* shortened the title to "Publish" and fixed the compact mode * made collapsed <details> share the same line in compact mode * made hard-coded strings localizable * IIFE modules instead of generically named globals * unified and sorted the names of localized messages * adjusted spacing of header items * center auth popup to current window Co-authored-by: Gusted <williamzijl7@hotmail.com>
98 lines
2.7 KiB
98 lines
2.7 KiB
/* global $ $create $remove messageBoxProxy showSpinner toggleDataset */// dom.js
/* global API msg */// msg.js
/* global URLS */// toolbox.js
/* global baseInit */
/* global editor */
/* global t */// localization.js
'use strict';
(() => {
//#region Main
const ERROR_TITLE = 'UserStyles.world ' + t('genericError');
const PROGRESS = '#usw-progress';
let spinnerTimer = 0;
let prevCode = '';
msg.onExtension(request => {
if (request.method === 'uswData' &&
request.style.id === editor.style.id) {
Object.assign(editor.style, request.style);
baseInit.ready.then(() => {
$('#usw-publish-style').onclick = disableWhileActive(publishStyle);
$('#usw-disconnect').onclick = disableWhileActive(disconnect);
async function publishStyle() {
const {id} = editor.style;
if (await API.data.has('usw' + id) &&
!await messageBoxProxy.confirm(t('publishRetry'), 'danger', ERROR_TITLE)) {
const code = editor.getValue();
const isDiff = code !== prevCode;
const res = isDiff ? await API.usw.publish(id, code) : t('importReportUnchanged');
const title = `${new Date().toLocaleString()}\n${res}`;
const failed = /^Error:/.test(res);
$(PROGRESS).append(...failed && [
$create('div.error', {title}, res),
$create('div', t('publishReconnect')),
] || [
$create(`span.${isDiff ? 'success' : 'unchanged'}`, {title}),
if (!failed) prevCode = code;
async function disconnect() {
await API.usw.revoke(editor.style.id);
prevCode = null; // to allow the next publishStyle to upload style
function updateUI(style = editor.style) {
const usw = style._usw || {};
const section = $('#publish');
toggleDataset(section, 'connected', usw.token);
for (const type of ['name', 'description']) {
const el = $(`dd[data-usw="${type}"]`, section);
el.textContent = el.title = usw[type] || '';
const elUrl = $('#usw-url');
elUrl.href = `${URLS.usw}${usw.id ? `style/${usw.id}` : ''}`;
elUrl.textContent = t('publishUsw').replace(/<(.+)>/, `$1${usw.id ? `#${usw.id}` : ''}`);
//#region Utility
function disableWhileActive(fn) {
/** @this {Element} */
return async function () {
this.disabled = true;
await fn().catch(console.error);
this.disabled = false;
function timerOn() {
if (!spinnerTimer) {
$(PROGRESS).textContent = '';
spinnerTimer = setTimeout(showSpinner, 250, PROGRESS);
function timerOff() {
$remove(`${PROGRESS} .lds-spinner`);
spinnerTimer = 0;