winning?	numforecasts: 194; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
748	How much venture capital, private equity, and other non-exit capital will be invested in plant-based food companies in 2022?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
749	When will the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) be disproved?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
750	Will gravitational waves from the merger of supermassive black holes be detected within the next 10 years?	numforecasts: 274; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
751	What will be the WTI oil price in December 2021?	numforecasts: 426; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
752	What will be Virginias peak 7-day moving average of new confirmed and probable hospitalizations before 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
753	Will Russia annex Ukrainian territory before 2022?	numforecasts: 199; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
754	Will humanity (essentially) run out of at least one element currently considered "under serious threat" by 2040?	numforecasts: 215; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
755	Will there be a 10X growth in number of legal abortions conducted in Poland by 2030?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
756	Will the LVCC loop overwhelmingly use  autonomous vehicles before 2023?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
757	What will be the best proven upper bound on the infimum of S in 2120?	numforecasts: 11; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
758	How much money will be donated to ACE in 2021?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
759	What will be India's GDP at the end of 2025 in trillions of dollars?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
760	What will Bitcoin's percentage of total crypto market capitalization be in 2025?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
761	What will US house prices be at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
762	Will the year-over-year increase in U.S. Core CPI be above 4.0% for any 6 consecutive months before 2024?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
763	When will the Woke index in US elite media top?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
764	What will be the total box office gross in the U.S. & Canada in 2021?	numforecasts: 250; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
765	How many nuclear weapons will be detonated offensively by 2050, if at least one offensive detonation occurs?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
766	Will Bitcoin move away from proof-of-work by 2035?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
767	Will Scotland set a date for a new independence referendum in 2021?	numforecasts: 541; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
768	How many members will the next Bundestag have?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
769	Longbets series: will driverless cars be commercially available in Las Vegas, NV by May 27 2024?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
770	What will be Virginias peak 7-day moving average of new confirmed and probable cases before 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 167; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
771	When will an electric bike win the AMA Supercross series championship?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
772	Will Boris Johnson be UK Prime Minister in January 2022?	numforecasts: 235; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
773	When will Virginias pre-October peak 7-day moving average of new confirmed and probable cases occur?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
774	When will Virginias pre-October peak 7-day moving average of new confirmed and probable deaths occur?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
775	When will Ninja first lose the top spot as the most followed account on Twitch?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
776	Will Kim Jong-un still be the de facto leader of North Korea on 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 1515; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
777	Before 1 January 2050, will any human cryonically preserved for at least 1 year be successfully revived?	numforecasts: 252; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
778	Will SpaceX land people on Mars prior to 2030?	numforecasts: 5344; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
779	Will a nuclear device with a yield of at least 1kt be detonated anywhere on Earth in 2021?	numforecasts: 381; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
780	Will Bitcoin outperform VTI from 2021-Mar-01 until 2026?	numforecasts: 293; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
781	What fraction of nuclear weapon detonations by 2050 will be countervalue?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
782	What will be the U.S. GDP growth (year on year) in 2021?	numforecasts: 415; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
783	Will Medicare for all be passed if a Democrat is elected president in 2020?	numforecasts: 167; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
784	When will 100M people receive a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate that has demonstrated an efficacy rate >75% in a n>500 RCT?	numforecasts: 452; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
785	What will be the Alexa Traffic Rank for on January 1st 2022?	numforecasts: 285; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
786	Will soybeans be successfully de-allergenized by 2030?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
787	When will the world pass 1 million daily COVID cases for the seven day moving average	numforecasts: 114; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
788	How many seats will the Conservative Party win at the next UK general election?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
789	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Global Health and Development in 2030?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
790	Will Europa be the first place humanity will discover extraterrestrial life, if it is discovered by 2045?	numforecasts: 369; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
791	Will we get through the 21st century without an assassination of a sitting American President?	numforecasts: 306; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
792	What will China's human development index (HDI) score be in 2030?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
793	If GPT-4 is created, when will it be announced?	numforecasts: 134; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
794	When will an AI program be better than humans at making Metaculus forecasts?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
795	What will be official attendance at the 2021 University of Virginia vs Virginia Tech football game?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
796	What will be the greatest velocity attained by a human-made spacecraft before 2050?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
797	What will the average growth rate be, of total renewable energy produced worldwide, over the 2020 to 2022 period (inclusive)?	numforecasts: 169; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
798	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Scientific Research in 2025?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
799	Will at least one cultivated meat product be for sale in the US by 2023?	numforecasts: 143; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
800	When will AIs program programs that can program AIs?	numforecasts: 559; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
801	Will China recognize the sovereignty of Taiwan by 2050?	numforecasts: 318; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
802	Will another 9/11 on U.S. soil be prevented at least through 2030?	numforecasts: 242; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
803	Will the United States Senate vote to expel a Senator before January 3, 2023?	numforecasts: 188; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
804	How many medals will the USA win at Paris 2024?	numforecasts: 12; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
805	How high will China's total dependency ratio be in 2039?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
806	What will be the peak in weekly CLI visits (count) in Virginia before 1 August 2022?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
807	In 2021 will the European Commission suspend all EU mink farming, including breeding, and all in-country and cross-border transportation of live mink and their raw pelts?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
808	Will a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons develop a nuclear weapon anyway?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
809	Will an offensive nuclear detonation cause at least 1 fatality before 2024?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
810	Will Polymarket default on an obligation to hand over their users USDC on request or wrongly resolve a market by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
811	Will SpaceX actually put a literal Dogecoin on the literal Moon?	numforecasts: 353; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
812	When will the first use of accurate lie detection in court case occur?	numforecasts: 32; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
813	Will Bill and Melinda Gates' philanthropic priorities diverge by 2030?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
814	When will Amazon deliver some products by drone?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
815	Will Erdogan be re-elected President of Turkey?	numforecasts: 150; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
816	Will the UK housing market crash before July 2023?	numforecasts: 434; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
817	How many papers on AI ethics and algorithmic bias will be published by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 53; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
818	How many people will be employed in the US wholesale and retail industries in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
819	How many DALYs will be caused by outdoor air pollution in 2030?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
820	What will be the EIA crude oil stock change for commercial crude oil inventories in September 2021?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
821	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Criminal Justice Reform in 2030?	numforecasts: 53; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
822	Will marijuana be legal for recreational use in a supermajority of these strongly Republican US states by 2040?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
823	Will any of Great Britain be under monarchy in 2075?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
824	World Population in 2050?	numforecasts: 328; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
825	Will EA Global London 2021 be cancelled, rescheduled, or moved online again?	numforecasts: 212; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
826	What will be the average age of new motherhood in the U.S. in 2050?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
827	How many infections of SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus) will be estimated to have occurred  worldwide, before 2021?	numforecasts: 798; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
828	Will there be a deadly clash involving gunfire or explosives between India and China before 2024?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
829	When will a fifth nation be able to launch people into space?	numforecasts: 175; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
830	How many communist states will there be in 2050?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
831	When will the Novavax SARS-CoV-2 vaccine be granted emergency use authorization by the US FDA?	numforecasts: 446; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
832	Will US real GDP growth in 2021 set a new record for any previous year in the 21st century?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
833	Will the Australian Census of 2021 show at least 50% not religious?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
834	Will Djokovic win 21 Tennis Grand Slams?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
835	What will the global fertility rate be in 2050?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
836	When will SpaceX launch humans around the Moon?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
837	Average S&P 500 return in the 2020s?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
838	How many will be employed in the US transportation and warehousing industry in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
839	Will USA top the Olympic Medal Table at Paris 2024?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
840	How large will Monaco be in 2035?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
841	How many pigs will be culled because of an infectious disease outbreak, in the largest such occurrence, between 2021 and 2023?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
842	When will a vaccine for HIV be administered to 10 million people?	numforecasts: 140; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
843	Will 3 mainstream American news outlets report that a rebel group perpetrated the 2013 Ghouta Chemical Attack by 2033?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
844	What will South Africa's GDP per capita PPP be in 2030 (in constant 2017 USD)?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
845	How many billions of dollars of student loans will the US federal government forgive in 2021?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
846	In the context of community transmission, what will be the recommended minimum % of positive COVID-19 cases that should be sequenced?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
847	When will 6DoF enabled virtual and augmented reality headset sales exceed 50 million units per year?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
848	Will the price of bitcoin drop below $10K USD in 2021?	numforecasts: 1081; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
849	Will the next US recession turn into a depression?	numforecasts: 381; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
850	How many predictions will have been made on Metaculus by the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 241; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
851	Assuming our future simulates us, what will be the first peer-reviewed guesses of our instantiation date?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
852	Will McDonald's be the first top global QSR to feature a cultivated meat product on their menu (by 2026)?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
853	What will be the number of K-12 outbreaks in Virginia for the week of  9/5-9/11?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
854	What will be the total number of new US building permits issued in August 2021?	numforecasts: 144; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
855	Will the 117th United States Senate change the filibuster rules during its session?	numforecasts: 213; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
856	Will AI progress surprise us?	numforecasts: 615; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
857	When will the first babies screened by Orchid Health be born?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
858	When will China officially cease to be a socialist state?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
859	What will be the lowest closing value for the E-Mini S&P 500 Future Continuous Contract in September?	numforecasts: 130; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
860	Will SpaceX land anything on Mars by 2030?	numforecasts: 1253; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
861	Will there be a city on Earth with a population of over 100 million by 2100?	numforecasts: 293; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
862	Will Trevor Milton be convicted on federal fraud charges related to Nikola before 2024?	numforecasts: 16; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
863	What will the state-of-the-art performance on semantic segmentation of PASCAL-Context be on 2023-02-14 in mean IoU in percent (MIoU%), amongst models not trained on extra data?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
864	Which fraction of the German population will have a migration background in 2040?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
865	Which Artemis Moon Mission landing system will first land a person on the moon?	numforecasts: 127; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
866	Will the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union before 2030?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
867	Will the Duke or Duchess of Sussex file for divorce before Mar 8, 2022?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
868	Will United Launch Alliances's Vulcan rocket fly by 2023 (a.k.a. Will Elon Musk eat his hat with a side of mustard?)	numforecasts: 190; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
869	What will the the market cap of MSFT, AAPL, GOOG, FB, AMZN on 31 December 2021 as a percentage of the total S&P500?	numforecasts: 379; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
870	What will be the price of a Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme in Westfield, Indiana in 2025?	numforecasts: 197; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
871	How many of the top 50 Effective Altruism Forum users by karma as of June 2021 will be active in 2026?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
872	How many people 65+ will be employed in the US in 2030 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 17; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
873	Will the US FDA grant Neuralink permission to implant a brain-machine interface device in a human before 1 January 2022?	numforecasts: 206; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
874	How much global warming by 2100?	numforecasts: 563; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
875	Will North Korea and South Korea be recognized as a unified sovereign state by 2045?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
876	What will the value of the herein defined Image Classification Performance Index be on 2026-12-14?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
877	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Animal Welfare in 2025?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
878	Will a exascale volume of connectome be mapped and revealed to the public by June 2031?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
879	Will the US unemployment rate stay above 5% through November 2021?	numforecasts: 461; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
880	Assassination by autonomous weapon by 2025?	numforecasts: 173; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
881	What will be the percentage change in the number of US durable goods ordered in August 2021?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
882	Will WeWork file for bankruptcy protection before 1 January 2025?	numforecasts: 468; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
883	What will Hungary's total fertility rate be in 2023?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
884	Will the Democratic Progressive Party win the 2024 Taiwanese presidential election?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
885	When will be the next S&P 500 correction?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
886	If human-level artificial intelligence is developed, will World GDP grow by at least 30.0% in any of the subsequent 15 years?	numforecasts: 164; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
887	Will Israel be the fourth country to soft-land on the Moon, if the feat is achieved by the end of 2025?	numforecasts: 219; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
888	How many countries will approve the commercial sale of cultivated meat by 2023?	numforecasts: 104; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
889	What will Gross World Product be in 2047, in trillions of US$?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
890	Will another Millennium Prize Problem be solved in the next decade?	numforecasts: 236; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
891	When will the 10-year average Gross World Product growth rate exceed 10%?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
892	If Puerto Rico becomes a US state by 2035, will their first 2 elected Senators both be Democrats?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
893	What will the democracy index of Kyrgyzstan be in 2022?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
894	Will Randell Mills's Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics Be Taken Seriously?	numforecasts: 165; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
895	Will the first extraterrestrial life-forms we encounter be carbon-based?	numforecasts: 190; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
896	When will there be a human fatality during travel to or from a heavenly body?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
897	Will the first commercial hyperloop system be within the US?	numforecasts: 296; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
898	What will Tesla's market capitalization be on 1 January 2030?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
899	When will Ethereum be able to do 1000 transactions per second?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
900	What will be Virginias peak 7-day moving average of new confirmed and probable deaths before 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
901	What proportion of the well-known QSRs will offer a cultivated meat product in 2026?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
902	In Virginia, which month between May 2021 and March 2022 (inclusive) will have the highest number of new COVID-19 cases?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
903	When will President Teodoro Obiang leave office in Equatorial Guinea?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
904	BTC outperforms VSS from 2021-03-01 until 2026?	numforecasts: 159; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
905	The end of the EU as we know it by 2026?	numforecasts: 996; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
906	When will 1bn people have been vaccinated with any vaccine candidate(s) that have demonstrated an efficacy rate >75% in a n>500 RCT?	numforecasts: 198; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
907	When will the Twin Prime Conjecture be resolved?	numforecasts: 173; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
908	Will a book written by a language model make the NY Times Best Seller list before 2030?	numforecasts: 181; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
909	Will the US NIH recommend Vitamin D supplementation as a protective measure against coronavirus before the end of the pandemic?	numforecasts: 211; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
910	How many seats will the Liberal Democrats win at the next UK general election?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
911	When will insect feed replace fishmeal for animal feed?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
912	How much higher will peer-reviewed U.S. methane emission measurements be compared to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys reported measurements in any 12 month period between 2021-2025?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
913	Will Germany fail to meet their coal commissions goals?	numforecasts: 141; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
914	Ragnarök Question Series: if an artificial intelligence catastrophe occurs, will it reduce the human population by 95% or more?	numforecasts: 202; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
915	Will Republicans win control of the US House of Representatives in 2022?	numforecasts: 281; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
916	Will the Dutch medical consortium recommend Vitamin D supplementation as a protective measure against coronavirus before the end of the pandemic?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
917	Will a mini-Maunder event occur beginning in Solar Cycle 25 (or 24)?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
918	Will ACE or any of its top or standout charities see a scandal related to sexual harassment or unwanted sexual advances in 2021?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
919	What inflation-adjusted return will the Vanguard Information Technology ETF yield from 2021-2040 if AGI arrives by 2040, in percentage points?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
920	Will there be armed conflict between the national military forces, militia and/or law enforcement personnel of Republic of China (Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) before Jan 1, 2024?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
921	What will the total fertility rate be in USA for the year 2025?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
922	When will a quantum computer running Shor's algorithm (or a similar one) be used to factor one of the RSA numbers for the first time?	numforecasts: 128; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
923	How will the World Happiness Report rank the United States in 2020-2022?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
924	Will someone run a marathon in less than 2 hours (per IAAF rules) by 2023?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
925	Who will first land a person on Mars?	numforecasts: 278; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
926	When will the cumulative vaccination rate ratio for Black Virginians reach 1.0?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
927	When will the world create the first Trillionaire?	numforecasts: 398; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
928	When will another SARS-CoV-2 variant overtake Delta as the dominant variant in Virginia?	numforecasts: 107; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
929	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards AI risk reduction in 2030?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
930	What will be the largest plant-based meat product production capacity, in metric tons per year, of a single production facility, by January 1st, 2030?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
931	Will a 'Turing Test' for plant-based meat be passed if such a test is conducted by April 2023?	numforecasts: 142; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
932	When will the first course on wild animal welfare be taught at a top university?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
933	Will a total sum amounting to at least 10% of the money in all US DAFs be expropriated by 2100?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
934	What percentage of US residents will be aged 100 years or older on January 1 2050?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
935	When will the Twin Prime Conjecture be resolved?	numforecasts: 32; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
936	What will the listing price of an Impossible Food's plant-based beef burger be, in a U.S.-based supermarket, in USD per kilo, in June, 2022?	numforecasts: 130; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
937	Will the famed South American lithium triangle (Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina) overtake Australia in lithium production by 2030?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
938	When will the US Federal Minimum Wage be Raised?	numforecasts: 163; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
939	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Criminal Justice Reform in 2025?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
940	When (if at all) will Clubhouse surpass Discord in the US iOS App Store?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
941	In 2024, what percentage of surveyed Americans will report say that conflicts between Democrats and Republicans are "very strong"?	numforecasts: 53; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
942	Democracy in Crisis: how many autocrats, strongmen and dictators in 2028?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
943	Will at least 5 Republican Congresspeople join another party before 2022?	numforecasts: 406; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
944	Will Lebanon come under French rule again before 2025?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
945	Will the United States institute a military draft by 2025?	numforecasts: 156; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
946	Will Apple fail to deliver a new Mac Pro based on Apple silicon in 2021?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
947	What is the Chandra X-Ray Observatory's remaining lifespan?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
948	What day will Solar Cycle 25 end?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
949	In 2025, what percent of Australia's Liberal parliamentarians will be women?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
950	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Biosecurity and Pandemic Preparedness in 2025?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
951	Will Brazil win the FIFA World Cup by the end of 2050?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
952	How many federal judges will the US Senate confirm in 2021?	numforecasts: 226; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
953	If chess is solved before 2080, must perfect play result in a forced draw?	numforecasts: 209; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
954	Will Erin O'Toole become Prime Minister of Canada before 2024?	numforecasts: 304; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
955	What will be the largest grouping of stars in the Milky Way, in the year 1 billion, that don't seem to be militarily hostile to each other?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
956	When will the Sputnik V vaccine be approved by WHO?	numforecasts: 167; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
957	How many countries will increase the number of nuclear weapons they possess by at least 10% by 2024?	numforecasts: 139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
958	Will Elizabeth Holmes be convicted on fraud charges related to Theranos before 2023?	numforecasts: 209; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
959	When will GTA VI be released in the US?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
960	Will a meat or dairy consumption tax go into effect in the US or any EU member state by 2023?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
961	When will the first autonomous, road legal, human carrying motorcycle be sold in the United States?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
962	Will Volkswagen Group produce fewer than 22 million electric vehicles by 2030?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
963	If  the EU bans all types of caged-housing for egg-laying hens, what date will be set as the phase out deadline?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
964	When will the AstraZeneca/Oxford developed SARS-CoV-2 vaccine be granted emergency use authorization by the US FDA?	numforecasts: 553; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
965	What will be the real median household income in the United States in 2030?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
966	Before 2025, will at least two public health agencies claim that China deliberately misreported COVID-19 infections?	numforecasts: 439; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
967	How many dollars will it cost per month to store 1 TB on Google Cloud Archive in 2025?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
968	What will real Gross World Product be in 2100, in trillions of 2020 US$?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
969	What will be the labor force participation rate (total 16 and older) in the U.S. for October 2030?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
970	How many e-prints on multi-modal learning will be published on ArXiv over the 2021-12-14 to 2022-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
971	When will Graphcore become a publicly traded company?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
972	In 2031, will at least 90% of Open Philanthropy Project grant money be directed using effective altruist principles?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
973	Will there be a deadly clash involving gunfire or explosives between the US and Russia before 2024?	numforecasts: 50; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
974	When will Elon Musk have any device, such as a brain-machine interface, surgically implanted into his brain?	numforecasts: 301; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
975	Will Coinbase default on an obligation to hand over their users assets on request by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
976	Will the first AGI be based on deep learning?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
977	Contact lenses for augmented reality in use by innovators before 2026?	numforecasts: 237; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
978	What will the world real GDP growth rate be in 2030?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
979	On what date will the U.S. CDC announce that they are tracking a SARS-CoV-2 variant that they classify as a variant of high consequence (VOHC)?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
980	Will Freedom House report that internet freedom has declined every year until 2025?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
981	When will India send their first own astronauts to space?	numforecasts: 293; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
982	How many plug-in electric vehicle sales will there be in the U.S. in 2021?	numforecasts: 220; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
983	Which month of 2021 will see the biggest global increase of COVID-19 cases?	numforecasts: 460; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
984	When will OpenAI unveil their secret AI project?	numforecasts: 345; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
985	Will the USA's Labor Force Participation Rate be lower in 2023 than in  2018?	numforecasts: 194; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
986	Will at least 3 Basic Income pilots be launched in 2021?	numforecasts: 132; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
987	When will Lyft electrify 80% of its fleet?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
988	What will be the net percentage of people who believe it's acceptable to buy fur by 2030?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
989	What will be the minimum unemployment rate in the United States for calendar year 2021?	numforecasts: 355; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
990	When will COVID-19 be eradicated?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
991	After an AGI is created, how many months will it be before the first superintelligence?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
992	What will be the Gini coefficient for income in India in 2030?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
993	When will Alexander Lukashenko leave power in Belarus?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
994	How many scheduled airline passengers in 2021 will verify their COVID-19 health statuses with CommonPass?	numforecasts: 176; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
995	What percentage of Legislative Assembly seats will the Australian Labor Party win at the next Victorian state election?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
996	What will be the total number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths globally by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 381; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
997	Will we observe a supernova in the Milky Way Galaxy before 2050?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
998	If Biden becomes president, will there be an expansion of the Keystone Pipeline system of at least 100 km in length by the end of 2024?	numforecasts: 139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
999	Will the S&P 500 rise or fall more than 15% in a single day during the 2020s?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1000	Will the peak reported daily deaths per capita from the COVID Delta variant wave be worse in the UK than the US?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1001	When will Good Ventures first donate 5% of Dustin Moskovitz's wealth in one year?	numforecasts: 53; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1002	Will the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) start operating by end of 2025?	numforecasts: 176; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1003	If there is an artificial intelligence catastrophe this century, when will it happen?	numforecasts: 178; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1004	What will be the highest value of the U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI-1) before 2030?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1005	When will life expectancy at birth for both sexes reach 60 years in all countries?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1006	Will Israel and Saudi Arabia establish official diplomatic relations in 2021?	numforecasts: 302; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1007	Will California carry through with Governor Newsom's plan to sell only zero-emission electric cars and passenger trucks by 2035?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1008	When will commercial space launch be priced at less than $500/pound?	numforecasts: 211; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1009	Will more than 1,000 Palestinians in 2021 be killed in the context of the occupation and conflict?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1010	Will Mike Pence be a candidate for President in the 2024 cycle?	numforecasts: 331; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1011	What will total enrollment for recent US high school graduates be in US colleges in 2021?	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1012	How many new COVID-19 outbreaks will occur in Virginian long-term care facilities before 1 August 2022?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1013	When will the first human be born on another world?	numforecasts: 204; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1014	Will Trump flee the United States?	numforecasts: 183; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1015	What will the cost of energy of utility-scale solar photovoltaics be in 2020, in 2018 USD per kWh?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1016	Will the identity of Bitcoin's founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, be revealed to the general public by 2025?	numforecasts: 510; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1017	When will a crewed spacecraft enter interstellar space for the first time?	numforecasts: 186; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1018	Will there be fewer than 6 conservative justices on the SCOTUS on January 20th, 2025?	numforecasts: 111; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1019	Will Charm Industrial still exist in 2030?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1020	Before 2051, will a meteor cause more injuries than the one that shook Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1021	How many gene-edited babies will have been born worldwide by the end of 2029?	numforecasts: 145; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1022	Will Joe Biden hold the office of US President between 2021-12-24 and 2022-01-01?	numforecasts: 202; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1023	Will TBC complete two transit systems bigger than LVCC loop < 2030?	numforecasts: 24; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1024	Will Trump be indicted for obstruction of justice by 2025?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1025	How much will the average degree of automation change for key US professions from December 2020 to January 2022?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1026	In the 2024 US presidential election, will any state refuse to certify their election results?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1027	Will NASA return a sample of material from the surface of Mars to Earth before SpaceX Starship lands on Mars?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1028	Will a democratic nation whose economy transitions from capitalist to market socialist sustain adequate economic growth?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1029	What percentage of Virginias 12-15 age group will be fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 by 1 October 2021?	numforecasts: 290; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1030	Will Scotland vote to leave the UK in the next referendum?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1031	Will Scotland hold an official, sanctioned referendum on independence before May 2024?	numforecasts: 241; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1032	How many DC charging stations will Boulder, CO have by the end 2021?	numforecasts: 139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1033	How many countries will be considered "full democracies" (score higher than 8) by *The Economist* in 2021?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1034	What will real Gross World Product be in 2200, in trillions of 2020 US$?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1035	When will autonomous flying vehicles be commercially available?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1036	How many annual deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections will have been estimated by the CDC to occurred in 2021 in the US?	numforecasts: 79; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1037	Will ≥8% of U.S. adults self-report to follow a vegetarian diet before 2036?	numforecasts: 243; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1038	What will the necessary computational power to replicate human mental capability turn out to be?	numforecasts: 224; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1039	Will we discover clear evidence of proton decay by 2040?	numforecasts: 168; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1040	Will an anthropogenic disaster happen in China before one happens in India?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1041	By 2022, Will at least one abortion ban currently blocked by US federal courts go into effect?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1042	Will ACE or any of its top or standout charities see a scandal related to racial inequity or discrimination in 2021?	numforecasts: 115; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1043	Will the United States test a nuclear weapon before 2023?	numforecasts: 156; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1044	When will a Neanderthal be born again?	numforecasts: 32; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1045	Will the United States Environmental Protection Agency pass a PFAS Maximum Contaminant Level rule for all municipal water systems in the United States by January 1, 2030?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1046	Will Elon Musk have double the wealth of the second richest person by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1047	How many people will be employed in the US healthcare/social assistance industry in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1048	If Puerto Rico becomes a US state by 2035, will their first 2 elected Senators both be Republicans?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1049	When will an HSV-1 vaccine be approved by the FDA?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1050	Will an openly LGBTQ person be elected President of the United States by 2041?	numforecasts: 219; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1051	When will a country adopt Universal Basic Income?	numforecasts: 111; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1052	Will the majority of leading cosmologists in 2030 agree that the evidence points to an accelerating universe?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1053	When will an AI achieve a 98th percentile score or higher in a Mensa admission test?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1054	If no human challenge trials are run for COVID-19 before February 5, 2021, how many total deaths in the US will be directly attributed to COVID-19 in 2021?	numforecasts: 230; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1055	Will the "silver" Turing Test be passed by 2026?	numforecasts: 1139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1056	Will the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) be finished on time?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1057	What will the real GDP/capita of the USA be in 2024 if Joe Biden is elected president?	numforecasts: 102; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1058	Will Iowa host another "first in the nation" Democratic caucus by the end of 2028?	numforecasts: 124; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1059	When will Keir Starmer cease to be Leader of the Labour Party?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1060	What Portion of Official Currency Reserve (COFER) will be Chinese Yuan in Q4 of 2031 according to the IMF?	numforecasts: 17; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1061	What will the state-of-the-art language modelling performance on WikiText-103 be on 2023-02-14 in perplexity, amongst models not trained on extra data?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1062	Will Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel retract his view that he wants to die by 75?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1063	Will the federal minimum wage increase in the United States before 2025?	numforecasts: 332; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1064	When will the next great financial crisis in the US occur?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1065	How much will Open Philanthropy grant in their focus area of Potential Risks from Advanced Artificial Intelligence in 2021?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1066	What will the unemployment rate be for German law degree holders in 2025?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1067	What will the state-of-the-art language modelling performance on WikiText-103 be at 2026-12-14 in perplexity?	numforecasts: 196; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1068	Will Project Vesta still exist in 2030?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1069	What will the fed funds rate be by the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1070	Will the UK have a Conservative Prime Minister at the beginning of 2030?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1071	How many people will be born in the United States in the year 2021?	numforecasts: 346; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1072	What will be the relative severity of the next US depression, compared to the Great Depression?	numforecasts: 157; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1073	When will the first successful launch of a Starship second stage that has been flown once before occur?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1074	When will a first-class Royal Mail stamp cost at least £1?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1075	Will there be a US-Russia war by 2050?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1076	What will global direct primary energy consumption be in 2100?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1077	Will the text of the Voynich manuscript be successfully translated by 2050?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1078	Maximum price of Bitcoin in 2021?	numforecasts: 368; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1079	Will AOC be the Democratic presidential nominee in any of the next three election cycles?	numforecasts: 141; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1080	Will any person that has been cryopreserved for more than 1 year be resuscitated or emulated before 2200?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1081	As of July 1st, 2022, when will top forecasters expect the first Artificial General Intelligence to be developed and demonstrated?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1082	LRT 2.2: As of Monday, April 27th how many total cumulative SARS-CoV-2 infections (including all symptomatic, subclinical, and asymptomatic infections) have there been in the US?	numforecasts: 157; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1083	Will Stripe reach a valuation of $1 trillion before 2027?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1084	If you fall and can't get up, when will there be a friendly computer looking on to notice your predicament?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1085	How many consecutive Presidents of the United States will there be?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1086	Will an oracle superintelligence be developed before a general superintelligence?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1087	How many Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2023-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1088	How many publicly traded U.S.- or EU-based plant-based meat producers will be valued at $1bn or more on October 4th, 2023?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1089	How many years before (or after) AGI is developed, will the world real GDP be 25% higher than every previous year for the first time?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1090	What will be Top500's #1 performing supercomputer as a multiple of the #500 performer in 2030?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1091	If the federal minimum wage is $15 or greater at the end of 2024, what will the average employment-to-population ratio be in 2025?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1092	When will 5,000 companies worldwide pledge to remove cages from their egg supply chains?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1093	When will self-driving taxis be available to Metaculus users?	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1094	Will any state impose a state-wide soda tax by 2025?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1095	When will the first human mission to Venus take place?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1096	What will be the largest real Gross World Product for the period 2020 through 1000002200, in trillions of 2020 US$?	numforecasts: 17; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1097	Will the U.S. Affordable Care Act be expanded to include a public option before the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 203; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1098	Will Israel hold a second national election for Knesset in 2021?	numforecasts: 245; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1099	Will Italy leave the Eurozone before 2023?	numforecasts: 198; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1100	Will the Insurrection Act be invoked before 2025?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1101	Will there be active warfare between the United States and China by the end of 2026?	numforecasts: 215; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1102	Will there be at least one HEMP attack by 2024?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1103	When will a Nobel Prize be awarded for  COVID19-related accomplishments?	numforecasts: 144; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1104	What fraction of High Impact Athletes pledge-takers will maintain it through the end of 2024?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1105	What will the China-to-USA GDP ratio be in 2050?	numforecasts: 142; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1106	Will Any Major AI Company Commit to an AI Windfall Clause by 2025?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1107	What is the %reduction in the secondary transmission of Delta from infected vaccinated individuals compared to infected unvaccinated individuals, according to the mean of the first 3 relevant studies?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1108	What will be the cost of negative emissions sold by Project Vesta in 2030?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1109	When will the number of US oil rigs exceed 1000?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1110	Will detection of phosphine in Venus atmosphere be independently reproduced by 2023?	numforecasts: 163; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1111	Will online poker die by 2030?	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1112	When will 100 babies be born whose embryos were selected for genetic scores for intelligence?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1113	In Virginia, which month between May 2021 and March 2022 (inclusive) will have the highest number of new COVID-19 deaths?	numforecasts: 157; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1114	Will lepton universality be falsified before 2026?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1115	A breakthrough in accurately predicting protein structure before 2031?	numforecasts: 341; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1116	How many people will be estimated to have died of famine in Yemen before 2022?	numforecasts: 298; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1117	When will /r/themotte be banned from Reddit?	numforecasts: 129; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1118	What will the UK's Index of Economic Freedom score be for 2025?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1119	When will the number of functional artificial satellites in orbit exceed 5,000?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1120	Will there be at least 1,000 Ebola deaths in 2021?	numforecasts: 150; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1121	Will a cryptocurrency be created using a quantum random number generator by 2036?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1122	Will there be adversarial use of consumer genomic data before 1/1/2030?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1123	Will a new land speed record be set by 2025?	numforecasts: 162; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1124	A S&P500 tech boom to surpass the dotcom bubble for one quarter or more before 2025?	numforecasts: 306; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1125	Will oil consumption over the 2020-2025 period be lower than in 2019?	numforecasts: 186; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1126	Hutter prize: when will a compression method achieve 1 bit-per-character on a 100MB sample of Wikipedia?	numforecasts: 158; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1127	Will there turn out to be widespread fossils of algae and lichens on Mars?	numforecasts: 213; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1128	When will a generative model produce a realistic 2-minute video, at a 256 × 256 resolution or better?	numforecasts: 185; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1129	Will a senolytic therapy be approved for commercial sale by the United States Food and Drug Administration before January 1 2030?	numforecasts: 250; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1130	Qualia Research Institute Question Series: Will MDMA be approved for the treatment of PTSD by 2025?	numforecasts: 225; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1131	When will a human with no biological feet run 100 meters in less than 9.572 seconds?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1132	On November 2021, will >20% of Americans believe the 2020 election was rigged?	numforecasts: 398; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1133	How many doses of any COVID19 vaccine will have been administered in the EU on 2021-10-01?	numforecasts: 237; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1134	When will be the first successful launch of a Starship second stage that has been flown once before? (Continued)	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1135	Will there be a successful seasteading venture with at least 100 participants before 2035?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1136	Will James Bedford be revived or emulated before 2200?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1137	What will the US Q3 2021 GDP growth rate be according to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis Advance Estimate?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1138	Will a state actor conduct an ASAT test that results in space debris between 2021 - 2023?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1139	When will any country have a life expectancy at birth for both sexes of at least 100 years?	numforecasts: 147; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1140	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Global Health and Development in 2025?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1141	Will artificial superintelligence precede the achievement of longevity escape velocity (if it is ever achieved)?	numforecasts: 131; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1142	How high will the U.S.' total dependency ratio be in 2039?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1143	If the federal minimum wage is greater than $10 and less than $15, what will the average employment-to-population ratio be in 2025?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1144	When will the first YouTube star  famous FIRST because of YouTube stardom  be elected to Congress?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1145	What will the total deal value be of all the US PE deals in billions of US$, in 2021?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1146	How many Reinforcement Learning e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2020-12-14 to 2031-01-01 period?	numforecasts: 195; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1147	Will more than two nuclear weapons in total have been detonated as an act of war by 2050?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1148	Will the price of Bitcoin fall below $10 before 2121?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1149	When will a supermarket sell a product made of ≥80% clean meat, for $3 per 100 grams or cheaper?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1150	How much will an UberX tour of Europe cost in 2024?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1151	Will more than 4,500 rockets, mortars, and missiles be fired from Palestine at Israel in 2021?	numforecasts: 250; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1152	Tesla's 2025 vehicle production?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1153	Conditional on a EU country ceasing to be a democracy by 2070, will the regime change be by "the left" or by "the right"?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1154	Will there be a complete 4 year interval in which world output doubles, before the first 1 year interval in which world output doubles?	numforecasts: 323; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1155	Will Tether collapse by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 442; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1156	Will BitMEX default on an obligation to hand over their users assets on request by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1157	Will the 2022 FIFA World Cup go ahead in Qatar?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1158	How much will GiveWell guess it will cost to get an outcome as good as saving a life, at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 254; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1159	Will any of the nonprofits incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship become a future ACE top or standout charity by Jan 1, 2022?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1160	Will humanity maintain a continuous off-Earth presence until 2050?	numforecasts: 298; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1161	What will the age-adjusted mortality rate be in England and Wales in 2051?	numforecasts: 14; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1162	What will be the global average cost for a solar PV module in 2021?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1163	Will life on Venus be confirmed before 2035?	numforecasts: 266; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1164	Will transformer derived architectures still be state of the art for language modeling in 2025?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1165	What will the Harvard admit rate be for the undergraduate class of 2029?	numforecasts: 221; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1166	By 2025 will someone be able to hold his/her breath for 30+ minutes?	numforecasts: 281; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1167	How many billions of broiler-type chicks will hatch in the U.S., on average per year, over the 2022-2024 period?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1168	When will the first organ from a non-primate be successfully transplanted into a human?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1169	How many members will Giving What We Can have on its 20th anniversary?	numforecasts: 173; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1170	When will Nate Silver release his 2nd book?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1171	Will the use of whips be banned on or before the 2026 Melbourne Cup thoroughbred horse race?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1172	How many billions of poultry will be slaughtered worldwide, in the calendar year 2030, according to FAO estimates?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1173	How much will the average degree of automation change for key US professions change from December 2020 to February 2023?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1174	When will Blue Origin's "New Glenn" rocket complete its first successful test flight?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1175	What fraction of babies born in the US in 2029 will have been conceived in vitro?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1176	How much will it cost to deliver a 1kg payload to the Surface of Mars in 2075?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1177	How much concern about climate change will exist in 2025, according to Google Trends?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1178	When will a restaurant first serve clean-meat products containing ≥20% clean meat, at $3 per 100 grams or cheaper?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1179	Will there be recurring virus-driven lockdowns during the period 2030-2050?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1180	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Biosecurity and Pandemic Preparedness in 2030?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1181	When will the first person that has been cryopreserved for more than 1 year be resuscitated or uploaded?	numforecasts: 104; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1182	When will commercial supersonic flight return?	numforecasts: 348; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1183	Will George Hotz's proposed AI chip company release a consumer product by 2030?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1184	Efficacy confirmation of a new Alzheimer's treatment protocol?	numforecasts: 197; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1185	Will restaurant reservations and consumer spending outside the home go back to normal in the US in 2021?	numforecasts: 177; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1186	What will be the longest uninterrupted stay in deep space at the end of 2050?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1187	What will Australia's net greenhouse gas emissions be in 2050?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1188	What will the lowest retail price, in USD per kg, of any product containing 50% clean meat be, in the calendar year 2026?	numforecasts: 107; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1189	Will no non-test nuclear weapons be detonated by start of 2024?	numforecasts: 247; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1190	What will Bitcoin's hash rate be in November 2022?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1191	Will Xi Jinping keep leading China past 2022?	numforecasts: 403; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1192	Will there be a prominent platform for facilitating dominant assurance contracts before 2035?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1193	How many commercial cattle, in millions, will be slaughtered in the U.S. in 2032 if the lowest retail price of clean meat in 2026 is between $8 and $20 per kg?	numforecasts: 145; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1194	What proportion of offensive nuclear weapon detonations by Russia by 2050 will be countervalue, if any detonation by Russia occurs?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1195	Will Metaculus release a dedicated mobile app before 2023?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1196	Will global trade as a percentage of GWP exceed 61% by 2026?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1197	How many drugs will be approved by the FDA in 2021?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1198	How much forest coverage loss will occur in Brazil over the three-year period starting from 2020?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1199	Will wildfires destroy a total exceeding 10Mha of global tree cover in any year, by the end of 2030?	numforecasts: 79; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1200	Will there be at least 200 companies developing technologies to defeat aging by 2025?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1201	Will a Nobel Prize for Economic Science be awarded for MMT before 2041-01-01?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1202	When will the Doomsday Clock reach midnight?	numforecasts: 111; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1203	Will PsiQuantum have a commercial quantum computer by 2025?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1204	Will a non-test nuclear detonation by a non-state actor cause at least one fatality by 2030?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1205	Will Netanyahu be convicted by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 349; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1206	Will a Metaculus user report from space before 2050?	numforecasts: 198; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1207	Will cost-adjusted IT technology be worse than it was 8 years (32 quarters) ago in at least one quarter prior to 2030?	numforecasts: 135; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1208	Will wheat be successfully de-allergenized by 2030?	numforecasts: 107; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1209	What percent of total GDP will software and information services contribute to US GDP in Q3 of 2030?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1210	What share (in %) of the world's super-compute performance will be based in the United States in the November 2026 publication of TOP500 list?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1211	When will be the next "Great Power" war?	numforecasts: 199; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1212	At the end of 2023, will Animal Charity Evaluators recommend a charity working on reducing wild animal suffering as a top charity?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1213	Will the US set a new annual GDP growth rate record high before 2030?	numforecasts: 347; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1214	Will US Non-Overseas Contingency operations military deaths exceed 3000 in any calendar year before (and including) 2031?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1215	Fuel cells vs batteries in 2030's vehicles	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1216	When will the first company list on the Long-Term Stock Exchange?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1217	Will Parker Solar Probe survive its 24 loops around the sun while getting just a few million miles away from the surface of our star?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1218	Before the end of 2024 will at least two public health agencies claim that COVID-19 more likely than not originated in a laboratory?	numforecasts: 863; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1219	Will the People's Republic of China have ever annexed at least half of Taiwan by 2050?	numforecasts: 433; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1220	When will alien technosignatures be detected for the first time?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1221	Will there be a global thermonuclear war by 2070?	numforecasts: 195; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1222	Will the next non-test detonation of a states nuclear weapon be immediately preceded by conventional conflict?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1223	Will US life expectancy at birth for both sexes fall below 75 years before 2040?	numforecasts: 150; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1224	On 2021-12-31, will the FiveThirtyEight average proportion of those polled who approve of Biden's presidency exceed 50.0%?	numforecasts: 251; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1225	What will SpaceX be worth by 2030?	numforecasts: 452; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1226	How many millions of pigs will be slaughtered worldwide, in the calendar year 2030?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1227	How many scheduled airline passengers in 2021 will verify their COVID-19 health statuses with IATA Travel Passes?	numforecasts: 265; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1228	On 2021-12-31, will the FiveThirtyEight average of polls indicate that Joe Biden has a higher approval than disapproval rating?	numforecasts: 261; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1229	Will the Harvard endowment be larger in 2119 than in 2019?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1230	What will the global average Democracy Index score be for 2021?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1231	When will image recognition be made robust against unrestricted adversary?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1232	Will starlink conduct an IPO before 2030?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1233	When will the first clean meat company be valued at ≥ $1bn?	numforecasts: 142; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1234	What will the percentage of the world population in $1.90-a-day poverty be in 2030?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1235	When will a country adopt Universal Basic Income?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1236	Will Huobi default on an obligation to hand over their users assets on request by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1237	How much will the total U.S. plant-based milk market be worth in the year ending in April 2023, in millions of USD?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1238	How long will the Great Pyramids be recognizable?	numforecasts: 204; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1239	Will no CRISPR-edited babies be born in the year 2020?	numforecasts: 403; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1240	Will an Australian Federal Election be held in 2021?	numforecasts: 243; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1241	Will Jair Bolsonaro be president of Brazil on 2023-01-02?	numforecasts: 291; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1242	When the first company reaches a $10 trillion market cap, will it be worth at least double what it was the year before?	numforecasts: 107; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1243	When will Charity Entrepreneurship help create a new GiveWell top charity?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1244	Ragnarök Question Series: if a nuclear catastrophe occurs, will it reduce the human population by 95% or more?	numforecasts: 176; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1245	When will an AI defeat one of the top-10 StarCraft 2 players?	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1246	Will "best practice" in treating Coronavirus involve administering  Vitamin D before the end of the pandemic?	numforecasts: 247; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1247	What will the peak population of Antarctica be by 2075?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1248	When will there be a vegan cheese indistinguishable from non-vegan cheese available for purchase by regular consumers?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1249	What will real Gross World Product be in 2200, in trillions of 2020 US$?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1250	How many seats will be on the Supreme Court of the United States in 2030?	numforecasts: 212; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1251	Will the key to any pre-2020 WikiLeaks insurance file be publicly available by 2030?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1252	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant in 2030?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1253	When will government guidance allow indoor parties of any 100 people in England?	numforecasts: 261; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1254	Will we reach the island of stability by 2050?	numforecasts: 212; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1255	What will be the differential in sales between the most-sold and second most-sold consumer electric vehicles in America in 2021?	numforecasts: 123; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1256	With an international nuclear weapons ban in place, will a country that has nuclear weapons actually give them up by 2035?	numforecasts: 272; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1257	When will the last US casino close?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1258	How good will the best available retinal prosthesis be in 2030?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1259	Will NASA land people on Mars prior to 2030?	numforecasts: 311; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1260	Will any intelligent living being (human descendants, aliens, etc.) ever listen to the copy of Blind Willie Johnson's "Dark Was the Night" on Voyager I's Golden Record?	numforecasts: 182; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1261	Will we know what Dark Matter is before 2050?	numforecasts: 229; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1262	What will the maximum z-score be for Denmark for observed deaths in 2020-2021 according to Euromomo?	numforecasts: 156; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1263	Will Substack be valued at 1B+ before 2024?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1264	Will Jannik Sinner be the first man born in the 2000s to win a slam in Tennis?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1265	Resolution of the Density Conjecture for Newton's N-body problem	numforecasts: 141; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1266	Will the World Series of Poker return to a live in-person format in 2021?	numforecasts: 179; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1267	If Donald J. Trump is indicted on criminal charges before 2030, when will the first such indictment happen?	numforecasts: 246; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1268	Will any conclusive evidence for extraterrestrial life, past or present, be discovered within our Solar System by 2050?	numforecasts: 290; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1269	What will be the first year when world real GDP exceeds 130% of all prior years?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1270	Will Mars have a permanent population of 10,000 before the Moon does?	numforecasts: 278; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1271	If tested, would the most powerful quesion-answering AI system as of 2022-06-01 demonstrate text-based intelligence parity with human 5th graders?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1272	When will the next interstellar object be discovered?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1273	Will Serena Williams win another Tennis Grand Slam?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1274	When will Beyond Chicken be available from a Grocery Store?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1275	Drake's Equation 2nd parameter f_p: What fraction of stars form planets?	numforecasts: 263; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1276	When will US EV sales equal or exceed 10% of the number of US ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) sales within a year?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1277	What fraction of hospitalised COVID-19 patients will still experience symptoms after 12 months?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1278	Will Norway leave EEA before 2025?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1279	What will the state-of-the-art performance on one-shot image classification on miniImageNet be, at 2022-01-14 in accuracy?	numforecasts: 137; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1280	Will Alex Jones ever hold high Federal office in the United States before 2030?	numforecasts: 275; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1281	Will a new variant of SARS-COV-2 that, due to a mutation, can infect people who had immunity to a previous variant, cause more than 10M infections globally by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 776; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1282	Microwave disruption of COVID-19 virus particles?	numforecasts: 144; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1283	When will SpaceX Starlink internet be generally available?	numforecasts: 489; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1284	How many e-prints on Few-Shot Learning will be published on ArXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2022-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 123; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1285	When will the US unemployment rate fall to 4% or lower for the first time since the COVID-19 crisis of 2020?	numforecasts: 317; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1286	How many people will take the EA survey in 2025?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1287	When will Bryan Caplan first announce that he lost a bet?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1288	Will the 1000th binary question resolution be positive?	numforecasts: 123; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1289	What will the U.S. market for plant-based meat be worth in the year ending in April 2023?	numforecasts: 173; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1290	Will Soylent-like meal replacements be labeled unhealthy?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1291	When will there be a day on which no one in the UK dies with COVID-19?	numforecasts: 407; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1292	Will India's GDP grow in all first three quarters of 2021?	numforecasts: 161; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1293	Will Metaculus anticipate the biggest unforeseen trend of the 2020s?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1294	What will be the ratio of Biden's to Trump's US Google search volumes in the third quarter of 2022?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1295	What will the highest Exact Match rate of the best-performing model on SQuAD2.0 be on 2023-02-14?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1296	When will an AI pass the laugh test?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1297	When will the last member of our species, homo sapiens, be born?	numforecasts: 220; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1298	When will L4 autonomous vehicles be commercially available?	numforecasts: 225; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1299	When will Tesla self-driving taxis be available to Metaculus users?	numforecasts: 197; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1300	Will there be an breakaway European Soccer League match before 2030?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1301	When will the COVID-19 epidemic subside in Russia?	numforecasts: 412; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1302	Will alien technosignatures be detected before 1 January 2050?	numforecasts: 352; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1303	In how many years will humanity's descendants meet grabby aliens?	numforecasts: 149; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1304	How much will the average degree of automation change for key US professions change from December 2020 to December 2026?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1305	What will the state-of-the-art performance on semantic segmentation on Cityscapes be at 2022-01-14 in mean IoU in percent (MIoU%)?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1306	Will a mouse be confirmed to have lived for 2,500 days before 1 January 2035?	numforecasts: 229; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1307	If DNA alterations continue to require approval by default, when will the FDA find at least ten genetically edited animals as safe to eat?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1308	Will Planet Nine be discovered before 2030?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1309	What will the highest score be, on Atari 2600 Montezuma's Revenge, by any ML model that is un-augmented with domain knowledge on 2022-01-14?	numforecasts: 173; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1310	What will be the cumulative number of deaths in the US due to COVID-19 on 2021-12-31?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1311	Will the next US presidential election also be considered fraudulent by the losing party?	numforecasts: 301; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1312	Will there be armed conflict between racial groups in South Africa before 2023?	numforecasts: 196; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1313	What will the total dollar grocery sales of plant-based meats be in the U.S. be in 2022?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1314	Whats the CAGR in the stock of EVs globally over the 2020-22 period?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1315	When will the James Webb Space Telescope be launched?	numforecasts: 233; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1316	Will a single novel SARS-CoV-2 variant that is at least 30% more transmissible than preexisting variants infect 10M worldwide before mid-2021?	numforecasts: 626; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1317	If a language model is trained with 5x more compute than GPT-3 by the end of 2022, will it be public to end users?	numforecasts: 79; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1318	Will there be a full year with no open stock exchanges in the US by 2120?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1319	The End of NAFTA?	numforecasts: 259; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1320	When will most eggs produced in the USA be sexed before hatching?	numforecasts: 102; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1321	Will any sovereign government issue a formal apology for their treatment of farm animals by 2200?	numforecasts: 132; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1322	What will the state-of-the-art performance on image classification on ImageNet be at 2022-01-14 in top-1 accuracy?	numforecasts: 168; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1323	What will be net migration to the United Kingdom in 2021?	numforecasts: 245; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1324	Will lossless compression fail to be accepted as a macrosociology model selection criterion?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1325	Will the Riemann Hypothesis be proved true, if it is proved by 2100?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1326	Will the NBA raise the rim to 10'6" (or higher) before 2030?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1327	When will the Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO) definitely spot its first neutrino(s)?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1328	Will the United States continue to be among the 20 countries with the largest deterioration in state stability over the 2019-2029 period, according to the Fragile States Index?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1329	What will the the sum of the level of performance (in exaFLOPS) of the all 500 supercomputers in the TOP500 be according to their November 2021 list?	numforecasts: 124; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1330	Funds toward a Solar storm shield begun by 2021?	numforecasts: 250; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1331	Will the subreddit /r/wallstreetbets be banned before Jan 1st, 2022?	numforecasts: 379; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1332	If the UK leaves the EU, will there be a resurgence of the Troubles between Ireland and Northern Ireland?	numforecasts: 158; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1333	By 2025, will laws be in place requiring that AI systems that emulate humans must reveal to people that they are AI?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1334	How long would humanity take to rebound from a global catastrophe?	numforecasts: 163; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1335	How many Natural Language Processing e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2023-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1336	What will be the real world GDP on the year AGI is deployed, in trillions of dollars?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1337	Will the eventual consensus explanation of star KIC 8462852 variability be an intervening molecular cloud?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1338	Will a human made spaceship enter the Venusian atmosphere before 2030?	numforecasts: 574; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1339	In 2025, according to the EA Survey, what percentage of EA dollars will go to cause prioritization?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1340	What will be the largest cultivated meat product production capacity, in metric tons per year, of a single production facility be, by January 1st, 2023?	numforecasts: 128; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1341	What will be the sentiment of Metaculus users with regard to self-resolving questions at the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1342	Will Elon Musk (eventually) lose his appeal?	numforecasts: 495; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1343	When will the 10,000th human reach space?	numforecasts: 236; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1344	When will two or more supermarkets sell products made of ≥20% clean fish in their physical retail stores in at least 25 U.S. states?	numforecasts: 86; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1345	Will at least one US state secede from the Union before 31 December, 2030?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1346	Will Alcor offer the use of a fixative during cryopreservation procedures before 2030?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1347	Will Washington states Department of Revenue report a gross business income for Q1 2021 that reaches or exceeds pre-COVID levels from Q1 2019?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1348	Are we in a simulated reality? Part II	numforecasts: 451; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1349	When will either the Democratic or Republican party in the US cease to exist?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1350	Will humans go extinct by 2100?	numforecasts: 793; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1351	What will be the Hue (in angular degrees) of Pantone's Color of the Year for 2022?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1352	Will Angela Merkel remain chancellor after the next German federal elections?	numforecasts: 418; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1353	What will the average top price performance (in G3D Mark /$) of the best available GPU be, on January 1, 2030?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1354	Will any OECD country achieve a 10% or greater reduction in the national rate of obesity for 3 consecutive years before 2030?	numforecasts: 207; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1355	Will one of the verified oldest living persons in the world reach 120 years of age?	numforecasts: 865; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1356	What will be the cumulative number of deaths in the US due to COVID-19 on 2021-12-31?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1357	Will FTX default on an obligation to hand over their users assets on request by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1358	When will the volume-weighted average battery for electric vehicles and stationary storage reach $75 per kilowatt hour?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1359	How many cattle will be culled because of an infectious disease outbreak, in the largest such occurrence, between 2021 and 2023?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1360	Will Bitfinex default on an obligation to hand over their users assets on request by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1361	Will more than 10,000 Palestinians in 2021 be killed in the context of the occupation and conflict?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1362	When will the United Kingdom apply to rejoin the EU?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1363	In Virginia, which month between May 2021 and March 2022 (inclusive) will have the highest number of new COVID-19 hospitalizations?	numforecasts: 135; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1364	Will there be a G4 EA H1N1 flu virus pandemic before 2025?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1365	How many e-prints on Few-Shot Learning will be published on ArXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2023-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1366	When will humans be able to capture water from volatile sources in the inner Solar System?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1367	Will there be a 9 foot tall human by 2075?	numforecasts: 236; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1368	If  there's a US-Russia war by 2050, when will it start?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1369	How many billions of hen eggs will be produced in the U.S. in the year ending in November 2023?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1370	Will there be fewer Kea parrots in 2030 than in 2020?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1371	How many of the "priority paths" identified by 80,000hours will still be priority paths in 2030?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1372	Will the US forgive $10,000 of federal student loans per person before 2024?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1373	Will a large American city fully abolish their police department before 2035?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1374	Will the S&P 500 hit 10,000 points by the end of the decade?	numforecasts: 212; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1375	What will the mean of the year-over-year growth rate of the sum of teraflops of the all 500 supercomputers in the TOP500 be, in the three year period ending in November 2023?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1376	When will the next fully autonomous car fatality occur?	numforecasts: 246; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1377	Will the Simon Institute for Longterm Governance have more than two full-time employees in 2025?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1378	What will be the highest level of annual GDP growth in the US before 2030?	numforecasts: 217; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1379	When will the United States reach herd immunity (>230M) for COVID-19?	numforecasts: 1028; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1380	How many NASA "space launch system" (SLS) launches before 2030?	numforecasts: 223; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1381	Will semaglutide be a top 300 medicine in America before 2032?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1382	When will AI achieve superhuman few-shot performance on SuperGLUE?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1383	How correlated will progress be across subfields of AI as determined by Metaculus?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1384	Will the UK have a Labour Prime Minister at the beginning of 2030?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1385	By November 15, 2023, will President Biden officially declare his campaign for re-election?	numforecasts: 291; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1386	At what point will at least ten technologies listed on "The Rejuvenation Roadmap" be released to the public?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1387	What will the state-of-the-art performance on semantic segmentation on Cityscapes be on 2023-02-14 in mean IoU in percent (MIoU%), amongst models not trained on extra data?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1388	How many e-prints on AI Safety, Interpretability or Explainability will be published on arXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2022-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 141; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1389	Will Matt Levine join substack before 2023?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1390	Reliable automatic coding of described rules by 2030?	numforecasts: 166; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1391	Will a functional Alcubierre drive-like FTL device be demonstrated before 2100?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1392	When will the US FDA grant Neuralink permission to sell and implant a brain-machine interface device into general consumers?	numforecasts: 141; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1393	Will there be a vegetarian U.S. president by the end of 2036?	numforecasts: 239; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1394	How much will the highest-paid dead celebrity earn in 2021, according to Forbes?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1395	2˚C global warming by 2100?	numforecasts: 400; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1396	Ragnarök Question Series: If a global catastrophe occurs, will it be due to an artificial intelligence failure-mode?	numforecasts: 305; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1397	What will be the Gini coefficient for income in the United States in 2030?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1398	What will be the average daily supply of consumer motor gasoline in 2025?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1399	Will Half-Life 3 come out during Gabe Newell's lifetime?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1400	Tunnel vs. Wall	numforecasts: 567; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1401	What rank will the United States be on the inequality adjusted human development index in 2035?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1402	What will the price of IGM be, on 2030-12-13, in 2019 USD?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1403	What will be the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases globally by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 368; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1404	What will Denmark rank in GDP per capita (PPP) in 2030?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1405	What will Elon Musk's total net worth be at the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1406	When will Nintendo release a console capable of 4K output?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1407	Will Nigeria's population exceed 400 million before 2050?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1408	When will the longest spaceflight of any one person reach 5 years?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1409	If the first AGI is developed by a publicly traded company, will the company have performed at least 1.5x as well as the global equities market over the prior 12-2 months?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1410	Drake's Equation 7th parameter L: For how many years does a civilization remain detectable?	numforecasts: 242; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1411	When will US initial jobless claims fall below 300 thousand?	numforecasts: 182; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1412	Will Northern Ireland hold a reunification referendum before 2030?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1413	What will the combined sector weighting of Information Technology and Communications be, in the S&P 500 on 2022-01-14?	numforecasts: 129; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1414	Will SpaceX test-launch the BFR before 2025?	numforecasts: 571; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1415	Will the XENON1T experiment soon report a detection of dark matter or other new physics?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1416	What will be the lowest cost per kilogram, in US dollars, to deliver a payload to LEO or beyond before 2025?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1417	Democracy in Crisis: How many free countries in 2028?	numforecasts: 190; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1418	Will a US Supreme Court Justice be impeached and removed before 2030?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1419	What will be the cumulative number of deaths due to COVID-19 on 2021-12-31 if less than 50% of Americans initiate vaccination (1st dose received) with a COVID-19 vaccine by 2021-03-01?	numforecasts: 111; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1420	Artificial drivers, real roads vs. real drivers, artificial roads	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1421	Another hit by two Cat 4+ hurricanes in the same year?	numforecasts: 351; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1422	How many billionaires (in USD) will there be in 2030?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1423	What will be the ratio of fatalities to total estimated infections for COVID-19 by the end of 2020?	numforecasts: 1782; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1424	When will a human chess player reach a FIDE rating of 2900?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1425	Will any country's military expenditure exceed that of the United States before 2030?	numforecasts: 204; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1426	Ragnarök Question Series: if a global biological catastrophe occurs, will it reduce the human population by 95% or more?	numforecasts: 149; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1427	Will Valve release a game before 2030 with 3 in the Title?	numforecasts: 150; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1428	What will the median annual wage for Computer and Information Research Scientists be in the United states in 2029, in 2019 USD?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1429	Will the US supreme court change size by 2050?	numforecasts: 248; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1430	What will the state-of-the-art language modelling performance on One Billion Word be on 2023-02-14, in perplexity, amongst models not trained on extra data?	numforecasts: 109; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1431	Will it cost less than $1000 to calculate the private key of a 2048-bit RSA public key in 2030?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1432	If you die today and get cryonically frozen, will you "wake up"?	numforecasts: 659; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1433	What will the value of the herein defined Object Detection  Performance Index be on 2023-02-15?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1434	Will global malaria mortality rates be reduced by 90% when compared with 2015 rates, by 2030?	numforecasts: 367; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1435	Will an airborne wind energy system of at least 100kW be sold before 2022?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1436	How many patients will the Shandong Yinfeng Life Science Research Institute report by 2026?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1437	Will mixed doubles be a fixture at all four slams in 2040?	numforecasts: 11; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1438	Will an official diagnosis of dementia be announced for Joe Biden before 2023?	numforecasts: 571; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1439	What will the total deal value be of all the US PE deals in billions of US$, in 2021?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1440	When will the first 100 million digit prime number be discovered?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1441	When will the first successful entirely artificial extracorporeal human pregnancy conclude?	numforecasts: 127; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1442	When will a genetic change cease to trigger regulatory oversight for the approval of gene-edited animals used in meat production?	numforecasts: 102; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1443	What will be the first year during which most deaths are from non-disease related causes and fewer than 1% of humans die?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1444	Will the star Betelgeuse be observed to go supernova before 2030?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1445	What will be the total number of new US building permits issued in September 2021?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1446	Will transformer derived architectures accelerate progress in deep learning?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1447	Will the European Union meet its 2030 targets under the Paris Climate Treaty?	numforecasts: 323; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1448	When will a Bering Strait crossing be completed?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1449	Will the fraction of American 18-24 year-olds enrolled in colleges in 2025 be ≥10% less than were enrolled in 2015?	numforecasts: 202; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1450	How far away will the closest known Black Hole lay in 2031?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1451	What will be the highest US debt-to-GDP ratio by the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1452	What will be the highest pixel resolution of commercially available optical satellite imagery, purchasable in a NATO country, in the year 2050?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1453	How many billions of parameters will the largest machine learning model trained before 2030 have?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1454	By 2030, will C. elegans be uploaded to the satisfaction of top computational neuroscientists?	numforecasts: 159; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1455	Will a vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States arise in 2021?	numforecasts: 240; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1456	Out of the 25 largest U.S companies by revenue, how many will file for bankruptcy over the next four years?	numforecasts: 250; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1457	What will the the performance be of the top-performing supercomputer (in exaFLOPS) in the TOP500 be according to their June 2030 list?	numforecasts: 147; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1458	What will be the gross receipts of the SENS Research Foundation in the 2021 tax year, as reported on their Form 990?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1459	How many Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2022-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1460	If Washington DC and Puerto Rico are not admitted as new states, will Republicans hold the Senate from 2022 to 2030?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1461	Longbets series: By 2029 will a computer have passed the Turing Test?	numforecasts: 378; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1462	Will Kamala Harris be a candidate for President in the 2024 cycle?	numforecasts: 273; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1463	By January 1st, 2026 what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaFLOPS-days), used in training by an AI experiment?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1464	Will Robert Caro's fifth and final volume of his Lyndon Johnson biography be published during his lifetime?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1465	Worst-case scenario for global CO2 levels realized over the coming decades?	numforecasts: 240; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1466	By 2030, will 10,000+ Americans die in a single year in a single conflict?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1467	When will a biocomputer be able to perform an SHA-256 hash?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1468	When will the next Qatari general election be held?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1469	On December 1st, 2023 how many companies worldwide will pledge uphold GAP standards for broiler chickens raised for meat?	numforecasts: 127; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1470	How many states will have legalized medical or recreational use of psilocybin before 2045?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1471	How many countries will allow 17 year olds to vote in 2026?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1472	What retail market share will plant-based milk make up of the total milk category in the U.S. in 2022	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1473	When will 100 people or more be in space, or on any astronomical body other than earth, simultaneously?	numforecasts: 237; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1474	What will the state-of-the-art performance on one-shot image classification on miniImageNet be, on 2026-12-14 in accuracy, amongst models not trained on extra data?	numforecasts: 86; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1475	What fraction of the world's population will live in a democracy in 2040?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1476	What percentage of US GDP will be spent on R&D in 2030?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1477	When will a language model with at least 100B parameters be open sourced including for commercial use?	numforecasts: 175; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1478	In 2025, according to the EA Survey, what percentage of EA dollars will go to meta charities?	numforecasts: 14; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1479	When will the next US Supreme Court vacancy arise?	numforecasts: 316; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1480	When will The Simpsons air its final episode?	numforecasts: 165; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1481	Will there be a Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for work in string theory before 2050?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1482	Will the Somerton Man's DNA match that of "Jestyn's" family?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1483	Will the European Commission or other EU institution net borrow more than €50bn in 2027?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1484	When will beef for human consumption, from cattle genetically edited to carry a copy of the SRY gene, be for sale in the United States?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1485	Will scientists conclude that delaying SARS-CoV2 vaccines second dose did or would have saved lives?	numforecasts: 260; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1486	Will any of the 20 most valuable public companies in the United States (As of January 2019) file for bankruptcy protection before 2025?	numforecasts: 262; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1487	What annual real return will the S&P 500 realize 2022-2031?	numforecasts: 237; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1488	The Rise and Fall of the Banana: Will the current main export cultivar, the Cavendish, be replaced by 2035?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1489	When will workplaces reach baseline level in the state of Virginia?	numforecasts: 262; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1490	Will any of these Reddit alternatives be more popular than Reddit by 2026?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1491	Will Elon Musk personally set foot on the moon by 2030?	numforecasts: 198; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1492	Will lab-grown complex vital organs be used successfully in humans before 2035?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1493	Will China land the next person on the Moon?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1494	Will EU Member States or the Members of the European Parliament reject the ratification of EU-Mercosur agreement in 2021?	numforecasts: 81; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1495	When will Sabaton release their tenth album?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1496	When will the first Artificial General Intelligence system be devised, tested, and publicly known of? [stronger operationalization]	numforecasts: 235; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1497	While cryopreservation using fixatives is available, how many times more likely will someone be to be revived by 2200 if they are cryopreserved using fixatives than without?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1498	Will Silvio Berlusconi become President of the Italian Republic by at the next presidential election?	numforecasts: 32; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1499	If Joe Biden is elected president of the US in 2020, will the highest tax bracket be restored to its original 39.6% or higher before 2025?	numforecasts: 257; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1500	What will Alphabet Inc.'s market capitalisation be at market close on 2030-01-01 in trillions USD?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1501	What will the highest score of any ML model that is un-augmented with domain knowledge on Atari 2600 Montezuma's Revenge be on 2023-02-14?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1502	Will Charity Entrepreneurship launch a family planning charity as part of its 2021 incubation program?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1503	Will the human condition change fundamentally before 2100?	numforecasts: 208; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1504	Will the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution be amended or repealed before 2025?	numforecasts: 167; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1505	When will the English Wikipedia have 10 million articles?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1506	Will Apollo 10's Lunar Module be recovered by 2050?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1507	When will human beings finally drill into the Earths mantle?	numforecasts: 183; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1508	What will the state-of-the-art language modelling performance on One Billion Word be on 2022-01-14, in perplexity?	numforecasts: 181; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1509	On what day will Solar Cycle 25s maximum occur?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1510	When will the global annual mean surface air temperature moving average first exceed 1.3°C relative to the 1951-1980 base period?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1511	Will VR or AR Headsets dominate by 2025?	numforecasts: 276; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1512	Will Germany overtake the US in the share of new EV registrations by 2025?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1513	What year will the 2˚C climate threshold be crossed?	numforecasts: 159; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1514	How many geoengineering international treaties will be listed on the World Legal Information Institute's database at the end of 2024?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1515	Will the incarceration rate in the US drop below 500 per 100,000 by 2022?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1516	When will North Korea have a McDonald's?	numforecasts: 136; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1517	In which month will there first be 20,000 new papers submitted to the arXiv?	numforecasts: 109; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1518	If Conservatives win the 2019 UK general election, what will be mean UK broadband download speeds 5 years later?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1519	Will a von Neumann probe be launched before 2050?	numforecasts: 102; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1520	When will the US-Canada border reopen?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1521	What will the total capacity of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) be in 2030?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1522	What will be the best marathon time completed before 2035, in seconds, according to Guinness World Records?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1523	Will Nigel Farage become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom before 2023?	numforecasts: 241; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1524	How much solar energy will be consumed globally, in terawatt-hours, in the calendar year 2023?	numforecasts: 160; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1525	When will the U.S. lift its Presidential Proclamation restricting travel from the U.K.?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1526	Which image classification benchmark will be most popular in the calendar year 2022?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1527	When will the Flamanville EPR be finished?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1528	Will photonic tensor cores be ubiquitous in machine learning by 2030?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1529	Will MIRI employ researchers in 2030?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1530	In 2025, according to the EA Survey, what percentage of EA dollars will go to long term future charities?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1531	How many migrants will die in 2022 trying to cross the Mediterranean?	numforecasts: 19; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1532	Will we find life on Mars by 2050?	numforecasts: 134; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1533	How many e-prints on AI Safety, Interpretability or Explainability will be published on arXiv from 2021 through 2026?	numforecasts: 164; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1534	Will Roger Federer win another Grand Slam title?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1535	When will the first manned spacecraft touch the surface of any planet, dwarf planet, or moon other than Earth, Earth's moon, or Mars?	numforecasts: 136; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1536	What will be the cost of carbon storage sold by Charm Industrial in 2030?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1537	Will the world population increase every year for the next decade?	numforecasts: 2107; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1538	What Portion of Official Currency Reserve (COFER) will be US dollars in Q4 of 2031 according to the IMF?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1539	Will the world still have nuclear weapons through 2075?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1540	When will an AI win a Gold Medal in the International Math Olympiad?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1541	When will L5 autonomous vehicles be commercially available?	numforecasts: 228; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1542	By January 14 2022, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaFLOPS-days), used in training in an AI experiment?	numforecasts: 129; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1543	How much exercise can you do before it starts to take more time than it adds life?	numforecasts: 131; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1544	What will unemployment be in the US in 2021?	numforecasts: 558; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1545	How many patients will be in cryonic suspension at the Cryonics Institute in 2030?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1546	Will Psilocybin be removed from Schedule I List before 2036?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1547	When will the US national debt reach $50 trillion?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1548	Before 2025, will an asteroid or comet estimated to be at least 50 meters in diameter be detected to be due to collide with Earth before 2100?	numforecasts: 261; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1549	How many State of AI Report 2020 predictions will be judged true by their authors in the 2021 report?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1550	How many DC charging stations will Orlando, FL have by the end 2021?	numforecasts: 127; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1551	Will the Extremely Large Telescope see first light by the end of 2024?	numforecasts: 124; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1552	Will Germany make use of its Emergency Acts in light of COVID-19?	numforecasts: 239; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1553	Will Mohammed bin Salman become the next king of Saudi Arabia?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1554	When will the the main tomb chamber of the mausoleum of Qin Shi Hua be opened?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1555	What will be the estimated population of blue whales on 2050-01-01?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1556	When will FromSoftware release Elden Ring?	numforecasts: 50; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1557	How many Computer and Information Research Scientists will there be in the United states in January 1 2030?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1558	How many parameters will GPT-4 have (if it is released), in billions of parameters?	numforecasts: 449; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1559	How many species of pangolin will survive to 2050?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1560	Will any top 10 meat global processors/producers go bankrupt by 2028?	numforecasts: 32; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1561	Will no non-test nuclear weapons be detonated by start of 2035?	numforecasts: 198; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1562	Will the cumulative number of COVID-19 deaths in the European Union exceed that for the United States in 2021?	numforecasts: 197; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1563	What will the upper limit in the IPCC's likely range of its climate sensitivity estimate be, in its 7th Assessment Report?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1564	How many e-prints on AI Safety, interpretability or explainability will be published on ArXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2031-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1565	What will USA's GDP/c growth rate be in 2020-2029?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1566	How many electric vehicles will Tesla produce (units delivered) in 2021?	numforecasts: 182; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1567	Pandemic series: a significant flu pandemic by 2025?	numforecasts: 143; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1568	What will be the percentage change in the number of US durable goods ordered in September 2021?	numforecasts: 79; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1569	What will be the maximum number of COVID-19 cases reported in a single day in the United States before 2025?	numforecasts: 232; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1570	What will be the largest CME during Solar Cycle 25 (in kinetic energy)?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1571	Will Russia invade or annex all or part of Belarus before 2022?	numforecasts: 380; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1572	By 1 January 2067, medical interventions for healthy adults will have been shown to extend average lifespan by at least 25 years	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1573	When will the first baby be born away from Earth?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1574	When will PHP die?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1575	Will the world be more democratic in 2022 than in 2017?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1576	What will the highest Exact Match rate of the best-performing model on SQuAD2.0 be on 2022-01-14?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1577	By the end of 2029, will the European Union require commercially farmed fish to be stunned before being slaughtered?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1578	Balloons to the edge of space  when?	numforecasts: 136; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1579	Are we on path for IPCC's 'middle-of-the-road' scenario for the deployment of renewables?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1580	What will the value of the herein defined Object Detection  Performance Index be on 2022-01-14?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1581	Will 100 gigagrams of sulphur be injected into the atmosphere, as part of a single geoengineering effort, by the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1582	When will the first zetta-FLOPS performer appear?	numforecasts: 53; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1583	Will Kyle Rittenhouse be convicted of first-degree intentional homicide?	numforecasts: 615; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1584	When will Winifred Wagner's correspondence with Adolph Hitler be published?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1585	Will chess be "weakly solved" by 2035?	numforecasts: 343; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1586	Will the number of people in extreme poverty in 2020 be lower than the number in 2015?	numforecasts: 236; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1587	50% Carbon-neutral electricity by 2025?	numforecasts: 168; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1588	Will Free Greens gain any seats in the next Danish general election?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1589	How many Natural Language Processing e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2022-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 98; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1590	How will Joe Biden rank among presidents?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1591	What will the mass of the next fundamental particle to be discovered be, in eV?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1592	What will the U.S. market for plant-based meat be worth in the year ending in April 2028?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1593	What will the % change of sexually transmitted infections diagnoses in England from 2019 to 2020 be?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1594	What will be the US MSRP of lowest priced Tesla in 2030?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1595	Will most protons that currently make up Earth (and you) eventually decay?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1596	Will reducing wild animal suffering be a mainstream moral issue in America before 2200?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1597	What will be the monthly average number of sunspots around Solar Cycle 25s maximum?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1598	When will there be at least one billion Americans?	numforecasts: 109; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1599	What will Alphabet Inc.'s market capitalisation be at market close on 2023-02-14?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1600	When will the volume-weighted average battery for electric vehicles and stationary storage reach $100 per kilowatt hour?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1601	Will the Universe end?	numforecasts: 605; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1602	What will be the percentage change of Australia's seasonally-adjusted Public Sector WPI for Q1 2021?	numforecasts: 13; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1603	Will OpenAI reach its profit cap for the first round of investors by 2035?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1604	Will Alcor go bankrupt before any of their patients are revived?	numforecasts: 73; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1605	When will a discernible, coordinated Bitcoin mining pool attain >=50% of the hashing power for 24-hours, before Sep 15 2025?	numforecasts: 100; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1606	What percent of total GDP will software and information services contribute to US GDP in Q3 of 2021?	numforecasts: 92; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1607	In December 2025, what will UK total national debt (excluding public sector banks) be as a percentage of GDP?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1608	What annual real return will the global stock market realize 2022-2031?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1609	When will a currently unknown social media app reach one billion downloads worldwide?	numforecasts: 110; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1610	When will another state provide 50% of the number of public charging outlets available in California?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1611	How much money will GiveWell move in 2031?	numforecasts: 23; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1612	Longbets series: By 2040 will the percentage of college-aged U.S. citizens who are attending postsecondary educational institutions in the United States drop at least 50% from the level in 2011?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1613	A major United States earthquake by 2023?	numforecasts: 804; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1614	Will there be more people with HIV/AIDS in 2037 than in 2017?	numforecasts: 254; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1615	What will the monthly unemployment rate for December 2021 be?	numforecasts: 180; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1616	When will >100 patients have had part of their tooth, tooth enamel, or root canal regenerated by stem cell therapy?	numforecasts: 89; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1617	What share (in %) of the world's super-compute performance will be based in the United States in the November 2022 publication of TOP500 list?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1618	When will there be machine-kindergartner parity in LEGO construction?	numforecasts: 341; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1619	When will a DUI be overruled or turned down due to riding a driverless car?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1620	If the federal minimum wage is $10 or less at the end of 2024, what will the average employment-to-population ratio be in 2025?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1621	How much wind energy will be consumed globally, in terawatt-hours, in the calendar year 2023?	numforecasts: 170; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1622	Will 2048-bit RSA be broken before 256-bit ECC?	numforecasts: 123; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1623	How many billions of broiler-type chicks will hatch in the U.S., on average per year, over the 2028 to 2030 period?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1624	Will longevity escape velocity follow the development of effective life extending therapies?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1625	Will there be a Vegan Country by 2100?	numforecasts: 486; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1626	How many commercial cattle, in millions, will be slaughtered in the U.S. in 2032 if the lowest retail price of clean meat in 2026 is greater than $20 per kg?	numforecasts: 127; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1627	What will the community median's Brier score (at closing time) be when the Metaculus has 300 predictors per question?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1628	What will be the EU's GDP at the end of 2025 in trillions of dollars?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1629	What will the state-of-the-art performance on image classification on ImageNet be at 2024-12-14 in top-1 accuracy?	numforecasts: 204; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1630	What will Alphabet Inc.'s market capitalisation be at market close on 2026-12-14 in 2020 USD?	numforecasts: 227; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1631	What will the state-of-the-art object detection performance on COCO be, on 2023-02-14 in box average precision (box AP) amongst all models?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1632	Do the Others ever reach King's Landing? (According to A Song of Ice and Fire  the books, not the show)	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1633	Will Gladys Berejiklian cease to be Premier of NSW before the next state election?	numforecasts: 115; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1634	When will the first exaflop performer appear?	numforecasts: 147; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1635	Will big ISPs bundle website access in the post-net neutrality age?	numforecasts: 135; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1636	Will our current peace be shorter than the Pax Romana?	numforecasts: 405; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1637	When will we get the last communication from Voyager 1?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1638	What fraction of United States adults will be vaccinated against the 2020—2021 seasonal influenza?	numforecasts: 562; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1639	Will humanity use a gene drive to wipe at least one species of mosquito off the face of the Earth by 2100?	numforecasts: 226; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1640	Will the PlayStation 5 sell more units than the Nintendo Switch in 2021?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1641	When will the first humans land successfully on Mars?	numforecasts: 226; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1642	When will the 2020 PhilPapers Survey results be publicly available?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1643	Will Restaurant Brands International cease sourcing pork in North America from suppliers that use gestation stalls by Jan 1, 2022?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1644	A freer China? Chinese political rights and civil liberties in 2028	numforecasts: 178; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1645	When will 1bn people have been vaccinated with any vaccine candidate(s) that have demonstrated an efficacy rate >60% in a n>500 RCT?	numforecasts: 207; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1646	Will General Electric (GE) file for chapter 7 or chapter 11 bankruptcy before Sep 18th of 2024?	numforecasts: 140; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1647	Will DNA testing vindicate Jeanne Calment as the oldest recorded person in history?	numforecasts: 158; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1648	Will Scotland leave the United Kingdom before 2025?	numforecasts: 798; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1649	When will the world have reached peak Facebook?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1650	Will ANY of the top 10 most popular baby names in the U.S. (as of 2018) still be in the top 10 in 2048?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1651	When will at least two US states first disallow human-driven vehicles on public roads?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1652	When will Vladimir Putin leave power in Russia?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1653	What will be the capacity factor of US nuclear energy by 2022?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1654	What will the average top price performance (in G3D Mark /$) of the best available GPU be, on February 14, 2023?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1655	Drake's Equation 3rd parameter n_e: What is the average number of habitable planets per star?	numforecasts: 246; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1656	Will there be a 50% decline in global meat production by 2040?	numforecasts: 154; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1657	Will the EU phase out high-concentration CO2 stunning or killing of pigs by 2024?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1658	Will a Science Fiction work originally written and published in Spanish by 2029 win any of the great international awards that recognize great authors in this genre?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1659	Longbets series: By 2025 will the scientific evidence of a large bi-pedal great ape be sufficient to convince at least 50% of primatologists that a yeti/bigfoot-like creature exists?	numforecasts: 126; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1660	When will Xi Jinping leave power in China?	numforecasts: 157; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1661	Drake's Equation 1st Parameter R: What is the average rate of formation of suitable stars (stars/year) in our galaxy?	numforecasts: 238; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1662	When will a performer win a 4th Oscar for Acting?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1663	Will the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints allow same-sex marriage by 2030?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1664	What will the Federal Reserves' Industrial Production Index be for November 2021, for semiconductors, printed circuit boards and related products?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1665	What percentage of top colleges in the United States will not require the SAT or ACT for freshman admittance by 2030?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1666	Will China launch an "artificial moon" by 2025?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1667	When will Varda successfully manufacture and sell its first product from space?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1668	Will Fluvoxamine receive authorization for treatment of Covid by the United States FDA before 2022?	numforecasts: 111; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1669	What will total oil demand globally be in 2021?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1670	When will Skyroot Aerospace successfully launch their first satellite into space?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1671	Will none of Trump's immediate family be indicted in 2021?	numforecasts: 407; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1672	How many new electric vehicles will be registered worldwide, in the calendar year 2023?	numforecasts: 143; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1673	Will there be another VEI level six (or higher) volcanic eruption on Earth before 2025?	numforecasts: 159; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1674	When will a song have been streamed 4 billion times on Spotify?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1675	Will a geoengineering act of Congress become US federal law by the end of 2024?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1676	How good will the best available visual cortex prosthesis be in 2030?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1677	What will be the 5-day moving average of the 10.7 cm radio flux around Solar Cycle 25s maximum?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1678	Will the US per capita productivity rate of science Nobel Prizes fall below that of Germany by 2025?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1679	When will the Open Philanthropy Project have donated a total of $7 billion of Good Ventures money?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1680	For the calendar year 2021, will peak monthly US unemployment occur within Q1?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1681	Is the Zuma satellite still in orbit?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1682	Will the Russian government introduce a tax on childlessness prior to the 2024 presidential election?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1683	Will it once again be possible to travel between London and New York City by any commercially available means in under three hours by 2030?	numforecasts: 319; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1684	When will a computer program be listed as an author in journal article in the Annals of Mathematics?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1685	What will be the Gini coefficient for income in China in 2030?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1686	When will most eggs produced in the EU be sexed before hatching?	numforecasts: 51; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1687	How many Reinforcement Learning e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2023-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 102; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1688	When will the first Artificial General Intelligence system be devised, tested, and publicly known of?	numforecasts: 653; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1689	Will North Korea launch another intercontinental ballistic missile before 2022?	numforecasts: 523; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1690	When will the next man win his 10th tennis slam title?	numforecasts: 18; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1691	When will the first genome-wide association study of more than 1 million African Americans be published?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1692	Drake's Equation 6th parameter f_c: What fraction of planets with intelligent life are capable of interstellar communication?	numforecasts: 262; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1693	How many e-prints on multi-modal learning will be published on ArXiv over the 2021-02-14 to 2031-02-14 period?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1694	When will we have a new Pope?	numforecasts: 113; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1695	If Labour wins the next UK general election, what will the England & Wales prison population rate per 100,000 people be 5 years later?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1696	Will there be a 'World War Three' before 2050?	numforecasts: 710; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1697	When will the next human being walk on the Moon?	numforecasts: 321; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1698	Will there be a positive transition to a world with radically smarter-than-human artificial intelligence?	numforecasts: 164; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1699	How many total unique visitors will download Debian package files from in the year ending July 2021?	numforecasts: 161; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1700	Ragnarök Question Series: if a global climate disaster occurs by 2100, will the Earth's human population decline by 95% or more?	numforecasts: 185; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1701	How many biological humans will be alive on the 31st of December 2300, conditional on there being more than 500M?	numforecasts: 147; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1702	Will we detect an exoplanet atmosphere with >5% oxygen atmosphere by 2030?	numforecasts: 185; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1703	When will a restaurant first serve clean-meat products containing ≥80% clean meat, at $3 per 100 grams or cheaper?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1704	When will the milk of cows whose DNA is intentionally altered to be hornless be for sale in the United States?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1705	Will one of GiveWell's 2019 top charities be estimated as the most cost-effective charity in 2031?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1706	Will the U.S. get rid of the penny by 2025?	numforecasts: 397; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1707	How many hours will the average American employee work per week in 2030?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1708	Will we detect a message originating from Luyten's Star before 2046?	numforecasts: 276; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1709	When will a fusion reactor reach ignition?	numforecasts: 105; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1710	When will the number of people in cryopreservation preserved before 2019 fall to less than 50% of the current value?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1711	Will synthetic biological weapons infect 100 people by 2030?	numforecasts: 181; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1712	Will a new amendment to the US Constitution be ratified by 2050?	numforecasts: 303; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1713	How much will be estimated to have been invested by VCs in U.S.-based plant-based meat startups, in millions of USD, in the calendar year 2022?	numforecasts: 135; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1714	What will be the World's GDP at the end of 2025 in trillions of dollars?	numforecasts: 22; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1715	Who will win the 'worm wars'?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1716	Pandemic series: a new Spanish Flu?	numforecasts: 261; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1717	How much will GiveWell guess it will cost to get an outcome as good as saving a life, at the end of 2031?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1718	Will the number of deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections per year double by the end of 2025?	numforecasts: 104; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1719	Will Blizzard announce new content for StarCraft as a response to advances in AI in 2021?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1720	Will Mike Pence be elected president of the United States in 2024?	numforecasts: 271; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1721	What will be the United States Government Spending to GDP for 2024?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1722	When will AI out-perform humans on argument reasoning tasks?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1723	Will the number of foreign nationals in Mainland China fall between 2010 and 2030?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1724	What % of money held in all US DAFs will be expropriated by 2100?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1725	What will the Federal Reserves' Industrial Production Index be for December 2022, for semiconductors, printed circuit boards and related products?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1726	When will a country reach longevity escape velocity, i.e. sustained increase of life expectancy of at least 1?	numforecasts: 138; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1727	What will be the average percentage change in property and casualty insurance premiums in Q1 2022?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1728	If and when this graph is extended to 10^14 parameter models trained on 10^14 elapsed tokens of similar-quality data, will the 10^14 parameter learning curve have slowed down substantially?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1729	In 2025, according to the EA Survey, what percentage of donated dollars will go to charities that did not exist in 2020?	numforecasts: 39; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1730	What will the highest Exact Match rate of the best-performing model on SQuAD2.0 be, at the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1731	What will the Federal Reserves' Industrial Production Index be for January 2030, for semiconductors, printed circuit boards and related products?	numforecasts: 103; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1732	When will 4 year old Russian chess prodigy, Misha Osipov, reach master level?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1733	What proportion of COVID infections in England will be estimated to have been acquired in health care settings?	numforecasts: 158; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1734	How many subscribers will Netflix have by August 2022?	numforecasts: 373; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1735	Will the Time person of the year in 2024 be the US president-elect?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1736	How many Starlink satellites will be in operation at the end of 2027?	numforecasts: 203; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1737	What will the state-of-the-art language modelling performance on WikiText-103 be at 2022-01-14 in perplexity?	numforecasts: 125; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1738	Will a species extinct for > 1000 years be brought back by 2025?	numforecasts: 642; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1739	Ragnarök Question Series: If a global catastrophe occurs, will it be due to either human-made climate change or geoengineering?	numforecasts: 319; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1740	How much money will ACE estimate to have influenced in 2021?	numforecasts: 50; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1741	Internationally recognized Kurdish state by 2030?	numforecasts: 296; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1742	When will the global adult literacy rate reach 95%?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1743	When will 1% of humanity's GWP be produced off-Earth?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1744	Will China be the World's largest economy in any year before 2040?	numforecasts: 556; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1745	Do humans have functionally important neurogenesis throughout their life?	numforecasts: 159; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1746	Will human brain emulation be the first successful route to human-level digital intelligence?	numforecasts: 485; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1747	How many Reinforcement Learning e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2027-01-01 period?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1748	Will Extinction Rebellion, or a splinter group, be declared a terrorist organisation by a G7 country before 2025?	numforecasts: 223; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1749	Will any prediction market cause users to lose at least $1M before 2023?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1750	How many nations will there be in the United Nations by 2050?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1751	When will the first O'Neill cylinder variant be completed?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1752	Will the world's richest person in 2033 have a net worth greater than that of John D. Rockefeller in 1913?	numforecasts: 309; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1753	Will the IAU rework its definition of planetary status by Jan 1, 2025?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1754	What will the the sum of the level of performance (in exaFLOPS) of the all 500 supercomputers in the TOP500 be according to their June 2030 list?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1755	Global support and side-flipping on China's Uyghur policies in Xinjiang by 2022?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1756	When will global IPv4 traffic account for less than 1% of total internet traffic?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1757	Will CD PROJEKT (WSE:CDR) reach its previous All Time High price of zł464.20 in 2021?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1758	Will the impact of the Effective Altruism movement be picked up by Google Trends in 2030?	numforecasts: 128; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1759	Will Antifa officially be labeled a terrorist group in the US before 2022?	numforecasts: 418; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1760	What percentage of countries which pledge carbon neutrality by 2050 will keep their pledge?	numforecasts: 36; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1761	When will the United States admit a new state?	numforecasts: 193; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1762	Assuming that the Green Party joins the federal government following the German federal elections on September 26th, 2021, what will be German per capita CO2 emissions in 2025?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1763	When will the seasonally adjusted atmospheric concentration of C02 be lower than the same time in the previous year?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1764	What will the maximum increase in global annual mean surface air temperature be, relative to the 1951-1980 base period, in the 2020 to 2023 period?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1765	Will the global atmospheric CO₂ concentration be in line with the pathway to limit warming to 2.0°C by mid-century, over the 2024 to 2027 period?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1766	When will at least 750 companies pledge to maintain a supply chain consistent with the current basic Global Animal Partnership standards for broiler chickens by end of 2030?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1767	Will a recession cause "suicides by the thousands"?	numforecasts: 570; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1768	Will a language model with at least 100B parameters trained to do external information retrieval exist before 2023?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1769	Is non-theism (atheists and agnostics) growing globally?	numforecasts: 207; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1770	Will China's internment camps for Uyghurs remain open on 2022-01-01?	numforecasts: 176; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1771	Will China reach its NEV credit targets of 14% by 2021?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1772	Will Stephen Wolfram or his co-authors, Jonathan Gorard and Max Piskunov, receive the Nobel prize in physics before the end of 2035?	numforecasts: 201; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1773	What will the value of the herein defined Object Detection  Performance Index be on 2026-12-14?	numforecasts: 86; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1774	What will the total deal value be of all the US PE deals in billions of US$, in 2022?	numforecasts: 10; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1775	What proportion of the 20 largest Chinese corporations' revenue will be state-owned in 2035?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1776	If Joe Biden becomes president, what will be the yearly CO2 emissions per capita in the US in 2024?	numforecasts: 161; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1777	When will zettascale computing be achieved?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1778	When will Waymo self-driving taxis be available to Metaculus users?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1779	Will Moon Express have a successful harvest by 2023?	numforecasts: 234; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1780	When will Haiti become an upper middle-income country?	numforecasts: 183; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1781	When will the first human baby from stem cell-derived gametes be born?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1782	When will the student loan debt bubble "pop"?	numforecasts: 168; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1783	How many nuclear weapons will exist on 2075-01-01?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1784	Ragnarök Question Series: If a global catastrophe occurs, will it be due to nanotechnology failure-mode?	numforecasts: 162; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1785	How many countries will, at least in some form, decriminalize possession of all Schedule I drugs for personal use by 2070?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1786	What will be the monthly average of sunspots around Solar Cycle 25s minimum?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1787	What will the combined sector weighting of Information Technology and Communications be, in the S&P 500 on 2030-01-01?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1788	When will Uber electrify 50% of its fleet?	numforecasts: 45; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1789	When will US domestic passenger air travel return to 80% of pre-COVID-19 volumes?	numforecasts: 200; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1790	When will the US pass 1 million cumulative COVID deaths?	numforecasts: 194; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1791	Assuming some humans are alive, what will be the birthdate of the oldest living human on January 1st 2200?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1792	When will Solar Cycle 25 begin?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1793	By how much will carbon dioxide emissions change from ground transportation globally between 2020 and 2025?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1794	By 2023, will there be evidence for a neurological correlate of human consciousness?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1795	Will Ray Kurzweil be proven right?	numforecasts: 213; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1796	Increased off-world population in 2050?	numforecasts: 527; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1797	What will the maximum z-score be for Greece for observed deaths in 2020-2021 according to Euromomo?	numforecasts: 199; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1798	When will a major U.S. supermarket sell “no-kill eggs” in at least 25 states?	numforecasts: 86; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1799	When will there be at least 5 billion internet users?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1800	Will Chinese official real GDP numbers be revised downward by at least 5% before 2023?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1801	What will be the mean expected lifespan gain from one year of the TRIIM-X trial, as measured by the epigenetic clock GrimAge?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1802	If a whole human brain is successfully emulated by 2100, what is the maximum number of humans that will be uploaded in any 5-year period?	numforecasts: 121; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1803	When will evidence of successful synthesis of the element ununennium be published?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1804	Will a space-based interferometer detect a gravitational wave background attributable to cosmological sources?	numforecasts: 20; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1805	Any progress in human lifespan enhancement by 2100?	numforecasts: 359; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1806	Pandemic series: a significant bioterror attack by 2025?	numforecasts: 153; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1807	What will be the cost of carbon storage sold by CarbonCure in 2030?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1808	Will Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster be visited by a spacecraft before 2050?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1809	When will virtual reality headset sales exceed 10 million units per year?	numforecasts: 115; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1810	What percentage of U.S. adults will self-report to follow a vegan diet in 2028?	numforecasts: 227; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1811	What will US house prices be at the end of 2030?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1812	Will KIC 9832227 become a nova by 2023?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1813	Will Tucker Carlson be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024 US presidential election?	numforecasts: 226; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1814	How many deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections in the US in the year 2035?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1815	Will Tom Brady retire when his current contract is up?	numforecasts: 60; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1816	What will be the cost of negative emissions sold by Climeworks in 2030?	numforecasts: 64; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1817	Does the extrasolar planet K2-18b host life?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1818	By January 1st 2031, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaFLOPS-days), used in training in an AI experiment?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1819	What will be the population of Próspera in 2035?	numforecasts: 175; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1820	The Top500's total sum in 2030 as a multiple of the total sum in 2015	numforecasts: 134; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1821	Will the current European Commission propose a European Union directive or regulation banning all types of caged-housing for egg-laying hens before the end of its term on 31st October 2024?	numforecasts: 150; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1822	Will the Eurozone collapse before 2030?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1823	When (if ever) will a Manhattan/Apollo project toward AGI be launched?	numforecasts: 152; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1824	Will an ocean be fertilised with at least 50 tonnes of iron, as part of a single geoengineering effort, by the end of 2023?	numforecasts: 116; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1825	When will directly removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere be economically feasible?	numforecasts: 82; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1826	When will the first whole human brain be successfully emulated?	numforecasts: 155; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1827	When will the first driverless cargo truck make a cross-USA trip?	numforecasts: 348; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1828	Will three or more United Nations Security Council resolutions be vetoed in 2021?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1829	When will multi-modal ML out-perform uni-modal ML?	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1830	When will the first cloned human be born?	numforecasts: 195; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1831	Does P = NP? Informally: If the solution to a problem is easy to check for correctness, must the problem be easy to solve?	numforecasts: 224; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1832	If alien life is discovered in the Solar System before 2050, which place will be the natural environment of the first extraterrestrial (Solar) life-form of which there is conclusive evidence?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1833	Will our global atmospheric CO₂ concentration over the 2024 to 2027 period be on path to limit warming to 1.4°C by mid-century?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1834	How many billions of tons of CO₂ will the United States emit in 2035?	numforecasts: 49; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1835	Will the CDC adopt a Health at Every Size approach towards addressing obesity before 2035?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1836	Will an AI system do credibly well on a full math SAT exam by 2025?	numforecasts: 716; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1837	Will the US conduct a nuclear test explosion before 2030?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1838	When will the first commercial Hyperloop system begin operations?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1839	Will Amazon accept Bitcoin before 2024?	numforecasts: 170; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1840	When will AI achieve competency on multi-choice questions across diverse fields of expertise?	numforecasts: 101; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1841	Will stage-3 trials of MDMA as a medical treatment be completed, with results submitted to the FDA,  by 2021?	numforecasts: 186; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1842	Will Tesla become the largest car company in the world (by sales) prior to 2035?	numforecasts: 627; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1843	What will the state-of-the-art object detection performance on COCO be, at 2022-01-14 in box average precision (box AP)?	numforecasts: 96; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1844	How much will the US federal government spend on protecting the environment in 2024 (in billions)?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1845	What fraction of Englands population will live in London at the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1846	Will someone report to have received a hemispherectomy for the purpose of life extension before 2100?	numforecasts: 50; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1847	If the James Webb Space Telescope is launched, will it succeed in transmitting cosmological data?	numforecasts: 266; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1848	When will the UK hold its next general election?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1849	When will the average survival rate of all cancers exceed 75%?	numforecasts: 155; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1850	Ragnarök Question Series: By 2100 will the human population decrease by at least 10% during any period of 5 years?	numforecasts: 312; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1851	What will be the 3-day mean geomagnetic forecast around Solar Cycle 25s maximum?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1852	Will Charity Entrepreneurship launch a charity fortifying feed for hens as part of its 2021 incubation program?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1853	Will a space elevator successfully be built by 2100?	numforecasts: 385; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1854	3.6°C global warming by 2100?	numforecasts: 154; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1855	Fewer than 375M in extreme poverty by 2030?	numforecasts: 204; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1856	What will North Korea's merchandise trade as a % of GDP be in 2045 per the most recent World Bank data?	numforecasts: 53; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1857	What will the state-of-the-art performance on one-shot image classification on miniImageNet be, at 2024-12-14 in accuracy?	numforecasts: 104; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1858	If Trump is not re-elected President, how many lawful permanent residents will reside in the US on January 1, 2022?	numforecasts: 59; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1859	When will AI be able to learn to play Montezuma's Revenge in less than 30 min?	numforecasts: 65; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1860	When will WeRide begin testing their autonomous and fully driverless taxis in California?	numforecasts: 42; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1861	When will we have micropayments?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1862	Ragnarök Question Series: If a global catastrophe occurs, will it be due to nuclear war?	numforecasts: 230; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1863	Will there be a 7.0 or larger earthquake either somewhere under or within 81 Kilometres the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in 2021?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1864	What will be the total world military expenditure in 2021, as reported by SIPRI?	numforecasts: 71; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1865	Will Moore's Law end by 2025?	numforecasts: 317; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1866	How many emoji related court cases in 2021?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1867	Will Guinea Worm be eradicated by the end of 2030?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1868	When will the first publicly traded company achieve a $10 trillion market capitalisation?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1869	What the percentage of egg-laying hens will be cage-free, in the U.S., in June 2025?	numforecasts: 148; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1870	When will programs write programs for us?	numforecasts: 265; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1871	What will the Federal Reserves' Industrial Production Index be for December 2026, for semiconductors, printed circuit boards and related products?	numforecasts: 140; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1872	When is the earliest day the world has less than 50,000 newly infected COVID-19 cases, on a three day average basis?	numforecasts: 188; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1873	Will KIC 9832227 go "red nova"  observable to the naked eye on Earth  by 2024?	numforecasts: 171; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1874	How much greenhouse gas will be emitted globally, in the calendar year 2030, in gigatonnes of CO₂ equivalent?	numforecasts: 112; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1875	Will either a space elevator or a skyhook have transported payloads in excess of 10 metric tons by the end of 2045?	numforecasts: 98; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1876	When will a robot poker player win a significant live (not online) competition?	numforecasts: 169; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1877	If there is a biotechnological or bioengineered organism catastrophe this century, when will it happen?	numforecasts: 69; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1878	Will United States military troops be in Afghanistan on 2021-10-7?	numforecasts: 241; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1879	What will the the performance be of the top-performing supercomputer (in exaFLOPS) in the TOP500 be according to their November 2022 list?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1880	How many new electric bus registrations will Europe see in 2021?	numforecasts: 50; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1881	What will be the minimum magnetic field strength during Solar Cycle 25?	numforecasts: 62; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1882	Will the SOO Green Renewable Rail project succeed?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1883	In 2025, according to the EA Survey, what percentage of EA dollars will go to animal welfare?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1884	What percentage of U.S. adults will self-report to follow a vegetarian diet in 2028?	numforecasts: 199; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1885	What will the price of IGM be, on 2023-02-14, in 2019 USD?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1886	Will Donald Trump spend any time in jail or prison?	numforecasts: 1635; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1887	Will India have a successful crewed moon landing by end of 2026?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1888	What will the Human Development Index of the world be in 2020?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1889	What will be the value of the (herein described) "AI winter index" at end of 2021?	numforecasts: 295; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1890	What will be the average overall Global Health Security Index score for 2030?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1891	What will the maximum z-score be for Hungary for observed deaths in 2020-2021 according to Euromomo?	numforecasts: 170; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1892	Will Stacey Abrams be elected president in or before the 2040 election?	numforecasts: 132; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1893	By February 14 2023, what will be the maximum compute (measured in petaFLOPS-days), used in training in an AI experiment?	numforecasts: 114; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1894	When will there be an easily applied, reversible, male contraceptive (aka a male "pill") on the US market?	numforecasts: 78; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1895	How many years after the silver Turing Test is passed will an AGI system be developed?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1896	What will the state-of-the-art language text-to-SQL performance on WikiSQL be on 2023-02-14 in logical form test accuracy?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1897	Will the US see mass price controls in 2021?	numforecasts: 241; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1898	What will be the largest cultivated meat product production capacity, in metric tons per year, of a single production facility, by January 1st, 2030?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1899	How many new EV buses will be registered worldwide in 2025?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1900	Ragnarök Question Series: If a global catastrophe occurs, will it be due to biotechnology or bioengineered organisms?	numforecasts: 235; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1901	Will it turn out that the Keto diet is both safe and has health benefits for some identified and significant population of people?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1902	Will a legacy automaker go bankrupt before 2030?	numforecasts: 111; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1903	When will a company, in any country, generate $50M revenue from edible insect product sales alone, in a single year?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1904	What will be the total expenditures of the United Nations System in 2050?	numforecasts: 17; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1905	When will we be able to predict at least 10% of variance in Big Five agreeableness based on genetic information alone?	numforecasts: 47; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1906	When will an AI achieve competency in the Atari classic Montezumas Revenge?	numforecasts: 158; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1907	What will be the total damage incurred by climate change in the 21st century as measured by its impact on GDP?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1908	In what year will half of new cars sold in the US be fully autonomous?	numforecasts: 361; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1909	Will more than 10,000 rockets, mortars, and missiles be fired from Palestine at Israel in 2021?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1910	Will there be a major nuclear accident before 2030?	numforecasts: 217; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1911	Will the USA enter a second civil war before 2031?	numforecasts: 385; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1912	When will there be a mile-high building?	numforecasts: 210; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1913	How many BIPs will be be approved and merged into bitcoin core in 2021?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1914	Will most dark matter turn out to be primordial black holes?	numforecasts: 37; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1915	What will the average global atmospheric CO₂ concentration be, over the 2020-2021 period?	numforecasts: 236; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1916	If the US does not pursue nuclear disarmament, how many nuclear warheads will it have in 2029?	numforecasts: 74; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1917	Will Binance default on an obligation to hand over their users assets on request by the end of 2022?	numforecasts: 34; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1918	When will one TeraFlOPS cost <$1?	numforecasts: 150; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1919	When there will be the first European trillion-dollar company?	numforecasts: 35; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1920	Will NAD+ boosters be shown in a systematic review to increase human lifespan by >=5% by 2030?	numforecasts: 43; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1921	Will the Cryonics Institute go bankrupt before any of their patients are revived?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1922	How many people will be employed in the US manufacturing industry in 2021 (in thousands)?	numforecasts: 54; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1923	13 month boxed mean of sunspots around the Solar 25 maximum?	numforecasts: 27; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1924	Pandemic series: a devastating bioterror attack by 2025?	numforecasts: 162; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1925	What will the average top price performance (in G3D Mark /$) of the best available GPU be, on December 14, 2026?	numforecasts: 189; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1926	Will the Forethought Foundation have more than two full-time equivalent employees in 2025?	numforecasts: 21; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1927	How much revenue will the U.S. market for clean meat generate, in the fiscal year 2030, in millions of USD?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1928	When will American Metaculus users face an emigration crisis?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1929	What will be the median salary for Triplebyte engineers in the ML / Data Science role by 2023?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1930	When will a universal flu vaccine be available?	numforecasts: 87; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1931	Will anyone be convicted for the possession of Bitcoin before 2060 in the United States?	numforecasts: 91; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1932	How many Reinforcement Learning e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2022-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 93; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1933	Will any of the nonprofits incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship become a future ACE top or standout charity by Jan 1, 2025?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1934	How many spaceflight-related fatalities will occur between January 1 2020 and January 1 2025?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1935	What will the state-of-the-art performance on one-shot image classification on miniImageNet be, on 2023-02-14 in accuracy, amongst models not trained on extra data?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1936	Will Puerto Rico become a US state prior to 2035?	numforecasts: 541; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1937	What will the value of the herein defined Image Classification Performance Index be on 2023-02-14?	numforecasts: 109; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1938	How many Executive Orders per week will President Biden issue?	numforecasts: 70; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1939	Will Facebook block links to Bitchute before 2023?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1940	Will there be an openly LGBT Pope before 2050?	numforecasts: 146; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1941	How many e-prints on Few-Shot Learning will be published on arXiv over the 2020-01-01 to 2027-01-01 period?	numforecasts: 257; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1942	When will the average ticket price in US cinemas be $10 or more?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1943	When will Boris Johnson cease to be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?	numforecasts: 301; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1944	When will any country stop using cash currency?	numforecasts: 151; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1945	What will the global weighted-average levelized cost of energy of onshore wind be in 2022, in 2018 USD per kWh?	numforecasts: 113; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1946	What will the US police-to-prison spending ratio be in 2030?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1947	How many commercial cattle, in millions, will be slaughtered in the U.S. in 2032 if the lowest retail price of clean meat in 2026 is less than $8 per kg?	numforecasts: 129; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1948	When will NASA's SLS first launch a person to the Moon?	numforecasts: 172; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1949	Longbets series: will the amount of geologically-derived crude oil consumed by the United States in 2035 be greater than the amount consumed in 2015?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1950	A decrease in US meat production by 2025?	numforecasts: 207; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1951	What percent of total GDP will software and information services contribute to US GDP in Q3 of 2022?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1952	When the first company reaches a $4 trillion market cap, will it be worth at least double what it was the year before?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1953	When will there be a breakthrough in the treatment of hard-to-treat cancers?	numforecasts: 180; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1954	How many parameters (in billions) is needed to achieve superhuman few-shot performance on SuperGLUE?	numforecasts: 132; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1955	What will be the 13 month moving average of sunspots around Solar Cycle 25's minimum?	numforecasts: 40; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1956	In what year will the total number of hen eggs produced annually in the U.S. be 100 billion or less?	numforecasts: 113; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1957	When will an algorithm be able to predict the Big Five personality traits of a person from a naturalistic photograph or video?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1958	Will variants of concerns thought to partially escape immunity make up more than 50% of samples sequenced in Virginia on 29 August - 11 September 2021?	numforecasts: 227; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1959	When will a climber beat Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell's record for climbing the Nose of El Capitan?	numforecasts: 77; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1960	Will any executives be imprisoned for corporate crimes before 2026?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1961	When will the Sentinelese cease to be an uncontacted people?	numforecasts: 28; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1962	When will we see the first viable human case of in vitro gametogenesis?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1963	When will there be a publicly listed clean meat company?	numforecasts: 253; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1964	Will CarbonCure still exist in 2030?	numforecasts: 50; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1965	Will the Supreme Court grant a writ of certiorari to a case challenging the male-only draft as unconstitutional on the grounds of sex-discrimination by the end of 2021?	numforecasts: 162; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1966	Will there be a complete 4 year interval by 2050 in which world output doubles?	numforecasts: 73; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1967	If Biden becomes president, will the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine be ended by 2024?	numforecasts: 76; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1968	How much money will Open Philanthropy grant towards Scientific Research in 2030?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1969	Will the SEC approve any bitcoin ETF before January 20, 2025?	numforecasts: 56; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1970	Will George Church receive a Nobel prize, in any category, before the end of 2035?	numforecasts: 55; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1971	Will the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact reach majority in the Electoral college before 2030?	numforecasts: 201; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1972	When will a SpaceX Super Heavy Booster fly?	numforecasts: 455; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1973	Will any Member State leave the Eurozone by 2025?	numforecasts: 260; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1974	Will there be a total solar eclipse on June 25, 2522?	numforecasts: 368; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1975	Longbets series: will the June, 2025 Labor Force Participation Rate and unemployment rate, reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, be, respectively above 60 percent and below 7.5 percent?	numforecasts: 41; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1976	When will the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope be launched?	numforecasts: 29; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1977	Will there be at least one fatality due to deliberate nuclear detonation by 2024?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1978	How big will the Trade Signal Tournament prize pool be on 2021-09-30?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1979	When will China surpass the United States economically, militarily, and scientifically?	numforecasts: 176; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1980	What will the price of neuropreservation be at Alcor in 2030?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1981	How much revenue will the SENS research foundation receive in 2021?	numforecasts: 99; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1982	When will The Boring Company tunnel faster than a snail?	numforecasts: 154; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1983	Longbets series: will the annual rate of US labor productivity growth for the year 2025, as measured by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, be 2 percent or above?	numforecasts: 44; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1984	Will there be another case of smallpox by the end of 2029?	numforecasts: 158; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1985	Will The Kidney Project's implantable bioartificial kidney receive FDA approval before 2025?	numforecasts: 33; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1986	Will Metaculus Inc. host a prediction market prior to 2024?	numforecasts: 98; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1987	When will Texas (ERCOT) next experience rotating electricity outages?	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1988	Will global fertility drop to 0.25 births per woman by 2045?	numforecasts: 118; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1989	When will Croatia adopt the euro?	numforecasts: 84; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1990	Will the UK's NHS recommend Vitamin D supplementation as a protective measure against coronavirus before the end of the pandemic?	numforecasts: 256; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1991	What will be the USA's GDP at the end of 2025 in trillions of dollars?	numforecasts: 38; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1992	Will our global atmospheric CO₂ concentration over the 2020 to 2023 period be on path to limit warming to 1.4°C by mid-century?	numforecasts: 106; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1993	When will Vladimir Putin cease to hold the office of President of Russia?	numforecasts: 163; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1994	Drake's Equation 4th parameter f_l: On what fraction of habitable planets does any form of life emerge?	numforecasts: 308; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1995	One Million Martian Residents by 2075?	numforecasts: 456; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1996	When will a supermarket sell a product made of ≥20% clean meat, for $3 per 100 grams or cheaper?	numforecasts: 137; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1997	Will the ICJ resolve the BelizeanGuatemalan territorial dispute in favour of Belize?	numforecasts: 15; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1998	When will the halting problem for the Collatz Program be resolved?	numforecasts: 83; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
1999	Will Median Bay Area House Prices decline by >= 5% in 2021?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2000	How many people will take the EA survey in 2030?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2001	What will be the total expenditure on the military in the US in 2022?	numforecasts: 26; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2002	In 2050 what will be the all-time tennis slam singles record for men?	numforecasts: 31; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2003	What will be the income ratio between men and women employed full-time by 2025 in the US?	numforecasts: 30; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2004	Will a sample of negative energy be produced by 2100?	numforecasts: 276; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2005	Will a sitting US president not seek reelection before the 2080 election?	numforecasts: 241; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2006	Will the number of living humans who have walked on another world fall to zero?	numforecasts: 1193; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2007	In the 2024 US presidential election, how many states will use plurality voting methods to choose their electors?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2008	When will the first biological human to live to the age of 1000 be born?	numforecasts: 94; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2009	When will the next Millennium Prize Problem be solved?	numforecasts: 80; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2010	How many years will caloric restriction be demonstrated to add to one's natural lifespan?	numforecasts: 75; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2011	Will a third LIGO detector be built in India by 2027?	numforecasts: 90; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2012	What will the state-of-the-art language modelling performance on WikiText-103 be at 2024-12-14 in perplexity?	numforecasts: 122; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2013	How much will the total U.S. plant-based foods market be worth in the year ending in April 2023, in millions of USD?	numforecasts: 182; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2014	In 2029, will the US have as many or fewer nuclear warheads than it did in 2019?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2015	How many months till at least three, billion dollar clean meat valuations after the first such company is first valued at ≥ $1bn?	numforecasts: 131; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2016	When will an AI defeat top human players in Poohsticks?	numforecasts: 46; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2017	When will the next Millennium Prize Problem be solved?	numforecasts: 85; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2018	Will EQRx get at least one drug approved by the FDA before the end of 2030?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2019	Will the GOP control the senate after the 2022 election?	numforecasts: 502; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2020	What percentage of fish produced worldwide will be stunned prior to slaughter, in the first year in which credible estimates are published in the five year period starting in 2027	numforecasts: 48; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2021	What is the greatest number of people who, for non-medical purposes, use a newly discovered drug at any year between 2021 and 2070?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2022	What will Google Trends search interest for Donald Trump be in July 2024 as a percentage of in November 2016?	numforecasts: 68; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2023	Will a charity primarily operating in China become an ACE Top Charity in 2021 or 2022?	numforecasts: 104; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2024	Will the Open Courts Act become law?	numforecasts: 88; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2025	When will the US achieve racial unemployment parity between racial groups labeled 'black' and 'white' by the Bureau of Labor Statistics?	numforecasts: 57; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2026	What is the largest amount of iron that will be used to fertilise an ocean as part of a single geoengineering effort, by the end of 2026?	numforecasts: 72; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2027	What will the lowest retail price, in USD per kg, of any product containing 50% clean meat be, in the calendar year 2029?	numforecasts: 98; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2028	Will the United States House of Representatives expel, censure, and/or reprimand a House Member before September 3, 2022?	numforecasts: 224; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2029	Will there be a cease-fire or peace agreement in the Yemeni Civil War in 2021?	numforecasts: 133; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2030	Will the mean year-over-year growth rate of the sum of teraflops in the TOP500 decline each 3-year period from 2025 to 2034?	numforecasts: 58; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2031	When will a technology replace screens?	numforecasts: 123; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2032	What will the the sum of the level of performance (in exaFLOPS) of the all 500 supercomputers in the TOP500 be according to their November 2022 list?	numforecasts: 108; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2033	Will the significant discrepancies in Hubble parameter determinations be resolved by 2030 within the ΛCDM standard cosmological model?	numforecasts: 66; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2034	How many Natural Language Processing e-prints will be published on arXiv over the 2021-01-14 to 2030-01-14 period?	numforecasts: 95; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2035	How much will the average degree of automation change for key US professions change from December 2020 to January 2030?	numforecasts: 114; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2036	Will the Kármán Line be changed before 2023?	numforecasts: 165; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2037	How much revenue will the U.S. market for clean meat generate, in the fiscal year 2027, in millions of USD?	numforecasts: 109; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2038	Will FreeTON cryptocurrency project be successful?	numforecasts: 52; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2039	When will a spacecraft overtake Voyager-1 in distance from the Sun?	numforecasts: 119; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2040	What will SpaceX be worth in 2030? [125B-100T range]	numforecasts: 117; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2041	What will the the sum of the level of performance (in exaFLOPS) of the all 500 supercomputers in the TOP500 be according to their November 2026 list?	numforecasts: 174; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2042	Will any asteroid or comet have been mined in space for commercial purposes before 2030?	numforecasts: 262; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2043	What will inflation be in the US in 2021?	numforecasts: 473; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2044	What percentage of vehicles on US roads will be fully electric by 2030?	numforecasts: 61; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2045	Will George R. R. Martin die before the final book of A Song Of Ice And Fire is published?	numforecasts: 395; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2046	Qualia Research Institute Question Series: Will Psilocybin be a clinically approved treatment for end-of-life anxiety by 2027?	numforecasts: 279; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2047	When will there be a publicly listed clean fish company?	numforecasts: 129; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2048	What percentage of predictions about "robotic judges" in 2070 will Terence Mauri get right?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2049	If and when the first whole human brain is successfully emulated, 
how much will 1 hour of subjective run time cost?	numforecasts: 107; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2050	What will the state-of-the-art performance on image classification on ImageNet be at 2026-12-14 in top-1 accuracy?	numforecasts: 97; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2051	If DNA alterations continue to require FDA approval by default, how many intentionally genomic DNA altered animals will be determined as safe to eat, by the end of July 2025?	numforecasts: 67; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2052	What percent will software and information services contribute to US GDP in Q4 of 2030?	numforecasts: 194; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2053	If cryonics is at some point offered for free, what percentage of Americans will be signed up within 10 years?	numforecasts: 63; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2054	Will Metaculus predict that artificial intelligence continues to pose a global catastrophic risk?	numforecasts: 139; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2055	Will UK inflation as expressed by the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) exceed 4% before 31 December 2021?	numforecasts: 25; resolution_data: [object Object]; stars: 3
2056	Which party will win the 2024 U.S. presidential election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 681331
2057	Which party will control the Senate after 2022 election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 547055
2058	Which party will win the House in the 2022 election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 625300
2059	Will there be more than 9 Supreme Court justices at any point in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1429542
2060	Will Kamala Harris file to run for president before the end of 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 325669
2061	Will Mike Pence file to run for president before the end of 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 181104
2062	Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez run  in the 2022 Democratic primary in NY-14?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 97944
2063	Will Donald Trump file to run for president before the end of 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 2021719
2064	Which party will win the 2021 New Jersey gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 431094
2065	Which party will win the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 982314
2066	Who will be elected New York City mayor in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 24930944
2067	Will a woman be elected U.S. president in 2024?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 75237
2068	Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez file to run for president before the end of 2023?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 112146
2069	Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez run  in the 2022 NY Democratic Senate primary?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 64907
2070	Which party will win the U.S. Senate election in Pennsylvania in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 77712
2071	Which party will win the U.S. Senate election in North Carolina in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 51914
2072	Will Donald Trump Jr. run in the 2022 Pennsylvania Republican Senate primary?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 84453
2073	Will Lara Trump run  in the 2022 North Carolina Republican Senate primary?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 254373
2074	Will Ivanka Trump run  in the 2022 Florida Republican Senate primary?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 184443
2075	Which party will win the U.S. Senate election in Florida in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 191712
2076	Who will be chancellor of Germany on Dec. 31?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1245473
2077	Who will win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 18581264
2078	Who will win the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 2975292
2079	Who will be elected mayor of Boston in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1051343
2080	Will Biden policy to raise minimum wage to $15 per hour in 2021 succeed?$15-per-hour-in-2021-succeed	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1020585
2081	Will Sarah Huckabee Sanders win the 2022 Arkansas GOP gubernatorial primary?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 102888
2082	Will the District of Columbia become a U.S. state in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 725336
2083	Which party will win the U.S. Senate election in Ohio in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 71965
2084	Who will win the 2022 Ohio Republican Senate primary?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 821057
2085	Will Puerto Rico become a U.S. state in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 486042
2086	Will Liz Cheney win the 2022 House GOP nomination in WY-AL?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 175453
2087	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Georgia?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 71642
2088	Will Alexander Lukashenko be President of Belarus through the end of the 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 102522
2089	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Arizona?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 69469
2090	Who will win the 2021 Manhattan District Attorney election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 441935
2091	Which of these 10 African leaders will leave office next?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 143385
2092	Will Marjorie Taylor Greene be re-elected to the House in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 70206
2093	How many Biden Cabinet members will Josh Hawley vote against?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 2011827
2094	Who will be the next Senate-confirmed Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 535375
2095	Which of these ten G20 leaders will leave office next?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 829445
2096	Who will win the 2022 Ohio Democratic Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 156197
2097	Who will win the 2022 Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 376083
2098	Who will win the 2022 Pennsylvania Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 55351
2099	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in New Hampshire?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 68616
2100	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Nevada?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 75228
2101	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Wisconsin?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 59730
2102	Who will be the next Senate-confirmed OMB Director?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 8596215
2103	Will Joe Biden resign during his first term?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1129435
2104	Will Adam Kinzinger win the 2022 GOP nomination in any Illinois House district?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 40220
2105	Will Andrew Cuomo be Governor of New York at the end of the year?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 4486095
2106	Which of these 10 European leaders will leave office next?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 345333
2107	Who will be elected mayor of Seattle in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 323695
2108	Who will be the next Senate-confirmed U.S. Ambassador to China?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 447531
2109	Who will win the 2022 Georgia Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 664932
2110	Which state will hold the first Democratic primary for the 2024 nominee?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 83423
2111	Who will win the 2022 Missouri Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 259641
2112	Who will win the 2022 North Carolina Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 142676
2113	Will the Senate end filibuster on any bill with less than 3/5 support in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 429065
2114	How many tie-breaking Senate votes will Kamala Harris cast in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1251584
2115	Will Anthony Gonzalez win the 2022 GOP nomination in any Ohio House district?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 22446
2116	What will be the balance of power in Congress after the 2022 election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 371224
2117	Who will win the 2022 New York Democratic gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 2102746
2118	Who will win the 2022 North Carolina Democratic Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 22124
2119	Which party will win the U.S. Senate election in Alaska in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 47284
2120	Who will win the 2022 Wisconsin Democratic Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 60663
2121	Who will win the 2022 Alabama Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 46422
2122	Who will win the 2022 Iowa Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 70234
2123	Who will win the 2022 Wisconsin Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 54161
2124	Will Israel hold a second national election for Knesset in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 135246
2125	Who will win the 2022 Georgia Republican gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 211783
2126	Will Canada hold national parliamentary elections in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 82282
2127	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Missouri?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 37771
2128	Who will win the 2022 Georgia Republican Secretary of State nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 20861
2129	Who will win the 2022 Missouri Democratic Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 31667
2130	Which party will win the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Iowa?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 32338
2131	Will Xi Jinping be re-elected CCP General Secretary before 2023?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 13932
2132	Will Hu Chunhua be elected to the CCP Politburo Standing Committee before 2023?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 2570
2133	Who will win the 2022 Florida gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 388449
2134	Who will be the governor of California on Dec. 31?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 6007946
2135	Will Automatic Voter Registration become law in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 169531
2136	Who will win the 2022 Arizona Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 87756
2137	How many refugees will Biden authorize to be admitted in the next fiscal year?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 248844
2138	Who will be prime minister of Israel on Dec. 31?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 356690
2139	What will be the corporate tax rate for 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 228318
2140	Who will win the 2022 Texas Republican gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 429262
2141	Who will win the 2022 Texas Democratic gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 147765
2142	Who will win the 2022 Nevada Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 32911
2143	How many incumbent U.S. Senators will be re-elected in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 51815
2144	Who will win the 2022 Massachusetts gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 82161
2145	Who will win the 2022 New Hampshire Republican Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 7738
2146	Who will finish first in the 2021 mayoral primary in Cleveland?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 167250
2147	Will Donald Trump file to run for president before the end of 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 116478
2148	Who will win the 2022 Ohio Republican gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 50606
2149	Who will win the 2022 Ohio Democratic gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 8365
2150	Will Lisa Murkowski be re-elected in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 76378
2151	Who will be elected Atlanta mayor in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 65845
2152	Will the Senate confirm a Supreme Court justice in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 233497
2153	Who will win the 2022 Florida Democratic Senate nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 13289
2154	Will Kevin McCarthy testify publicly before the Jan. 6 Committee in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 14561
2155	Who will win the 2022 New York Republican gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 25548
2156	Who will win the 2022 Texas Republican attorney general nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 33292
2157	How many successful filibusters will there be in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 49349
2158	Who will be Speaker of the House of Representatives in the next Congress?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 601321
2159	Will Donald Trump run for the House of Representatives in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 110193
2160	Who will win the 2022 Idaho Republican gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 6107
2161	Who will win the 2022 Pennsylvania Democratic gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 6194
2162	Who will win the 2022 Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 10855
2163	How many VA House seats will Democrats win in the 2021 election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 30218
2164	Who will be elected president of Chile in 2021?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 169573
2165	Who will be elected president of Brazil in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 34425
2166	Who will be elected president of France in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 72690
2167	Enough signatures for a vote on recall of LA County DA George Gascón?ón	stars: 3; shares_volume: 13319
2168	Will marijuana be rescheduled under the Controlled Substances Act by April 20?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 56690
2169	Who will be elected president of Colombia in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 5483
2170	Which party will win the 2022 Michigan gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 3610
2171	Which party will win the 2022 Wisconsin gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 4642
2172	Will Tracy Stone-Manning be confirmed as BLM Director by Oct. 8?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 64457
2173	Which party will win the 2022 Pennsylvania gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 7568
2174	Which party will win the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 8970
2175	Which party will win the 2022 Kansas gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 3030
2176	Which party will win the 2022 Georgia gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 13457
2177	Which party will win the 2022 Maryland gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 8650
2178	Which party will win the 2022 Nevada gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 7502
2179	Who will be elected president of the Philippines in 2022?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 16679
2180	Which party will win the 2022 Maine gubernatorial election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 4388
2181	Who will be elected Buffalo, NY mayor in 2021?,-NY-mayor-in-2021	stars: 3; shares_volume: 199018
2182	Whom will the Senate next confirm as Chair of the Federal Reserve?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 182188
2183	How many votes to confirm Veronica Rossman to the Tenth Cir. by Oct. 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 114559
2184	How many votes to confirm Tana Lin to the Western Dist. of WA by Oct. 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 37190
2185	Who will win the 2022 Wyoming At-Large election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 24874
2186	Who will be the next elected speaker of the New York City council?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 9365
2187	Will Kamala Harris be the 47th US president?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 78689
2188	Will Congress raise or suspend the debt limit by Oct. 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 157933
2189	How many votes to confirm Rohit Chopra as CFPB Director by Oct. 15?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 35651
2190	How many votes to confirm David Chipman as ATF director by Oct. 15?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 58832
2191	How many seats will the Conservatives win in Norway's next election?'s-next-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 44038
2192	Which of these 10 Latin American leaders will leave office next?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 37718
2193	How many votes to confirm Margaret Strickland to the Dist. Ct. of NM by 10/22?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 24810
2194	How many federal judges will be confirmed by Oct. 8?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 134602
2195	Will San Diego County vote to recall Gavin Newsom?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 337556
2196	Who will win the 2022 Iowa Democratic gubernatorial nomination?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 1676
2197	Will the Senate pass a bill via reconciliation by Oct. 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 50645
2198	How many seats will the Liberals win in Canada's next election?'s-next-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 218182
2199	Who will be the prime minister of Canada on Oct. 31?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 227261
2200	Will Fresno County vote to recall Gavin Newsom?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 434753
2201	How many seats will the CDU/CSU win in Germany's next election?'s-next-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 14760
2202	How many seats will the Green  Party win in Germany's next election?'s-next-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 13946
2203	Will Sacramento County vote to recall Gavin Newsom?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 128948
2204	Will San Bernardino County vote to recall Gavin Newsom?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 230311
2205	Who will win the 2024 US presidential election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 88289
2206	Will Orange County vote to recall Gavin Newsom?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 397148
2207	How many Yea votes in the House for a bipartisan infrastructure bill by Oct. 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 65637
2208	Which of these 10 Asia-Pacific leaders will leave office next?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 51602
2209	Which parties will be in the next German coalition?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 32537
2210	Who will win the Democratic nomination for the FL-20 special election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 7986
2211	Will Jake Sullivan be National Security Advisor at the end of the year?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 18538
2212	What will be the margin in the California gubernatorial recall election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 2776130
2213	Who will be prime minister of the Czech Republic on July 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 418
2214	Who will be the prime minister of Japan on Dec. 31?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 17440
2215	How many Yea votes in the House by Oct. 15 to pass reconciliation?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 8419
2216	Will Rahm Emanuel be confirmed as ambassador to Japan by Dec. 31?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 7800
2217	Will Antony Blinken be Secretary of State at the end of the year?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 85559
2218	Will Biden's 538 approval rating be lower than disapproval on Oct. 12?'s-538-approval-rating-be-lower-than-disapproval-on-Oct-12	stars: 3; shares_volume: 44744
2219	How many seats will the Social Democratic Party win in Germany's next election?'s-next-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 6193
2220	How many seats will the Conservatives win in Canada's next election?'s-next-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 31330
2221	What will be the margin in Boston's preliminary mayoral election?'s-preliminary-mayoral-election	stars: 3; shares_volume: 37279
2222	What will be the margin in Cleveland's mayoral primary?'s-mayoral-primary	stars: 3; shares_volume: 10999
2223	Will Riverside County vote to recall Gavin Newsom?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 191578
2224	How many votes in the California recall election?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 558050
2225	Will the Senate pass a bill via reconciliation by Nov. 1?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 3927
2226	What will Joe Biden's 538 job approval rating be for Sept. 21?'s-538-job-approval-rating-be-for-Sept-21	stars: 3; shares_volume: 348350
2227	Who will win in the 2021 mayoral election in Cleveland?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 346
2228	Will a debt limit raise be enacted by Oct. 15?	stars: 3; shares_volume: 3934
2229	What will Joe Biden's RCP job approval rating be for Sept. 22?'s-RCP-job-approval-rating-be-for-Sept-22	stars: 3; shares_volume: 51311
2230	Who carried out the chemical attack in Ghouta on August 21, 2013?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2231	What is the source of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2232	Was there widespread fraud in the 2020 US election?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2233	Does Vitamin D reduce the severity of COVID-19 outcomes?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2234	What caused the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2235	What Happened to Barry and Honey Sherman?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2236	What is the story behind Donald Trump's hair?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2237	Did former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez commit suicide?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2238	Serial: Who killed Hae Min Lee?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2239	What caused the chemical calamity in Khan Sheikhoun on April 4, 2017?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2240	Was the Miss Universe 2015 mistake intentional?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2241	Who attacked the aid convoy in Syria on September 19, 2016?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2242	Who was behind the July 2016 Turkish coup attempt?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2243	Did Pakistan know that Osama Bin Laden was hiding in Abbottabad?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2244	Did Usain Bolt use performance-enhancing drugs?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2245	Was the July 28, 2015, Serbian lottery drawing rigged?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2246	Why was Seth Rich killed?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2247	Why was Stonehenge built?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2248	Does the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine cause autism?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4
2249	Who shot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17 over Ukraine on July 17, 2014?	numforecasts: 1; stars: 4