* parserlib: fast section extraction, tweaks and speedups
* csslint: "simple-not" rule
* csslint: enable and fix "selector-newline" rule
* simplify db: resolve with result
* simplify download()
* remove noCode param as it wastes more time/memory on copying
* styleManager: switch style<->data names to reflect their actual contents
* inline method bodies to avoid indirection and enable better autocomplete/hint/jump support in IDE
* upgrade getEventKeyName to handle mouse clicks
* don't trust location.href as it hides text fragment
* getAllKeys is implemented since Chrome48, FF44
* allow recoverable css errors + async'ify usercss.js
* openManage: unminimize windows
* remove the obsolete Chrome pre-65 workaround
* fix temporal dead zone in apply.js
* ff bug workaround for simple editor window
* consistent window scrolling in scrollToEditor and jumpToPos
* rework waitForSelector and collapsible <details>
* blank paint frame workaround for new Chrome
* extract stuff from edit.js and load on demand
* simplify regexpTester::isShown
* move MozDocMapper to sections-util.js
* extract fitSelectBox()
* initialize router earlier
* use helpPopup.close()
* fix autofocus in popups, follow-up to 5bb1b5ef
* clone objects in prefs.get() + cosmetics
* reuse getAll result for INC
284 lines
8.2 KiB
284 lines
8.2 KiB
/* global API */// msg.js
/* global changeQueue installed newUI */// manage.js
/* global checkUpdate handleUpdateInstalled */// updater-ui.js
/* global createStyleElement createTargetsElement getFaviconSrc */// render.js
/* global debounce getOwnTab openURL sessionStore */// toolbox.js
/* global filterAndAppend showFiltersStats */// filters.js
/* global sorter */
/* global t */// localization.js
/* global
*/// dom.js
'use strict';
const Events = {
addEntryTitle(link) {
const style = link.closest('.entry').styleMeta;
const ucd = style.usercssData;
link.title =
`${t('dateInstalled')}: ${t.formatDate(style.installDate) || '—'}\n` +
`${t('dateUpdated')}: ${t.formatDate(style.updateDate) || '—'}\n` +
(ucd ? `UserCSS, v.${ucd.version}` : '');
check(event, entry) {
checkUpdate(entry, {single: true});
async config(event, {styleMeta}) {
await require(['/js/dlg/config-dialog']); /* global configDialog */
async delete(event, entry) {
const id = entry.styleId;
const {button} = await messageBoxProxy.show({
title: t('deleteStyleConfirm'),
contents: entry.styleMeta.customName || entry.styleMeta.name,
className: 'danger center',
buttons: [t('confirmDelete'), t('confirmCancel')],
if (button === 0) {
const deleteButton = $('#message-box-buttons > button');
if (deleteButton) deleteButton.removeAttribute('data-focused-via-click');
async edit(event, entry) {
if (event.altKey) {
const key = getEventKeyName(event);
const url = $('[href]', entry).href;
const ownTab = await getOwnTab();
if (key === 'MouseL') {
sessionStore['manageStylesHistory' + ownTab.id] = url;
location.href = url;
} else if (chrome.windows && key === 'Shift-MouseL') {
API.openEditor({id: entry.styleId});
} else {
index: ownTab.index + 1,
active: key === 'Shift-MouseM' || key === 'Shift-Ctrl-MouseL',
expandTargets(event, entry) {
if (!entry._allTargetsRendered) {
createTargetsElement({entry, expanded: true});
setTimeout(getFaviconSrc, 0, entry);
async external(event) {
// Not handling Shift-click - the built-in 'open in a new window' command
if (getEventKeyName(event) !== 'Shift-MouseL') {
const {index} = await getOwnTab();
url: event.target.closest('a').href,
index: index + 1,
active: !event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey,
entryClicked(event) {
const target = event.target;
const entry = target.closest('.entry');
for (const selector in Events.ENTRY_ROUTES) {
for (let el = target; el && el !== entry; el = el.parentElement) {
if (el.matches(selector)) {
return Events.ENTRY_ROUTES[selector].call(el, event, entry);
lazyAddEntryTitle({type, target}) {
const cell = target.closest('h2.style-name, [data-type=age]');
if (cell) {
const link = $('.style-name-link', cell) || cell;
if (type === 'mouseover' && !link.title) {
debounce(Events.addEntryTitle, 50, link);
} else {
name(event, entry) {
if (newUI.enabled) Events.edit(event, entry);
toggle(event, entry) {
API.styles.toggle(entry.styleId, this.matches('.enable') || this.checked);
update(event, entry) {
const json = entry.updatedCode;
json.id = entry.styleId;
(json.usercssData ? API.usercss.install : API.styles.install)(json);
'input, .enable, .disable': Events.toggle,
'.style-name': Events.name,
'.homepage': Events.external,
'.check-update': Events.check,
'.update': Events.update,
'.delete': Events.delete,
'.applies-to .expander': Events.expandTargets,
'.configure-usercss': Events.config,
/* exported handleBulkChange */
function handleBulkChange() {
for (const msg of changeQueue) {
const {id} = msg.style;
if (msg.method === 'styleDeleted') {
changeQueue.time = performance.now();
} else {
handleUpdateForId(id, msg);
changeQueue.length = 0;
function handleDelete(id) {
const node = $entry(id);
if (node) {
if (node.matches('.can-update')) {
const btnApply = $('#apply-all-updates');
btnApply.dataset.value = Number(btnApply.dataset.value) - 1;
function handleUpdate(style, {reason, method} = {}) {
if (reason === 'editPreview' || reason === 'editPreviewEnd') return;
let entry;
let oldEntry = $entry(style);
if (oldEntry && method === 'styleUpdated') {
entry = entry || createStyleElement({style});
if (oldEntry) {
if (oldEntry.styleNameLowerCase === entry.styleNameLowerCase) {
installed.replaceChild(entry, oldEntry);
} else {
if ((reason === 'update' || reason === 'install') && entry.matches('.updatable')) {
handleUpdateInstalled(entry, reason);
if (!entry.matches('.hidden') && reason !== 'import' && reason !== 'sync') {
requestAnimationFrame(() => scrollElementIntoView(entry));
function handleToggledOrCodeOnly() {
style.sections.forEach(s => (s.code = null));
style.sourceCode = null;
const diff = objectDiff(oldEntry.styleMeta, style)
.filter(({key, path}) => path || (!key.startsWith('original') && !key.endsWith('Date')));
if (diff.length === 0) {
// only code was modified
entry = oldEntry;
oldEntry = null;
if (diff.length === 1 && diff[0].key === 'enabled') {
oldEntry.classList.toggle('enabled', style.enabled);
oldEntry.classList.toggle('disabled', !style.enabled);
$$('input', oldEntry).forEach(el => (el.checked = style.enabled));
oldEntry.styleMeta = style;
entry = oldEntry;
oldEntry = null;
async function handleUpdateForId(id, opts) {
handleUpdate(await API.styles.get(id), opts);
changeQueue.time = performance.now();
/* exported handleVisibilityChange */
function handleVisibilityChange() {
switch (document.visibilityState) {
// page restored without reloading via history navigation (currently only in FF)
// the catch here is that DOM may be outdated so we'll at least refresh the just edited style
// assuming other changes aren't important enough to justify making a complicated DOM sync
case 'visible': {
const id = sessionStore.justEditedStyleId;
if (id) {
handleUpdateForId(Number(id), {method: 'styleUpdated'});
delete sessionStore.justEditedStyleId;
// going away
case 'hidden':
history.replaceState({scrollY: window.scrollY}, document.title);
function objectDiff(first, second, path = '') {
const diff = [];
for (const key in first) {
const a = first[key];
const b = second[key];
if (a === b) {
if (b === undefined) {
diff.push({path, key, values: [a], type: 'removed'});
if (a && typeof a.filter === 'function' && b && typeof b.filter === 'function') {
if (
a.length !== b.length ||
a.some((el, i) => {
const result = !el || typeof el !== 'object'
? el !== b[i]
: objectDiff(el, b[i], path + key + '[' + i + '].').length;
return result;
) {
diff.push({path, key, values: [a, b], type: 'changed'});
} else if (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
diff.push(...objectDiff(a, b, path + key + '.'));
} else {
diff.push({path, key, values: [a, b], type: 'changed'});
for (const key in second) {
if (!(key in first)) {
diff.push({path, key, values: [second[key]], type: 'added'});
return diff;