461 lines
12 KiB
461 lines
12 KiB
/* eslint no-eq-null: 0, eqeqeq: [2, "smart"] */
global createCache db calcStyleDigest normalizeStyleSections db promisify
getStyleWithNoCode msg
'use strict';
const styleManager = (() => {
const preparing = prepare();
const styles = new Map();
const cachedStyleForUrl = createCache();
const compiledRe = createCache();
const compiledExclusion = createCache();
const BAD_MATCHER = {test: () => false};
// FIXME: do we have to prepare `styles` map for all methods?
return ensurePrepared({
// styles,
// cachedStyleForUrl,
getAllStyles, // used by import-export
getStylesInfoByUrl, // used by popup
// TODO: get all styles API?
// TODO: get style by ID?
function getAllStyles() {
return [...styles.values()].map(s => s.data);
function toggleStyle(id, enabled) {
const style = styles.get(id);
const newData = Object.assign({}, style.data, {enabled});
return saveStyle(newData)
.then(newData => {
style.data = newData;
const message = {
method: 'styleUpdated',
codeIsUpdated: false,
style: {id, enabled}
if ([...style.appliesTo].every(isExtensionUrl)) {
return msg.broadcastExtension(message);
return msg.broadcast(message);
.then(() => id);
function isExtensionUrl(url) {
return /^\w+?-extension:\/\//.test(url);
function getStylesInfo(filter) {
if (filter && filter.id) {
return [getStyleWithNoCode(styles.get(filter.id).data)];
return [...styles.values()]
.filter(s => !filter || filterMatchStyle(filter, s.data))
.map(s => getStyleWithNoCode(s.data));
function countStyles(filter) {
if (!filter) {
return styles.size;
if (filter.id) {
return styles.has(filter.id) ? 1 : 0;
return [...styles.values()]
.filter(s => filterMatchStyle(filter, s.data))
function filterMatchStyle(filter, style) {
for (const key of Object.keys(filter)) {
if (filter[key] !== style[key]) {
return false;
return true;
function editSave(data) {
data = Object.assign({}, styles.get(data.id).data, data);
return saveStyle(data)
.then(newData =>
.then(() => newData)
function setStyleExclusions(id, exclusions) {
const data = Object.assign({}, styles.get(id), {exclusions});
return saveStyle(data)
.then(newData =>
.then(() => newData)
function ensurePrepared(methods) {
for (const [name, fn] in Object.entries(methods)) {
methods[name] = (...args) =>
preparing.then(() => fn(...args));
return methods;
function deleteStyle(id) {
const style = styles.get(id);
return db.exec('delete', id)
.then(() => {
for (const url of style.appliesTo) {
const cache = cachedStyleForUrl.get(url);
delete cache[id];
return msg.broadcast({
method: 'styleDeleted',
style: {id}
.then(() => id);
function createNewStyle() {
return {
enabled: true,
updateUrl: null,
md5Url: null,
url: null,
originalMd5: null,
installDate: Date.now()
function installStyle(data) {
const style = styles.get(data.id);
if (!style) {
data = Object.assign(createNewStyle(), data);
} else {
data = Object.assign({}, style.data, data);
// FIXME: update installDate?
return calcStyleDigest(data)
.then(digest => {
data.originalDigest = digest;
return saveStyle(data);
.then(newData =>
.then(() => newData)
function broadcastStyleUpdated(newData) {
const style = styles.get(newData.id);
if (!style) {
// new style
const appliesTo = new Set();
styles.set(newData.id, {
data: newData
return Promise.all([
msg.broadcastExtension({method: 'styleAdded', style: getStyleWithNoCode(newData)}),
msg.broadcastTab(tab => getStyleAddedMessage(tab, newData, appliesTo))
const excluded = new Set();
const updated = new Map();
for (const url of style.appliesTo) {
const code = getAppliedCode(url, newData);
const cache = cachedStyleForUrl.get(url);
if (!code) {
if (cache) {
delete cache[newData.id];
} else {
updated.set(url, code);
cache[newData.id] = code;
style.appliesTo = new Set(updated.keys());
return Promise.all([
msg.broadcastExtension({method: 'styleUpdated', style: getStyleWithNoCode(newData)}),
msg.broadcastTab(tab => {
if (excluded.has(tab.url)) {
return {
method: 'styleDeleted',
style: {id: newData.id}
if (updated.has(tab.url)) {
return {
method: 'styleUpdated',
style: {id: newData.id, sections: updated.get(tab.url)}
return getStyleAddedMessage(tab, newData, style.appliesTo);
function getStyleAddedMessage(tab, data, appliesTo) {
const code = getAppliedCode(tab.url, data);
if (!code) {
const cache = cachedStyleForUrl.get(tab.url);
if (cache) {
cache[data.id] = code;
return {
method: 'styleAdded',
style: {
id: data.id,
enabled: data.enabled,
sections: code
function importStyle(style) {
// FIXME: move this to importer
// style.originalDigest = style.originalDigest || style.styleDigest; // TODO: remove in the future
// delete style.styleDigest; // TODO: remove in the future
// if (typeof style.originalDigest !== 'string' || style.originalDigest.length !== 40) {
// delete style.originalDigest;
// }
function saveStyle(style) {
if (!style.name) {
throw new Error('style name is empty');
return db.exec('put', style)
.then(event => {
if (style.id == null) {
style.id = event.target.result;
return style;
function getStylesInfoByUrl(url) {
const sections = getSectionsByUrl(url);
return Object.keys(sections)
.map(k => getStyleWithNoCode(styles.get(Number(k)).data));
function getSectionsByUrl(url, filterId) {
let result = cachedStyleForUrl.get(url);
if (!result) {
result = {};
for (const {appliesTo, data} of styles.values()) {
const code = getAppliedCode(url, data);
if (code) {
result[data.id] = code;
cachedStyleForUrl.set(url, result);
if (filterId) {
return {[filterId]: result[filterId]};
return result;
function getAppliedCode(url, data) {
if (!urlMatchStyle(url, data)) {
let code = '';
for (const section of data.sections) {
if (urlMatchSection(url, section)) {
code += section.code;
// FIXME: trim comment?
return code;
function prepare() {
return db.exec('getAll').then(event => {
const styleList = event.target.result;
if (!styleList) {
for (const style of styleList) {
styles.set(style.id, {
appliesTo: new Set(),
data: style
if (!style.name) {
style.name = 'ID: ' + style.id;
function urlMatchStyle(url, style) {
if (style.exclusions && style.exclusions.some(e => compileExclusion(e).test(url))) {
return false;
return true;
function urlMatchSection(url, section) {
// FIXME: match sub domains?
if (section.domains && section.domains.includes(getDomain(url))) {
return true;
if (section.urlPrefixes && section.urlPrefixes.some(p => url.startsWith(p))) {
return true;
if (section.urls && section.urls.includes(getUrlNoHash(url))) {
return true;
if (section.regexps && section.regexps.some(r => compileRe(r).test(url))) {
return true;
return false;
function compileRe(text) {
let re = compiledRe.get(text);
if (!re) {
// FIXME: it should be `$({text})$` but we don't use the standard for compatibility
re = tryRegExp(`^${text}$`);
if (!re) {
compiledRe.set(text, re);
return re;
function compileExclusion(text) {
let re = compiledExclusion.get(text);
if (!re) {
re = tryRegExp(buildGlob(text));
if (!re) {
compiledExclusion.set(text, re);
return re;
function buildGlob(text) {
const prefix = text[0] === '^' ? '' : '\\b';
const suffix = text[text.length - 1] === '$' ? '' : '\\b';
return `${prefix}${escape(text)}${suffix}`;
function escape(text) {
// FIXME: using .* everywhere is slow
return text.replace(/[.*]/g, m => m === '.' ? '\\.' : '.*');
function getDomain(url) {
// FIXME: use a naive regexp
return url.match(/\w+:\/\//);
function getUrlNoHash(url) {
return url.split('#')[0];
// function cleanData(method, data) {
// if (
// (method === 'styleUpdated' || method === 'styleAdded') &&
// (data.sections || data.sourceCode)
// ) {
// apply/popup/manage use only meta for these two methods,
// editor may need the full code but can fetch it directly,
// so we send just the meta to avoid spamming lots of tabs with huge styles
// return getStyleWithNoCode(data);
// }
// return data;
// }
function isExtensionStyle(id) {
// const style = styles.get(id);
// if (!style)
return false;
// function emitChanges(method, data) {
// const pendingPrivilage = runtimeSendMessage({method, cleanData(method, data)});
// const affectsAll = !msg.affects || msg.affects.all;
// const affectsOwnOriginOnly =
// !affectsAll && (msg.affects.editor || msg.affects.manager);
// const affectsTabs = affectsAll || affectsOwnOriginOnly;
// const affectsIcon = affectsAll || msg.affects.icon;
// const affectsPopup = affectsAll || msg.affects.popup;
// const affectsSelf = affectsPopup || msg.prefs;
// notify all open extension pages and popups
// if (affectsSelf) {
// msg.tabId = undefined;
// sendMessage(msg, ignoreChromeError);
// }
// notify tabs
// if (affectsTabs || affectsIcon) {
// const notifyTab = tab => {
// if (!styleUpdated
// && (affectsTabs || URLS.optionsUI.includes(tab.url))
// own pages are already notified via sendMessage
// && !(affectsSelf && tab.url.startsWith(URLS.ownOrigin))
// skip lazy-loaded aka unloaded tabs that seem to start loading on message in FF
// && (!FIREFOX || tab.width)) {
// msg.tabId = tab.id;
// sendMessage(msg, ignoreChromeError);
// }
// if (affectsIcon) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
// debounce(API.updateIcon, 0, {tab});
// }
// };
// list all tabs including chrome-extension:// which can be ours
// Promise.all([
// queryTabs(isExtensionStyle(data.id) ? {url: URLS.ownOrigin + '*'} : {}),
// getActiveTab(),
// ]).then(([tabs, activeTab]) => {
// const activeTabId = activeTab && activeTab.id;
// for (const tab of tabs) {
// invokeOrPostpone(tab.id === activeTabId, notifyTab, tab);
// }
// });
// }
// notify self: the message no longer is sent to the origin in new Chrome
// if (typeof onRuntimeMessage !== 'undefined') {
// onRuntimeMessage(originalMessage);
// }
// notify apply.js on own pages
// if (typeof applyOnMessage !== 'undefined') {
// applyOnMessage(originalMessage);
// }
// propagate saved style state/code efficiently
// if (styleUpdated) {
// msg.refreshOwnTabs = false;
// API.refreshAllTabs(msg);
// }
// }
function notifyAllTabs() {}