This moves away from the previous (messy) approach of using two separate keys for decrypting text and element URLs separately and regenerating them for new searches. The current implementation of sessions is not very reliable, which lead to keys being regenerated too soon, which would break page navigation. Until that can be addressed, the single key per session approach should work a lot better. Fixes #250 Fixes #90
256 lines
8.9 KiB
256 lines
8.9 KiB
from app.request import VALID_PARAMS
from app.utils.results import *
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import ResultSet, Tag
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import re
import urllib.parse as urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
class Filter:
def __init__(self, user_key: str, mobile=False, config=None) -> None:
if config is None:
config = {}
self.near = config['near'] if 'near' in config else ''
self.dark = config['dark'] if 'dark' in config else False
self.nojs = config['nojs'] if 'nojs' in config else False
self.new_tab = config['new_tab'] if 'new_tab' in config else False
self.alt_redirect = config['alts'] if 'alts' in config else False
| = mobile
self.user_key = user_key
self.main_divs = ResultSet('')
self._elements = 0
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
def elements(self):
return self._elements
def reskin(self, page: str) -> str:
# Aesthetic only re-skinning
if self.dark:
page = page.replace(
'fff', '000').replace(
'202124', 'ddd').replace(
'1967D2', '3b85ea')
return page
def encrypt_path(self, path, is_element=False) -> str:
# Encrypts path to avoid plaintext results in logs
if is_element:
# Element paths are encrypted separately from text, to allow key
# regeneration once all items have been served to the user
enc_path = Fernet(self.user_key).encrypt(path.encode()).decode()
self._elements += 1
return enc_path
return Fernet(self.user_key).encrypt(path.encode()).decode()
def clean(self, soup) -> BeautifulSoup:
self.main_divs = soup.find('div', {'id': 'main'})
for img in [_ for _ in soup.find_all('img') if 'src' in _.attrs]:
self.update_element_src(img, 'image/png')
for audio in [_ for _ in soup.find_all('audio') if 'src' in _.attrs]:
self.update_element_src(audio, 'audio/mpeg')
for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
input_form = soup.find('form')
if input_form is not None:
input_form['method'] = 'POST'
# Ensure no extra scripts passed through
for script in soup('script'):
# Update default footer and header
footer = soup.find('footer')
if footer:
# Remove divs that have multiple links beyond just page navigation
[_.decompose() for _ in footer.find_all('div', recursive=False)
if len(_.find_all('a', href=True)) > 3]
header = soup.find('header')
if header:
return soup
def remove_ads(self) -> None:
"""Removes ads found in the list of search result divs
None (The soup object is modified directly)
if not self.main_divs:
for div in [_ for _ in self.main_divs.find_all('div', recursive=True)]:
div_ads = [_ for _ in div.find_all('span', recursive=True)
if has_ad_content(_.text)]
_ = div.decompose() if len(div_ads) else None
def fix_question_section(self) -> None:
"""Collapses the "People Also Asked" section into a "details" element
These sections are typically the only sections in the results page that
are structured as <div><h2>Title</h2><div>...</div></div>, so they are
extracted by checking all result divs for h2 children.
None (The soup object is modified directly)
if not self.main_divs:
question_divs = [_ for _ in self.main_divs.find_all(
'div', recursive=False
) if len(_.find_all('h2')) > 0]
if len(question_divs) == 0:
# Wrap section in details element to allow collapse/expand
details = BeautifulSoup(features='html.parser').new_tag('details')
summary = BeautifulSoup(features='html.parser').new_tag('summary')
summary.string = question_divs[0].find('h2').text
for question_div in question_divs:
questions = [_ for _ in question_div.find_all(
'div', recursive=True
) if _.text.endswith('?')]
for question in questions:
question['style'] = 'padding: 10px; font-style: italic;'
def update_element_src(self, element: Tag, mime: str) -> None:
"""Encrypts the original src of an element and rewrites the element src
to use the "/element?src=" pass-through.
None (The soup element is modified directly)
src = element['src']
if src.startswith('//'):
src = 'https:' + src
if src.startswith(LOGO_URL):
# Re-brand with Whoogle logo
element['src'] = 'static/img/logo.png'
element['style'] = 'height:40px;width:162px'
elif src.startswith(GOOG_IMG) or GOOG_STATIC in src:
element['src'] = BLANK_B64
element['src'] = 'element?url=' + self.encrypt_path(
is_element=True) + '&type=' + urlparse.quote(mime)
def update_styling(self, soup) -> None:
# Remove unnecessary button(s)
for button in soup.find_all('button'):
# Remove svg logos
for svg in soup.find_all('svg'):
# Update logo
logo = soup.find('a', {'class': 'l'})
if logo and
logo['style'] = ('display:flex; justify-content:center; '
'align-items:center; color:#685e79; '
'font-size:18px; ')
# Fix search bar length on mobile
search_bar = soup.find('header').find('form').find('div')
search_bar['style'] = 'width: 100%;'
except AttributeError:
def update_link(self, link: Tag) -> None:
"""Update internal link paths with encrypted path, otherwise remove
unnecessary redirects and/or marketing params from the url
link: A bs4 Tag element to inspect and update
None (the tag is updated directly)
# Replace href with only the intended destination (no "utm" type tags)
href = link['href'].replace('', '')
if 'advanced_search' in href or 'tbm=shop' in href:
# FIXME: The "Shopping" tab requires further filtering (see #136)
# Temporarily removing all links to that tab for now.
elif self.new_tab:
link['target'] = '_blank'
result_link = urlparse.urlparse(href)
query_link = parse_qs(
)['q'][0] if '?q=' in href else ''
if query_link.startswith('/'):
# Internal google links (i.e. mail, maps, etc) should still
# be forwarded to Google
link['href'] = '' + query_link
elif '/search?q=' in href:
# "li:1" implies the query should be interpreted verbatim,
# which is accomplished by wrapping the query in double quotes
if 'li:1' in href:
query_link = '"' + query_link + '"'
new_search = 'search?q=' + self.encrypt_path(query_link)
query_params = parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(href).query)
for param in VALID_PARAMS:
if param not in query_params:
param_val = query_params[param][0]
new_search += '&' + param + '=' + param_val
link['href'] = new_search
elif 'url?q=' in href:
# Strip unneeded arguments
link['href'] = filter_link_args(query_link)
# Add no-js option
if self.nojs:
link['href'] = href
# Replace link location if "alts" config is enabled
if self.alt_redirect:
# Search and replace all link descriptions
# with alternative location
link['href'] = get_site_alt(link['href'])
link_desc = link.find_all(
if len(link_desc) == 0:
# Replace link destination