The app/utils/*_utils weren't named very well, and all have been updated to have more accurate names. Function and class documention for the utils have been updated as well, as part of the effort to improve overall documentation for the project.
34 lines
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34 lines
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from app.utils.session import generate_user_keys, valid_user_session
def test_generate_user_keys():
keys = generate_user_keys()
assert 'text_key' in keys
assert 'element_key' in keys
assert keys['text_key'] not in keys['element_key']
def test_valid_session(client):
assert not valid_user_session({'fernet_keys': '', 'config': {}})
with client.session_transaction() as session:
assert valid_user_session(session)
def test_request_key_generation(client):
rv = client.get('/')
cookie = rv.headers['Set-Cookie']
rv = client.get('/search?q=test+1', headers={'Cookie': cookie})
assert rv._status_code == 200
with client.session_transaction() as session:
assert valid_user_session(session)
text_key = session['fernet_keys']['text_key']
rv = client.get('/search?q=test+2', headers={'Cookie': cookie})
assert rv._status_code == 200
with client.session_transaction() as session:
assert valid_user_session(session)
assert text_key not in session['fernet_keys']['text_key']