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10 Commits

6 changed files with 264 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
## Dependencies ## Dependencies
nimble install
nimble install print nimble install print
## Dependencies ## Dependencies
The data folder is not included, but its contents are: The data folder is not included, but its contents are:
. .
├── data ├── data
│   ├── stripped │   ├── stripped
@ -16,9 +13,13 @@ The data folder is not included, but its contents are:
Where stripped.gz can be found at <,_Compressed_Files> Where stripped.gz can be found at <,_Compressed_Files>
## Gotchas
Nimble doesn't play well with relative directories. Ignore and use make instead?
## To do ## To do
- [ ] Exploration of OEIS data - [x] Exploration of OEIS data
- [ ] Subdivide subsequent tasks into steps - [ ] Subdivide subsequent tasks into steps
- [x] Simple prediction of the next integer - [x] Simple prediction of the next integer
- [x] Simple predictions v1 - [x] Simple predictions v1
@ -26,11 +27,15 @@ Where stripped.gz can be found at <,_Compressed
- [-] Maybe add some caching, e.g., write continuations to file, and read them next time. - [-] Maybe add some caching, e.g., write continuations to file, and read them next time.
- [ ] JIT Bayesianism: - [ ] JIT Bayesianism:
- [x] Function to predict with a variable number of hypotheses - [x] Function to predict with a variable number of hypotheses
- [ ] Function to start predicting with a small number of hypotheses, and get more if the initial ones aren't enough. - [x] Function to start predicting with a small number of hypotheses, and get more if the initial ones aren't enough.
- [ ] Add the loop of: start with some small number of sequences, and if these aren't enough, read more. - [x] Add the loop of: start with some small number of sequences, and if these aren't enough, read more.
- [ ] ... - [x] Clean-up
- [ ] Infrabayesianism x1: Predicting interleaved sequences - [ ] Infrabayesianism
- [ ] Infrabayesianism x2: Deterministic game of producing a fixed deterministic prediction, and then the adversary picking whatever minimizes your loss - [ ] Infrabayesianism x1: Predicting interleaved sequences.
- Yeah, actually, I think this just captures an implicit assumption of Bayesianism as actually practiced.
- [ ] Infrabayesianism x2: Deterministic game of producing a fixed deterministic prediction, and then the adversary picking whatever minimizes your loss
- I am actually not sure of what the procedure is exactly for computing that loss. Do you minimize over subsequent rounds of the game, or only for the first round? Look this up.
- Also maybe ask for help from e.g., Alex Mennen.
- [ ] Write the actor - [ ] Write the actor
--- ---

src/compute_constrained_bayes Executable file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
import print
import strutils
import sequtils
import std/math
import std/sugar
import std/algorithm
## Prediction type & helpers.
type prediction = (string, float)
# string represents a hypothesis,
# prediction represents the predictionability mass
proc comparePredictions (x: prediction, y: prediction): int =
let (_, p1) = x
let (_, p2) = y
if p1 < p2: return 1
elif p1 > p2: return -1
else: return 0
proc getProbability (t: prediction): float =
let (_, p) = t
return p
proc getHypothesis (t: prediction): string =
let (h, _) = t
return h
## Utils
## Find index (or -1)
proc findIndex(xs: seq[string], y: string): int =
for i, x in xs:
if x == y:
return i
return -1
## Get sequences
## let file_path = "../data/one_to_three"
let file_path = "../data/stripped"
proc getOEIS(): seq[seq[string]] =
let f = open(file_path)
var i = 0
var line : string
var seqs: seq[seq[string]]
while f.read_line(line):
if i > 3:
let seq = split(line, ",")
let l = seq.len
let nums = seq[1..(l-2)]
i = i + 1
return seqs
var seqs = getOEIS()
## Sequence helpers
proc startsWithSubsequence(subseq: seq[string], xs: seq[string]): bool =
if subseq.len == 0:
return true
elif xs.len == 0:
return false
elif subseq[0] == xs[0]:
return startsWithSubsequence(subseq[1..<subseq.len], xs[1..<xs.len])
return false
proc getSequencesWithStart(seqs: seq[seq[string]], start: seq[string]): seq[seq[string]] =
var continuations: seq[seq[string]]
for seq in seqs:
if startsWithSubsequence(start, seq):
return continuations
## Pretty print sequences
# var start = @["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
# var continuations = getSequencesWithStart(seqs, start)
# print continuations
proc predictContinuation(seqs: seq[seq[string]], observations: seq[string]): seq[prediction] =
let continuations = getSequencesWithStart(seqs, observations)
let l = observations.len
var nexts: seq[string]
var ps: seq[float]
for c in continuations:
let next = c[l]
let i = findIndex(nexts, next)
if i == -1:
ps[i] = ps[i] + 1.0
let sum = foldl(ps, a + b, 0.0)
ps = p => p/sum)
var next_and_ps = zip(nexts, ps)
sort(next_and_ps, comparePredictions)
# ^ sorts in place
# also, openArray refers to both arrays and sequences.
return next_and_ps
## Predict continuation but without access to all oeis sequences
proc predictContinuationWithTruncatedHypotheses(seqs: seq[seq[string]], start: seq[string], num_hypotheses: int): seq[prediction] =
let n = if num_hypotheses < seqs.len: num_hypotheses else: seqs.len
let truncated_seqs = seqs[0..<n]
return predictContinuation(truncated_seqs, start)
proc showPredictionsWithIncreasinglyManyHypotheses(seqs: seq[seq[string]], start: seq[string]) =
echo "Showing predictions with increasingly many hypotheses after seeing ", start
let l = seqs.len
for i in 1..10:
let n = (l.float * (i.float/10.0)).int
echo "Predictions with ", (100.0 * i.float/10.0).int, "% of the hypotheses"
let predictions = predictContinuationWithTruncatedHypotheses(seqs, start, n)
print predictions
## showPredictionsWithIncreasinglyManyHypotheses()
proc jitBayesLoop(
seqs: seq[seq[string]],
observations: seq[string],
n_observations_seen: int,
initial_num_hypotheses: int,
num_hypotheses_step: int,
) =
print "## Prediction with limited number of hypotheses (~JIT-Bayes)"
var num_hypotheses = initial_num_hypotheses
var hypotheses = seqs[0..<num_hypotheses]
for i in n_observations_seen..<observations.len:
let predictions = predictContinuation(hypotheses, observations[0..<i])
echo "### Prediction after seeing ", i, " observations: ", observations[0..<i]
print predictions
let correct_continuation = observations[i]
let considered_continuations = => getHypothesis(prediction))
let correct_continuation_index = findIndex(considered_continuations, correct_continuation)
if correct_continuation_index == -1:
var found_concordant_hypothesis = false
var concordant_hypotheses: seq[seq[string]]
while (not found_concordant_hypothesis) and ( num_hypotheses < seqs.len ):
echo "Correct continuation, " , correct_continuation, " not found in set of hypotheses of size ", num_hypotheses, "/", seqs.len, ". Increasing size of the set of hypotheses."
num_hypotheses = num_hypotheses + num_hypotheses_step
if num_hypotheses > seqs.len:
num_hypotheses = seqs.len
hypotheses = seqs[0..<num_hypotheses]
concordant_hypotheses = filter(hypotheses, proc(h: seq[string]): bool = (h.len > i) and startsWithSubsequence(observations[0..i], h))
if concordant_hypotheses.len > 0:
found_concordant_hypothesis = true
if not found_concordant_hypothesis:
echo "Increased number of hypotheses to ", num_hypotheses, ", but didn't find any hypotheses concordant with observations. Giving up."
echo "Increased number of hypotheses to ", num_hypotheses, ", and found ", concordant_hypotheses.len, " concordant hypotheses. Continuing"
## print concordant_hypotheses
echo "Correct continuation was ", correct_continuation
echo "It was assigned a probability of ", getProbability(predictions[correct_continuation_index])
## Infrabayesianism
proc miniInfraBayes(
seqs: seq[seq[string]],
observations: seq[string],
n_observations_seen: int,
utility_function: string
) =
if utility_function != "logloss":
echo "miniInfraBayes function only programmed for the logloss utility function"
echo "## Mini-infra-bayesianism over environments, where your utility in an environment is just the log-loss in the predictions you make until you become certain that you are in that environment."
var losses: seq[float]
for i in n_observations_seen..<observations.len:
let predictions = predictContinuation(seqs, observations[0..<i]) ## See the README for why this ends up being equivalent.
echo "### Prediction after seeing ", i, " observations: ", observations[0..<i]
print predictions
let correct_continuation = observations[i]
let considered_continuations = => getHypothesis(prediction))
let correct_continuation_index = findIndex(considered_continuations, correct_continuation)
let p_correct_continuation = getProbability(predictions[correct_continuation_index])
let new_loss = ln(p_correct_continuation)
echo "Correct continuation was ", correct_continuation
echo "It was assigned a probability of ", p_correct_continuation
echo "And hence a loss of ", new_loss
echo "Total loss is: ", foldl(losses, a + b, 0.0)
## Infrabayesianism. Part 1: Have hypotheses over just part of the world.
## Infrabayesianism. Part 2: Take the infimum over the possible loss.
## Display outputs
echo ""
## var observations = @["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
echo "## Full prediction with access to all hypotheses (~Solomonoff)"
var observations = @["1", "2", "3"]
echo "## Initial sequence: ", observations
let continuation_probabilities = predictContinuation(seqs, observations)
print continuation_probabilities
echo ""
echo "## Predictions with increasingly many hypotheses"
observations = @["1", "2", "3", "23"]
showPredictionsWithIncreasinglyManyHypotheses(seqs, observations)
echo ""
observations = @["1", "2", "3", "23", "11", "18", "77", "46", "84"]
jitBayesLoop(seqs, observations, 3, 1_000, 30_000)
echo ""
observations = @["1", "2", "3", "23", "11", "18", "77", "46", "84"]
miniInfraBayes(seqs, observations, 3, "logloss")
echo ""

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
import print
import strutils
import sequtils
import std/sugar
import std/algorithm
## Get sequences
## let file_path = "../data/stripped"
let file_path = "../data/one_to_three"
proc getOEIS(): seq[seq[string]] =
let f = open(file_path)
var i = 0
var line : string
var seqs: seq[seq[string]]
while f.read_line(line):
if i > 3:
let seq = split(line, ",")
let l = seq.len
let nums = seq[1..(l-2)]
i = i + 1
return seqs
var seqs = getOEIS()
## Sequence helpers
proc startsWithSubsequence(xs: seq[string], ys: seq[string]): bool =
if xs.len == 0:
return true
elif ys.len == 0:
return false
elif xs[0] == ys[0]:
return startsWithSubsequence(xs[1..<xs.len], ys[1..<ys.len])
return false
proc getSequencesWithStart(seqs: seq[seq[string]], start: seq[string]): seq[seq[string]] =
var continuations: seq[seq[string]]
for seq in seqs:
if startsWithSubsequence(start, seq):
return continuations
## Pretty print sequences
# var start = @["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
# var continuations = getSequencesWithStart(seqs, start)
# print continuations
## Find index (or -1)
proc findIndex(xs: seq[string], y: string): int =
for i, x in xs:
if x == y:
return i
return -1
## Do simple predictions
proc compareTuple (x: (string, float), y: (string, float)): int =
let (_, p1) = x
let (_, p2) = y
if p1 < p2: return 1
elif p1 > p2: return -1
else: return 0
proc predictContinuation(seqs: seq[seq[string]], start: seq[string]): seq[(string, float)] =
let continuations = getSequencesWithStart(seqs, start)
let l = start.len
var nexts: seq[string]
var ps: seq[float]
for c in continuations:
let next = c[l]
let i = findIndex(nexts, next)
if i == -1:
ps[i] = ps[i] + 1.0
let sum = foldl(ps, a + b, 0.0)
ps = p => p/sum)
var next_and_ps = zip(nexts, ps)
# next_and_ps = sort(next_and_ps, compareTuple)
sort(next_and_ps, compareTuple)
# ^ sorts in place
# also, openArray refers to both arrays and sequences.
return next_and_ps
var start = @["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
echo "Initial sequence", start
print "Full prediction with access to all hypotheses:"
let continuation_probabilities = predictContinuation(seqs, start)
print continuation_probabilities
## Predict continuation but without access to all oeis sequences
proc predictContinuationWithTruncatedHypotheses(seqs: seq[seq[string]], start: seq[string], num_hypotheses: int): seq[(string, float)] =
let n = if num_hypotheses < seqs.len: num_hypotheses else: seqs.len
let truncated_seqs = seqs[0..<n]
return predictContinuation(truncated_seqs, start)
proc showPredictionsWithMoreHypotheses() =
let l = seqs.len
for i in 1..10:
let n = (l.float * (i.float/10.0)).int
echo "Predictions with ", (100.0 * i.float/10.0).int, "% of the hypotheses"
let predictions = predictContinuationWithTruncatedHypotheses(seqs, start, n)
print predictions
## showPredictionsWithMoreHypotheses()
proc jitBayesLoop(
seqs: seq[seq[string]],
initial_num_hypotheses: int,
num_hypotheses_step: int,
observations: seq[string]
) =
let l = observations.len
var hypotheses = seqs[0..initial_num_hypotheses]
for i in 1..<l:
let predictions = predictContinuation(hypotheses, observations[0..<i])
print predictions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,34 @@
## make
## make = make build
## make deps
## make build
## make fast ## < recommended for users
## make run
## make examine
## make time
SHELL := /bin/bash ## <= required to use time SHELL := /bin/bash ## <= required to use time
VERBOSE=--verbosity:0 VERBOSE=--verbosity:0
build: jit_bayes.nim build: compute_constrained_bayes.nim
nim c $(VERBOSE) jit_bayes.nim nim c $(VERBOSE) compute_constrained_bayes.nim
run: jit_bayes fast:
./jit_bayes $(VERBOSE) nim c $(VERBOSE) -d:danger compute_constrained_bayes.nim && echo
examine: jit_bayes deps:
nim c $(VERBOSE) jit_bayes.nim && time ./jit_bayes $(VERBOSE) && echo nimble install print@1.0.2
nim c $(VERBOSE) -d:release jit_bayes.nim && time ./jit_bayes $(VERBOSE) && echo nimble install ## backup at
nim c $(VERBOSE) -d:danger jit_bayes.nim && time ./jit_bayes $(VERBOSE) gzip -d ../data/stripped.gz -c > ../data/stripped
run: compute_constrained_bayes
./compute_constrained_bayes $(VERBOSE)
## Misc:
examine: compute_constrained_bayes
nim c $(VERBOSE) compute_constrained_bayes.nim && time ./compute_constrained_bayes $(VERBOSE) && echo
nim c $(VERBOSE) -d:release compute_constrained_bayes.nim && time ./compute_constrained_bayes $(VERBOSE) && echo
nim c $(VERBOSE) -d:danger compute_constrained_bayes.nim && time ./compute_constrained_bayes $(VERBOSE)
time: time:
time make && echo && time make run time make && echo && time make run