eight f9db43a2e9 Add: sync database to a cloud drive ()
* Add key

* Add: a second index uuid, push changes to sync controller

* Add: sync.js

* Add: tokenManager

* Change: log entire body for http error

* Add: token flow

* Fix: minor

* Fix: move cleanup to stop function

* Add: syncNow

* Update dependencies

* Fix: handle 401 error

* Add: handle 401 error

* Fix: then -> catch

* Add: sync options to options page

* Update db-to-cloud

* Change: make prefs.set return a promise

* Add: disble selector if connected

* Add: update selector state

* Fix: return promise in prefs.set

* Fix: manage complex state

* Fix: handle prefs change

* Change: manage sync status in background

* Add: show current status in the UI

* Add: schedule a faster sync when db changed

* Update dependencies

* Add: include progress in sync status

* Add: more detail status

* Show status text only

* Bump dependencies

* Change: show loaded and total

* Fix: syncTarget is undefined

* Add: google and onedrive

* Fix: token is not reused

* Bump dependencies

* Don't use minified version since it is hard to debug

* Fix: expire time is incorrect

* Change: switch google to code flow

* Bump dependencies

* Change: only modify pref if the initialization success?

* Don't stop the sync if the first sync is not triggered by the user

* Add: implement refresh token

* Change: switch microsoft to code flow

* Add: subtract expire with a latency

* Add: microsoft client secret

* Add: display error message

* Fix: fromPref is not used

* Change: try to revoke the token when log out

* Add: revoke dropbox token

* Fix: Google only generates one refresh token for one user by default

* Bump dependencies, fix onedrive list issue

* Fix: arguments sent to sync.put is wrong

* Fix: don't schedule a sync on db changed if not connected

* Bump dependencies. Fix issue of switching drives

* Bump db-to-cloud, fix switching drive issue

* Fix: only auth user on 401 error, don't display login window without user interaction

* Fix: don't call revoke() if token is undefined

* Add: login button to generate the access token interactively

* Fix: make addMissingProperties a local

* Fix: store missing props in an object

* Fix: sync.getStatus should be sync


* Fix: cache the token forever if there is no expire time e.g. dropbox

* Add some comments

* Fix: i18n

* Fix: i18n sync status

* fixup! Fix: i18n sync status

* Fix: 'sync to cloud' is displayed twice
2019-11-05 14:30:45 -05:00

224 lines
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