* fix interaction when search overlay splits `styles` * handle @rules and @-moz-document functions * show props in stylus-lang
536 lines
16 KiB
536 lines
16 KiB
/* global
'use strict';
//#region cmFactory
(() => {
All cm instances created by this module are collected so we can broadcast prefs
settings to them. You should `cmFactory.destroy(cm)` to unregister the listener
when the instance is not used anymore.
const cms = new Set();
let lazyOpt;
const cmFactory = window.cmFactory = {
create(place, options) {
const cm = CodeMirror(place, options);
const {wrapper} = cm.display;
cm.lastActive = 0;
cm.on('blur', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
wrapper.classList.toggle('CodeMirror-active', wrapper.contains(document.activeElement));
cm.on('focus', () => {
cm.lastActive = Date.now();
return cm;
destroy(cm) {
globalSetOption(key, value) {
CodeMirror.defaults[key] = value;
if (cms.size > 4 && lazyOpt && lazyOpt.names.includes(key)) {
lazyOpt.set(key, value);
} else {
cms.forEach(cm => cm.setOption(key, value));
const handledPrefs = {
// handled in colorpicker-helper.js
'editor.colorpicker'() {},
/** @returns {?Promise<void>} */
'editor.theme'(key, value) {
const elt = $('#cm-theme');
if (value === 'default') {
elt.href = '';
} else {
const url = chrome.runtime.getURL(`vendor/codemirror/theme/${value}.css`);
if (url !== elt.href) {
// avoid flicker: wait for the second stylesheet to load, then apply the theme
return loadScript(url, true).then(([newElt]) => {
cmFactory.globalSetOption('theme', value);
newElt.id = elt.id;
const pref2opt = k => k.slice('editor.'.length);
const mirroredPrefs = Object.keys(prefs.defaults).filter(k =>
!handledPrefs[k] &&
k.startsWith('editor.') &&
Object.hasOwnProperty.call(CodeMirror.defaults, pref2opt(k)));
prefs.subscribe(mirroredPrefs, (k, val) => cmFactory.globalSetOption(pref2opt(k), val));
lazyOpt = window.IntersectionObserver && {
names: ['theme', 'lineWrapping'],
set(key, value) {
const {observer, queue} = lazyOpt;
for (const cm of cms) {
let opts = queue.get(cm);
if (!opts) queue.set(cm, opts = {});
opts[key] = value;
setNow({cm, data}) {
cm.operation(() => data.forEach(kv => cm.setOption(...kv)));
onView(entries) {
const {queue, observer} = lazyOpt;
const delayed = [];
for (const e of entries) {
const r = e.isIntersecting && e.intersectionRect;
if (!r) continue;
const cm = e.target.CodeMirror;
const data = Object.entries(queue.get(cm) || {});
if (!data.every(([key, val]) => cm.getOption(key) === val)) {
if (r.bottom > 0 && r.top < window.innerHeight) {
lazyOpt.setNow({cm, data});
} else {
delayed.push({cm, data});
if (delayed.length) {
setTimeout(() => delayed.forEach(lazyOpt.setNow));
get observer() {
if (!lazyOpt._observer) {
// must exceed refreshOnView's 100%
lazyOpt._observer = new IntersectionObserver(lazyOpt.onView, {rootMargin: '150%'});
lazyOpt.queue = new WeakMap();
return lazyOpt._observer;
//#region Commands
(() => {
Object.assign(CodeMirror.commands, {
toggleEditorFocus(cm) {
if (!cm) return;
if (cm.hasFocus()) {
setTimeout(() => cm.display.input.blur());
} else {
commentSelection(cm) {
cm.blockComment(cm.getCursor('from'), cm.getCursor('to'), {fullLines: false});
for (const cmd of [
]) {
CodeMirror.commands[cmd] = (...args) => editor[cmd](...args);
//#region CM option handlers
(() => {
const {insertTab, insertSoftTab} = CodeMirror.commands;
tabSize(cm, value) {
cm.setOption('indentUnit', Number(value));
indentWithTabs(cm, value) {
CodeMirror.commands.insertTab = value ? insertTab : insertSoftTab;
autocompleteOnTyping(cm, value) {
const onOff = value ? 'on' : 'off';
cm[onOff]('changes', autocompleteOnTyping);
cm[onOff]('pick', autocompletePicked);
matchHighlight(cm, value) {
const showToken = value === 'token' && /[#.\-\w]/;
const opt = (showToken || value === 'selection') && {
annotateScrollbar: true,
onUpdate: updateMatchHighlightCount,
cm.setOption('highlightSelectionMatches', opt || null);
selectByTokens(cm, value) {
cm.setOption('configureMouse', value ? configureMouseFn : null);
}).forEach(([name, fn]) => {
CodeMirror.defineOption(name, prefs.get('editor.' + name), fn);
function updateMatchHighlightCount(cm, state) {
cm.display.wrapper.dataset.matchHighlightCount = state.matchesonscroll.matches.length;
function configureMouseFn(cm, repeat) {
return repeat === 'double' ?
{unit: selectTokenOnDoubleclick} :
function selectTokenOnDoubleclick(cm, pos) {
let {ch} = pos;
const {line, sticky} = pos;
const {text, styles} = cm.getLineHandle(line);
const execAt = (rx, i) => (rx.lastIndex = i) && null || rx.exec(text);
const at = (rx, i) => (rx.lastIndex = i) && null || rx.test(text);
const atWord = ch => at(/\w/y, ch);
const atSpace = ch => at(/\s/y, ch);
const atTokenEnd = styles.indexOf(ch, 1);
ch += atTokenEnd < 0 ? 0 : sticky === 'before' && atWord(ch - 1) ? 0 : atSpace(ch + 1) ? 0 : 1;
ch = Math.min(text.length, ch);
const type = cm.getTokenTypeAt({line, ch: ch + (sticky === 'after' ? 1 : 0)});
if (atTokenEnd > 0) ch--;
const isCss = type && !/^(comment|string)/.test(type);
const isNumber = type === 'number';
const isSpace = atSpace(ch);
let wordChars =
isNumber ? /[-+\w.%]/y :
isCss ? /[-\w@]/y :
isSpace ? /\s/y :
atWord(ch) ? /\w/y : /[^\w\s]/y;
let a = ch;
while (a && at(wordChars, a)) a--;
a += !a && at(wordChars, a) || isCss && at(/[.!#@]/y, a) ? 0 : at(wordChars, a + 1);
let b, found;
if (isNumber) {
b = a + execAt(/[+-]?[\d.]+(e\d+)?|$/yi, a)[0].length;
found = b >= ch;
if (!found) {
a = b;
ch = a;
if (!found) {
wordChars = isCss ? /[-\w]*/y : new RegExp(wordChars.source + '*', 'uy');
b = ch + execAt(wordChars, ch)[0].length;
return {
from: {line, ch: a},
to: {line, ch: b},
function autocompleteOnTyping(cm, [info], debounced) {
const lastLine = info.text[info.text.length - 1];
if (
cm.state.completionActive ||
info.origin && !info.origin.includes('input') ||
) {
if (cm.state.autocompletePicked) {
cm.state.autocompletePicked = false;
if (!debounced) {
debounce(autocompleteOnTyping, 100, cm, [info], true);
if (lastLine.match(/[-a-z!]+$/i)) {
cm.state.autocompletePicked = false;
cm.options.hintOptions.completeSingle = false;
setTimeout(() => {
cm.options.hintOptions.completeSingle = true;
function autocompletePicked(cm) {
cm.state.autocompletePicked = true;
//#region Autocomplete
(() => {
const AT_RULES = [
const USO_VAR = 'uso-variable';
const USO_VALID_VAR = 'variable-3 ' + USO_VAR;
const USO_INVALID_VAR = 'error ' + USO_VAR;
const rxVAR = /(^|[^-.\w\u0080-\uFFFF])var\(/iyu;
const rxCONSUME = /([-\w]*\s*:\s?)?/yu;
const cssMime = CodeMirror.mimeModes['text/css'];
const docFuncs = addSuffix(cssMime.documentTypes, '(');
const {tokenHooks} = cssMime;
const originalCommentHook = tokenHooks['/'];
const originalHelper = CodeMirror.hint.css || (() => {});
let cssProps, cssMedia;
CodeMirror.registerHelper('hint', 'css', helper);
CodeMirror.registerHelper('hint', 'stylus', helper);
tokenHooks['/'] = tokenizeUsoVariables;
function helper(cm) {
const pos = cm.getCursor();
const {line, ch} = pos;
const {styles, text} = cm.getLineHandle(line);
const {style, index} = cm.getStyleAtPos({styles, pos: ch}) || {};
const isStylusLang = cm.doc.mode.name === 'stylus';
const type = style && style.split(' ', 1)[0] || 'prop?';
if (!type || type === 'comment' || type === 'string') {
return originalHelper(cm);
// not using getTokenAt until the need is unavoidable because it reparses text
// and runs a whole lot of complex calc inside which is slow on long lines
// especially if autocomplete is auto-shown on each keystroke
let prev, end, state;
let i = index;
while (
(prev == null || `${styles[i - 1]}`.startsWith(type)) &&
(prev = i > 2 ? styles[i - 2] : 0) &&
isSameToken(text, style, prev)
) i -= 2;
i = index;
while (
(end == null || `${styles[i + 1]}`.startsWith(type)) &&
(end = styles[i]) &&
isSameToken(text, style, end)
) i += 2;
const getTokenState = () => state || (state = cm.getTokenAt(pos, true).state.state);
const str = text.slice(prev, end);
const left = text.slice(prev, ch).trim();
let leftLC = left.toLowerCase();
let list = [];
switch (leftLC[0]) {
case '!':
list = '!important'.startsWith(leftLC) ? ['!important'] : [];
case '@':
list = AT_RULES;
case '#': // prevents autocomplete for #hex colors
case '-': // --variable
case '(': // var(
list = str.startsWith('--') || testAt(rxVAR, ch - 4, text)
? findAllCssVars(cm, left)
: [];
prev += str.startsWith('(');
leftLC = left;
case '/': // USO vars
if (str.startsWith('/*[[') && str.endsWith(']]*/')) {
prev += 4;
end -= 4;
end -= text.slice(end - 4, end) === '-rgb' ? 4 : 0;
list = Object.keys((editor.style.usercssData || {}).vars || {}).sort();
leftLC = left.slice(4);
case 'u': // url(), url-prefix()
case 'd': // domain()
case 'r': // regexp()
if (/^(variable|tag|error)/.test(type) &&
docFuncs.some(s => s.startsWith(leftLC)) &&
/^(top|documentTypes|atBlock)/.test(getTokenState())) {
list = docFuncs;
// properties and media features
if (/^(prop(erty|\?)|atom|error)/.test(type) &&
/^(block|atBlock_parens|maybeprop)/.test(getTokenState())) {
if (!cssProps) initCssProps();
if (type === 'prop?') {
prev += leftLC.length;
leftLC = '';
list = state === 'atBlock_parens' ? cssMedia : cssProps;
end -= /\W$/u.test(str); // e.g. don't consume ) when inside ()
end += execAt(rxCONSUME, end, text)[0].length;
} else {
return isStylusLang
? CodeMirror.hint.fromList(cm, {words: CodeMirror.hintWords.stylus})
: originalHelper(cm);
return {
list: (list || []).filter(s => s.startsWith(leftLC)),
from: {line, ch: prev + str.match(/^\s*/)[0].length},
to: {line, ch: end},
function initCssProps() {
cssProps = addSuffix(cssMime.propertyKeywords).sort();
cssMedia = [].concat(...Object.entries(cssMime).map(getMediaKeys).filter(Boolean)).sort();
function addSuffix(obj, suffix = ': ') {
return Object.keys(obj).map(k => k + suffix);
function getMediaKeys([k, v]) {
return k === 'mediaFeatures' && addSuffix(v) ||
k.startsWith('media') && Object.keys(v);
/** makes sure we don't process a different adjacent comment */
function isSameToken(text, style, i) {
return !style || text[i] !== '/' && text[i + 1] !== '*' ||
!style.startsWith(USO_VALID_VAR) && !style.startsWith(USO_INVALID_VAR);
function findAllCssVars(cm, leftPart) {
// simplified regex without CSS escapes
const rx = new RegExp(
'(?:^|[\\s/;{])(' +
(leftPart.startsWith('--') ? leftPart : '--') +
(leftPart.length <= 2 ? '[a-zA-Z_\u0080-\uFFFF]' : '') +
const list = new Set();
cm.eachLine(({text}) => {
for (let m; (m = rx.exec(text));) {
return [...list].sort();
function tokenizeUsoVariables(stream) {
const token = originalCommentHook.apply(this, arguments);
if (token[1] === 'comment') {
const {string, start, pos} = stream;
if (testAt(/\/\*\[\[/y, start, string) &&
testAt(/]]\*\//y, pos - 4, string)) {
const vars = (editor.style.usercssData || {}).vars;
token[0] =
vars && vars.hasOwnProperty(string.slice(start + 4, pos - 4).replace(/-rgb$/, ''))
return token;
function execAt(rx, index, text) {
rx.lastIndex = index;
return rx.exec(text);
function testAt(rx, index, text) {
rx.lastIndex = Math.max(0, index);
return rx.test(text);
//#region Bookmarks
(() => {
const CLS = 'gutter-bookmark';
const BRAND = 'sublimeBookmark';
const CLICK_AREA = 'CodeMirror-linenumbers';
const {markText} = CodeMirror.prototype;
for (const name of ['prevBookmark', 'nextBookmark']) {
const cmdFn = CodeMirror.commands[name];
CodeMirror.commands[name] = cm => {
cm.setSelection = cm.jumpToPos;
delete cm.setSelection;
CodeMirror.defineInitHook(cm => {
cm.on('gutterClick', onGutterClick);
cm.on('gutterContextMenu', onGutterContextMenu);
// TODO: reimplement bookmarking so next/prev order is decided solely by the line numbers
Object.assign(CodeMirror.prototype, {
markText() {
const marker = markText.apply(this, arguments);
if (marker[BRAND]) {
this.doc.addLineClass(marker.lines[0], 'gutter', CLS);
marker.clear = clearMarker;
return marker;
function clearMarker() {
const line = this.lines[0];
const spans = line.markedSpans;
delete this.clear; // removing our patch from the instance...
this.clear(); // ...and using the original prototype
if (!spans || spans.some(span => span.marker[BRAND])) {
this.doc.removeLineClass(line, 'gutter', CLS);
function onGutterClick(cm, line, name, e) {
switch (name === CLICK_AREA && e.button) {
case 0: {
// main button: toggle
const [mark] = cm.findMarks({line, ch: 0}, {line, ch: 1e9}, m => m[BRAND]);
cm.setCursor(mark ? mark.find(-1) : {line, ch: 0});
case 1:
// middle button: select all marks
function onGutterContextMenu(cm, line, name, e) {
if (name === CLICK_AREA) {
cm.execCommand(e.ctrlKey ? 'prevBookmark' : 'nextBookmark');