* rework and move newUI+theme to options.html * rephrase/clarify the find styles label * switch to USO-archive * search for 'Stylus' keyword to filter out Stylish crud * use archive's default search order
1058 lines
38 KiB
1058 lines
38 KiB
"addStyleLabel": {
"message": "Scrivi nuovo stile",
"description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page"
"addStyleTitle": {
"message": "Aggiungi stili",
"description": "Title of the page for adding styles"
"alphaChannel": {
"message": "Opacità",
"description": "Label of color's opacity"
"appliesAdd": {
"message": "Aggiungi",
"description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry"
"appliesDisplay": {
"message": "Applica a: $applies$",
"description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to",
"placeholders": {
"applies": {
"content": "$1"
"appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": {
"message": "e altro ancora",
"description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed"
"appliesDomainOption": {
"message": "URL nel dominio",
"description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain"
"appliesHelp": {
"message": "Utilizza i controlli \"Applica a\" per limitare gli URL a cui viene applicato il codice in questa sezione.",
"description": "Help text for 'applies to' section"
"appliesLabel": {
"message": "Applica a",
"description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen"
"appliesLineWidgetLabel": {
"message": "Visualizza info 'Applica a'",
"description": "Label for the checkbox to display applies-to information in the single editor"
"appliesLineWidgetWarning": {
"message": "Non funziona con CSS minificato",
"description": "A warning that applies-to information won't show properly with minified CSS"
"appliesRegexpOption": {
"message": "URL corrispondenti all'espressione regolare",
"description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression"
"appliesRemove": {
"message": "Rimuovi",
"description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry"
"appliesSpecify": {
"message": "Specifica",
"description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites"
"appliesToEverything": {
"message": "Tutto",
"description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites"
"appliesUrlPrefixOption": {
"message": "URL che iniziano con",
"description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix"
"applyAllUpdates": {
"message": "Applica tutti gli aggiornamenti",
"description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates"
"author": {
"message": "Autore",
"description": "Label for the style author"
"backupMessage": {
"message": "Seleziona un file o trascinalo in questa pagina.",
"description": "Message for backup"
"bckpInstStyles": {
"message": "Esporta stili",
"description": ""
"checkAllUpdates": {
"message": "Verifica la disponibilità di aggiornamenti per tutti gli stili",
"description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates"
"checkAllUpdatesForce": {
"message": "Controlla di nuovo, non ho modificato nessuno stile!",
"description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates"
"checkForUpdate": {
"message": "Verifica la presenza di aggiornamenti",
"description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update"
"checkingForUpdate": {
"message": "Verifica in corso...",
"description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update"
"clickToUninstall": {
"message": "Clicca per disinstallare",
"description": "Label for the overlay on a style thumbnail when installed via inline search in the popup"
"cm_autoCloseBrackets": {
"message": "Chiudi automaticamente parentesi e virgolette",
"description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
"cm_autoCloseBracketsTooltip": {
"message": "Aggiungi automaticamente il simbolo di chiusura quando apri ()[]{}''\"\"",
"description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
"cm_autocompleteOnTyping": {
"message": "Completamento automatico durante digitazione",
"description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
"cm_colorpicker": {
"message": "Selezionatore colore per colori CSS",
"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling colorpicker option for the style editor."
"cm_indentWithTabs": {
"message": "Usa tabulazioni con indentazione intellingente",
"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor."
"cm_keyMap": {
"message": "Mappa caratteri",
"description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the keymap for the style editor."
"cm_matchHighlight": {
"message": "Evidenzia",
"description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the automatic highlighting of current word/selection occurrences in the style editor."
"cm_matchHighlightSelection": {
"message": "Solo selezione",
"description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of currently selected text"
"cm_matchHighlightToken": {
"message": "Token sotto il puntatore",
"description": "Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of the word/token under cursor even if nothing is selected"
"cm_resizeGripHint": {
"message": "Doppio click per massimizzare/ripristinare l'altezza",
"description": "Tooltip for the resize grip in style editor"
"cm_selectByTokens": {
"message": "Doppio click seleziona i token",
"description": "Label for the checkbox in the editor."
"cm_selectByTokensTooltip": {
"message": "Esempi di token: foo-bar-2 #aabbcc 0.32 !important\nQuando disabilitato: vengono selezionate le parole delimitate dalla punteggiatura.",
"description": ""
"cm_smartIndent": {
"message": "Usa indentazione intelligente",
"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling smart indentation option for the style editor."
"cm_tabSize": {
"message": "Dimensione tabulazione",
"description": "Label for the text box controlling tab size option for the style editor."
"cm_theme": {
"message": "Tema",
"description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme."
"colorpickerTooltip": {
"message": "Apri selettore colore",
"description": "Tooltip for the colored squares shown before CSS colors in the style editor."
"configOnChange": {
"message": "su modifica",
"description": "VERY SHORT label for the checkbox in style config dialog after the save button - when enabled the changes in the dialog are saved and applied automatically without the need to press the Save button"
"configOnChangeTooltip": {
"message": "Salva e applica modifiche automaticamente",
"description": ""
"configureStyle": {
"message": "Configura",
"description": "Label for the button to configure usercss userstyle"
"configureStyleOnHomepage": {
"message": "Configura su homepage",
"description": "Label for the button to configure userstyles.org userstyle"
"confirmCancel": {
"message": "Annulla",
"description": ""
"confirmClose": {
"message": "Chiudi",
"description": "'Close' button in a confirm dialog"
"confirmDefault": {
"message": "Utilizza predefinito",
"description": "'Set to default' button in a confirm dialog"
"confirmDelete": {
"message": "Elimina",
"description": ""
"confirmDiscardChanges": {
"message": "Scartare le modifiche?",
"description": "Generic label or title displayed when trying to close something (not a style) with unsaved changes"
"confirmSave": {
"message": "Salva",
"description": "'Save' button in a confirm dialog"
"confirmYes": {
"message": "Si",
"description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog"
"dateInstalled": {
"message": "Data installazione",
"description": "Option text for the user to sort the style by install date"
"dateUpdated": {
"message": "Data aggiornata",
"description": "Option text for the user to sort the style by last update date"
"dbError": {
"message": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'utilizzo del database Stylus. Vuoi visitare una pagina web con le possibili soluzioni?",
"description": "Prompt when a DB error is encountered"
"defaultTheme": {
"message": "predefinito",
"description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page"
"deleteStyleConfirm": {
"message": "Vuoi eliminare questo stile?",
"description": "Confirmation before deleting a style"
"deleteStyleLabel": {
"message": "Elimina",
"description": "Label for the button to delete a style"
"description": {
"message": "Modifica lo stile del Web con Stylus, un gestore di stili utente. Stylus consente di installare facilmente temi e skin per Google, Facebook, YouTube, Orkut e moltissimi altri siti.",
"description": "Extension description"
"disableAllStyles": {
"message": "Disattiva tutti gli stili",
"description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off."
"disableStyleLabel": {
"message": "Disattiva",
"description": "Label for the button to disable a style"
"editDeleteText": {
"message": "Elimina",
"description": "Label for the context menu item in the editor to delete selected text"
"editGotoLine": {
"message": "Vai alla riga (oppure riga:col)",
"description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor"
"editStyleHeading": {
"message": "Modifica di stili",
"description": "Title of the page for editing styles"
"editStyleLabel": {
"message": "Modifica",
"description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page"
"editStyleTitle": {
"message": "Modifica dello stile $stylename$",
"description": "Title of the page for editing styles",
"placeholders": {
"stylename": {
"content": "$1"
"enableStyleLabel": {
"message": "Attiva",
"description": "Label for the button to enable a style"
"exportLabel": {
"message": "Esporta",
"description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)"
"externalLink": {
"message": "Link esterno",
"description": "Label for external links"
"externalSupport": {
"message": "Supporto",
"description": "Label for the external link to style's support site"
"externalUsercssDocument": {
"message": "Documentazione per Usercss",
"description": "Label for the external link to usercss documentation"
"filteredStyles": {
"message": "$numShown$ mostrati di $numTotal$ totali",
"description": "TL note - make this message short",
"placeholders": {
"numTotal": {
"content": "$2"
"numShown": {
"content": "$1"
"filteredStylesAllHidden": {
"message": "Nessuno stile corrispondente ai filtri applicati",
"description": "Text shown when no styles match currently applied filter in the style manager"
"findStyles": {
"message": "Trova stili",
"description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site"
"findStylesForSite": {
"message": "Trova più stili per questo sito",
"description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site"
"findStylesInlineTooltip": {
"message": "Visualizza risultati in questa finestra.",
"description": "Text for a checkbox that displays search results within the Stylus popup."
"genericAdd": {
"message": "Aggiungi",
"description": "Used in various places for an action that adds something"
"genericClone": {
"message": "Clona",
"description": "Used in various places for an action that clones something"
"genericDisabledLabel": {
"message": "Disattivato",
"description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is disabled"
"genericEnabledLabel": {
"message": "Attivato",
"description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is enabled"
"genericError": {
"message": "Errore",
"description": "Used in various places to indicate some error occurred."
"genericHistoryLabel": {
"message": "Cronologia",
"description": "Used in various places to show a history log of something"
"genericNext": {
"message": "Successivo",
"description": "Used in various places to select/perform the next step/action"
"genericPrevious": {
"message": "Precedente",
"description": "Used in various places to select/perform the previous step/action"
"genericResetLabel": {
"message": "Reimposta",
"description": "Used in various parts of UI to indicate that something may be reset to its original state"
"genericSavedMessage": {
"message": "Salvato",
"description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate that something was saved"
"genericTitle": {
"message": "Titolo",
"description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate the title of something"
"genericUnknown": {
"message": "Sconosciuto",
"description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate if something is unknown (e.g. an unknown date)"
"helpAlt": {
"message": "Guida",
"description": "Alternate text for help buttons"
"helpKeyMapCommand": {
"message": "Inserisci il nome di un comando",
"description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short"
"helpKeyMapHotkey": {
"message": "Digita una scorciatoia",
"description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short"
"importAppendLabel": {
"message": "Aggiungi ad uno stile",
"description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
"importAppendTooltip": {
"message": "Aggiungi lo stile importato a quello corrente",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
"importLabel": {
"message": "Importa",
"description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)"
"importReplaceLabel": {
"message": "Sovrascrivi stile",
"description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
"importReplaceTooltip": {
"message": "Scarta i contenuti dello stile corrente e sovrascrivili con quelli dello stile importato",
"description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
"importReportLegendAdded": {
"message": "aggiunto",
"description": "Text after the number of styles added in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportLegendIdentical": {
"message": "identico saltato",
"description": "Text after the number of styles skipped due to being identical to the already installed ones in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportLegendInvalid": {
"message": "invalido saltato",
"description": "Text after the number of styles skipped due to being invalid (not a Stylus/Stylish backup file probably) in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportLegendUpdatedBoth": {
"message": "info meta e codice aggiornati",
"description": "Text after the number of styles updated entirely in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportLegendUpdatedCode": {
"message": "codice aggiornato",
"description": "Text after the number of styles with updated code (meta info is unchanged) in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportLegendUpdatedMeta": {
"message": "info meta aggiornate",
"description": "Text after the number of styles with updated meta info like name/url in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportTitle": {
"message": "Importazione stili terminata",
"description": "Title of the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportUnchanged": {
"message": "Non è stato cambiato nulla.",
"description": "Message in the report shown after importing styles"
"importReportUndone": {
"message": "gli stili sono stati ripristinati",
"description": "Text after the number of styles reverted in the message box shown after undoing the import of styles"
"importReportUndoneTitle": {
"message": "Importazione annullata",
"description": "Title of the message box shown after undoing the import of styles"
"installButton": {
"message": "Installa stile",
"description": "Label for install button"
"installButtonInstalled": {
"message": "Stile installato",
"description": "Text displayed when the style is successfully installed"
"installButtonReinstall": {
"message": "Reinstalla stile",
"description": "Label for reinstall button"
"installButtonUpdate": {
"message": "Aggiorna stile",
"description": "Label for update button"
"installUpdate": {
"message": "Installa aggiornamento",
"description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style"
"installUpdateFrom": {
"message": "Attualmente lo stile è aggiornato da $url$",
"description": "Label to describe where the style gets update",
"placeholders": {
"url": {
"content": "$1"
"installUpdateFromLabel": {
"message": "Controlla aggiornamenti",
"description": "Label for the checkbox to save current URL for update check"
"license": {
"message": "Licenza",
"description": "Label for the license"
"linkGetHelp": {
"message": "Otteini aiuto",
"description": "Homepage link text on the manage page e.g. https://add0n.com/stylus.html#features with chat/FAQ/intro/info"
"linkGetStyles": {
"message": "Ottieni stili",
"description": "Help link text on the manage page e.g. https://userstyles.org"
"linkTranslate": {
"message": "Traduci",
"description": "Transifex link text on the manage page"
"linterCSSLintSettings": {
"message": "(Imposta regola: 0 = disabilitata; 1 = warning; 2 = errore)",
"description": "CSSLint rule config values"
"linterConfigPopupTitle": {
"message": "Imposta configurazione delle regole di $linter$",
"description": "Stylelint or CSSLint popup header",
"placeholders": {
"linter": {
"content": "$1"
"linterInvalidConfigError": {
"message": "Non salvato a causa di queste impostazioni di configurazione non valide:",
"description": "Invalid linter config will show a message followed by a list of invalid entries"
"linterIssues": {
"message": "Problemi",
"description": "Label for the CSS linter issues block on the style edit page"
"linterJSONError": {
"message": "Formato JSON non valido",
"description": "Setting linter config with invalid JSON"
"linterRulesLink": {
"message": "Vedi una lista completa di regole",
"description": "Stylelint or CSSLint rules label added immediately before a link"
"liveReloadLabel": {
"message": "Ricaricamento live",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"manageFaviconsHelp": {
"message": "Stylus utilizza un servizio esterno https://www.google.com/s2/favicons",
"description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page"
"manageFilters": {
"message": "Filtri",
"description": "Label for filters container"
"manageHeading": {
"message": "Stili installati",
"description": "Heading for the manage page"
"manageNewStyleAsUsercss": {
"message": "come Usercss",
"description": "VERY SHORT label for the checkbox next to the 'Write new style' button in the style manager"
"manageNewUI": {
"message": "Nuovo layout Gestione UI",
"description": "Label for the checkbox that toggles the new UI on manage page"
"manageOnlyDisabled": {
"message": "Solo stili disattivati",
"description": "Checkbox to show only disabled styles"
"manageOnlyEnabled": {
"message": "Solo stili attivati",
"description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles"
"manageOnlyExternal": {
"message": "Solo stili esterni",
"description": "Checkbox to show only externally installed styles i.e. updatable"
"manageOnlyLocal": {
"message": "Solo stili creati localmente",
"description": "Checkbox to show only locally created styles i.e. non-updatable"
"manageOnlyNonUsercss": {
"message": "Solo stili non-Usercss",
"description": "Checkbox to show only non-Usercss (standard) styles"
"manageOnlyUpdates": {
"message": "Solo con aggiornamenti o problemi",
"description": "Checkbox to show only styles that have updates after check-all-styles-for-updates was performed"
"manageOnlyUsercss": {
"message": "Solo stili Usercss",
"description": "Checkbox to show only Usercss styles"
"menuShowBadge": {
"message": "Mostra contatore stili attivi",
"description": "Label (must be very short) for the checkbox in the toolbar button context menu controlling toolbar badge text."
"meta_invalidNumber": {
"message": "Atteso un numero",
"description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be a number"
"meta_invalidString": {
"message": "Attesa una stringa tra apici",
"description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be a quoted string"
"meta_invalidWord": {
"message": "Attesa una parola",
"description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be a word"
"meta_missingChar": {
"message": "Attesi caratteri: $chars$",
"description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be some characters",
"placeholders": {
"chars": {
"content": "$1"
"meta_missingEOT": {
"message": "Atteso EOT",
"description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be an EOT list"
"meta_missingMandatory": {
"message": "Manca metadata obbligatorio: $keys$",
"description": "Error displayed when mandatory keys are missing",
"placeholders": {
"keys": {
"content": "$1"
"meta_unknownJSONLiteral": {
"message": "JSON non valido: $literal$ non è un letterale JSON valido",
"description": "Error displayed when JSON value is invalid",
"placeholders": {
"literal": {
"content": "$1"
"meta_unknownMeta": {
"message": "metadata sconosciuto: $key$",
"description": "Error displayed when unknown metadata is parsed",
"placeholders": {
"key": {
"content": "$1"
"noStylesForSite": {
"message": "Nessuno stile installato per questo sito.",
"description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site"
"openManage": {
"message": "Gestisci gli stili installati",
"description": "Link to open the manage page."
"openStylesManager": {
"message": "Apri gestore stili",
"description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu."
"optionsActions": {
"message": "Azioni",
"description": ""
"optionsAdvanced": {
"message": "Avanzato",
"description": ""
"optionsAdvancedContextDelete": {
"message": "Aggiungi 'Elimina' al menu contestuale dell'editor",
"description": ""
"optionsBadgeDisabled": {
"message": "Colore sfondo quanto disattivato",
"description": ""
"optionsBadgeNormal": {
"message": "Colore sfondo",
"description": ""
"optionsCheck": {
"message": "Aggiorna stili",
"description": ""
"optionsCheckUpdate": {
"message": "Controlla e installa gli aggiornamenti disponibili",
"description": ""
"optionsCustomizeUpdate": {
"message": "Aggiornamenti",
"description": ""
"optionsHeading": {
"message": "Opzioni",
"description": "Heading for options section on manage page."
"optionsIconDark": {
"message": "Temi browser scuri",
"description": ""
"optionsIconLight": {
"message": "Temi browser chiari",
"description": ""
"optionsOpen": {
"message": "Apri",
"description": ""
"optionsOpenManager": {
"message": "Organizza stili",
"description": ""
"optionsPopupWidth": {
"message": "Larghezza popup (in pixel)",
"description": ""
"optionsReset": {
"message": "Reimposta le opzioni ai valori predefiniti",
"description": ""
"optionsResetButton": {
"message": "Reimposta opzioni",
"description": ""
"optionsSubheading": {
"message": "Più Opzioni",
"description": "Subheading for options section on manage page."
"optionsUpdateImportNote": {
"message": "Quando importi backup di stili da una vecchia versione di Stylish, esegui un controllo una tantum manualmente nel gestore stili per assicurarti che siano tutti aggiornati.",
"description": ""
"paginationCurrent": {
"message": "Pagina corrente",
"description": "Tooltip for the current page index in search results"
"paginationEstimated": {
"message": "Numero stimato di pagine",
"description": "Tooltip for the total page count in search results"
"paginationNext": {
"message": "Pagine successiva",
"description": "Tooltip for the '->' (next page) button in search results"
"paginationPrevious": {
"message": "Pagine precedente",
"description": "Tooltip for the '<-' button in search results"
"paginationTotal": {
"message": "Totale pagine",
"description": ""
"popupBorders": {
"message": "Aggiungi bordi bianchi sui lati",
"description": ""
"popupBordersTooltip": {
"message": "Utile per temi scuri nelle nuove versioni di Chrome dato che non colora più i bordi laterali",
"description": ""
"popupHotkeysTooltip": {
"message": "Click per visualizzare le scorciatoie disponibili",
"description": "Tooltip displayed when hovering the right edge of the extension popup"
"popupManageTooltip": {
"message": "Shift-click o click destro apre il gestore con gli stili applicabili per il sito corrente",
"description": "Tooltip for the 'Manage' button in the popup."
"popupOpenEditInWindow": {
"message": "Apri editor in una nuova finestra",
"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling 'edit' action behavior in the popup."
"prefShowBadge": {
"message": "Stili attivi per il sito attuale",
"description": "Label for the checkbox controlling toolbar badge text."
"previewLabel": {
"message": "Anteprima live",
"description": "Label for the checkbox in style editor to enable live preview while editing."
"previewTooltip": {
"message": "Applica temporaneamente le modifiche senza salvarle.\nSalva lo stile per rendere le modifiche permanenti.",
"description": "Tooltip for the checkbox in style editor to enable live preview while editing."
"replace": {
"message": "Sostituisci",
"description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H"
"replaceAll": {
"message": "Sostituisci tutto",
"description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey"
"replaceWith": {
"message": "Sostituisci con",
"description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc."
"retrieveBckp": {
"message": "Importa stili",
"description": ""
"search": {
"message": "Cerca",
"description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
"searchNumberOfResults": {
"message": "Numero di occorrenze",
"description": "Tooltip for the number of found search results in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
"searchResultInstallCount": {
"message": "Installazioni totali",
"description": "Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed"
"searchResultNoneFound": {
"message": "Nessuno stile trovato per questo sito.",
"description": "Error text in the popup when inline search didn't find any site-specific styles"
"searchResultRating": {
"message": "Valutazioni",
"description": "Text for label that shows the search result's rating"
"searchResultUpdated": {
"message": "Aggiornato",
"description": "Text for label that shows the search result's last update date"
"searchResultWeeklyCount": {
"message": "Installazioni settimanali",
"description": "Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed during last week"
"searchStyles": {
"message": "Contenuti ricerca",
"description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page"
"sectionAdd": {
"message": "Aggiungi un'altra sezione",
"description": "Label for the button to add a section"
"sectionCode": {
"message": "Codice",
"description": "Label for the code for a section"
"sectionRemove": {
"message": "Rimuovi sezione",
"description": "Label for the button to remove a section"
"shortcuts": {
"message": "Scorciatoie",
"description": "Go to shortcut configuration"
"shortcutsNote": {
"message": "Definisci scorciatoie da tastiera",
"description": ""
"sortDateNewestFirst": {
"message": "prima i più recenti",
"description": "Text added to indicate that sorting a date would add the newest entries at the top"
"sortDateOldestFirst": {
"message": "prima i più vecchi",
"description": "Text added to indicate that sorting a date would add the oldest entries at the top"
"sortLabel": {
"message": "Seleziona come ordinare gli stili installati",
"description": "Title on the sort select to indicate it is used for sorting entries"
"sortLabelTitleDesc": {
"message": "Titolo Discendente",
"description": "Text added to option group to indicate a block of options that apply a title descending (Z to A) sort"
"sortStylesHelpTitle": {
"message": "Ordina contenuti",
"description": "Label for the sort info popup on the Manage styles page"
"styleBadRegexp": {
"message": "Regexp non valida.",
"description": "Validation message for a bad regexp in a style"
"styleBeautifyPreserveNewlines": {
"message": "Mantieni gli \"a capo\"",
"description": "CSS-beautifier option"
"styleCancelEditLabel": {
"message": "Torna a gestione",
"description": "Label for cancel button for style editing"
"styleChangesNotSaved": {
"message": "Hai apportato modifiche a questo stile senza salvare.",
"description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving"
"styleEnabledLabel": {
"message": "Attivato",
"description": "Label for the enabled state of styles"
"styleFromMozillaFormatError": {
"message": "Importazione da formato Mozilla fallita",
"description": "Label for the import error"
"styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt": {
"message": "Incolla il codice formato Mozilla",
"description": "Prompt in the dialog displayed after clicking 'Import from Mozilla format' button"
"styleInstall": {
"message": "Installare \"$stylename$\" in Stylus?",
"description": "Confirmation when installing a style",
"placeholders": {
"stylename": {
"content": "$1"
"styleInstallFailed": {
"message": "Installazione stile fallita!\n$error$",
"description": "Warning when installation failed",
"placeholders": {
"error": {
"content": "$1"
"styleInstallOverwrite": {
"message": "'$stylename$' è già installato. Vuoi sovrascriverlo?\nVersione: $oldVersion$ -> $newVersion$",
"description": "Confirmation when re-installing a style",
"placeholders": {
"stylename": {
"content": "$1"
"newVersion": {
"content": "$3"
"oldVersion": {
"content": "$2"
"styleMissingName": {
"message": "Inserisci un nome",
"description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name"
"styleMozillaFormatHeading": {
"message": "Formato Mozilla",
"description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style"
"styleNotAppliedRegexpProblemTooltip": {
"message": "Lo stile non è stato applicato a causa dell'uso errato di 'regexp()'",
"description": "Tooltip in the popup for styles that were not applied at all"
"styleRegexpInvalidExplanation": {
"message": "Qualche regola 'regexp()' che non può essere compilata.",
"description": ""
"styleRegexpProblemTooltip": {
"message": "Numero di sezioni non applicato a causa dell'uso errato di 'regexp()'",
"description": "Tooltip in the popup for styles that were applied only partially"
"styleRegexpTestButton": {
"message": "Test RegExp",
"description": "RegExp test button label in the editor shown when applies-to list has a regexp value"
"styleRegexpTestInvalid": {
"message": "Regexp invalida ignorata",
"description": "RegExp test report: label for the invalid expressions"
"styleSaveLabel": {
"message": "Salva",
"description": "Label for save button for style editing"
"styleToMozillaFormatHelp": {
"message": "Il formato Mozilla del codice può essere utilizzato con Stylish per Firefox e può essere inviato a userstyles.org.",
"description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format"
"styleToMozillaFormatTitle": {
"message": "Stile in formato Mozilla",
"description": "Title of the popup with the style code in Mozilla format, shown after pressing the Export button on Edit style page"
"styleUpdate": {
"message": "Sei sicuro di voler aggiornare '$stylename$'?",
"description": "Confirmation when updating a style",
"placeholders": {
"stylename": {
"content": "$1"
"stylusUnavailableForURL": {
"message": "Stylus non funziona in pagine come questa.",
"description": "Note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect"
"syncStorageErrorSaving": {
"message": "Il valore non può essere salvato. Prova a ridurre la quantità di testo.",
"description": "Displayed when trying to save an excessively big value via storage.sync API"
"undo": {
"message": "Annulla",
"description": "Button label"
"undoGlobal": {
"message": "Annulla in tutte le sezioni",
"description": "CSS-beautify global Undo button label"
"unreachableAMO": {
"message": "Firefox proibisce l'accesso al sito.",
"description": "Note in the popup displayed when opened on addons.mozilla.org"
"unreachableAMOHintOldFF": {
"message": "Solo Firefox 59 e successivi possono essere configurati per consentire alle WebExtensions di aggiungere elementi degli stili su siti CSP-protected come questo.",
"description": "Note in the popup when opened on addons.mozilla.org in Firefox < 59"
"unreachableContentScript": {
"message": "Impossibile comunicare con la pagina. Prova a ricaricare la scheda.",
"description": "Note in the toolbar popup usually on file:// URLs after [re]loading Stylus"
"updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": {
"message": "Nessun aggiornamento trovato",
"description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available"
"updateAllCheckSucceededSomeEdited": {
"message": "Alcuni aggiornamenti di stili non sono stati controllati per evitare la perdita di modifiche locali. Gli aggiornamenti possono essere forzati individualmente, o eseguendo un ulteriore controllo per tutti gli stili (le modifiche locali saranno sovrascritte).",
"description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available"
"updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": {
"message": "Aggiornamento non riuscito: il server ha risposto con il codice $code$.",
"description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error",
"placeholders": {
"code": {
"content": "$1"
"updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": {
"message": "Aggiornamento non riuscito: server non raggiungibile.",
"description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable"
"updateCheckHistory": {
"message": "Cronologia controlli aggiornamento",
"description": ""
"updateCheckManualUpdateForce": {
"message": "Installa aggiornamento (le modifiche locali verranno sovrascritte)",
"description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications"
"updateCheckManualUpdateHint": {
"message": "Forzare un aggiornamento sovrascriverà tutte le modifiche locali",
"description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications"
"updateCheckSkippedLocallyEdited": {
"message": "Questo stile è stato editato localmente.",
"description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications"
"updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": {
"message": "Lo stile è aggiornato.",
"description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available"
"updateCompleted": {
"message": "Aggiornamento completato.",
"description": "Text that displays when an update completed"
"updatesCurrentlyInstalled": {
"message": "Aggiornamenti installati:",
"description": "Text that displays when an update is installed on options page. Followed by the number of currently installed updates."
"usercssReplaceTemplateSectionBody": {
"message": "Inserisci codice qui...",
"description": "The code placeholder comment in a new style created by clicking 'Write style' in the popup"
"versionInvalidOlder": {
"message": "La versione dello stile è più vecchia di quella installata.",
"description": "Displayed when the version of style is older than the installed one"
"writeStyleFor": {
"message": "Scrivi stile per:",
"description": "Label for toolbar pop-up that precedes the links to write a new style"
"writeStyleForURL": {
"message": "questo URL",
"description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL"