* Integrate Farside into Whoogle When instances are ratelimited (when a captcha is returned instead of the user's search results) the user can now hop to a new instance via Farside, a new backend service that redirects users to working instances of a particular frontend. In this case, it presents a user with a Farside link to a new Whoogle (or Searx) instance instead, so that the user can resume their search. For the generated Farside->Whoogle link, the generated link includes the user's current Whoogle configuration settings as URL params, to ensure a more seamless transition between instances. This doesn't translate to the Farside->Searx link, but potentially could with some changes. * Expand conversion of config<->url params Config settings can now be translated to and from URL params using a predetermined set of "safe" keys (i.e. config settings that easily translate to URL params). * Allow jumping instances via Farside when ratelimited When instances are ratelimited (when a captcha is returned instead of the user's search results) the user can now hop to a new instance via Farside, a new backend service that redirects users to working instances of a particular frontend. In this case, it presents a user with a Farside link to a new Whoogle (or Searx) instance instead, so that the user can resume their search. For the generated Farside->Whoogle link, the generated link includes the user's current Whoogle configuration settings as URL params, to ensure a more seamless transition between instances. This doesn't translate to the Farside->Searx link, but potentially could with some changes. Closes #554 Closes #559
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81 lines
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FROM python:3.8-slim as builder
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
libxml2-dev \
libxslt-dev \
libssl-dev \
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --prefix /install --no-warn-script-location --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
FROM python:3.8-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
tor \
curl \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ARG config_dir=/config
RUN mkdir -p $config_dir
VOLUME $config_dir
ARG username=''
ARG password=''
ARG proxyuser=''
ARG proxypass=''
ARG proxytype=''
ARG proxyloc=''
ARG whoogle_dotenv=''
ENV WHOOGLE_DOTENV=$whoogle_dotenv
ARG use_https=''
ENV HTTPS_ONLY=$use_https
ARG whoogle_port=5000
ENV EXPOSE_PORT=$whoogle_port
ARG twitter_alt='farside.link/nitter'
ENV WHOOGLE_ALT_TW=$twitter_alt
ARG youtube_alt='farside.link/invidious'
ENV WHOOGLE_ALT_YT=$youtube_alt
ARG instagram_alt='farside.link/bibliogram'
ENV WHOOGLE_ALT_IG=$instagram_alt
ARG reddit_alt='farside.link/libreddit'
ENV WHOOGLE_ALT_RD=$reddit_alt
ARG medium_alt='farside.link/scribe'
ENV WHOOGLE_ALT_MD=$medium_alt
ARG translate_alt='lingva.ml'
ENV WHOOGLE_ALT_TL=$translate_alt
WORKDIR /whoogle
COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local
COPY misc/tor/torrc /etc/tor/torrc
COPY misc/tor/start-tor.sh misc/tor/start-tor.sh
COPY app/ app/
COPY run .
#COPY whoogle.env .
# Allow writing symlinks to build dir
RUN chown 102:102 app/static/build
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s \
CMD curl -f http://localhost:${EXPOSE_PORT}/healthz || exit 1
CMD misc/tor/start-tor.sh & ./run