* the user may have allowed access to AMO via about:config * the code was wrong anyway, should be `!FIREFOX`
472 lines
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472 lines
14 KiB
/* exported getTab getActiveTab onTabReady stringAsRegExp openURL ignoreChromeError
getStyleWithNoCode tryRegExp sessionStorageHash download deepEqual
closeCurrentTab capitalize CHROME_HAS_BORDER_BUG */
/* global promisifyChrome */
'use strict';
const CHROME = Boolean(chrome.app) && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom\w+\/(\d+)|$/)[1]);
const OPERA = Boolean(chrome.app) && parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/\bOPR\/(\d+\.\d+)|$/)[1]);
const VIVALDI = Boolean(chrome.app) && navigator.userAgent.includes('Vivaldi');
let FIREFOX = !chrome.app && parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.match(/\bFirefox\/(\d+\.\d+)|$/)[1]);
// see PR #781
if (!CHROME && !chrome.browserAction.openPopup) {
// in FF pre-57 legacy addons can override useragent so we assume the worst
// until we know for sure in the async getBrowserInfo()
// (browserAction.openPopup was added in 57)
FIREFOX = browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo ? 51 : 50;
// getBrowserInfo was added in FF 51
Promise.resolve(FIREFOX >= 51 ? browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo() : {version: 50}).then(info => {
FIREFOX = parseFloat(info.version);
document.documentElement.classList.add('moz-appearance-bug', FIREFOX && FIREFOX < 54);
const URLS = {
ownOrigin: chrome.runtime.getURL(''),
// FIXME delete?
optionsUI: [
'chrome://extensions/?options=' + chrome.runtime.id,
OPERA ? 'opera://settings/configureCommands'
: 'chrome://extensions/configureCommands',
installUsercss: chrome.runtime.getURL('install-usercss.html'),
// CWS cannot be scripted in chromium, see ChromeExtensionsClient::IsScriptableURL
// https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/common/extensions/chrome_extensions_client.cc
FIREFOX ? 'https://addons.mozilla.org/' :
OPERA ? 'https://addons.opera.com/' :
emptyTab: [
// Chrome and simple forks
// Opera
// Vivaldi
// Firefox
// Chrome 61.0.3161+ doesn't run content scripts on NTP https://crrev.com/2978953002/
// TODO: remove when "minimum_chrome_version": "61" or higher
chromeProtectsNTP: CHROME >= 61,
uso: 'https://userstyles.org/',
usoJson: 'https://userstyles.org/styles/chrome/',
usoArchive: 'https://33kk.github.io/uso-archive/',
usoArchiveRaw: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/33kk/uso-archive/flomaster/data/',
extractUsoArchiveId: url =>
url &&
url.startsWith(URLS.usoArchiveRaw) &&
extractGreasyForkId: url =>
/^https:\/\/(?:greasy|sleazy)fork\.org\/scripts\/(\d+)[^/]*\/code\/[^/]*\.user\.css$/.test(url) &&
supported: url => (
url.startsWith('http') ||
url.startsWith('ftp') ||
url.startsWith('file') ||
url.startsWith(URLS.ownOrigin) ||
!URLS.chromeProtectsNTP && url.startsWith('chrome://newtab/')
if (chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage && chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() === window) {
window.API_METHODS = {};
} else {
const cls = FIREFOX ? 'firefox' : OPERA ? 'opera' : VIVALDI ? 'vivaldi' : '';
if (cls) document.documentElement.classList.add(cls);
tabs: ['create', 'get', 'getCurrent', 'move', 'query', 'update'],
windows: ['create', 'update'], // Android doesn't have chrome.windows
// FF57+ supports openerTabId, but not in Android
// (detecting FF57 by the feature it added, not navigator.ua which may be spoofed in about:config)
const openerTabIdSupported = (!FIREFOX || window.AbortController) && chrome.windows != null;
function getOwnTab() {
return browser.tabs.getCurrent();
function getActiveTab() {
return browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true, active: true})
.then(tabs => tabs[0]);
function urlToMatchPattern(url, ignoreSearch) {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Match_patterns
if (!/^(http|https|ws|wss|ftp|data|file)$/.test(url.protocol)) {
return undefined;
if (ignoreSearch) {
return [
// FIXME: is %2f allowed in pathname and search?
return `${url.protocol}//${url.hostname}/${url.pathname}${url.search}`;
function findExistingTab({url, currentWindow, ignoreHash = true, ignoreSearch = false}) {
url = new URL(url);
return browser.tabs.query({url: urlToMatchPattern(url, ignoreSearch), currentWindow})
// FIXME: is tab.url always normalized?
.then(tabs => tabs.find(matchTab));
function matchTab(tab) {
const tabUrl = new URL(tab.pendingUrl || tab.url);
return tabUrl.protocol === url.protocol &&
tabUrl.username === url.username &&
tabUrl.password === url.password &&
tabUrl.hostname === url.hostname &&
tabUrl.port === url.port &&
tabUrl.pathname === url.pathname &&
(ignoreSearch || tabUrl.search === url.search) &&
(ignoreHash || tabUrl.hash === url.hash);
* Opens a tab or activates an existing one,
* reuses the New Tab page or about:blank if it's focused now
* @param {Object} _
* @param {string} _.url - if relative, it's auto-expanded to the full extension URL
* @param {number} [_.index] move the tab to this index in the tab strip, -1 = last
* @param {number} [_.openerTabId] defaults to the active tab
* @param {Boolean} [_.active=true] `true` to activate the tab
* @param {Boolean|null} [_.currentWindow=true] `null` to check all windows
* @param {chrome.windows.CreateData} [_.newWindow] creates a new window with these params if specified
* @returns {Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab>} Promise -> opened/activated tab
async function openURL({
active = true,
currentWindow = true,
}) {
if (!url.includes('://')) {
url = chrome.runtime.getURL(url);
let tab = await findExistingTab({url, currentWindow});
if (tab) {
return activateTab(tab, {
// when hash is different we can only set `url` if it has # otherwise the tab would reload
url: url !== (tab.pendingUrl || tab.url) && url.includes('#') ? url : undefined,
if (newWindow && browser.windows) {
return (await browser.windows.create(Object.assign({url}, newWindow)).tabs)[0];
tab = await getActiveTab() || {url: ''};
if (isTabReplaceable(tab, url)) {
return activateTab(tab, {url, openerTabId});
const id = openerTabId == null ? tab.id : openerTabId;
const opener = id != null && !tab.incognito && openerTabIdSupported && {openerTabId: id};
return browser.tabs.create(Object.assign({url, index, active}, opener));
// replace empty tab (NTP or about:blank)
// except when new URL is chrome:// or chrome-extension:// and the empty tab is
// in incognito
function isTabReplaceable(tab, newUrl) {
if (!tab || !URLS.emptyTab.includes(tab.pendingUrl || tab.url)) {
return false;
if (tab.incognito && newUrl.startsWith('chrome')) {
return false;
return true;
function activateTab(tab, {url, index, openerTabId} = {}) {
const options = {active: true};
if (url) {
options.url = url;
if (openerTabId != null && openerTabIdSupported) {
options.openerTabId = openerTabId;
return Promise.all([
browser.tabs.update(tab.id, options),
browser.windows && browser.windows.update(tab.windowId, {focused: true}),
index != null && browser.tabs.move(tab.id, {index})
.then(() => tab);
function stringAsRegExp(s, flags) {
return new RegExp(s.replace(/[{}()[\]\\.+*?^$|]/g, '\\$&'), flags);
function ignoreChromeError() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
function getStyleWithNoCode(style) {
const stripped = deepCopy(style);
for (const section of stripped.sections) section.code = null;
stripped.sourceCode = null;
return stripped;
// js engine can't optimize the entire function if it contains try-catch
// so we should keep it isolated from normal code in a minimal wrapper
// Update: might get fixed in V8 TurboFan in the future
function tryCatch(func, ...args) {
try {
return func(...args);
} catch (e) {}
function tryRegExp(regexp, flags) {
try {
return new RegExp(regexp, flags);
} catch (e) {}
function tryJSONparse(jsonString) {
try {
return JSON.parse(jsonString);
} catch (e) {}
const debounce = Object.assign((fn, delay, ...args) => {
debounce.timers.set(fn, setTimeout(debounce.run, delay, fn, ...args));
}, {
timers: new Map(),
run(fn, ...args) {
unregister(fn) {
function deepCopy(obj) {
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
// N.B. the copy should be an explicit literal
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
const copy = [];
for (const v of obj) {
copy.push(!v || typeof v !== 'object' ? v : deepCopy(v));
return copy;
const copy = {};
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (const k in obj) {
if (!hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k)) continue;
const v = obj[k];
copy[k] = !v || typeof v !== 'object' ? v : deepCopy(v);
return copy;
function deepEqual(a, b, ignoredKeys) {
if (!a || !b) return a === b;
const type = typeof a;
if (type !== typeof b) return false;
if (type !== 'object') return a === b;
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
return Array.isArray(b) &&
a.length === b.length &&
a.every((v, i) => deepEqual(v, b[i], ignoredKeys));
for (const key in a) {
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(a, key) ||
ignoredKeys && ignoredKeys.includes(key)) continue;
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(b, key)) return false;
if (!deepEqual(a[key], b[key], ignoredKeys)) return false;
for (const key in b) {
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(b, key) ||
ignoredKeys && ignoredKeys.includes(key)) continue;
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(a, key)) return false;
return true;
function sessionStorageHash(name) {
return {
value: tryCatch(JSON.parse, sessionStorage[name]) || {},
set(k, v) {
this.value[k] = v;
unset(k) {
delete this.value[k];
updateStorage() {
sessionStorage[this.name] = JSON.stringify(this.value);
* @param {String} url
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} [params.method]
* @param {String|Object} [params.body]
* @param {String} [params.responseType] arraybuffer, blob, document, json, text
* @param {Number} [params.requiredStatusCode] resolved when matches, otherwise rejected
* @param {Number} [params.timeout] ms
* @param {Object} [params.headers] {name: value}
* @returns {Promise}
function download(url, {
method = 'GET',
responseType = 'text',
requiredStatusCode = 200,
timeout = 10e3, // connection timeout
loadTimeout = 2 * 60e3, // data transfer timeout (counted from the first remote response)
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
} = {}) {
const queryPos = url.indexOf('?');
if (queryPos > 0 && body === undefined) {
method = 'POST';
body = url.slice(queryPos);
url = url.slice(0, queryPos);
// * USO can't handle POST requests for style json
// * XHR/fetch can't handle long URL
// So we need to collapse all long variables and expand them in the response
const usoVars = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let xhr;
const u = new URL(collapseUsoVars(url));
const onTimeout = () => {
if (xhr) xhr.abort();
reject(new Error('Timeout fetching ' + u.href));
let timer = setTimeout(onTimeout, timeout);
const switchTimer = () => {
timer = loadTimeout && setTimeout(onTimeout, loadTimeout);
if (u.protocol === 'file:' && FIREFOX) { // TODO: maybe remove this since FF68+ can't do it anymore
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42108782/firefox-webextensions-get-local-files-content-by-path
// FIXME: add FetchController when it is available.
fetch(u.href, {mode: 'same-origin'})
.then(r => {
return r.status === 200 ? r.text() : Promise.reject(r.status);
.then(text => {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (xhr.readyState >= XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
xhr.onreadystatechange = null;
xhr.onloadend = event => {
if (event.type !== 'error' && (
xhr.status === requiredStatusCode || !requiredStatusCode ||
u.protocol === 'file:')) {
} else {
xhr.onerror = xhr.onloadend;
xhr.responseType = responseType;
xhr.open(method, u.href, true);
for (const key in headers) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
function collapseUsoVars(url) {
if (queryPos < 0 ||
url.length < 2000 ||
!url.startsWith(URLS.usoJson) ||
!/^get$/i.test(method)) {
return url;
const params = new URLSearchParams(url.slice(queryPos + 1));
for (const [k, v] of params.entries()) {
if (v.length < 10 || v.startsWith('ik-')) continue;
params.set(k, `\x01${usoVars.length}\x02`);
return url.slice(0, queryPos + 1) + params.toString();
function expandUsoVars(response) {
if (!usoVars.length || !response) return response;
const isText = typeof response === 'string';
const json = isText && tryJSONparse(response) || response;
json.updateUrl = url;
for (const section of json.sections || []) {
const {code} = section;
if (code.includes('\x01')) {
section.code = code.replace(/\x01(\d+)\x02/g, (_, num) => usoVars[num - 1] || '');
return isText ? JSON.stringify(json) : json;
function closeCurrentTab() {
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1409375
getOwnTab().then(tab => {
if (tab) {
function capitalize(s) {
return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);