Ben Busby 975ece8cd0
Privacy respecting alternatives in results view (#106)
Full implementation of social media alt redirects (twitter/youtube/instagram -> nitter/invidious/bibliogram) depending on configuration.

Verbatim search and option to ignore search autocorrect are now supported as well.

Also cleaned up the javascript side of whoogle config so that it now
uses arrays of available fields for parsing config values instead of manually assigning each
one to a variable.

This doesn't include support for Google Maps -> Open Street Maps, that
seems a bit more involved than the social media redirects were, so it
should likely be a separate effort.
2020-07-26 11:53:59 -06:00

112 lines
4.1 KiB

from lxml import etree
import random
import requests
from requests import Response
import urllib.parse as urlparse
# Core Google search URLs
SEARCH_URL = 'https://www.google.com/search?gbv=1&q='
AUTOCOMPLETE_URL = 'https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=toolbar&'
MOBILE_UA = '{}/5.0 (Android 0; Mobile; rv:54.0) Gecko/54.0 {}/59.0'
DESKTOP_UA = '{}/5.0 (X11; {} x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 {}/75.0'
# Valid query params
VALID_PARAMS = ['tbs', 'tbm', 'start', 'near', 'source', 'nfpr']
def gen_user_agent(is_mobile):
mozilla = random.choice(['Moo', 'Woah', 'Bro', 'Slow']) + 'zilla'
firefox = random.choice(['Choir', 'Squier', 'Higher', 'Wire']) + 'fox'
linux = random.choice(['Win', 'Sin', 'Gin', 'Fin', 'Kin']) + 'ux'
if is_mobile:
return MOBILE_UA.format(mozilla, firefox)
return DESKTOP_UA.format(mozilla, linux, firefox)
def gen_query(query, args, config, near_city=None):
param_dict = {key: '' for key in VALID_PARAMS}
# Use :past(hour/day/week/month/year) if available
# example search "new restaurants :past month"
sub_lang = ''
if ':past' in query and 'tbs' not in args:
time_range = str.strip(query.split(':past', 1)[-1])
param_dict['tbs'] = '&tbs=' + ('qdr:' + str.lower(time_range[0]))
elif 'tbs' in args:
result_tbs = args.get('tbs')
param_dict['tbs'] = '&tbs=' + result_tbs
# Occasionally the 'tbs' param provided by google also contains a field for 'lr', but formatted
# strangely. This is a (admittedly not very elegant) solution for this.
# Ex/ &tbs=qdr:h,lr:lang_1pl --> the lr param needs to be extracted and have the "1" digit removed in this case
sub_lang = [_ for _ in result_tbs.split(',') if 'lr:' in _]
sub_lang = sub_lang[0][sub_lang[0].find('lr:') + 3:len(sub_lang[0])] if len(sub_lang) > 0 else ''
# Ensure search query is parsable
query = urlparse.quote(query)
# Pass along type of results (news, images, books, etc)
if 'tbm' in args:
param_dict['tbm'] = '&tbm=' + args.get('tbm')
# Get results page start value (10 per page, ie page 2 start val = 20)
if 'start' in args:
param_dict['start'] = '&start=' + args.get('start')
# Search for results near a particular city, if available
if near_city:
param_dict['near'] = '&near=' + urlparse.quote(near_city)
# Set language for results (lr) if source isn't set, otherwise use the result
# language param provided by google (but with the strange digit(s) removed)
if 'source' in args:
param_dict['source'] = '&source=' + args.get('source')
param_dict['lr'] = ('&lr=' + ''.join([_ for _ in sub_lang if not _.isdigit()])) if sub_lang else ''
param_dict['lr'] = ('&lr=' + config.lang_search) if config.lang_search else ''
# Set autocorrected search ignore
if 'nfpr' in args:
param_dict['nfpr'] = '&nfpr=' + args.get('nfpr')
param_dict['cr'] = ('&cr=' + config.ctry) if config.ctry else ''
param_dict['hl'] = ('&hl=' + config.lang_interface.replace('lang_', '')) if config.lang_interface else ''
param_dict['safe'] = '&safe=' + ('active' if config.safe else 'off')
for val in param_dict.values():
if not val:
query += val
return query
class Request:
def __init__(self, normal_ua, language='lang_en'):
self.language = language
self.mobile = 'Android' in normal_ua or 'iPhone' in normal_ua
self.modified_user_agent = gen_user_agent(self.mobile)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
def autocomplete(self, query):
ac_query = dict(hl=self.language, q=query)
response = self.send(base_url=AUTOCOMPLETE_URL, query=urlparse.urlencode(ac_query)).text
if response:
dom = etree.fromstring(response)
return dom.xpath('//suggestion/@data')
return []
def send(self, base_url=SEARCH_URL, query='') -> Response:
headers = {
'User-Agent': self.modified_user_agent
return requests.get(base_url + query, headers=headers)