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Power calculations

Using R we will do some power calculations Necessary library pwr, loads with library(pwr) Necessary function: pwr.t2n.test See:

Year 1, pessimistic projections

With n-treatment=20, n-control = 20, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, power = 0.9, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 20 n2 = 20 d = 1.051997 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Year 1, optimistic projections

With n_treatment=30, n_control = 60, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 30 n2 = 60 d = 0.7328756 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Withn = ?, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, power = 0.9, minimal detectable effect = 0.5

Two-sample t test power calculation

n = 85.03128 d = 0.5 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in each group

Year 2, pessimistic projections

With n_treatment=40, n_control = 40, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 40 n2 = 40 d = 0.7339255 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Year 2, optimistic projections

With n_treatment=60, n_control = 120, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 60 n2 = 120 d = 0.5153056 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Year 3, pessimistic projections

With n_treatment=60, n_control = 60, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 60 n2 = 60 d = 0.5967207 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Year 3, optimistic projections

With n_treatment=90, n_control = 180, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 90 n2 = 180 d = 0.4200132 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Year 4, pessimistic projections

With n_treatment=80, n_control = 80, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 80 n2 = 80 d = 0.5156619 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Year 4, optimistic projections

With n_treatment=120, n_control = 240, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, minimal detectable effect = ?

t test power calculation

n1 = 120 n2 = 240 d = 0.3633959 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

Population necessary to detect an effect size of 0.2 with significance level = 0.05 and power = 0.9

here the free variable was d= minimal detectable effect Withn = ?, power = 0.9,sig.level= 0.05, power = 0.9, minimal detectable effect = 0.2

Two-sample t test power calculation

n = 526.3332 d = 0.2 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in each group

here the free variable was n, the population of the treatment group son = population of the treatmente group = population of the control group necessary to detect an effect of 0.2

Population necessary to detect an effect size of 0.5 with significance level = 0.05 and power = 0.9

Two-sample t test power calculation

n = 85.03128 d = 0.5 sig.level = 0.05 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in each group

Population necessary to detect an effect size of 0.2 with significance level = 0.10 and power = 0.9

Two-sample t test power calculation

n = 428.8664 d = 0.2 sig.level = 0.1 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in each group

Population necessary to detect an effect size of 0.5 with significance level = 0.10 and power = 0.9

Two-sample t test power calculation

n = 69.19719 d = 0.5 sig.level = 0.1 power = 0.9 alternative = two.sided

NOTE: n is number in each group


Even after 4 years, under the most optimistic population projections (i.e., every participant answers our surveys every year, and 60 students who didn't get selected also do), we wouldn't have enough power to detect an effect size of 0.2 standard deviations with significance level = 0.05. However, it seems feasible to detect the kinds of effects which would justify the upward of $150.000 / year costs of ESPR within 3 years. The minimum effect which justifies the costs of ESPR should be determined beforehand, as should the axis along which we measure. I would also suggest to expand the RCT to SPARC once its feasibility has been tested at ESPR.