+ implement messageBox.close() + fix require() with root urls in /dir/page.html + limit messageBox focus shift to config-dialog + flatten vendor dirs and simplify build-vendor: + replace the unicode symbol with ASCII `->` + flatten dirs by default to simplify writing the rules and improve their readability + rename and sort functions in the order they run + use `node-fetch` instead of the gargantuan `make-fetch-happen` + use `glob` which is already installed by other deps Co-authored-by: tophf <tophf@gmx.com>
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285 lines
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/* global API msg */// msg.js
/* global StyleInjector */
/* global prefs */
'use strict';
(() => {
if (window.INJECTED === 1) return;
/** true -> when the page styles are received,
* false -> when disableAll mode is on at start, the styles won't be sent
* so while disableAll lasts we can ignore messages about style updates because
* the tab will explicitly ask for all styles in bulk when disableAll mode ends */
let hasStyles = false;
let isDisabled = false;
let isTab = !chrome.tabs || location.pathname !== '/popup.html';
let order = {};
const isFrame = window !== parent;
const isFrameAboutBlank = isFrame && location.href === 'about:blank';
const isUnstylable = !chrome.app && document instanceof XMLDocument;
const styleInjector = StyleInjector({
compare: (a, b) => {
const ia = order[a.id];
const ib = order[b.id];
if (ia === ib) return 0;
if (ia == null) return 1;
if (ib == null) return -1;
return ia - ib;
onUpdate: onInjectorUpdate,
// dynamic iframes don't have a URL yet so we'll use their parent's URL (hash isn't inherited)
let matchUrl = isFrameAboutBlank && tryCatch(() => parent.location.href.split('#')[0]) ||
// save it now because chrome.runtime will be unavailable in the orphaned script
const orphanEventId = chrome.runtime.id;
let isOrphaned;
// firefox doesn't orphanize content scripts so the old elements stay
if (!chrome.app) styleInjector.clearOrphans();
/** @type chrome.runtime.Port */
let port;
let lazyBadge = isFrame;
let parentDomain;
/* about:blank iframes are often used by sites for file upload or background tasks
* and they may break if unexpected DOM stuff is present at `load` event
* so we'll add the styles only if the iframe becomes visible */
const {IntersectionObserver} = window;
const xoEventId = `${Math.random()}`;
/** @type IntersectionObserver */
let xo;
if (IntersectionObserver) {
window[Symbol.for('xo')] = (el, cb) => {
if (!xo) xo = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersect, {rootMargin: '100%'});
el.addEventListener(xoEventId, cb, {once: true});
// Declare all vars before init() or it'll throw due to "temporal dead zone" of const/let
const ready = init();
// the popup needs a check as it's not a tab but can be opened in a tab manually for whatever reason
if (!isTab) {
chrome.tabs.getCurrent(tab => {
isTab = Boolean(tab);
if (tab && styleInjector.list.length) updateCount();
if (!chrome.tabs) {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(orphanEventId));
window.addEventListener(orphanEventId, orphanCheck, true);
// detect media change in content script
// FIXME: move this to background page when following bugs are fixed:
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1561546
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=968651
const media = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
media.addListener(() => API.colorScheme.updateSystemPreferDark().catch(console.error));
function onInjectorUpdate() {
if (!isOrphaned) {
const onOff = prefs[styleInjector.list.length ? 'subscribe' : 'unsubscribe'];
onOff('disableAll', updateDisableAll);
if (isFrame) {
onOff('exposeIframes', updateExposeIframes);
async function init() {
if (isUnstylable) {
await API.styleViaAPI({method: 'styleApply'});
} else {
const SYM_ID = 'styles';
const SYM = Symbol.for(SYM_ID);
const parentStyles = isFrameAboutBlank &&
tryCatch(() => parent[parent.Symbol.for(SYM_ID)]);
const styles =
window[SYM] ||
parentStyles && await new Promise(onFrameElementInView) && parentStyles ||
!isFrameAboutBlank && chrome.app && !chrome.tabs && tryCatch(getStylesViaXhr) ||
await API.styles.getSectionsByUrl(matchUrl, null, true);
if (styles.cfg) {
isDisabled = styles.cfg.disableAll;
order = styles.cfg.order || {};
delete styles.cfg;
hasStyles = !isDisabled;
if (hasStyles) {
window[SYM] = styles;
await styleInjector.apply(styles);
} else {
delete window[SYM];
prefs.subscribe('disableAll', updateDisableAll);
/** Must be executed inside try/catch */
function getStylesViaXhr() {
const blobId = document.cookie.split(chrome.runtime.id + '=')[1].split(';')[0];
const url = 'blob:' + chrome.runtime.getURL(blobId);
document.cookie = `${chrome.runtime.id}=1; max-age=0`; // remove our cookie
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, false); // synchronous
return JSON.parse(xhr.response);
function applyOnMessage(request) {
const {method} = request;
if (isUnstylable) {
if (method === 'urlChanged') {
request.method = 'styleReplaceAll';
if (/^(style|updateCount)/.test(method)) {
const {style} = request;
switch (method) {
case 'ping':
return true;
case 'styleDeleted':
case 'styleUpdated':
if (!hasStyles && isDisabled) break;
if (style.enabled) {
API.styles.getSectionsByUrl(matchUrl, style.id).then(sections =>
? styleInjector.apply(sections)
: styleInjector.remove(style.id));
} else {
case 'styleAdded':
if (!hasStyles && isDisabled) break;
if (style.enabled) {
API.styles.getSectionsByUrl(matchUrl, style.id)
case 'styleSort':
order = request.order;
case 'urlChanged':
if (!hasStyles && isDisabled || matchUrl === request.url) break;
matchUrl = request.url;
API.styles.getSectionsByUrl(matchUrl).then(sections => {
delete sections.cfg;
hasStyles = true;
case 'backgroundReady':
ready.catch(err =>
? init()
: console.error(err));
case 'updateCount':
function updateDisableAll(key, disableAll) {
isDisabled = disableAll;
if (isUnstylable) {
API.styleViaAPI({method: 'prefChanged', prefs: {disableAll}});
} else if (!hasStyles && !disableAll) {
} else {
async function updateExposeIframes(key, value = prefs.get('exposeIframes')) {
const attr = 'stylus-iframe';
const el = document.documentElement;
if (!el) return; // got no styles so styleInjector didn't wait for <html>
if (!value || !styleInjector.list.length) {
} else {
if (!parentDomain) parentDomain = await API.getTabUrlPrefix();
// Check first to avoid triggering DOM mutation
if (el.getAttribute(attr) !== parentDomain) {
el.setAttribute(attr, parentDomain);
function updateCount() {
if (!isTab) return;
if (isFrame) {
if (!port && styleInjector.list.length) {
port = chrome.runtime.connect({name: 'iframe'});
} else if (port && !styleInjector.list.length) {
if (lazyBadge && performance.now() > 1000) lazyBadge = false;
(isUnstylable ?
API.styleViaAPI({method: 'updateCount'}) :
API.updateIconBadge(styleInjector.list.map(style => style.id), {lazyBadge})
function onFrameElementInView(cb) {
if (IntersectionObserver) {
parent[parent.Symbol.for('xo')](frameElement, cb);
} else {
/** @param {IntersectionObserverEntry[]} entries */
function onIntersect(entries) {
for (const e of entries) {
if (e.isIntersecting) {
e.target.dispatchEvent(new Event(xoEventId));
function tryCatch(func, ...args) {
try {
return func(...args);
} catch (e) {}
function orphanCheck() {
if (tryCatch(() => chrome.i18n.getUILanguage())) return;
// In Chrome content script is orphaned on an extension update/reload
// so we need to detach event listeners
window.removeEventListener(orphanEventId, orphanCheck, true);
isOrphaned = true;
setTimeout(styleInjector.clear, 1000); // avoiding FOUC
tryCatch(msg.off, applyOnMessage);