
282 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* Imports*/
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
2021-11-25 15:08:20 +00:00
import { toLocale, truncateValueForDisplay, numToAlphabeticalString, formatLargeOrSmall } from "../lib/utils.js"
/* Utilities */
let avg = arr => arr.reduce((a, b) => (a + b), 0) / arr.length
/* Main function */
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
async function findPathsInner({
sourceElementId, sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
links, nodes,
maxLengthOfPath, pathSoFar
}) {
let paths = []
let minPos = Math.min(sourceElementPosition, targetElementPosition)
let maxPos = Math.max(sourceElementPosition, targetElementPosition)
let linksInner = links.filter(link =>
(minPos <= link.sourceElementPosition && link.sourceElementPosition <= maxPos) &&
(minPos <= link.targetElementPosition && link.targetElementPosition <= maxPos)
let linksNow = linksInner.filter(link => (link.source == sourceElementId || link.target == sourceElementId))
if (maxLengthOfPath > 0) {
for (let link of linksNow) {
if (
((link.source == sourceElementId) && (link.target == targetElementId)) ||
((link.source == targetElementId) && (link.target == sourceElementId))
) {
} else if ((link.source == sourceElementId)) {
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
let newPaths = await findPathsInner({
sourceElementId: link.target, sourceElementPosition: link.sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
pathSoFar: pathSoFar.concat(link).flat(),
links: linksInner, nodes, maxLengthOfPath: (maxLengthOfPath - 1)
if (newPaths.length != 0) {
} else if ((link.target == sourceElementId)) {
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
let newPaths = await findPathsInner({
sourceElementId: link.source, sourceElementPosition: link.sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
pathSoFar: pathSoFar.concat(link).flat(),
links: linksInner, nodes, maxLengthOfPath: (maxLengthOfPath - 1) })
if (newPaths.length != 0) {
return paths
function findPaths({
sourceElementId, sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
nodes, links, direction
}) {
let positionSourceElement = nodes.map((element, i) => (element.id)).indexOf(sourceElementId)
let positionTargetElement = nodes.map((element, i) => (element.id)).indexOf(targetElementId)
let maxLengthOfPath = Math.abs(positionSourceElement - positionTargetElement)
return findPathsInner({
sourceElementId, sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
links, nodes, direction,
maxLengthOfPath, pathSoFar: []
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
async function findDistance({
sourceElementId, sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
nodes, links, direction
}) {
let maxLengthOfPath = Math.abs(sourceElementPosition - targetElementPosition)
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
let paths = await findPathsInner({
sourceElementId, sourceElementPosition,
targetElementId, targetElementPosition,
links, nodes, direction,
maxLengthOfPath, pathSoFar: []
console.log(`findDistance from ${sourceElementPosition} to ${targetElementPosition}`)
let weights = []
for (let path of paths) {
let currentSource = sourceElementId
let weight = 1
for (let element of path) {
let distance = 0
if (element.source == currentSource) {
distance = element.distance
currentSource = element.target
} else if (element.target == currentSource) {
distance = 1 / Number(element.distance)
currentSource = element.source
weight = weight * distance
//let sum = JSON.stringify(weights)//weights.length > 0 ? weights.reduce((a,b) => (a+b)) / weights.length : "Not found"
//return sum
return weights
//return weights.map(weight => Math.round(weight*100)/100)
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
async function findDistancesForAllElements({ nodes, links }) {
let referenceElements = nodes.filter(x => x.isReferenceValue)
let midpoint = Math.round(nodes.length / 2)
let referenceElement = referenceElements.length > 0 ? referenceElements[0] : nodes[midpoint]
// console.log(nodes)
console.log(`referenceElement.position: ${referenceElement.position}`)
let distances = nodes.map(node => {
if (node.isReferenceValue || (node.id == referenceElement.id)) {
return [1]
} else {
let isUpwardsDirection = referenceElement.position < node.position
let distance = findDistance({
sourceElementId: referenceElement.id,
sourceElementPosition: referenceElement.position,
targetElementId: node.id,
targetElementPosition: node.position,
nodes: nodes,
links: links,
direction: isUpwardsDirection ? "upwards" : "downwards"
return distance
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
distances = await Promise.all(distances)
return distances
function abridgeArrayAndDisplay(array) {
2021-11-25 16:13:38 +00:00
let newArray
2021-11-26 14:31:30 +00:00
let formatForDisplay
if (array.length > 10) {
newArray = array.slice(0, 9)
formatForDisplay = newArray.map(d => formatLargeOrSmall(d))
2021-11-26 14:31:30 +00:00
formatForDisplay[9] = "..."
} else {
newArray = array
formatForDisplay = newArray.map(d => formatLargeOrSmall(d))
2021-11-25 16:13:38 +00:00
let result = JSON.stringify(formatForDisplay, null, 2).replaceAll(`"`, "")
return result
export function CreateTableWithDistances({ isListOrdered, orderedList, listOfElements, links }) {
2021-12-07 23:44:55 +00:00
const [rows, setRows] = useState([])
useEffect(async () => {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57847626/using-async-await-inside-a-react-functional-component
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54936559/using-async-await-in-react-component
// https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html#tip-optimizing-performance-by-skipping-effects
if (isListOrdered && ! (orderedList.length < listOfElements.length) && rows.length == 0) {
let nodes = []
let positionDictionary=({})
orderedList.forEach((id, pos) => {
nodes.push({ ...listOfElements[id], position: pos })
positionDictionary[id] = pos
// let nodes = orderedList.map((id, pos) => ({ ...listOfElements[id], position: pos }))
/* Pre-process links to talk in terms of distances */
links = links.map(link => ({...link,
sourceElementPosition: positionDictionary[link.source],
targetElementPosition: positionDictionary[link.target]
let distances = await findDistancesForAllElements({ nodes, links })
setRows(nodes.map((element, i) => ({
id: numToAlphabeticalString(element.position),
position: element.position,
name: element.name,
distances: distances[i]
}); // this useEffect should ideally only work when isListOrdered changes, but I haven't bothered to program that.
return (
<table className="">
<tr >
<th >Id</th>
<th >Position</th>
<th >Element</th>
<th> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th >Possible relative values</th>
<th> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
<th >Average relative value</th>
{rows.map(row => <tr key={row.id}>
<td className="" >{row.id}</td>
<td className="" >{row.position}</td>
<td className="">{row.name}</td>
<td className="">{abridgeArrayAndDisplay(row.distances)}</td>
<td className="">{formatLargeOrSmall(avg(row.distances))}</td>
function CreateTableWithoutDistances({ isListOrdered, orderedList, listOfElements, links }) {
if (!isListOrdered || orderedList.length < listOfElements.length) {
return (<div>{""}</div>)
} else {
let nodes = orderedList.map(i => listOfElements[i])
let rows = nodes.map((element, i) => ({ id: numToAlphabeticalString(element.id), name: element.name }))
return (
<table className="">
<thead >
<tr >
<th >Id</th>
<th >Element</th>
<th> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
{rows.map(row => <tr key={row.id}>
<td className="" >{row.id}</td>
<td className="">{row.name}</td>
{ }
export const CreateTable = CreateTableWithDistances // CreateTableWithoutDistances;
/* Testing */
//import fs from 'fs';
//import path from 'path';
const directory = path.join(process.cwd(),"pages")
let links = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(directory, 'distancesExample.json'), 'utf8'));
let nodes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(directory, 'listOfPosts.json'), 'utf8'));
let paths = findPathsInner({sourceElementId:2, targetElementId:0, pathSoFar: [], links, nodes, maxLengthOfPath: 2})
console.log(JSON.stringify(paths, null, 2))
let paths = findPaths({sourceElementId:2, targetElementId:0, links, nodes})
console.log(JSON.stringify(paths, null, 2))
let distances = findDistance({sourceElementId:2, targetElementId:4, links, nodes})