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100 predictions

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Day 1

{SHA is an acronym for "Secure Hashing Algorithm"; a hash algorithm recieves a string, or more generally a document, an returns a number. Thus, a hash can identify a document, such that the hash can be revealed without revealing the document. If the document is published afterwards, people know it hasn't been changed (because the hash would also change)

In 2017, a project by CWI Amsterdam and Google produced 2 different legible pdfs which had the same SHA1 hash. This makes SHA1 insecure; it is no longer enough to uniquely identify a document.

The hash family continued with SHA2, and then SHA3. The most secure version of SHA3 is SHA-512.


  • What probability, per year, do you assign to SHA-512 being successfully attacked?
    By successfully attacked, we understand that someone finds x, x' such that SHA3-512(x) = SHA3-512(x'), or that given a y = SHA3-512(z) someone finds a z' =/= z such that SHA3-512(z')=y.
  • WHat probability, per year, do you assign to SHA3-512 being replaced as a standard?}

Recommended time: 15 mins.


Everything between {} is hashed through SHA3-512 (, and published on Twitter (@NunoSempere)

Day 1
