* parserlib: fast section extraction, tweaks and speedups
* csslint: "simple-not" rule
* csslint: enable and fix "selector-newline" rule
* simplify db: resolve with result
* simplify download()
* remove noCode param as it wastes more time/memory on copying
* styleManager: switch style<->data names to reflect their actual contents
* inline method bodies to avoid indirection and enable better autocomplete/hint/jump support in IDE
* upgrade getEventKeyName to handle mouse clicks
* don't trust location.href as it hides text fragment
* getAllKeys is implemented since Chrome48, FF44
* allow recoverable css errors + async'ify usercss.js
* openManage: unminimize windows
* remove the obsolete Chrome pre-65 workaround
* fix temporal dead zone in apply.js
* ff bug workaround for simple editor window
* consistent window scrolling in scrollToEditor and jumpToPos
* rework waitForSelector and collapsible <details>
* blank paint frame workaround for new Chrome
* extract stuff from edit.js and load on demand
* simplify regexpTester::isShown
* move MozDocMapper to sections-util.js
* extract fitSelectBox()
* initialize router earlier
* use helpPopup.close()
* fix autofocus in popups, follow-up to 5bb1b5ef
* clone objects in prefs.get() + cosmetics
* reuse getAll result for INC
241 lines
6.3 KiB
241 lines
6.3 KiB
# https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/master/docs/rules/README.md
ecmaVersion: 2017
browser: true
es6: true
webextensions: true
require: readonly # in polyfill.js
accessor-pairs: [2]
array-bracket-spacing: [2, never]
array-callback-return: [0]
arrow-body-style: [2, as-needed]
arrow-parens: [2, as-needed]
arrow-spacing: [2, {before: true, after: true}]
block-scoped-var: [2]
brace-style: [2, 1tbs, {allowSingleLine: false}]
camelcase: [2, {properties: never}]
class-methods-use-this: [2]
comma-dangle: [2, {arrays: always-multiline, objects: always-multiline}]
comma-spacing: [2, {before: false, after: true}]
comma-style: [2, last]
complexity: [0]
computed-property-spacing: [2, never]
consistent-return: [0]
constructor-super: [2]
curly: [2, "multi-line"]
default-case: [0]
dot-location: [2, property]
dot-notation: [0]
eol-last: [2]
eqeqeq: [1, smart]
func-call-spacing: [2, never]
func-name-matching: [0]
func-names: [0]
generator-star-spacing: [2, before]
global-require: [0]
guard-for-in: [0] # not needed for our non-OOP stuff
handle-callback-err: [2, ^(err|error)$]
id-blacklist: [0]
id-length: [0]
id-match: [0]
indent: [2, 2, {
SwitchCase: 1,
ignoreComments: true,
ignoredNodes: [
"TemplateLiteral > *",
jsx-quotes: [0]
key-spacing: [0]
keyword-spacing: [2]
lines-around-comment: [0]
lines-around-directive: [0]
max-len: [2, {code: 120, ignoreComments: true, ignoreRegExpLiterals: true}]
max-lines: [0]
max-nested-callbacks: [0]
max-params: [0]
max-statements-per-line: [0]
max-statements: [0]
multiline-ternary: [0]
new-cap: [0]
new-parens: [2]
newline-before-return: [0]
newline-per-chained-call: [0]
no-alert: [0]
no-array-constructor: [0]
no-bitwise: [0]
no-caller: [2]
no-case-declarations: [2]
no-class-assign: [2]
no-cond-assign: [2, except-parens]
no-confusing-arrow: [0, {allowParens: true}]
no-const-assign: [2]
no-constant-condition: [0]
no-continue: [0]
no-control-regex: [0]
no-debugger: [2]
no-delete-var: [2]
no-div-regex: [0]
no-dupe-args: [2]
no-dupe-class-members: [2]
no-dupe-keys: [2]
no-duplicate-case: [2]
no-duplicate-imports: [2]
no-else-return: [0]
no-empty-character-class: [2]
no-empty-function: [0]
no-empty-pattern: [2]
no-empty: [2, {allowEmptyCatch: true}]
no-eq-null: [0]
no-eval: [2]
no-ex-assign: [0]
no-extend-native: [2]
no-extra-bind: [2]
no-extra-boolean-cast: [2]
no-extra-label: [0]
no-extra-parens: [0]
no-extra-semi: [2]
no-fallthrough: [2, {commentPattern: fallthrough.*}]
no-floating-decimal: [0]
no-func-assign: [2]
no-global-assign: [2]
no-implicit-coercion: [1]
no-implicit-globals: [0]
no-implied-eval: [2]
no-inline-comments: [0]
no-inner-declarations: [2]
no-invalid-regexp: [2]
no-invalid-this: [0]
no-irregular-whitespace: [2]
no-iterator: [2]
no-label-var: [2]
no-labels: [2, {allowLoop: true}]
no-lone-blocks: [2]
no-lonely-if: [0]
no-loop-func: [0]
no-magic-numbers: [0]
no-mixed-operators: [0]
no-mixed-requires: [2, true]
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: [2]
no-multi-spaces: [2, {ignoreEOLComments: true}]
no-multi-str: [2]
no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, {max: 2, maxEOF: 0, maxBOF: 0}]
no-native-reassign: [2]
no-negated-condition: [0]
no-negated-in-lhs: [2]
no-nested-ternary: [0]
no-new-func: [2]
no-new-object: [2]
no-new-require: [2]
no-new-symbol: [2]
no-new-wrappers: [2]
no-new: [0]
no-obj-calls: [2]
no-octal-escape: [2]
no-octal: [2]
no-path-concat: [2]
no-process-exit: [0]
no-proto: [2]
no-redeclare: [2]
no-regex-spaces: [2]
no-restricted-globals: [2, name, event]
# `name` and `event` (in Chrome) are built-in globals
# but we don't use these globals so it's most likely a mistake/typo
no-restricted-imports: [0]
no-restricted-modules: [2, domain, freelist, smalloc, sys]
no-restricted-syntax: [2, WithStatement]
no-return-assign: [2, except-parens]
no-return-await: [2]
no-script-url: [2]
no-self-assign: [2, {props: true}]
no-self-compare: [2]
no-sequences: [2]
no-shadow-restricted-names: [2]
no-shadow: [0]
no-spaced-func: [2]
no-sparse-arrays: [2]
no-tabs: [2]
no-template-curly-in-string: [2]
no-this-before-super: [2]
no-throw-literal: [0]
no-trailing-spaces: [2]
no-undef-init: [2]
no-undef: [2]
no-underscore-dangle: [0]
no-unexpected-multiline: [2]
no-unmodified-loop-condition: [0]
no-unneeded-ternary: [2]
no-unreachable: [2]
no-unsafe-finally: [2]
no-unsafe-negation: [2]
no-unused-expressions: [2]
no-unused-labels: [0]
no-unused-vars: [2, {args: after-used}]
no-use-before-define: [2, nofunc]
no-useless-call: [2]
no-useless-computed-key: [2]
no-useless-concat: [2]
no-useless-constructor: [2]
no-useless-escape: [2]
no-var: [1]
no-warning-comments: [0]
no-whitespace-before-property: [2]
no-with: [2]
object-curly-newline: [0]
object-curly-spacing: [2, never]
object-shorthand: [0]
one-var-declaration-per-line: [1]
one-var: [2, {initialized: never}]
operator-assignment: [2, always]
operator-linebreak: [2, after, overrides: {"?": ignore, ":": ignore, "&&": ignore, "||": ignore}]
padded-blocks: [0]
prefer-numeric-literals: [2]
prefer-rest-params: [0]
prefer-const: [1, {destructuring: all, ignoreReadBeforeAssign: true}]
quote-props: [0]
quotes: [1, single, avoid-escape]
radix: [2, as-needed]
require-jsdoc: [0]
require-yield: [2]
semi-spacing: [2, {before: false, after: true}]
semi: [2, always]
sort-imports: [0]
sort-keys: [0]
space-before-blocks: [2, always]
space-before-function-paren: [2, {anonymous: always, asyncArrow: always, named: never}]
space-in-parens: [2, never]
space-infix-ops: [2]
space-unary-ops: [2]
spaced-comment: [0, always, {markers: ["!"]}]
strict: [2, global]
symbol-description: [2]
template-curly-spacing: [2, never]
unicode-bom: [2, never]
use-isnan: [2]
valid-typeof: [2]
wrap-iife: [2, inside]
yield-star-spacing: [2, {before: true, after: false}]
yoda: [2, never]
- files: [tools/*]
node: true
browser: false
webextensions: false
ecmaVersion: 2017
- files: ["**/*worker*.js"]
worker: true