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List of TAPs

Successfully implemented

  • Notice you don't have mental imagery about smth -> Ask for an example

Currently implementing

  • Conect mobile charger before going to bed -> Write in my diary
  • Feel raging excitement -> Murphijitsu.
  • Feeling tired -> Turn your computer off.

For the future.

  • If I notice that smth I read feels important -> then I'll ask myself: "In which real life situations is it important?", and design a TAP to implement the insight
  • Juggle when feeling down
  • I notice that a conversation is stalling -> Ask "have you read anything good lately" / "what opinion do you hold which is outside the Overton Window".
  • I detect guilt or regret -> Try to rephrase in terms of acquiring information and wisening up.
  • Feeling bored -> try to predict what's next and challenge one assumption.
  • Notice a category -> Ask yourself whether it's a useful way to chop up reality.
  • I notice the spectific feeling that something is wrong or doesn't make sense -> Say to myself "I notice that I'm confused" -> Stop and think
  • Feeling pressure -> ask for time / take a 5 min timer.
  • Think thought -> Create and carry out an actionable


  • Bug lists?
  • The Core Teachings of the Budha
  • Mindfulness: what am i feeling, what do i want, how am i doing, what am i doing? If you run out of taps, go to the " what should i read?" section of Agenty Duck