Ben Busby e06ff85579
Improve public instance session management (#480)
This introduces a new approach to handling user sessions, which should
allow for users to set more reliable config settings on public instances.

Previously, when a user with cookies disabled would update their config,
this would modify the app's default config file, which would in turn
cause new users to inherit these settings when visiting the app for the
first time and cause users to inherit these settings when their current
session cookie expired (which was after 30 days by default I believe).
There was also some half-baked logic for determining on the backend
whether or not a user had cookies disabled, which lead to some issues
with out of control session file creation by Flask.

Now, when a user visits the site, their initial request is forwarded to
a session/<session id> endpoint, and during that subsequent request
their current session id is matched against the one found in the url. If
the ids match, the user has cookies enabled. If not, their original
request is modified with a 'cookies_disabled' query param that tells
Flask not to bother trying to set up a new session for that user, and
instead just use the app's fallback Fernet key for encryption and the
default config.

Since attempting to create a session for a user with cookies disabled
creates a new session file, there is now also a clean-up routine included
in the new session decorator, which will remove all sessions that don't
include a valid key in the dict. NOTE!!! This means that current user
sessions on public instances will be cleared once this update is merged
in. In the long run that's a good thing though, since this will allow session
mgmt to be a lot more reliable overall for users regardless of their cookie

Individual user sessions still use a unique Fernet key for encrypting queries,
but users with cookies disabled will use the default app key for encryption
and decryption.

Sessions are also now (semi)permanent and have a lifetime of 1 year.
2021-11-17 19:35:30 -07:00

173 lines
5.6 KiB

import os
import re
from typing import Any
from app.filter import Filter, get_first_link
from app.request import gen_query
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidToken
from flask import g
TOR_BANNER = '<hr><h1 style="text-align: center">You are using Tor</h1><hr>'
CAPTCHA = 'div class="g-recaptcha"'
def needs_https(url: str) -> bool:
"""Checks if the current instance needs to be upgraded to HTTPS
Note that all Heroku instances are available by default over HTTPS, but
do not automatically set up a redirect when visited over HTTP.
url: The instance url
bool: True/False representing the need to upgrade
https_only = bool(os.getenv('HTTPS_ONLY', 0))
is_heroku = url.endswith('.herokuapp.com')
is_http = url.startswith('http://')
return (is_heroku and is_http) or (https_only and is_http)
def has_captcha(results: str) -> bool:
"""Checks to see if the search results are blocked by a captcha
results: The search page html as a string
bool: True/False indicating if a captcha element was found
return CAPTCHA in results
class Search:
"""Search query preprocessor - used before submitting the query or
redirecting to another site
request: the incoming flask request
config: the current user config settings
session_key: the flask user fernet key
def __init__(self, request, config, session_key, cookies_disabled=False):
method = request.method
self.request_params = request.args if method == 'GET' else request.form
self.user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
self.feeling_lucky = False
self.config = config
self.session_key = session_key
self.query = ''
self.cookies_disabled = cookies_disabled
self.search_type = self.request_params.get(
'tbm') if 'tbm' in self.request_params else ''
def __getitem__(self, name) -> Any:
return getattr(self, name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value) -> None:
return setattr(self, name, value)
def __delitem__(self, name) -> None:
return delattr(self, name)
def __contains__(self, name) -> bool:
return hasattr(self, name)
def new_search_query(self) -> str:
"""Parses a plaintext query into a valid string for submission
Also decrypts the query string, if encrypted (in the case of
paginated results).
str: A valid query string
q = self.request_params.get('q')
if q is None or len(q) == 0:
return ''
# Attempt to decrypt if this is an internal link
q = Fernet(self.session_key).decrypt(q.encode()).decode()
except InvalidToken:
# Strip leading '! ' for "feeling lucky" queries
self.feeling_lucky = q.startswith('! ')
self.query = q[2:] if self.feeling_lucky else q
return self.query
def generate_response(self) -> str:
"""Generates a response for the user's query
str: A string response to the search query, in the form of a URL
or string representation of HTML content.
mobile = 'Android' in self.user_agent or 'iPhone' in self.user_agent
content_filter = Filter(self.session_key,
full_query = gen_query(self.query,
# force mobile search when view image is true and
# the request is not already made by a mobile
view_image = ('tbm=isch' in full_query
and self.config.view_image
and not g.user_request.mobile)
get_body = g.user_request.send(query=full_query,
# Produce cleanable html soup from response
html_soup = bsoup(content_filter.reskin(get_body.text), 'html.parser')
# Replace current soup if view_image is active
if view_image:
html_soup = content_filter.view_image(html_soup)
# Indicate whether or not a Tor connection is active
if g.user_request.tor_valid:
html_soup.insert(0, bsoup(TOR_BANNER, 'html.parser'))
if self.feeling_lucky:
return get_first_link(html_soup)
formatted_results = content_filter.clean(html_soup)
# Append user config to all search links, if available
param_str = ''.join('&{}={}'.format(k, v)
for k, v in
if self.config.is_safe_key(k))
for link in formatted_results.find_all('a', href=True):
if 'search?' not in link['href'] or link['href'].index(
'search?') > 1:
link['href'] += param_str
return str(formatted_results)
def check_kw_ip(self) -> re.Match:
"""Checks for keywords related to 'my ip' in the query
return re.search("([^a-z0-9]|^)my *[^a-z0-9] *(ip|internet protocol)" +
"($|( *[^a-z0-9] *(((addres|address|adres|" +
"adress)|a)? *$)))", self.query.lower())