Introduces a new script for quickly regenerating a Heroku instance
(typically with a new IP) to handle the rare circumstances where an
instance is flagged by Google and prompted for a captcha.
The config/ dir was renamed to misc/ to avoid confusion with the Docker
mounted config volume, and to more closely match its intended purpose
(which is to contain all miscellaneous features/scripts/etc that add
functionality to Whoogle, but are not critical for general use).
Pip installs of whoogle search were missing access to the misc/ folder,
which previously contained the language and country json files. These
have been moved to app/misc, and the previous root level misc/ was
renamed to config/ (since it now only contains the tor config files).
Bump to 0.3.1.
* Adds the ability to redirect to using the existing
"site alts" config setting.
This adds the WHOOGLE_ALT_RD environment variable for optionally
redirecting reddit links to libreddit
* Include libreddit in home page site alt note
The Dockerfile was incorrectly assigning an empty string to the site alt
values, which caused the filter to update relevant sites with an empty
host. This replaces the empty string with the correct domain for each
site alternative.
* Add ability to configure site alts w/ env vars
Site alternatives (i.e. -> can now be configured
using environment variables:
WHOOGLE_ALT_TW='' # twitter alt
WHOOGLE_ALT_YT='' # youtube alt
WHOOGLE_ALT_IG='' # instagram alt
Updated testing to confirm results have been modified.
* Add site alt vars to docker settings and readme
The tor service is now started by calling a script which runs tor
according to the current container user. If the user is root, the script
will begin the tor service as normal. Otherwise, it runs tor as the
current user. This primarily is meant to address the issue with Heroku
builds (which don't have a root user) not being able to start tor as a
Also refactored the rc/ dir to misc/ (with a tor/ subdir) since that
makes more sense.
* Add tor and http/socks proxy support
Allows users to enable/disable tor from the config menu, which will
forward all requests through Tor.
Also adds support for setting environment variables for alternative
proxy support. Setting the following variables will forward requests
through the proxy:
- Can be "http", "socks4", or "socks5"
- WHOOGLE_PROXY_LOC (required)
- Format: "<ip address>:<port>"
See #30
* Refactor acquire_tor_conn -> acquire_tor_identity
Also updated travis CI to set up tor
* Add check for Tor socket on init, improve Tor error handling
Initializing the app sends a heartbeat request to Tor to check for
availability, and updates the home page config options accordingly. This
heartbeat is sent on every request, to ensure Tor support can be
reconfigured without restarting the entire app.
If Tor support is enabled, and a subsequent request fails, then a new
TorError exception is raised, and the Tor feature is disabled until a
valid connection is restored.
The max attempts has been updated to 10, since 5 seemed a bit too low
for how quickly the attempts go by.
* Change send_tor_signal arg type, update function doc
send_tor_signal now accepts a stem.Signal arg (a bit cleaner tbh). Also
added the doc string for the "disable" attribute in TorError.
* Fix tor identity logic in Request.send
* Update proxy init, change proxyloc var name
Proxy is now only initialized if both type and location are specified,
as neither have a default fallback and both are required. I suppose the
type could fall back to http, but seems safer this way.
Also refactored proxyurl -> proxyloc for the runtime args in order to
match the Dockerfile args.
* Add tor/proxy support for Docker builds, fix opensearch/init
The Dockerfile is now updated to include support for Tor configuration,
with a working torrc file included in the repo.
An issue with opensearch was fixed as well, which was uncovered during
testing and was simple enough to fix here. Likewise, DDG bang gen was
updated to only ever happen if the file didn't exist previously, as
testing with the file being regenerated every time was tedious.
* Add missing "@" for socks proxy requests
Executable renamed to "run" to avoid confusion with pip installed script
Updated heroku deploy button to use the heroku-app branch, which by
default enforces HTTPS
Added instructions for enforcing HTTPS on various deployment options,
with note about how this isn't a required task.
Updated description to use improved app description
* Adding HTTPS enforcement
Command line runs of Whoogle Search through pip/pipx/etc will need the
`--https-only` flag appended to the run command.
Docker runs require the `use_https` build arg applied.
* Update
Moved https-only note to top of docker run command, updated pip runner help output
* Dockerfile: removed HTTPS enforcement, updated PORT setting
Dockerfile no longer enforces an HTTPS connection, but still allows for
setting via a build arg. The Flask server port is now configurable as a
build arg as well, by setting a port number to "whoogle_port"
* Fixed incorrect port assignment
* Use slim version of docker container
This massively reduces the size of the final container (330mb -> 60mb)
* Install libcurl and libssl explicitly in container
They appear to be missing from `-slim` variant containers
Co-authored-by: Ben Busby <>
Co-authored-by: Ben Busby <>
- Updated Dockerfile to include chmod of run script
- Added app.json for Heroku quick deploy
- Removed unused function var in js controller
- Moved requirements back to root of repo
- Added Codebeat report to readme