138 lines
4.3 KiB
138 lines
4.3 KiB
/* global createWorkerApi */// worker-util.js
'use strict';
(() => {
const hasCurlyBraceError = warning =>
warning.text === 'Unnecessary curly bracket (CssSyntaxError)';
let sugarssFallback;
/** @namespace EditorWorker */
async csslint(code, config) {
require(['/js/csslint/parserlib', '/js/csslint/csslint']); /* global CSSLint */
return CSSLint
.verify(code, config).messages
.map(m => Object.assign(m, {rule: {id: m.rule.id}}));
getCssPropsValues() {
require(['/js/csslint/parserlib']); /* global parserlib */
const {css: {Colors, Properties}, util: {describeProp}} = parserlib;
const namedColors = Object.keys(Colors);
const rxNonWord = /(?:<.+?>|[^-\w<(]+\d*)+/g;
const res = {};
// moving vendor-prefixed props to the end
const cmp = (a, b) => a[0] === '-' && b[0] !== '-' ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : a > b;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(Properties)) {
if (typeof v === 'string') {
let last = '';
const uniq = [];
// strip definitions of function arguments
const desc = describeProp(v).replace(/([-\w]+)\(.*?\)/g, 'z-$1');
const descNoColors = desc.replace(/<named-color>/g, '');
// add a prefix to functions to group them at the end
const words = descNoColors.split(rxNonWord).sort(cmp);
for (let w of words) {
if (w.startsWith('z-')) w = w.slice(2) + '(';
if (w !== last) uniq.push(last = w);
if (desc !== descNoColors) uniq.push(...namedColors);
if (uniq.length) res[k] = uniq;
return res;
getRules(linter) {
return ruleRetriever[linter](); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
metalint(code) {
require(['/js/meta-parser']); /* global metaParser */
const result = metaParser.lint(code);
// extract needed info
result.errors = result.errors.map(err => ({
code: err.code,
args: err.args,
message: err.message,
index: err.index,
return result;
async stylelint(opts) {
require(['/vendor/stylelint-bundle/stylelint-bundle.min']); /* global stylelint */
try {
let res;
let pass = 0;
/* sugarss is used for stylus-lang by default,
but it fails on normal css syntax so we retry in css mode. */
const isSugarSS = opts.syntax === 'sugarss';
if (sugarssFallback && isSugarSS) opts.syntax = sugarssFallback;
while (
++pass <= 2 &&
(res = (await stylelint.lint(opts)).results[0]) &&
isSugarSS && res.warnings.some(hasCurlyBraceError)
) sugarssFallback = opts.syntax = 'css';
delete res._postcssResult; // huge and unused
return res;
} catch (e) {
delete e.postcssNode; // huge, unused, non-transferable
throw e;
const ruleRetriever = {
csslint() {
return CSSLint.getRuleList().map(rule => {
const output = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rule)) {
if (typeof value !== 'function') {
output[key] = value;
return output;
stylelint() {
const options = {};
const rxPossible = /\bpossible:("(?:[^"]*?)"|\[(?:[^\]]*?)\]|\{(?:[^}]*?)\})/g;
const rxString = /"([-\w\s]{3,}?)"/g;
for (const [id, rule] of Object.entries(stylelint.rules)) {
const ruleCode = `${rule()}`;
const sets = [];
let m, mStr;
while ((m = rxPossible.exec(ruleCode))) {
const possible = m[1];
const set = [];
while ((mStr = rxString.exec(possible))) {
const s = mStr[1];
if (s.includes(' ')) {
} else {
if (possible.includes('ignoreAtRules')) {
if (possible.includes('ignoreShorthands')) {
if (set.length) {
options[id] = sets;
return options;