* parserlib: fast section extraction, tweaks and speedups
* csslint: "simple-not" rule
* csslint: enable and fix "selector-newline" rule
* simplify db: resolve with result
* simplify download()
* remove noCode param as it wastes more time/memory on copying
* styleManager: switch style<->data names to reflect their actual contents
* inline method bodies to avoid indirection and enable better autocomplete/hint/jump support in IDE
* upgrade getEventKeyName to handle mouse clicks
* don't trust location.href as it hides text fragment
* getAllKeys is implemented since Chrome48, FF44
* allow recoverable css errors + async'ify usercss.js
* openManage: unminimize windows
* remove the obsolete Chrome pre-65 workaround
* fix temporal dead zone in apply.js
* ff bug workaround for simple editor window
* consistent window scrolling in scrollToEditor and jumpToPos
* rework waitForSelector and collapsible <details>
* blank paint frame workaround for new Chrome
* extract stuff from edit.js and load on demand
* simplify regexpTester::isShown
* move MozDocMapper to sections-util.js
* extract fitSelectBox()
* initialize router earlier
* use helpPopup.close()
* fix autofocus in popups, follow-up to 5bb1b5ef
* clone objects in prefs.get() + cosmetics
* reuse getAll result for INC
372 lines
10 KiB
372 lines
10 KiB
'use strict';
const colorConverter = (() => {
return {
// NAMED_COLORS is added below
function format(color = '', type = color.type, hexUppercase) {
if (!color || !type) return typeof color === 'string' ? color : '';
const a = formatAlpha(color.a);
const hasA = Boolean(a);
if (type === 'rgb' && color.type === 'hsl') {
color = HSVtoRGB(HSLtoHSV(color));
const {r, g, b, h, s, l} = color;
switch (type) {
case 'hex': {
const rgbStr = (0x1000000 + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + (b | 0)).toString(16).slice(1);
const aStr = hasA ? (0x100 + Math.round(a * 255)).toString(16).slice(1) : '';
const hexStr = `#${rgbStr + aStr}`.replace(/^#(.)\1(.)\2(.)\3(?:(.)\4)?$/, '#$1$2$3$4');
return hexUppercase ? hexStr.toUpperCase() : hexStr.toLowerCase();
case 'rgb':
return hasA ?
`rgba(${Math.round(r)}, ${Math.round(g)}, ${Math.round(b)}, ${a})` :
`rgb(${Math.round(r)}, ${Math.round(g)}, ${Math.round(b)})`;
case 'hsl':
return hasA ?
`hsla(${h}, ${s}%, ${l}%, ${a})` :
`hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${l}%)`;
// Copied from _hexcolor() in parserlib.js
function validateHex(color) {
return /^#[a-f\d]+$/i.test(color) && [4, 5, 7, 9].some(n => color.length === n);
function validateRGB(nums) {
const isPercentage = nums[0].endsWith('%');
const valid = isPercentage ? validatePercentage : validateNum;
return nums.slice(0, 3).every(valid);
function validatePercentage(s) {
if (!s.endsWith('%')) return false;
const n = Number(s.slice(0, -1));
return n >= 0 && n <= 100;
function validateNum(s) {
const n = Number(s);
return n >= 0 && n <= 255;
function validateHSL(nums) {
return validateAngle(nums[0]) && nums.slice(1, 3).every(validatePercentage);
function validateAngle(s) {
return /^-?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)(deg|grad|rad|turn)?$/i.test(s);
function validateAlpha(alpha) {
if (alpha.endsWith('%')) {
return validatePercentage(alpha);
const n = Number(alpha);
return n >= 0 && n <= 1;
function parse(str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') return;
str = str.trim();
if (!str) return;
if (str[0] !== '#' && !str.includes('(')) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
str = colorConverter.NAMED_COLORS.get(str);
if (!str) return;
if (str[0] === '#') {
if (!validateHex(str)) {
return null;
str = str.slice(1);
const [r, g, b, a = 255] = str.length <= 4 ?
str.match(/(.)/g).map(c => parseInt(c + c, 16)) :
str.match(/(..)/g).map(c => parseInt(c, 16));
return {type: 'hex', r, g, b, a: a === 255 ? undefined : a / 255};
const [, type, value] = str.match(/^(rgb|hsl)a?\((.*?)\)|$/i);
if (!type) return;
const comma = value.includes(',') && !value.includes('/');
const num = value.trim().split(comma ? /\s*,\s*/ : /\s+(?!\/)|\s*\/\s*/);
if (num.length < 3 || num.length > 4) return;
if (num[3] && !validateAlpha(num[3])) return null;
let a = !num[3] ? 1 : parseFloat(num[3]) / (num[3].endsWith('%') ? 100 : 1);
if (isNaN(a)) a = 1;
const first = num[0];
if (/rgb/i.test(type)) {
if (!validateRGB(num)) {
return null;
const k = first.endsWith('%') ? 2.55 : 1;
const [r, g, b] = num.map(s => Math.round(parseFloat(s) * k));
return {type: 'rgb', r, g, b, a};
} else {
if (!validateHSL(num)) {
return null;
let h = parseFloat(first);
if (first.endsWith('grad')) h *= 360 / 400;
else if (first.endsWith('rad')) h *= 180 / Math.PI;
else if (first.endsWith('turn')) h *= 360;
const s = parseFloat(num[1]);
const l = parseFloat(num[2]);
return {type: 'hsl', h, s, l, a};
function formatAlpha(a) {
return isNaN(a) ? '' :
(a + .5 * Math.pow(10, -colorConverter.ALPHA_DIGITS))
.toFixed(colorConverter.ALPHA_DIGITS + 1)
.slice(0, -1)
.replace(/^0(?=\.[1-9])|^1\.0+?$|\.?0+$/g, '');
function RGBtoHSV({r, g, b, a}) {
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
const MaxC = Math.max(r, g, b);
const MinC = Math.min(r, g, b);
const DeltaC = MaxC - MinC;
let h =
DeltaC === 0 ? 0 :
MaxC === r ? 60 * (((g - b) / DeltaC) % 6) :
MaxC === g ? 60 * (((b - r) / DeltaC) + 2) :
MaxC === b ? 60 * (((r - g) / DeltaC) + 4) :
h = constrainHue(h);
return {
s: MaxC === 0 ? 0 : DeltaC / MaxC,
v: MaxC,
function HSVtoRGB({h, s, v}) {
h = constrainHue(h) % 360;
const C = s * v;
const X = C * (1 - Math.abs((h / 60) % 2 - 1));
const m = v - C;
const [r, g, b] =
h >= 0 && h < 60 ? [C, X, 0] :
h >= 60 && h < 120 ? [X, C, 0] :
h >= 120 && h < 180 ? [0, C, X] :
h >= 180 && h < 240 ? [0, X, C] :
h >= 240 && h < 300 ? [X, 0, C] :
h >= 300 && h < 360 ? [C, 0, X] : [];
return {
r: snapToInt(Math.round((r + m) * 255)),
g: snapToInt(Math.round((g + m) * 255)),
b: snapToInt(Math.round((b + m) * 255)),
function HSLtoHSV({h, s, l, a}) {
const t = s * (l < 50 ? l : 100 - l) / 100;
return {
h: constrainHue(h),
s: t + l ? 200 * t / (t + l) / 100 : 0,
v: (t + l) / 100,
function HSVtoHSL({h, s, v}) {
const l = (2 - s) * v / 2;
const t = l < .5 ? l * 2 : 2 - l * 2;
return {
h: Math.round(constrainHue(h)),
s: Math.round(t ? s * v / t * 100 : 0),
l: Math.round(l * 100),
function constrainHue(h) {
return h < 0 ? h % 360 + 360 :
h > 360 ? h % 360 :
function snapToInt(num) {
const int = Math.round(num);
return Math.abs(int - num) < 1e-3 ? int : num;
colorConverter.NAMED_COLORS = new Map([
['transparent', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'],
// CSS4 named colors
['aliceblue', '#f0f8ff'],
['antiquewhite', '#faebd7'],
['aqua', '#00ffff'],
['aquamarine', '#7fffd4'],
['azure', '#f0ffff'],
['beige', '#f5f5dc'],
['bisque', '#ffe4c4'],
['black', '#000000'],
['blanchedalmond', '#ffebcd'],
['blue', '#0000ff'],
['blueviolet', '#8a2be2'],
['brown', '#a52a2a'],
['burlywood', '#deb887'],
['cadetblue', '#5f9ea0'],
['chartreuse', '#7fff00'],
['chocolate', '#d2691e'],
['coral', '#ff7f50'],
['cornflowerblue', '#6495ed'],
['cornsilk', '#fff8dc'],
['crimson', '#dc143c'],
['cyan', '#00ffff'],
['darkblue', '#00008b'],
['darkcyan', '#008b8b'],
['darkgoldenrod', '#b8860b'],
['darkgray', '#a9a9a9'],
['darkgrey', '#a9a9a9'],
['darkgreen', '#006400'],
['darkkhaki', '#bdb76b'],
['darkmagenta', '#8b008b'],
['darkolivegreen', '#556b2f'],
['darkorange', '#ff8c00'],
['darkorchid', '#9932cc'],
['darkred', '#8b0000'],
['darksalmon', '#e9967a'],
['darkseagreen', '#8fbc8f'],
['darkslateblue', '#483d8b'],
['darkslategray', '#2f4f4f'],
['darkslategrey', '#2f4f4f'],
['darkturquoise', '#00ced1'],
['darkviolet', '#9400d3'],
['deeppink', '#ff1493'],
['deepskyblue', '#00bfff'],
['dimgray', '#696969'],
['dimgrey', '#696969'],
['dodgerblue', '#1e90ff'],
['firebrick', '#b22222'],
['floralwhite', '#fffaf0'],
['forestgreen', '#228b22'],
['fuchsia', '#ff00ff'],
['gainsboro', '#dcdcdc'],
['ghostwhite', '#f8f8ff'],
['gold', '#ffd700'],
['goldenrod', '#daa520'],
['gray', '#808080'],
['grey', '#808080'],
['green', '#008000'],
['greenyellow', '#adff2f'],
['honeydew', '#f0fff0'],
['hotpink', '#ff69b4'],
['indianred', '#cd5c5c'],
['indigo', '#4b0082'],
['ivory', '#fffff0'],
['khaki', '#f0e68c'],
['lavender', '#e6e6fa'],
['lavenderblush', '#fff0f5'],
['lawngreen', '#7cfc00'],
['lemonchiffon', '#fffacd'],
['lightblue', '#add8e6'],
['lightcoral', '#f08080'],
['lightcyan', '#e0ffff'],
['lightgoldenrodyellow', '#fafad2'],
['lightgray', '#d3d3d3'],
['lightgrey', '#d3d3d3'],
['lightgreen', '#90ee90'],
['lightpink', '#ffb6c1'],
['lightsalmon', '#ffa07a'],
['lightseagreen', '#20b2aa'],
['lightskyblue', '#87cefa'],
['lightslategray', '#778899'],
['lightslategrey', '#778899'],
['lightsteelblue', '#b0c4de'],
['lightyellow', '#ffffe0'],
['lime', '#00ff00'],
['limegreen', '#32cd32'],
['linen', '#faf0e6'],
['magenta', '#ff00ff'],
['maroon', '#800000'],
['mediumaquamarine', '#66cdaa'],
['mediumblue', '#0000cd'],
['mediumorchid', '#ba55d3'],
['mediumpurple', '#9370db'],
['mediumseagreen', '#3cb371'],
['mediumslateblue', '#7b68ee'],
['mediumspringgreen', '#00fa9a'],
['mediumturquoise', '#48d1cc'],
['mediumvioletred', '#c71585'],
['midnightblue', '#191970'],
['mintcream', '#f5fffa'],
['mistyrose', '#ffe4e1'],
['moccasin', '#ffe4b5'],
['navajowhite', '#ffdead'],
['navy', '#000080'],
['oldlace', '#fdf5e6'],
['olive', '#808000'],
['olivedrab', '#6b8e23'],
['orange', '#ffa500'],
['orangered', '#ff4500'],
['orchid', '#da70d6'],
['palegoldenrod', '#eee8aa'],
['palegreen', '#98fb98'],
['paleturquoise', '#afeeee'],
['palevioletred', '#db7093'],
['papayawhip', '#ffefd5'],
['peachpuff', '#ffdab9'],
['peru', '#cd853f'],
['pink', '#ffc0cb'],
['plum', '#dda0dd'],
['powderblue', '#b0e0e6'],
['purple', '#800080'],
['rebeccapurple', '#663399'],
['red', '#ff0000'],
['rosybrown', '#bc8f8f'],
['royalblue', '#4169e1'],
['saddlebrown', '#8b4513'],
['salmon', '#fa8072'],
['sandybrown', '#f4a460'],
['seagreen', '#2e8b57'],
['seashell', '#fff5ee'],
['sienna', '#a0522d'],
['silver', '#c0c0c0'],
['skyblue', '#87ceeb'],
['slateblue', '#6a5acd'],
['slategray', '#708090'],
['slategrey', '#708090'],
['snow', '#fffafa'],
['springgreen', '#00ff7f'],
['steelblue', '#4682b4'],
['tan', '#d2b48c'],
['teal', '#008080'],
['thistle', '#d8bfd8'],
['tomato', '#ff6347'],
['turquoise', '#40e0d0'],
['violet', '#ee82ee'],
['wheat', '#f5deb3'],
['white', '#ffffff'],
['whitesmoke', '#f5f5f5'],
['yellow', '#ffff00'],
['yellowgreen', '#9acd32'],