2022-04-12 11:01:55 +03:00

1.6 KiB


Infra is managed by Terraform (WIP, not everything is migrated yet).

Managed with Terraform:

  • Vercel
  • Digital Ocean (database)
  • Heroku


  • Algolia
  • Twitter bot
  • DNS?


Set up a new dev repo for managing prod

  1. Install Terraform CLI
  2. cd tf
  3. terraform init
  4. Get a current version of prod tfvars configuration
    • Source is in metaforecast-notes-and-secrets secret repo, tf/ for now (will move to Terraform Cloud later)
    • Store it in tf/ (or somewhere else, there are other ways)
  5. Get a current version of terraform state
    • Source is in metaforecast-notes-and-secrets secret repo for now (will move to Terraform Cloud or pg backend later)
    • Store it in tf/terraform.tfstate

Now everything is set up.

Check with terraform plan; it should output "No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.".

Edit environment variables in prod

  1. Update terraform state and vars from metaforecast-notes-and-secrets
  2. Modify tf/ as needed
  3. Run terraform apply
    • Check if proposed actions list is appropriate
    • Enter yes
    • Terraform will push the new configuration to Heroku and Vercel.
  4. Push terraform state and vars back to metaforecast-notes-and-secrets

(After we move to Terraform Cloud (1) and (4) won't be needed.)