* parserlib: fast section extraction, tweaks and speedups
* csslint: "simple-not" rule
* csslint: enable and fix "selector-newline" rule
* simplify db: resolve with result
* simplify download()
* remove noCode param as it wastes more time/memory on copying
* styleManager: switch style<->data names to reflect their actual contents
* inline method bodies to avoid indirection and enable better autocomplete/hint/jump support in IDE
* upgrade getEventKeyName to handle mouse clicks
* don't trust location.href as it hides text fragment
* getAllKeys is implemented since Chrome48, FF44
* allow recoverable css errors + async'ify usercss.js
* openManage: unminimize windows
* remove the obsolete Chrome pre-65 workaround
* fix temporal dead zone in apply.js
* ff bug workaround for simple editor window
* consistent window scrolling in scrollToEditor and jumpToPos
* rework waitForSelector and collapsible <details>
* blank paint frame workaround for new Chrome
* extract stuff from edit.js and load on demand
* simplify regexpTester::isShown
* move MozDocMapper to sections-util.js
* extract fitSelectBox()
* initialize router earlier
* use helpPopup.close()
* fix autofocus in popups, follow-up to 5bb1b5ef
* clone objects in prefs.get() + cosmetics
* reuse getAll result for INC
96 lines
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96 lines
3.1 KiB
/* global chromeLocal */// storage-util.js
/* global cloneError */// worker-util.js
'use strict';
Initialize a database. There are some problems using IndexedDB in Firefox:
Some of them are fixed in FF59:
/* exported db */
const db = (() => {
const DATABASE = 'stylish';
const STORE = 'styles';
const FALLBACK = 'dbInChromeStorage';
const dbApi = {
async exec(...args) {
dbApi.exec = await tryUsingIndexedDB().catch(useChromeStorage);
return dbApi.exec(...args);
return dbApi;
async function tryUsingIndexedDB() {
// we use chrome.storage.local fallback if IndexedDB doesn't save data,
// which, once detected on the first run, is remembered in chrome.storage.local
// note that accessing indexedDB may throw, https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/issues/615
if (typeof indexedDB === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('indexedDB is undefined');
switch (await chromeLocal.getValue(FALLBACK)) {
case true: throw null;
case false: break;
default: await testDB();
chromeLocal.setValue(FALLBACK, false);
return dbExecIndexedDB;
async function testDB() {
const id = `${performance.now()}.${Math.random()}.${Date.now()}`;
await dbExecIndexedDB('put', {id});
const e = await dbExecIndexedDB('get', id);
await dbExecIndexedDB('delete', e.id); // throws if `e` or id is null
async function useChromeStorage(err) {
chromeLocal.setValue(FALLBACK, true);
if (err) {
chromeLocal.setValue(FALLBACK + 'Reason', cloneError(err));
console.warn('Failed to access indexedDB. Switched to storage API.', err);
await require(['/background/db-chrome-storage']); /* global createChromeStorageDB */
return createChromeStorageDB();
async function dbExecIndexedDB(method, ...args) {
const mode = method.startsWith('get') ? 'readonly' : 'readwrite';
const store = (await open()).transaction([STORE], mode).objectStore(STORE);
const fn = method === 'putMany' ? putMany : storeRequest;
return fn(store, method, ...args);
function storeRequest(store, method, ...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
/** @type {IDBRequest} */
const request = store[method](...args);
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result);
request.onerror = reject;
function putMany(store, _method, items) {
return Promise.all(items.map(item => storeRequest(store, 'put', item)));
function open() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = indexedDB.open(DATABASE, 2);
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result);
request.onerror = reject;
request.onupgradeneeded = create;
function create(event) {
if (event.oldVersion === 0) {
event.target.result.createObjectStore(STORE, {
keyPath: 'id',
autoIncrement: true,