* Add support for Lingva translations in results
Searches that contain the word "translate" and are normal search queries
(i.e. not news/images/video/etc) now create an iframe to a Lingva url to
translate the user's search using their configured search language.
The Lingva url can be configured using the WHOOGLE_ALT_TL env var, or
will fall back to the official Lingva instance url (lingva.ml).
For more info, visit https://github.com/TheDavidDelta/lingva-translate
* Add basic test for lingva results
* Allow user specified lingva instances through csp frame-src
* Fix pep8 issue
* Replace hardcoded strings using translation json file
This introduces a new "translations.json" file under app/static/settings
that is loaded on app init and uses the user config value for interface
language to determine the appropriate strings to use in Whoogle-specific
elements of the UI (primarily only on the home page).
* Verify interface lang can be used for localization
Check the configured interface language against the available
localization dict before attempting to use, otherwise fall back to
Also expanded language names in the languages json file.
* Add test for validating translation language keys
Also adds Spanish translation to json (the only non-English language I
can add and reasonably validate on my own).
* Validate all translations against original keyset, update readme
Readme has been updated to include basic contributing guidelines for
both code and translations.
Enforces 0 margin for the search input form on the result page, which
removes the weird gap that is seen by default.
Also made minor changes to the border styling. Desktop searches now have
a single bottom border in dark mode rather than an all around border,
and the border around the mobile search result input was removed
This was unfortunately a bit more complex than just adding an HTML reset
button, since reset buttons only "reset" input content to its original
value rather than clearing it. This doesn't work for Whoogle's needs,
since inputs on search result pages are auto populated with the search
content as their default value.
A reset button was introduced anyways, but is controlled by a few lines
of javascript to allow completely clearing the search input. The button
will only appear on mobile searches.
At the moment, it isn't particularly pretty, but is functional. It uses
just a plain "x" character and is always visible on mobile search result
pages. This leaves plenty of room for improvement moving forward.
Both light and dark themes have been updated to remove the leftover
hardcoded values (mostly related to the search suggestion styling).
See discussion in #247.
* Add custom CSS field to config
This allows users to set/customize an instance's theme and appearance to
their liking. The config CSS field is prepopulated with all default CSS
variable values to allow quick editing.
Note that this can be somewhat of a "footgun" if someone updates the
CSS to hide all fields/search/etc. Should probably add some sort of
bandaid "admin" feature for public instances to employ until the whole
cookie/session issue is investigated further.
* Symlink all app static files to test dir
* Refactor app/misc/*.json -> app/static/settings/*.json
The country/language json files are used for user config settings, so
the "misc" name didn't really make sense. Also moved these to the static
folder to make testing easier.
* Fix light theme variables in dark theme css
* Minor style tweaking
Introduces a new content security policy header for responses to all
requests to reduce the possibility of ip leaks to outside connections.
By default blocks all inline scripts, and only allows content loaded
from Whoogle.
Refactors a few small inline scripting cases in the project to their own
individual scripts.
Introduces a new javascript "utils" file, which includes a check for
matching the query against a set of tracking number regexes on page
load. If a match is found, the script prepends a link to the
(presumably) appropriate tracking page.
Referenced in #98
This adds a step in the filter process to wrap the "people also ask"
section in a <details> element, which automatically collapses the
contents of the section. Clicking/tapping the details element expands
the view as normal.
See #113
* Use relative links instead of absolute
This allows for hosting under a subpath. For example if you want to host
whoogle at example.com/whoogle, it should work better with a reverse proxy.
* Use relative link for opensearch.xml
* Add tor and http/socks proxy support
Allows users to enable/disable tor from the config menu, which will
forward all requests through Tor.
Also adds support for setting environment variables for alternative
proxy support. Setting the following variables will forward requests
through the proxy:
- Can be "http", "socks4", or "socks5"
- WHOOGLE_PROXY_LOC (required)
- Format: "<ip address>:<port>"
See #30
* Refactor acquire_tor_conn -> acquire_tor_identity
Also updated travis CI to set up tor
* Add check for Tor socket on init, improve Tor error handling
Initializing the app sends a heartbeat request to Tor to check for
availability, and updates the home page config options accordingly. This
heartbeat is sent on every request, to ensure Tor support can be
reconfigured without restarting the entire app.
If Tor support is enabled, and a subsequent request fails, then a new
TorError exception is raised, and the Tor feature is disabled until a
valid connection is restored.
The max attempts has been updated to 10, since 5 seemed a bit too low
for how quickly the attempts go by.
* Change send_tor_signal arg type, update function doc
send_tor_signal now accepts a stem.Signal arg (a bit cleaner tbh). Also
added the doc string for the "disable" attribute in TorError.
* Fix tor identity logic in Request.send
* Update proxy init, change proxyloc var name
Proxy is now only initialized if both type and location are specified,
as neither have a default fallback and both are required. I suppose the
type could fall back to http, but seems safer this way.
Also refactored proxyurl -> proxyloc for the runtime args in order to
match the Dockerfile args.
* Add tor/proxy support for Docker builds, fix opensearch/init
The Dockerfile is now updated to include support for Tor configuration,
with a working torrc file included in the repo.
An issue with opensearch was fixed as well, which was uncovered during
testing and was simple enough to fix here. Likewise, DDG bang gen was
updated to only ever happen if the file didn't exist previously, as
testing with the file being regenerated every time was tedious.
* Add missing "@" for socks proxy requests
Initialization of the app now includes generation of a ddg-bang json
file, which is used for all bang style searches afterwards.
Also added search suggestion handling for bang json lookup. Queries
beginning with "!" now reference the bang json file to pull all keys
that match.
Updated test suite to include basic tests for bang functionality.
Updated gitignore to exclude bang subdir.
The javascript controller has been updated to include a call to focus
the cursor on the search field. This previously had only been seen on
Firefox, and was assumed to be a weird FF-specific bug. Adding in a
timeout to allow elements to finish loading allows the field to be
focused as expected.
Also updated the README to include clarification for IP address
* Implemented new dark theme
Now uses a dedicated css file for all dark theme color changes, rather
than replacing color codes directly.
Color theme is from discussion in #60.
* Minor link color update
Arrow key navigation through search suggestions now populates the input
field with text content from the active selection. Navigating "down"
past the end of the suggestions list returns the active cursor to position 0,
while navigating "up" before the list of suggestions restores the
original search query and removes the active highlight from element 0.
Full implementation of social media alt redirects (twitter/youtube/instagram -> nitter/invidious/bibliogram) depending on configuration.
Verbatim search and option to ignore search autocorrect are now supported as well.
Also cleaned up the javascript side of whoogle config so that it now
uses arrays of available fields for parsing config values instead of manually assigning each
one to a variable.
This doesn't include support for Google Maps -> Open Street Maps, that
seems a bit more involved than the social media redirects were, so it
should likely be a separate effort.
* Major refactor of requests and session management
- Switches from pycurl to requests library
- Allows for less janky decoding, especially with non-latin character
- Adds session level management of user configs
- Allows for each session to set its own config (people are probably
going to complain about this, though not sure if it'll be the same
number of people who are upset that their friends/family have to share
their config)
- Updates key gen/regen to more aggressively swap out keys after each
* Added ability to save/load configs by name
- New PUT method for config allows changing config with specified name
- New methods in js controller to handle loading/saving of configs
* Result formatting and removal of unused elements
- Fixed question section formatting from results page (added appropriate
padding and made questions styled as italic)
- Removed user agent display from main config settings
* Minor change to button label
* Fixed issue with "de-pickling" of flask session
Having a gitignore-everything ("*") file within a flask session folder seems to cause a
weird bug where the state of the app becomes unusable from continuously
trying to prune files listed in the gitignore (and it can't prune '*').
* Switched to pickling saved configs
* Updated ad/sponsored content filter and conf naming
Configs are now named with a .conf extension to allow for easier manual
cleanup/modification of named config files
Sponsored content now removed by basic string matching of span content
* Version bump to 0.2.0
* Fixed request.send return style
Basic autocomplete/search suggestion functionality added
* Adds new GET and POST routes for '/autocomplete' that accept a string query and returns an array of suggestions
* Adds new autoscript.js file for handling queries on the main page and results view
* Updated requests class to include autocomplete method
* Updated opensearch template to handle search suggestions
* Added header template to allow for autocomplete on results view
* Updated readme to mention autocomplete feature
* Added country and safe search config options
* Updated handling of parser error in results test
* Improved handling of default country
* Added 1px empty gif fallback as a replacement for images that fail to load
This addresses #18, which brought up the issue of searching with Whoogle
with the search instance set to always use a specific container in
Firefox Container Tabs.
Could also be useful if you want to share your search results or
something, I guess. Though nobody likes when people do that.
Config options now allow setting a "root url", which defaults to the
request url root. Saving a new url in this field will allow for proper
redirects and usage of the opensearch element.
Also provides a possible solution for #17, where the default flask redirect method redirects to
http instead of https.
The implementation of POST search support comes with a few benefits. The
most apparent is the avoidance of search queries appearing in web server
logs -- instead of the prior GET approach (i.e.
/search?q=my+search+query), using POST requests with the query stored in
the request body creates logs that simply appear as "/search".
Since a lot of relative links are generated in the results page, I came
up with a way to generate a unique key at run time that is used to
encrypt any query strings before sending to the user. This benefits both
regular text queries as well as fetching of image links and means that
web logs will only show an encrypted string where a link or query
string might slip through.
Unfortunately, GET search requests still need to be supported, as it
doesn't seem that Firefox (on iOS) supports loading search engines by
their opensearch.xml file, but instead relies on manual entry of a
search query string. Once this is updated, I'll probably remove GET
request search support.
- Updated Dockerfile to include chmod of run script
- Added app.json for Heroku quick deploy
- Removed unused function var in js controller
- Moved requirements back to root of repo
- Added Codebeat report to readme