* shortened the title to "Publish" and fixed the compact mode * made collapsed <details> share the same line in compact mode * made hard-coded strings localizable * IIFE modules instead of generically named globals * unified and sorted the names of localized messages * adjusted spacing of header items * center auth popup to current window Co-authored-by: Gusted <williamzijl7@hotmail.com>
552 lines
16 KiB
552 lines
16 KiB
/* global FIREFOX debounce */// toolbox.js
/* global prefs */
'use strict';
/* exported
Object.assign(EventTarget.prototype, {
on: addEventListener,
off: removeEventListener,
//#region Exports
// Makes the focus outline appear on keyboard tabbing, but not on mouse clicks.
const focusAccessibility = {
// last event's focusedViaClick
lastFocusedViaClick: false,
// to avoid a full layout recalc due to changes on body/root
// we modify the closest focusable element (like input or button or anything with tabindex=0)
closest(el) {
let labelSeen;
for (; el; el = el.parentElement) {
if (el.localName === 'label' && el.control && !labelSeen) {
el = el.control;
labelSeen = true;
if (el.tabIndex >= 0) return el;
* Autoloads message-box.js
* @alias messageBox
window.messageBoxProxy = new Proxy({}, {
get(_, name) {
return async (...args) => {
await require([
'/js/dlg/message-box', /* global messageBox */
window.messageBoxProxy = messageBox;
return messageBox[name](...args);
function $(selector, base = document) {
// we have ids with . like #manage.onlyEnabled which looks like #id.class
// so since getElementById is superfast we'll try it anyway
const byId = selector.startsWith('#') && document.getElementById(selector.slice(1));
return byId || base.querySelector(selector);
function $$(selector, base = document) {
return [...base.querySelectorAll(selector)];
function $isTextInput(el = {}) {
return el.localName === 'textarea' ||
el.localName === 'input' && /^(text|search|number)$/.test(el.type);
function $remove(selector, base = document) {
const el = selector && typeof selector === 'string' ? $(selector, base) : selector;
if (el) {
function $$remove(selector, base = document) {
for (const el of base.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
$create('tag#id.class.class', ?[children])
$create('tag#id.class.class', ?textContentOrChildNode)
$create('tag#id.class.class', {properties}, ?[children])
$create('tag#id.class.class', {properties}, ?textContentOrChildNode)
tag is 'div' by default, #id and .class are optional
$create({propertiesAndOptions}, ?[children])
tag: string, default 'div'
appendChild: element/string or an array of elements/strings
dataset: object
any DOM property: assigned as is
tag may include namespace like 'ns:tag'
function $create(selector = 'div', properties, children) {
let ns, tag, opt;
if (typeof selector === 'string') {
if (Array.isArray(properties) ||
properties instanceof Node ||
typeof properties !== 'object') {
opt = {};
children = properties;
} else {
opt = properties || {};
children = children || opt.appendChild;
const idStart = (selector.indexOf('#') + 1 || selector.length + 1) - 1;
const classStart = (selector.indexOf('.') + 1 || selector.length + 1) - 1;
const id = selector.slice(idStart + 1, classStart);
if (id) {
opt.id = id;
const cls = selector.slice(classStart + 1);
if (cls) {
opt[selector.includes(':') ? 'class' : 'className'] =
cls.includes('.') ? cls.replace(/\./g, ' ') : cls;
tag = selector.slice(0, Math.min(idStart, classStart));
} else if (Array.isArray(selector)) {
tag = 'div';
opt = {};
children = selector;
} else {
opt = selector;
tag = opt.tag;
children = opt.appendChild || properties;
if (tag && tag.includes(':')) {
[ns, tag] = tag.split(':');
if (ns === 'SVG' || ns === 'svg') {
ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
const element = ns ? document.createElementNS(ns, tag) :
tag === 'fragment' ? document.createDocumentFragment() :
document.createElement(tag || 'div');
for (const child of Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children]) {
if (child) {
element.appendChild(child instanceof Node ? child : document.createTextNode(child));
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(opt)) {
switch (key) {
case 'dataset':
Object.assign(element.dataset, val);
case 'attributes':
Object.entries(val).forEach(attr => element.setAttribute(...attr));
case 'style': {
const t = typeof val;
if (t === 'string') element.style.cssText = val;
if (t === 'object') Object.assign(element.style, val);
case 'tag':
case 'appendChild':
default: {
if (ns) {
const i = key.indexOf(':') + 1;
const attrNS = i && `http://www.w3.org/1999/${key.slice(0, i - 1)}`;
element.setAttributeNS(attrNS || null, key, val);
} else {
element[key] = val;
return element;
function $createLink(href = '', content) {
const opt = {
tag: 'a',
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener',
if (typeof href === 'object') {
Object.assign(opt, href);
} else {
opt.href = href;
opt.appendChild = opt.appendChild || content;
return $create(opt);
* @param {HTMLElement} el
* @param {string} [cls] - class name that defines or starts an animation
* @param [removeExtraClasses] - class names to remove at animation end in the *same* paint frame,
* which is needed in e.g. Firefox as it may call resolve() in the next frame
* @returns {Promise<void>}
function animateElement(el, cls = 'highlight', ...removeExtraClasses) {
return !el ? Promise.resolve(el) : new Promise(resolve => {
let onDone = () => {
el.classList.remove(cls, ...removeExtraClasses);
onDone = null;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (onDone) {
const style = getComputedStyle(el);
if (style.animationName === 'none' || !parseFloat(style.animationDuration)) {
el.off('animationend', onDone);
el.on('animationend', onDone, {once: true});
function getEventKeyName(e, letterAsCode) {
const mods =
(e.shiftKey ? 'Shift-' : '') +
(e.ctrlKey ? 'Ctrl-' : '') +
(e.altKey ? 'Alt-' : '') +
(e.metaKey ? 'Meta-' : '');
return `${
mods === e.key + '-' ? '' : mods
? e.key.length === 1 && letterAsCode ? e.code : e.key
: 'Mouse' + ('LMR'[e.button] || e.button)
* Switches to the next/previous keyboard-focusable element.
* Doesn't check `visibility` or `display` via getComputedStyle for simplicity.
* @param {HTMLElement} rootElement
* @param {Number} step - for exmaple 1 or -1 (or 0 to focus the first focusable el in the box)
* @returns {HTMLElement|false|undefined} -
* HTMLElement: focus changed,
* false: focus unchanged,
* undefined: nothing to focus
function moveFocus(rootElement, step) {
const elements = [...rootElement.getElementsByTagName('*')];
const activeEl = document.activeElement;
const activeIndex = step ? Math.max(step < 0 ? 0 : -1, elements.indexOf(activeEl)) : -1;
const num = elements.length;
if (!step) step = 1;
for (let i = 1; i < num; i++) {
const el = elements[(activeIndex + i * step + num) % num];
if (!el.disabled && el.tabIndex >= 0) {
return activeEl !== el && el;
function onDOMready() {
return document.readyState !== 'loading'
? Promise.resolve()
: new Promise(resolve => document.on('DOMContentLoaded', resolve, {once: true}));
function scrollElementIntoView(element, {invalidMarginRatio = 0} = {}) {
// align to the top/bottom of the visible area if wasn't visible
if (!element.parentNode) return;
const {top, height} = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const {top: parentTop, bottom: parentBottom} = element.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
const windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
if (top < Math.max(parentTop, windowHeight * invalidMarginRatio) ||
top > Math.min(parentBottom, windowHeight) - height - windowHeight * invalidMarginRatio) {
window.scrollBy(0, top - windowHeight / 2 + height);
* Accepts an array of pref names (values are fetched via prefs.get)
* and establishes a two-way connection between the document elements and the actual prefs
function setupLivePrefs(ids = prefs.knownKeys.filter(id => $('#' + id))) {
let forceUpdate = true;
prefs.subscribe(ids, updateElement, {runNow: true});
forceUpdate = false;
ids.forEach(id => $('#' + id).on('change', onChange));
function onChange() {
prefs.set(this.id, this[getPropName(this)]);
function getPropName(el) {
return el.type === 'checkbox' ? 'checked'
: el.type === 'number' ? 'valueAsNumber' :
function isSame(el, propName, value) {
return el[propName] === value ||
typeof value === 'boolean' &&
el.tagName === 'SELECT' &&
el[propName] === `${value}`;
function updateElement(id, value) {
const el = $('#' + id);
if (el) {
const prop = getPropName(el);
if (!isSame(el, prop, value) || forceUpdate) {
el[prop] = value;
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true}));
} else {
prefs.unsubscribe(ids, updateElement);
/** @param {string|Node} parent - selector or DOM node */
async function showSpinner(parent) {
await require(['/spinner.css']);
parent = parent instanceof Node ? parent : $(parent);
new Array(12).fill($create('div')).map(e => e.cloneNode())));
function toggleDataset(el, prop, state) {
if (state) {
el.dataset[prop] = '';
} else {
delete el.dataset[prop];
* @param {string} selector - beware of $ quirks with `#dotted.id` that won't work with $$
* @param {Object} [opt]
* @param {function(HTMLElement, HTMLElement[]):boolean} [opt.recur] - called on each match
with (firstMatchingElement, allMatchingElements) parameters until stopOnDomReady,
you can also return `false` to disconnect the observer
* @param {boolean} [opt.stopOnDomReady] - stop observing on DOM ready
* @returns {Promise<HTMLElement>} - resolves on first match
function waitForSelector(selector, {recur, stopOnDomReady = true} = {}) {
let el = $(selector);
let elems, isResolved;
return el && (!recur || recur(el, (elems = $$(selector))) === false)
? Promise.resolve(el)
: new Promise(resolve => {
const mo = new MutationObserver(() => {
if (!el) el = $(selector);
if (!el) return;
if (!recur ||
callRecur() === false ||
stopOnDomReady && document.readyState === 'complete') {
if (!isResolved) {
isResolved = true;
mo.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});
function callRecur() {
const all = $$(selector); // simpler and faster than analyzing each node in `mutations`
const added = !elems ? all : all.filter(el => !elems.includes(el));
if (added.length) {
elems = all;
return recur(added[0], added);
* Forcing layout while the main stylesheet is still loading breaks page appearance
* so we'll wait until it loads (0-1 frames in Chrome, Firefox occasionally needs 2-3).
async function waitForSheet({
href = location.pathname.replace('.html', '.css'),
maxFrames = FIREFOX ? 10 : 1,
} = {}) {
const el = $(`link[href$="${href}"]`);
for (let i = 0; i < maxFrames && !el.sheet; i++) {
await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame);
//#region Internals
(() => {
const Collapsible = {
bindEvents(_, elems) {
const prefKeys = [];
for (const el of elems) {
($('h2', el) || el).on('click', Collapsible.saveOnClick);
prefs.subscribe(prefKeys, Collapsible.updateOnPrefChange, {runNow: true});
canSave(el) {
return !el.matches('.compact-layout .ignore-pref-if-compact');
async saveOnClick(event) {
if (event.target.closest('.intercepts-click')) {
} else {
const el = event.target.closest('details');
await new Promise(setTimeout);
if (Collapsible.canSave(el)) {
prefs.set(el.dataset.pref, el.open);
updateOnPrefChange(key, value) {
const el = $(`details[data-pref="${key}"]`);
if (el.open !== value && Collapsible.canSave(el)) {
el.open = value;
window.on('mousedown', suppressFocusRingOnClick, {passive: true});
window.on('keydown', keepFocusRingOnTabbing, {passive: true});
if (!/^Win\d+/.test(navigator.platform)) {
// set language for a) CSS :lang pseudo and b) hyphenation
document.documentElement.setAttribute('lang', chrome.i18n.getUILanguage());
document.on('keypress', clickDummyLinkOnEnter);
document.on('wheel', changeFocusedInputOnWheel, {capture: true, passive: false});
Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
if (!chrome.app) addFaviconFF();
await prefs.ready;
waitForSelector('details[data-pref]', {recur: Collapsible.bindEvents});
onDOMready().then(() => {
debounce(addTooltipsToEllipsized, 500);
window.on('resize', () => debounce(addTooltipsToEllipsized, 100));
window.on('load', () => {
const {sheet} = $('link[href^="global.css"]');
for (let i = 0, rule; (rule = sheet.cssRules[i]); i++) {
if (/#\\1\s?transition-suppressor/.test(rule.selectorText)) {
}, {once: true});
function addFaviconFF() {
const iconset = ['', 'light/'][prefs.get('iconset')] || '';
for (const size of [38, 32, 19, 16]) {
document.head.appendChild($create('link', {
rel: 'icon',
href: `/images/icon/${iconset}${size}.png`,
sizes: size + 'x' + size,
function changeFocusedInputOnWheel(event) {
const el = document.activeElement;
if (!el || el !== event.target && !el.contains(event.target)) {
const isSelect = el.tagName === 'SELECT';
if (isSelect || el.tagName === 'INPUT' && el.type === 'range') {
const key = isSelect ? 'selectedIndex' : 'valueAsNumber';
const old = el[key];
const rawVal = old + Math.sign(event.deltaY) * (el.step || 1);
el[key] = Math.max(el.min || 0, Math.min(el.max || el.length - 1, rawVal));
if (el[key] !== old) {
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true}));
/** Displays a full text tooltip on buttons with ellipsis overflow and no inherent title */
function addTooltipsToEllipsized() {
for (const btn of document.getElementsByTagName('button')) {
if (btn.title && !btn.titleIsForEllipsis) {
const width = btn.offsetWidth;
if (!width || btn.preresizeClientWidth === width) {
btn.preresizeClientWidth = width;
if (btn.scrollWidth > width) {
const text = btn.textContent;
btn.title = text.includes('\u00AD') ? text.replace(/\u00AD/g, '') : text;
btn.titleIsForEllipsis = true;
} else if (btn.title) {
btn.title = '';
function clickDummyLinkOnEnter(e) {
if (getEventKeyName(e) === 'Enter') {
const a = e.target.closest('a');
const isDummy = a && !a.href && a.tabIndex === 0;
if (isDummy) a.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true}));
function keepFocusRingOnTabbing(event) {
if (event.key === 'Tab' && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey) {
focusAccessibility.lastFocusedViaClick = false;
setTimeout(() => {
let el = document.activeElement;
if (el) {
el = el.closest('[data-focused-via-click]');
if (el) delete el.dataset.focusedViaClick;
function suppressFocusRingOnClick({target}) {
const el = focusAccessibility.closest(target);
if (el) {
focusAccessibility.lastFocusedViaClick = true;
if (el.dataset.focusedViaClick === undefined) {
el.dataset.focusedViaClick = '';