* use Proxy for `db` * don't merge arrays in deepMerge by default * extract sync and cache from styleMan
298 lines
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298 lines
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/* global API msg */// msg.js
/* global bgReady uuidIndex */// common.js
/* global chromeLocal chromeSync */// storage-util.js
/* global db */
/* global iconMan */
/* global prefs */
/* global styleUtil */
/* global tokenMan */
'use strict';
const syncMan = (() => {
//#region Init
const SYNC_DELAY = 1; // minutes
const SYNC_INTERVAL = 30; // minutes
const STATES = Object.freeze({
connected: 'connected',
connecting: 'connecting',
disconnected: 'disconnected',
disconnecting: 'disconnecting',
const STORAGE_KEY = 'sync/state/';
const NO_LOGIN = ['webdav'];
const status = /** @namespace SyncManager.Status */ {
state: STATES.disconnected,
syncing: false,
progress: null,
currentDriveName: null,
errorMessage: null,
login: false,
const compareRevision = (rev1, rev2) => rev1 - rev2;
let lastError = null;
let ctrl;
let currentDrive;
/** @type {Promise|boolean} will be `true` to avoid wasting a microtask tick on each `await` */
let ready = bgReady.styles.then(() => {
ready = true;
(_, val) => val === 'none'
? syncMan.stop()
: syncMan.start(val, true),
{runNow: true});
chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(async ({name}) => {
if (name === 'syncNow') {
await syncMan.syncNow();
//#region Exports
return {
async delete(...args) {
if (ready.then) await ready;
if (!currentDrive) return;
return ctrl.delete(...args);
/** @returns {Promise<SyncManager.Status>} */
async getStatus() {
return status;
async login(name) {
if (ready.then) await ready;
if (!name) name = prefs.get('sync.enabled');
await tokenMan.revokeToken(name);
try {
await tokenMan.getToken(name, true);
status.login = true;
} catch (err) {
status.login = false;
throw err;
} finally {
async putDoc({_id, _rev}) {
if (ready.then) await ready;
if (!currentDrive) return;
return ctrl.put(_id, _rev);
async setDriveOptions(driveName, options) {
const key = `secure/sync/driveOptions/${driveName}`;
await chromeSync.setValue(key, options);
async getDriveOptions(driveName) {
const key = `secure/sync/driveOptions/${driveName}`;
return await chromeSync.getValue(key) || {};
async start(name, fromPref = false) {
if (ready.then) await ready;
if (!ctrl) await initController();
if (currentDrive) return;
currentDrive = await getDrive(name);
status.state = STATES.connecting;
status.currentDriveName = currentDrive.name;
if (fromPref || NO_LOGIN.includes(currentDrive.name)) {
status.login = true;
} else {
try {
await syncMan.login(name);
} catch (err) {
status.errorMessage = err.message;
lastError = err;
return syncMan.stop();
await ctrl.init();
await syncMan.syncNow(name);
prefs.set('sync.enabled', name);
status.state = STATES.connected;
async stop() {
if (ready.then) await ready;
if (!currentDrive) return;
status.state = STATES.disconnecting;
try {
await ctrl.uninit();
await tokenMan.revokeToken(currentDrive.name);
await chromeLocal.remove(STORAGE_KEY + currentDrive.name);
} catch (e) {}
currentDrive = null;
prefs.set('sync.enabled', 'none');
status.state = STATES.disconnected;
status.currentDriveName = null;
status.login = false;
async syncNow() {
if (ready.then) await ready;
if (!currentDrive || !status.login) {
console.warn('cannot sync when disconnected');
try {
await ctrl.syncNow();
status.errorMessage = null;
lastError = null;
} catch (err) {
err.message = translateErrorMessage(err);
status.errorMessage = err.message;
lastError = err;
if (isGrantError(err)) {
status.login = false;
//#region Utils
async function initController() {
await require(['/vendor/db-to-cloud/db-to-cloud.min']); /* global dbToCloud */
ctrl = dbToCloud.dbToCloud({
onGet: styleUtil.uuid2style,
async onPut(doc) {
const id = uuidIndex.get(doc._id);
const oldCust = uuidIndex.custom[id];
const oldDoc = oldCust || styleUtil.id2style(id);
const diff = oldDoc ? compareRevision(oldDoc._rev, doc._rev) : -1;
if (!diff) return;
if (diff > 0) {
} else if (oldCust) {
uuidIndex.custom[id] = doc;
} else {
delete doc.id;
if (id) doc.id = id;
doc.id = await db.styles.put(doc);
await styleUtil.handleSave(doc, {reason: 'sync'});
onDelete(_id, rev) {
const id = uuidIndex.get(_id);
const oldDoc = styleUtil.id2style(id);
return oldDoc &&
compareRevision(oldDoc._rev, rev) <= 0 &&
API.styles.delete(id, 'sync');
async onFirstSync() {
for (const i of Object.values(uuidIndex.custom).concat(await API.styles.getAll())) {
ctrl.put(i._id, i._rev);
onProgress(e) {
if (e.phase === 'start') {
status.syncing = true;
} else if (e.phase === 'end') {
status.syncing = false;
status.progress = null;
} else {
status.progress = e;
getState(drive) {
return chromeLocal.getValue(STORAGE_KEY + drive.name);
setState(drive, state) {
return chromeLocal.setValue(STORAGE_KEY + drive.name, state);
retryMaxAttempts: 10,
retryExp: 1.2,
retryDelay: 6,
function emitStatusChange() {
msg.broadcastExtension({method: 'syncStatusUpdate', status});
function isNetworkError(err) {
return (
err.name === 'TypeError' && /networkerror|failed to fetch/i.test(err.message) ||
err.code === 502
function isGrantError(err) {
if (err.code === 401) return true;
if (err.code === 400 && /invalid_grant/.test(err.message)) return true;
if (err.name === 'TokenError') return true;
return false;
function getErrorBadge() {
if (status.state === STATES.connected &&
(!status.login || lastError && !isNetworkError(lastError))) {
return {
text: 'x',
color: '#F00',
title: !status.login ? 'syncErrorRelogin' : `${
// splitting to limit each line length
lastError.message.replace(/.{60,}?\s(?=.{30,})/g, '$&\n')
async function getDrive(name) {
if (name === 'dropbox' || name === 'google' || name === 'onedrive' || name === 'webdav') {
const options = await syncMan.getDriveOptions(name);
options.getAccessToken = () => tokenMan.getToken(name);
return dbToCloud.drive[name](options);
throw new Error(`unknown cloud name: ${name}`);
function schedule(delay = SYNC_DELAY) {
chrome.alarms.create('syncNow', {
delayInMinutes: delay, // fractional values are supported
periodInMinutes: SYNC_INTERVAL,
function translateErrorMessage(err) {
if (err.name === 'LockError') {
return browser.i18n.getMessage('syncErrorLock', new Date(err.expire).toLocaleString([], {timeStyle: 'short'}));
return err.message || String(err);