* shortened the title to "Publish" and fixed the compact mode * made collapsed <details> share the same line in compact mode * made hard-coded strings localizable * IIFE modules instead of generically named globals * unified and sorted the names of localized messages * adjusted spacing of header items * center auth popup to current window Co-authored-by: Gusted <williamzijl7@hotmail.com>
120 lines
3.6 KiB
120 lines
3.6 KiB
/* global API msg */// msg.js
/* global URLS */ // toolbox.js
/* global tokenMan */
'use strict';
const uswApi = (() => {
//#region Internals
class TokenHooks {
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
keyName(name) {
return `${name}/${this.id}`;
query(query) {
return Object.assign(query, {vendor_data: this.id});
function fakeUsercssHeader(style) {
const {name, _usw: u = {}} = style;
const meta = Object.entries({
'@name': u.name || name || '?',
'@version': // Same as USO-archive version: YYYYMMDD.hh.mm
new Date().toISOString().replace(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+).+/, '$1$2$3.$4.$5'),
'@namespace': u.namespace !== '?' && u.namespace ||
u.username && `userstyles.world/user/${u.username}` ||
'@description': u.description,
'@author': u.username,
'@license': u.license,
const maxKeyLen = meta.reduce((res, [k]) => Math.max(res, k.length), 0);
return [
'/* ==UserStyle==',
...meta.map(([k, v]) => `${k}${' '.repeat(maxKeyLen - k.length + 2)}${v || ''}`),
'==/UserStyle== */',
].join('\n') + '\n\n';
async function linkStyle(style, sourceCode) {
const {id} = style;
const metadata = await API.worker.parseUsercssMeta(sourceCode).catch(console.warn) || {};
const uswData = Object.assign({}, style, {metadata, sourceCode});
API.data.set('usw' + id, uswData);
const token = await tokenMan.getToken('userstylesworld', true, new TokenHooks(id));
const info = await uswFetch('style', token);
const data = style._usw = Object.assign({token}, info);
style.url = style.url || data.homepage || `${URLS.usw}style/${data.id}`;
await uswSave(style);
return data;
async function uswFetch(path, token, opts) {
opts = Object.assign({credentials: 'omit'}, opts);
opts.headers = Object.assign({Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`}, opts.headers);
return (await (await fetch(`${URLS.usw}api/${path}`, opts)).json()).data;
/** Uses a custom method when broadcasting and avoids needlessly sending the entire style */
async function uswSave(style) {
const {id, _usw} = style;
await API.styles.save(style, {broadcast: false});
msg.broadcastExtension({method: 'uswData', style: {id, _usw}});
//#region Exports
return {
* @param {number} id
* @param {string} sourceCode
* @return {Promise<string>}
async publish(id, sourceCode) {
const style = await API.styles.get(id);
const data = (style._usw || {}).token
? style._usw
: await linkStyle(style, sourceCode);
const header = style.usercssData ? '' : fakeUsercssHeader(style);
return uswFetch(`style/${data.id}`, data.token, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({code: header + sourceCode}),
* @param {number} id
* @return {Promise<void>}
async revoke(id) {
await tokenMan.revokeToken('userstylesworld', new TokenHooks(id));
const style = await API.styles.get(id);
if (style) {
style._usw = {};
await uswSave(style);
/* Doing this outside so we don't break IDE's recognition of the exported methods in IIFE */
for (const [k, fn] of Object.entries(uswApi)) {
uswApi[k] = async (id, ...args) => {
API.data.set('usw' + id, true);
try {
/* Awaiting inside `try` so that `finally` runs when done */
return await fn(id, ...args);
} finally {
API.data.del('usw' + id);