222 lines
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222 lines
7.4 KiB
"description":"Label for the button to go to the add style page"
"description":"Title of the page for adding styles"
"description":"Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry"
"message":"应用到: $applies$",
"description":"Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to",
"description":"Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed"
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain"
"description":"Help text for 'applies to' section"
"description":"Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit\/add screen"
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression"
"description":"Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry"
"description":"Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites"
"description":"Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites"
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL"
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix"
"description":"Label for the button to check all styles for updates"
"description":"Label for the button to check a single style for an update"
"description":"Text to display when checking a style for an update"
"description":"Label for the button to delete a style"
"description":"Confirmation before deleting a style"
"description":"Extension description"
"description":"Label for the button to disable a style"
"description":"Title of the page for editing styles"
"description":"Label for the button to go to the edit style page"
"message":"编辑样式 $stylename$",
"description":"Title of the page for editing styles",
"description":"Label for the button to enable a style"
"description":"Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site"
"description":"Alternate text for help buttons"
"description":"Label for the button to install an update for a single style"
"description":"Heading for the manage page"
"message":"访问 <a href='http:\/\/userstyles.org'>userstyles.org<\/a> 查找预定义的样式. 如果您需要帮助,请访问 <a href='http:\/\/forum.userstyles.org'>论坛<\/a>.",
"description":"Help text on the manage page"
"description":"Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site"
"description":"Link to open the manage page."
"description":"Label for the button to add a section"
"description":"Label for the code for a section"
"description":"Help text for sections"
"description":"Label for the button to remove a section"
"description":"Label for cancel button for style editing"
"description":"Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving"
"description":"Label for the enabled state of styles"
"message":"安装 '$stylename$' 到 Stylish?",
"description":"Confirmation when installing a style",
"description":"Error displayed when user saves without providing a name"
"description":"Label for the name of styles"
"description":"Label for save button for style editing"
"description":"Title for the style sections section"
"description":"Label for the button that converts the code to Mozilla format"
"message":"用于Firefox上的Stylish的Mozilla格式样式代码可以在 userstyles.org 上提交",
"description":"Help info for the button that converts the code to Mozilla format"
"message":"更新失败 - 服务器了返回代码 $code$.",
"description":"Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error",
"message":"更新失败 - 服务器无法访问.",
"description":"Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable"
"description":"Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available"
"description":"Text that displays when an update completed"
} |